View Full Version : This violates law

10-05-2013, 10:53 AM
Read paragraph (8) All references to the incident are wiped out. There won't be an arrest but the reports,civil citations, etc... Can't be wiped out so in fact there will be some type of record.
F.S.S. 119 Public Records Law does not allow for records to be arbitrarily wiped out in fact it's against the law.
This statement should be clarified to the public.

FORT LAUDERDALE — A campaign promise by Sheriff Scott Israel has resulted in the Broward Sheriff’s Office invoking a little-known state law that gives a second chance to juveniles with otherwise clean records who get into minor scrapes with the law.


“We have to measure our success by the amount of kids we keep out of jail, not the number we put into jail,” Israel said at a recent event touting the mandatory policy in which deputies must offer the program to youthful offenders who meet its criteria.

While campaigning last year, Israel, a father and assistant high school football coach, frequently expressed concern for youth and the number of children who were being handcuffed and thrown into jail over minor alleged offenses. He vowed to make Florida’s “Civil Citation” statute mandatory policy for all Broward Sheriff’s deputies if he was elected.

“The Civil Citation program is now mandatory, where a deputy has no choice but to offer a juvenile who qualifies an opportunity to enter into the program,” Israel said after taking the oath of office.

The Civil Citation statute allows law enforcement officers the discretion to issue a non-violent, first-time youthful offender a ticket, as opposed to arresting and charging him or her with a crime for misdemeanors such as graffiti writing, shoplifting or trespassing. The children and their parents must agree to participate in the voluntary diversion program which can include community service, counseling, drug treatment and mental health evaluations, depending on the alleged offense.

They must also admit to committing the offense and, in some cases express regret, offer an apology or be required to pay restitution to a victim.

Israel eliminated the option for deputies to offer the program to qualified youths and, instead, revised the agency’s policies to make it a mandatory requirement.

At present, state law has provisions whereby a defendant or a person convicted of a crime can have an incident expunged and their record sealed but must still acknowledge the arrest and/or conviction when asked on an employment application or when questioned under oath. Successful completion of BSO’s Civil Citation program allows a defendant to legally say he or she has never been arrested.

All references to the alleged incidents are wiped from the record because an arrest was never made.

Failure to complete the program results in a formal arrest and criminal charges being filed. Acquiring a criminal record as a child over minor offenses can have profound and lingering consequences, even after he or she reaches adulthood.* A criminal record acquired as a juvenile could be an obstacle to the person being hired, serving in the military or being accepted into college.

Sheriff’s deputies arrested 1,039 juveniles so far in 2013. During this same period last year, there were 1,350 arrests, which is about a 23 percent reduction. According to the most recent data, under the mandatory policy Israel has implemented, deputies have issued citations to 196 juveniles, compared to 69 that were issued during all of 2012 under former Sheriff Al Lamberti.

The Broward County Chiefs of Police, the Broward County School District and other agencies are embracing Israel’s policy and implementing their own Civil Citation programs.

Mathes Guice, a minister at Pembroke Park-based Koinonia Worship Center Church, welcomes the change. He has headed several non-profit organizations that assist ex-offenders in gaining life skills and job training.

“To understand to significance of this policy, you have to have an understanding of the big picture. Prisons are big business and some of them are for-profit companies,” said Guice, a retired Broward Sheriff’s Office detective who also serves on the board of the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice. “They are in business to make money and they need a constant flow of people so that their business can remain profitable. Their flow is called the ‘pipeline from school to prison.’

“Unfortunately, children are being prepared to end up in prison and the Civil Citation program slows down that process and, working with providers to administer a system of services that will assist with their development and navigate them into adulthood, could eventually destroy the pipeline from schools to prisons.”

Attorney Levi Williams, who successfully sued the Broward School District over disparities in resources in schools located in minority neighborhoods, agrees.

“The Sheriff’s adoption of the Civil Citation statute as the formal policy of the BSO is innovative and should increase the outcomes of each unit, which can now focus on true criminal/safety matters versus using the punitive nature of the penal code as a disciplinary measure,” Williams told South Florida Times.

“Such a policy will serve to mitigate Florida’s top ranking in direct filing on juveniles by providing an early diversion from the meat grinder of the criminal system and provide an opportunity to make better choices, because a person can change when a future still appears in the horizon,” Williams said.

10-05-2013, 01:01 PM
Retards like you believe that if a child gets caught shoplifting a $5 item we should crucify them, a record for life and take away their voting rights correct? You must of been one heck of a child when you were young!

10-05-2013, 01:27 PM
Retards like you believe that if a child gets caught shoplifting a $5 item we should crucify them, a record for life and take away their voting rights correct? You must of been one heck of a child when you were young!

And civilians like you don't realize cops have always had the discretion whether to arrest for that $5 item or not. Now we have no discretion in the matter, we cannot.

So, Mr. Small Business Owner, you own a corner market, several 11th graders come in and each steal $5 of merchandise. Its not the first time they did it, just the first time they got caught by the Police. YOU, as the owner, want to prosecute, but THEY have no record. So now you AND I have no choice- can't make the arrest..........happy?

10-05-2013, 01:37 PM
Retards like you believe that if a child gets caught shoplifting a $5 item we should crucify them, a record for life and take away their voting rights correct? You must of been one heck of a child when you were young!

And civilians like you don't realize cops have always had the discretion whether to arrest for that $5 item or not. Now we have no discretion in the matter, we cannot.

So, Mr. Small Business Owner, you own a corner market, several 11th graders come in and each steal $5 of merchandise. Its not the first time they did it, just the first time they got caught by the Police. YOU, as the owner, want to prosecute, but THEY have no record. So now you AND I have no choice- can't make the arrest..........happy?

