View Full Version : Is it that bad???

10-04-2013, 11:46 PM
It seems our local government is as bad as our Frderal Government. Is it true that the Sheriff took away things like AFIS and NCIC from the jail and I in retaliation the jail took away remote booking and is sending more prisoners to the hospital for medical clearance? While these big headed politicians spite each other our tax dollars are going down the drain at record speeds.

10-05-2013, 01:31 AM
With the split from the S/O the services of AFIS and NCIC will have to be re-established under the BCC authority versus the Sheriffs. Not everything needing to be done computer wise could be done in a day or a week. Somethings will take a little time to get worked out but eventually all of the services will be restored. The jail had access to NCIC/FCIC services last time the BCC operated the jail.

The remote booking was only done for ECSO officers. Since the jail is no longer affiliated with the S/O, the remote booking is no longer done for those arrested by ECSO personnel.

Just as the S/O didnt want to be saddled with the medical bills when other agencies brought in arrestee's who appeared to be in need of medical services which resulted in the on-duty medical person requesting medical clearance prior to accepting an injured arrestee, the BCC requires the same from all agencies, including the ECSO. Not really much of a difference from the view of jail personnel. However, it may be a difference for ECSO personnel.

I wouldnt related these changes to be part of a tit-for-tat situation between politicians.

10-05-2013, 01:47 AM
I don't see why the ECSO is so shocked that the jail will no longer do remote bookings for their agency. It is not a vindictive move, but the jail must look out for their budget just as the ECSO has to. They are going into this transition with a budget of their own and if it goes over, the board is not going to be very happy. It has been almost twenty years since the BOCC has had control of the jail and the jail staff did not handle any of the finance portion when it was under the Sheriff. The jail administrators have to make sure they make this work or they will be questioned as to why they went over budget. When you are not familiar (due to the lack of dealing with finance), you are pretty much going in blind. When you have a large facility such as the jail, you have to prepare for unplanned medical admissions for inmates that could indeed cost thousands of dollars. There is no way to set an exact budget for a jail. The jail cannot predict the costs that may come up. I'm sure the jail is not refusing people at the back door just to be evil. Nothing has changed as far as the way the jail does business other than the ECSO will now be treated like a different agency just like PPD, FHP, etc. The jail never remote booked for them, so why for the SO? Regardless.....they all have to work together to get the job done. The deputies enforce the law, the correctional officers enforce the rules.

10-05-2013, 04:31 PM
That was cleared up quite nicely. Thank you.

10-08-2013, 11:31 PM
I heard the jail medical staff are leaving in droves.
Looks like they will have to privatized out of
a necessity. I am sure a for profit company
will not cost less probably a lot more. Get ready for
some real haircuts coming. And we haven't even
heard what DOJ wants.

10-09-2013, 01:34 PM
It was always a revolving door with medical personnel. No big deal

10-12-2013, 12:39 AM
Your right medical is always scraping bottom of the food chain.

10-13-2013, 03:18 PM
I heard the jail medical staff are leaving in droves.
Looks like they will have to privatized out of
a necessity. I am sure a for profit company
will not cost less probably a lot more. Get ready for
some real haircuts coming. And we haven't even
heard what DOJ wants.

God willing. The unlawful refusal of prisoners based on absolutely bogus medical shit at the jail is out of control and is costing the taxpayers countless dollars. I hope that there is a complete turnover of the medical staff at booking.

10-15-2013, 03:11 AM
Seems to me your wonderful Chief Deputy Haines should have thought about some of these issues before he was so anxious to get rid of the jail. The patrol deputies having issues at the jail have no one to blame but McMorgan and Haines.

11-26-2013, 04:07 AM
Men and women

Please remember that Haines and Morgan screwed up the jail take over. It has taking years to get the relationship between the officers at the jail and the road officer to work well together. We are all still brothers ans sisters!! even if the politicos tried to come between us! TWO years and Haines and Morgan are gone! If there is a real god, the sheriff we get is head out of his ass and realize Haines is screwing the department up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-26-2013, 08:29 AM
The Commission took the jail and the Sheriff had no power to stop them. How did they screw that one up again? I missed that in your ramblings.

11-26-2013, 04:02 PM
The Commission took the jail and the Sheriff had no power to stop them. How did they screw that one up again? I missed that in your ramblings.
You are wrong. The Sheriff and his Chief tried to bluff the BOCC by threatening to give the Jail back if they did not get the absurdly large increase in the ECSO budget. The commissioners called their bluff and accepted the Jail as it was offered by the Sheriff. The BOCC are not the bad guys here; the Sheriff and the Chief are to blame for the transfer. But no worries the Jail employees are doing just fine.

