View Full Version : Again : Spare Us the Political Wrap Ups

09-20-2013, 12:36 AM
once again our Weekly Wrap up is being used as a political soap box for liberal politics...this time the references the Navy Yard active shooter who is armed with a shotgun and turned into a declaration that we need to ban assault rifles???

we already have Debbie wasserman-schultz to do that stuff we don't need that in our agency...spare us the liberal brainwash

09-20-2013, 12:43 AM
You are dumb. The Sheriff is allowed his opinion on his weekly wrap up. If you don't like reading it, run for Sheriff and then you can push your opinion. Until then, either deal with it or don't.

09-20-2013, 01:43 AM
You are dumb. The Sheriff is allowed his opinion on his weekly wrap up. If you don't like reading it, run for Sheriff and then you can push your opinion. Until then, either deal with it or don't.

Can we just keep partisan politics out of police work?

09-20-2013, 02:57 AM
Tubbs sole function is to get people so concerned with his foolishness that we lose sight of the real issues. I give him this, he is very good at deflecting and persistence but a stooge by any other name is still a stooge.....he Tubbs maybe you should change your name to Moe, Larry or Curley....

09-20-2013, 03:08 AM
Or maybe I'll just do it like you and change my name to "guest".

09-20-2013, 04:26 AM
I completely agree. The weapon used wasn't an AR15, so learn the facts, Sheriff. Secondly, don't say you support second amendment rights and then say you want to ban rifles. He clearly does not know what an assault rifle is.

09-20-2013, 10:28 AM
Or maybe I'll just do it like you and change my name to "guest".

Ok now I have a Miami Vice name too.....slim pickings since Sonny Crockett and Gina Calabrese are in use and nobody wants to be confused with our "Castillo"........

09-20-2013, 10:39 AM
Or maybe I'll just do it like you and change my name to "guest".

both names a fictitious. what's the difference?

09-20-2013, 10:42 AM
once again our Weekly Wrap up is being used as a political soap box for liberal politics...this time the references the Navy Yard active shooter who is armed with a shotgun and turned into a declaration that we need to ban assault rifles???

we already have Debbie wasserman-schultz to do that stuff we don't need that in our agency...spare us the liberal brainwash

Real issue.....mentally disturbed individuals with weapons. Seems nobody wants to address this. Must be that our politicians are also disturbed. Vote all of those clowns in DC out next time around.

09-20-2013, 10:54 AM
Every mass shooter, except maybe the Fort Hood Major who was on a religious crusade, had major mental issues. Taking away the firearms, or the right to own, carry etc. from responsible citizens is a form of " punishment" for good citizens and certainly gives an advantage to criminals who will not abide by ANY laws. ENFORCE existing laws and sentencing violent criminals with guns the max and don't let them out early.
Be careful who you listen to, Joe Biden said " you don't need an AR15 go get yourself a shotgun"..... It's not the gun but the person behind it that needs the action taken.
The Sheriff is the chairman of the mentally ill task force, let him push for legislation that makes mandatory reporting of persons with violent mental issues into a national database that can make information available in the background check process.