View Full Version : FIRE REGALADO

10-20-2013, 03:24 PM
Another reason why Miamians must FIRE Regalado on November 5!

Coconut Grove -- As waterfront vote looms, some Groveites lash out

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/#storylink=cpy
http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/10/19/3 ... es-to.html (http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/10/19/3698956/grove-waterfront-plan-goes-to.html)

10-21-2013, 12:21 AM

WE SIGNED TO WORK REDBULL AT $32. That was the time to show them that they cannot play game with us


CALLE OCHO AT $32. I cannot wait to see that. It won't affect me because I HAVE NOT WORKED CALLE OCHO IN THE PAST 7 years and will no onager work it.

If drafted, I will call sick. Simple as that


10-21-2013, 12:31 AM
" Regaldo did nothing wrong to us " Are you ****ing retarded ?

10-21-2013, 01:21 PM
" Regaldo did nothing wrong to us " Are you ****ing retarded ?

You even have to ask that question? Yes! They are retarded.

10-21-2013, 02:35 PM
Regalado may be an ass but he didn't just do this to us by himself. Theirs is a lot of blame to go around. 1st you have your worthless FOP. 2nd our current command followed closely by the City counsel and some of us.. I sit and listen to many piss and ***** about the red bull or some other job where we get screwed on the hourly rate. If its so bad DON'T SIGN UP FOR IT. They can not force you to work an off duty. I know some need the hours but try cutting down on your spending for a little. It's hard sure but you got to give some in order to make it. If more officers stop running to the off duty office and claiming over each other maybe if they can not get people for these events for what they want to pay now it will change.

Look at how well some of us "you get what you pay for" is doing. You got to answer calls many are still doing proactive work so this isn't getting nowhere. What you all need to do is get rid of the current FOP place one in there that remembers that the officers come first not friends and family or whoever their banging at the time.. Only thing patrol officers are going to do is end up ****ing over themselves. I.A. is already timing calls, arrivals and how long it takes you to handle. You think you sector Sgt. or Lt. are going to take a hit for you cause your pissed and want to get back at the Dept. NO.

Many of you all say 1 thing and do another. Me I really don't care I been hired to do a job been doing it for over 25 years. Its not the fault of the people we took an oath to protect. The problem is right here in our own Dept. US. We will find reason to cry about something or someone and that's it. We do nothing more. We wait for someone else to take the lead then maybe we'll jump on board. If it look like it's not going to backfire. You all (many) ***** about the Chief we have now. The ones before it too. So ask yourself what is it that you want? What is it that I (we) can do to get there or change something? I don't have the answer. Cause we will never stick together for the long haul. Someone always have a friend someplace in here that given time will look out for you so it's **** everyone else I'm getting mine. So save your pissing and moaning get the FOP out and start there. Well I said more then I intended too but I guess I gave enough for the nay Sayers and the smartasses to come back with their witty replies.

Oh in closing if its so bad here pack your shit and go.. I know most can't cause they have 10+ years in and it not worth leaving and you stuck here. Then get together and do something

10-21-2013, 02:41 PM
Regalado may be an ass but he didn't just do this to us by himself. Theirs is a lot of blame to go around. 1st you have your worthless FOP. 2nd our current command followed closely by the City counsel and some of us.. I sit and listen to many piss and ***** about the red bull or some other job where we get screwed on the hourly rate. If its so bad DON'T SIGN UP FOR IT. They can not force you to work an off duty. I know some need the hours but try cutting down on your spending for a little. It's hard sure but you got to give some in order to make it. If more officers stop running to the off duty office and claiming over each other maybe if they can not get people for these events for what they want to pay now it will change.

Look at how well some of us "you get what you pay for" is doing. You got to answer calls many are still doing proactive work so this isn't getting nowhere. What you all need to do is get rid of the current FOP place one in there that remembers that the officers come first not friends and family or whoever their banging at the time.. Only thing patrol officers are going to do is end up ****ing over themselves. I.A. is already timing calls, arrivals and how long it takes you to handle. You think you sector Sgt. or Lt. are going to take a hit for you cause your pissed and want to get back at the Dept. NO.

Many of you all say 1 thing and do another. Me I really don't care I been hired to do a job been doing it for over 25 years. Its not the fault of the people we took an oath to protect. The problem is right here in our own Dept. US. We will find reason to cry about something or someone and that's it. We do nothing more. We wait for someone else to take the lead then maybe we'll jump on board. If it look like it's not going to backfire. You all (many) ***** about the Chief we have now. The ones before it too. So ask yourself what is it that you want? What is it that I (we) can do to get there or change something? I don't have the answer. Cause we will never stick together for the long haul. Someone always have a friend someplace in here that given time will look out for you so it's **** everyone else I'm getting mine. So save your pissing and moaning get the FOP out and start there. Well I said more then I intended too but I guess I gave enough for the nay Sayers and the smartasses to come back with their witty replies.

Oh in closing if its so bad here pack your shit and go.. I know most can't cause they have 10+ years in and it not worth leaving and you stuck here. Then get together and do something

Well said! You hit the nail right on the head here. I been here 14 years and couldn't have said it better.