11-27-2013, 03:33 AM
Is it that bad? Is the jail running better under the BOCC? The processes with the BOCC are way different than the sheriff and they are no where near as expediant as the sheriff's office was. I have a friend that works with the BOCC and although I am still on the road, the only thing they have received so far is a 5% raise and a lot of promises that are not being kept. The Commander and the Major are trying their best to get things up and on track, but between PBA and some other key players involved (that should not even be poking their nose in business), they are being met with resistance. They are typically not allowed to run the jail although that is what they are there for. The BOCC was not ready for the jail and had no idea how much money it took to run and maintain a jail. The big boss (whomever it may be) over corrections just sweeps it all under the carpet. The biggest problem is that the BOCC thinks the jail will run just like the camp and that is two totally different animals. The jail is essentially the step children again with no direction on how to proceed with the business practices of the BOCC

11-27-2013, 04:27 AM
The Commission took the jail and the Sheriff had no power to stop them. How did they screw that one up again? I missed that in your ramblings.

Are u that stuiped ???? Strong arming the BOCC !!!!! If you would start to admit your faults you might make head wave jack ass!!!!

11-27-2013, 07:11 AM
It's called "headway" FYI. And I can have this discussion without resorting to name calling which usually indicates weakness in any argument. So you call "strong arming" the request for a budget that will address the demands of the DOJ? Where do the BOCC stand now? Several millions for transfer and buyout costs without a penny spent on any mandatory area that will have to be corrected. At some point they will be forced to deal with it and it will become a larger expense than the sheriff had requested. If there are lawsuits or injured/dead officers or inmates due to the safety issues that have not been corrected that will just be more of a nightmare. If the sheriff had not corrected the issues that both the DOJ and the survey that the County had performed had identified then he could have been held personally liable. What you call "strong arming" I see as the only prudent course he could have taken. NOT ONCE did the commission ask him why he was requesting the amount in the proposal. They took the jail because they wanted the jail. There is money to be made by corrupt politicians anytime large budgets are being passed around.

11-28-2013, 05:31 AM
Bottom line Haines added crazy fuel to the crazy fire of the sheriffs and they both thought they could go to the commission and make their demands and would be handed 18million on a silver platter. That didn't work so they reduced the amount twice and still walked away with nothing and gave up quite a bit to get nothing.
And the sheriff complains that the county treats hin and the sheriffs office employees like red headed step children. Take a good look in the mirror sheriff Morgan and bring along Haines for a look. You two and your actions are the reason why

11-28-2013, 02:40 PM
It's called "headway" FYI. And I can have this discussion without resorting to name calling which usually indicates weakness in any argument. So you call "strong arming" the request for a budget that will address the demands of the DOJ? Where do the BOCC stand now? Several millions for transfer and buyout costs without a penny spent on any mandatory area that will have to be corrected. At some point they will be forced to deal with it and it will become a larger expense than the sheriff had requested. If there are lawsuits or injured/dead officers or inmates due to the safety issues that have not been corrected that will just be more of a nightmare. If the sheriff had not corrected the issues that both the DOJ and the survey that the County had performed had identified then he could have been held personally liable. What you call "strong arming" I see as the only prudent course he could have taken. NOT ONCE did the commission ask him why he was requesting the amount in the proposal. They took the jail because they wanted the jail. There is money to be made by corrupt politicians anytime large budgets are being passed around.

The Sheriff is the corrupt politican in this case. He got caught being untruthful as usual, then he twisted and turned everything attempting to demonize them. Morgan is as bad if not worse than any of the commissioners. He had four and a half years to clean up the jail and he failed. Let's blame that on McNesby also. Morgan is just like Obama, lie lie and lie some more and deny deny deny when he gets caught, blame it on the previous administration and then call Craig and Susan to jump on the blogs and start spreading the word. Strong arming is a weak term to describe Morgan and his thugs. Yes it is name calling, but like they say "if the shoe fits".............

11-28-2013, 07:21 PM
There was no way to predict everything that the Justice Dept. would demand. When the 2 reports came out is when the budget request went in to the commission for the funds to make those changes. You remember don't you? The budget request that they would not discuss? Even if he knew all of the justice dept. required changes how was he supposed to fund them during those 4.5 years with decreasing budgets? You fail to see the most basic problem with your arguments. They make no sense.

11-29-2013, 09:02 PM
There was no way to predict everything that the Justice Dept. would demand. When the 2 reports came out is when the budget request went in to the commission for the funds to make those changes. You remember don't you? The budget request that they would not discuss? Even if he knew all of the justice dept. required changes how was he supposed to fund them during those 4.5 years with decreasing budgets? You fail to see the most basic problem with your arguments. They make no sense.

No Eric, your Sheriff got caught being untruthful again.