"Israel eliminated the option for deputies to offer the program to qualified youths and, instead, revised the agency’s policies to make it a mandatory requirement."

So with this, even the victim doesn't get a say. This guy is bad for LEO's.

10-05-2013, 03:10 PM
Hey Mr. Machismo, I know you probably like to brag at the parties and tell folks how rough of a job you have locking up those tough criminals and now your ashamed to tell them you had to write a civil citation and release that hardened 5th grader who stole a bag of chips from the corner store back to a parent. " Like a physical arrest really makes a difference" ?

10-05-2013, 03:20 PM
Hey Mr. Machismo, I know you probably like to brag at the parties and tell folks how rough of a job you have locking up those tough criminals and now your ashamed to tell them you had to write a civil citation and release that hardened 5th grader who stole a bag of chips from the corner store back to a parent. " Like a physical arrest really makes a difference" ?

Hey, whoever you are, for reasons easily understood, you have this fascinations with 5th graders. Once again, you are only proving the point that you are an uninformed civilian. How about we talk about the 9th-12th graders, you know the under-18 that we are actually talking about? The ones stalking the neighborhoods day and night. Oh, L&P, guess not, we'll have to wait til they actually 21 a house or car before we can document the low-life scum bag they are going to grow up to be. Sorry for ruining your argument with facts and experience. :cop:

10-05-2013, 03:45 PM
How about the 17 1/2 year old that steals your $299 road bike from the side of your house? Or 'trespass in a conveyance' when the vehicle was reported and entered as stolen. Or trying door handles in your apartment complex, or L.A. Fitness/gym parking lot........

10-05-2013, 03:54 PM
arguing with the ignorant? Waste of time. That's why, when they need us, they call. When we enforce the same laws to their or their family's detriment, i.e., traffic, domestic, etc., they hate us.

They don't and never will understand.
Stay safe and look out for each other.

10-05-2013, 05:15 PM
Cops are a bunch of rats. That's what we the public think of you

10-05-2013, 06:32 PM
Cops are a bunch of rats. That's what we the public think of you

OK, troll. :roll:

10-05-2013, 09:43 PM
Nothing about civil citations "violates the law", moron, because it was a statue that created it. It IS the law.

As for making it mandatory. SAO and the police chiefs group is on board with it too. Suck it up and follow policy. Don't like it: you'll need to move outside of Broward as all Broward agencies are on board with it. Move to some podunk county if all you want to do is puff up your stats with arresting 12 year olds for shoplifting candy.

10-05-2013, 10:33 PM
Nothing about civil citations "violates the law", moron, because it was a statue that created it. It IS the law.

As for making it mandatory. SAO and the police chiefs group is on board with it too. Suck it up and follow policy. Don't like it: you'll need to move outside of Broward as all Broward agencies are on board with it. Move to some podunk county if all you want to do is puff up your stats with arresting 12 year olds for shoplifting candy.

If Obama had a Sheriffs office..he would run it like this

10-05-2013, 11:24 PM
There really isn't to much happening to a juvenile when arresting them and taking them to JAC. They are home before you place your order for your 3rd meal of the day at Wendy's drive thru while working them 12's

10-05-2013, 11:34 PM
There really isn't to much happening to a juvenile when arresting them and taking them to JAC. They are home before you place your order for your 3rd meal of the day at Wendy's drive thru while working them 12's

At least give deputies the discretion the statute provides...and the victim of the crime the option to prosecute..that is a fundamental part of our system.

10-06-2013, 01:12 AM
Don't worry about the civil citation kids just find out what the Promise Program is.

10-06-2013, 02:32 AM
There really isn't to much happening to a juvenile when arresting them and taking them to JAC. They are home before you place your order for your 3rd meal of the day at Wendy's drive thru while working them 12's
Sooooooo true

10-06-2013, 02:47 AM
There really isn't to much happening to a juvenile when arresting them and taking them to JAC. They are home before you place your order for your 3rd meal of the day at Wendy's drive thru while working them 12's
Sooooooo true

Spoken by true sheep


10-07-2013, 02:10 AM
Had the civil citation program been in effect years ago, SI would never had been 15'd for trespassing in the Keys or shoplifting at the mall. He wants to protect kids from going through what he did as a kid.

10-07-2013, 05:32 PM
The number 1 gay and lesbian community in the nation isn't San Francisco. It's Fort Lauderdale. The reason why I bring this up, isn't because I am anti gay. It's a barometer on how liberal this county is. Full of liberals more than good ol San Francisco. You wonder why repeat offenders roam the street? It's Because of the liberal judicial system and the public allowing it to happen. Remember crime boy? Who had 20 plus arrest under his belt before they direct filed him to Florida State Prison. Now 20 plus arrest for a juvenile is the norm. No big deal lets give him 40 chances before we lock him up. So what if he is a burglar or robber or rapist. Let's give him another chance... This county is full of heart bleeding liberals and it's not getting any better.

10-07-2013, 09:02 PM
Some of you folks have a boner who F-up for the first time in their lives! I didn't realize we had so many choir boy's in the house? ( And I'm talking about a real minor offense, not crime boy! )

10-07-2013, 10:46 PM
Some of you folks have a boner who F-up for the first time in their lives! I didn't realize we had so many choir boy's in the house? ( And I'm talking about a real minor offense, not crime boy! )
We'll buddy when does it start. The system is a huge joke and the juveniles know it. I believe in giving a chance to a true first time offender. Not the kid the has gotten away with it sooo many times that his luck finally ran out. How about letting the street cop who knows the kid making the call not some liberal like the ones in the Public Defenders office, who pushed for this along with our sheriff politician?