View Full Version : New GTA Game Released

09-19-2013, 09:17 AM
It's not about the game, its about the little cowards who pretend to be thugs...too weak to even be a real punk, so they hide behind their Xbox.


09-19-2013, 12:04 PM
I like your blog. Which agency do/did, you work for?

09-21-2013, 06:51 PM
Thank you, sir. I have to use a "pen name" and not reveal too many details. I use the blog to vent some frustrations with the direction the country is headed (straight downward), and it gets a bit politically incorrect. By staying anonymous, I can say what we, as cops, know but aren't allowed to vocalize as 24/7 representatives of our respective agencies.

09-28-2013, 09:25 PM
Dear one reader I have,

I just posted a new one.

Thanks, buddy!
