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View Full Version : For Sgt L from troop L FHP

11-26-2013, 11:33 PM
Just wanted to thank Sgt L for citing my mother for 12 miles over as she was on the way back home from my grandfathers funeral. I believe her words to you were hi sir how are you I am sorry for speeding, oh yea and my son is an officer. Your response I don't care what agency your son works for. I am glad you were able to write my mother a ticket that she could not afford you worthless clown. I will not fault all troopers because I have a few that are really good guys and friends of mine. But it is ok because karma is a mother^$^%$. I hope ruining the day for my mother even more after she just buried her father makes u feel good. But wait I forget you are a miserable prick anyways cause you are a Sgt and I more than likely being a road OFC. make about 40,000 a year more than you. :lol:


From a P.O.
Be careful this prick is from ur guys neck of the woods

11-27-2013, 02:55 AM
Place yourself above the law much? 12 over she deserved a ticket. If she were so upset, you should have been there to drive her home.