12-04-2013, 12:38 AM
Well they will be looking for a fall guy if the jail does not make it on or under budget so who will that be? The ones that really care about the success and future of the jail or the higher power than them? It appears current jail admin have their hands tied and are not able to make decisions that are needed to run a jail. For once, there seems to be some fairness within the jail without favoritism, but the bigger picture is being placed on politics. God forbid local politicians let the SME's run the jail and fix problems they have inherited. The jail could run a lot smoother if they (the higher ups) would just let jail admin make the decisions.

12-04-2013, 01:55 AM
You are exactly correct Happy4them. I could not have said it better. They will put the blame on the current admin and not themselves. The higher ups do not even know how to run a jail but they want to make the decisions. Good luck to the jail staff.

12-04-2013, 05:49 AM
[Haines! That is a sad answere you have! Refering to coorched poloticans? That like you and sheriff throwing stones in a glass house!!!!!!! :devil: quote]

It's called "headway" FYI. And I can have this discussion without resorting to name calling which usually indicates weakness in any argument. So you call "strong arming" the request for a budget that will address the demands of the DOJ? Where do the BOCC stand now? Several millions for transfer and buyout costs without a penny spent on any mandatory area that will have to be corrected. At some point they will be forced to deal with it and it will become a larger expense than the sheriff had requested. If there are lawsuits or injured/dead officers or inmates due to the safety issues that have not been corrected that will just be more of a nightmare. If the sheriff had not corrected the issues that both the DOJ and the survey that the County had performed had identified then he could have been held personally liable. What you call "strong arming" I see as the only prudent course he could have taken. NOT ONCE did the commission ask him why he was requesting the amount in the proposal. They took the jail because they wanted the jail. There is money to be made by corrupt politicians anytime large budgets are being passed around.

12-04-2013, 06:31 AM
Haines, Morgan,Champiane, Craig

Come on guys. behonest You four men have pers0nley destroyed the ECSO and the jail!!!!! Cant yawl even behonest about that? I think you will see the Sheriff on the news in the next few months! Word is a deputy has Filed a complaint with the ethics division and the State attrnry

12-04-2013, 04:13 PM
Haines, Morgan,Champiane, Craig

Come on guys. behonest You four men have pers0nley destroyed the ECSO and the jail!!!!! Cant yawl even behonest about that? I think you will see the Sheriff on the news in the next few months! Word is a deputy has Filed a complaint with the ethics division and the State attrnry

I am filing a complaint against the Escambia County School Board for passing you through the 8th grade based on your grammar and spelling!

12-05-2013, 06:00 AM
Spelling police

My spelling may suck. But my integrity is a lot better then yours or anyone else in the administration! by the way, I went to school in North Carolina

12-05-2013, 10:52 AM
Spelling police

My spelling may suck. But my integrity is a lot better then yours or anyone else in the administration! by the way, I went to school in North Carolina

Be honest. Your spelling is sign of your lack of intelligence. Hence you have little understanding of how things really function in your environment. You are frustrated because your lack of ability and mental acuity has led to a feeling that others are responsible for your inveterate failure. Just saying.

12-06-2013, 09:40 AM
Spelling police

My spelling may suck. But my integrity is a lot better then yours or anyone else in the administration! by the way, I went to school in North Carolina

Another prime reason we will always need report takers!

12-06-2013, 02:57 PM
Failure ? I made my 30 yrs and retired! You are still there, and in two years when the sheriff is out of office, you will be out of a job!! How does that fill? just saying :evil:

12-06-2013, 06:45 PM
How many EEOC complaints have been filed specifically listing Haines as the one doing the violations?

Sheriff Morgan needs to have his ducks in a row and his team of defenders ready. The stories that Haines is telling about the people he has run off are going to come back to bite both him and the sheriff. Craig might want to let sheriff Morgan know when Haines is confronted about his lies he turns on the Sheriff and blames the Sheriff. Haines keeps a black book he just better hope his information is accurate when confronted by all of those he has done wrong and by their attorneys

12-07-2013, 01:04 AM
Failure ? I made my 30 yrs and retired! You are still there, and in two years when the sheriff is out of office, you will be out of a job!! How does that fill? just saying :evil:"FIll?" The word is F E E L. And to answer you I feel like if you are retired then you should stop stirring up hate and discontent. You had your 30 years to be a jerk. It's over. We have enough people complaining and whining who still are here.

12-07-2013, 02:32 AM
Why do you think you have so many people gripping? Because moral is low. I still have a lot of friends who work there that I care about. It should be a clue that when u have so many unhappy people, then maybe you should do something!!

I personally feel bad for Morgan. not a bad guy. He is stuck and don't know who to trust. If he don't make some quick changes with his admin (Haines) and several others, he will lose bad at the next election! Then go down like Charley Johnson

12-07-2013, 02:38 PM
Yet there was a huge difference, Charlie Johnson put money in our pockets. Charlie took care of the troops to include a 10% raise and a few smaller ones through out his term. The rank that he inherited from the prior administration didn't like him but we got raises !! Gotta give the man credit ....