View Full Version : City closed a 5 day recruitment drive

10-19-2013, 03:28 AM
City of Miami press release states that they have received over 1,500 applications .The City of Miami Police Department has had a TREMENDOUS amount of success with its recruitment drive for police officers. They have had over 1,300 applicants since Monday, October 14, 2013. Unfortunately, we are closing our application process today, Friday, October 18, 2013, at 5:00 P.M. We anticipate the final number of applicants for the five (5) day recruitment drive to be approximately 1,500.

If you think you have what it takes to wear the badge with pride and distinction, visit miamigov.com and apply with the City of Miami Police Department.

The City of Miami Police Department currently has a recruitment drive in order to hire the best of the best! The search began on October 14, 2013, and there has been an overwhelming amount of success with exceptional applicants.

If you know of anyone who can wear the badge with pride and distinction, please encourage them to visit Miamigov.com and apply with the City of Miami Police Department as soon as possible. The closing date is approaching soon.

10-19-2013, 03:30 AM
Orosa you ****ing rat! Hope you get what you deserve.

10-19-2013, 06:56 AM
" The City of Miami Police Department currently has a recruitment drive in order to hire the best of the best! " <-- OH YEA REALLY ?

Unfortunately , this wont happen, reference above, and the place I use to enjoy coming to work for almost 30 years, back in 1983 (I'll be going soon, and with this happening apparently, not soon enough ?) will become the likes of New Orleans & Detroit,PD's and recently Chicago Police dept (were former gang members with criminal ties were hired ? ) and the toilet flushing will be needed more than ever !

Thank God I wont be here to see, the final destruction, of this once fine police department. I want you all to remember this about 4 or 5 years from now. Thank King Regaldo, NBO Orosa, and the rest of the gang for this soon to come tragedy. Good Luck, you'll all need it.

10-19-2013, 01:11 PM
None of this matters if you do not take care of the officers who already work here. All that will happen is demotivated officers training new officers to be demotivated do nothing officers. This is not the fault of ftos, sgts, or lts. It is simply what officers must do to survive. Don't work don't get in trouble. Save all of your energy to work off duties so you can live. Why work hard if the zero next to you gets the same pay. That is what the dumb Cuban chief and the dumb Cuban mayor do not understand. Productivity will lower crime and lower crime will make them look good. To do that YOU HAVE TO PAY the officers who will train the new officers. On a side note, CHIEF MANUEL OROSA AND REGALADO ARE ****ING SIDEWAYS DICTATOR CRIMINALS.

10-19-2013, 05:39 PM
Out the 1500, you are lucky if you get 30 . They won't pass the backgrounds, psyche test,polygraph, credit messed up. Etc. lets see what happens. 1500 is a low number.

10-19-2013, 06:31 PM
Holy rusted shit hole banana republic batman!! 1500 applicants huh? Back in 2003 when I got hired there were over 5000 applicants! Out of those 5000 only 65 got hired and it took almost a year! This is a bunch of shit posturing for the tax base in the grove. Garbage garbage garbage!

10-19-2013, 06:36 PM
Re: City closed a 5 day recruitment drive
by Best of the Best ? » 10/19/13 02:56:48

" The City of Miami Police Department currently has a recruitment drive in order to hire the best of the best! " <-- OH YEA REALLY ?

Unfortunately , this wont happen, reference above, and the place I use to enjoy coming to work for almost 30 years, back in 1983 (I'll be going soon, and with this happening apparently, not soon enough ?) will become the likes of New Orleans & Detroit,PD's and recently Chicago Police dept (were former gang members with criminal ties were hired ? ) and the toilet flushing will be needed more than ever !

Thank God I wont be here to see, the final destruction, of this once fine police department. I want you all to remember this about 4 or 5 years from now. Thank King Regaldo, NBO Orosa, and the rest of the gang for this soon to come tragedy. Good Luck, you'll all need it.

10-19-2013, 07:58 PM
Re: City closed a 5 day recruitment drive
by Best of the Best ? » 10/19/13 02:56:48

" The City of Miami Police Department currently has a recruitment drive in order to hire the best of the best! " <-- OH YEA REALLY ?

Unfortunately , this wont happen, reference above, and the place I use to enjoy coming to work for almost 30 years, back in 1983 (I'll be going soon, and with this happening apparently, not soon enough ?) will become the likes of New Orleans & Detroit,PD's and recently Chicago Police dept (were former gang members with criminal ties were hired ? ) and the toilet flushing will be needed more than ever !

Thank God I wont be here to see, the final destruction, of this once fine police department. I want you all to remember this about 4 or 5 years from now. Thank King Regaldo, NBO Orosa, and the rest of the gang for this soon to come tragedy. Good Luck, you'll all need it.

What do you think the 80's brought lower standards allowed prior drug use and gang bangers. The river cops is all you need to say miami high specials

10-19-2013, 10:09 PM
They don't care by the time the corruption scandals starts in three years this administration will be gone.

10-21-2013, 03:17 AM
Re: City closed a 5 day recruitment drive
by Best of the Best ? » 10/19/13 02:56:48

" The City of Miami Police Department currently has a recruitment drive in order to hire the best of the best! " <-- OH YEA REALLY ?

Unfortunately , this wont happen, reference above, and the place I use to enjoy coming to work for almost 30 years, back in 1983 (I'll be going soon, and with this happening apparently, not soon enough ?) will become the likes of New Orleans & Detroit,PD's and recently Chicago Police dept (were former gang members with criminal ties were hired ? ) and the toilet flushing will be needed more than ever !

Thank God I wont be here to see, the final destruction, of this once fine police department. I want you all to remember this about 4 or 5 years from now. Thank King Regaldo, NBO Orosa, and the rest of the gang for this soon to come tragedy. Good Luck, you'll all need it.

What do you think the 80's brought lower standards allowed prior drug use and gang bangers. The river cops is all you need to say miami high specials
You cannot fool anyone. Smoke and Mirrors and it aint working. Everyone, I mean, everyone see right through your lies and dog 'n pony show. What a bunch of idiots and poor excuses for leadership. This what we get when you put a bunch of "yes" men in charge. FOOLs. You are ALL a JOKE. ALL OF YOU. YOU make me sick.