View Full Version : ALL MEMBERS NEEDED THIS THURSDAY -- 9/12/2013

09-09-2013, 06:23 AM
I admit, since the bullshit rally that was supposed to be at the AAA I haven't done anything that the FOP has asked me to do...just like a lot of other members

But, I got this email from Ortiz the other day about having another meeting with the Grove residents at city hall this Thursday and I gotta say he might have something with this. if 250 or 300 Grove residents showed up again and voiced their concerns about crime and more police officers, along with as many members the room can fit....well lets face it, it's probably the only way we ever have a chance of getting back what the city took.

I don't trust Ortiz any further than I can throw him but showing up at the meeting with the citizens behind us is a good thing for you and me...the officers of this department and our families. city hall can ignore us but they can't ignore the citizens complaining along with us.

even if you hate Ortiz, Diaz or the entire FOP don't let that stop you from going. Do it for yourselves and your families..

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Last Thursday, I had the privilege of speaking to approximately 250 Coconut Grove residents that are deeply concerned with how understaffed the Miami Police Department has been. Mayor Regalado said that in our future budget, we are adding 25 cops. He forgot to mention that we already have about 40 vacant positions. In the 18 months that Chief Orosa has been running the MPD, we haven't grown a single police officer in our police force. When Regalado was asked what were his long term goals were for the MPD, he rambled about some story of when he was a little boy....Very disturbing.

In my statement, I advised them that Chief Orosa is doing everything he can to hire police officers. They have put their own commercials and have a total of 13 individuals working in recruitment and selection. This is extremely important because the commission is blaming the MPD for not being able to hire, instead of taking responsibility for our terrible pay benefits.

Those neighbors were told that even though the tax rate has been set, the way the money will be dispersed depends on what the commission decides. Those residents are returning this Thursday to have their voices heard. In support of those residents that publicly stated we need to be compensated reasonably to hire more police, we must be there also.

We are asking that all of you flood the City Hall chambers at 1600 HRS THIS THURSDAY. With several hundred residents and ourselves coming together on Thursday, we can make our voices heard. Our goal is for the City of Miami to add $10 million dollars to next year's budget on top of what is proposed. Can it be done? On a half a billion dollar budget, I'm sure it can be. With $10 million dollars, the City can restore our benefits to make us competitive again (that would cost about $8 million dollars). By becoming competitive with surrounding police departments, the MPD will be able to fill the approximately 40 vacant positions open now, fill the 25 additional positions already in next year's budget, and add approximately 30 police officers (starting pay and all benefits for entry level police officers is about $67,000 divided by $2 million is about 30 more cops, cited from a DOJ COPS Grant) with this increase.

I was asked why do police departments in Fort Lauderdale and Miami Beach pay so much more? My response was because the commissioners in those municipalities have their priorities straight. Police must be the #1 priority of our commissioners.

Shirts will be provided at the event for residents and police officers. Our recruitment trailer will be on scene for those of you that want to be recruited to better departments in the meantime. We have about 140 Miami police officers actively applying to be picked up by other departments. We welcome our retirees to attend and participate. Tell everyone you know.

Let's take back our City and tell City Hall what is the top priority for our residents: THE POLICE

09-09-2013, 01:09 PM
Javi, don't continue to bullsh!t us. You know damn well that the people that showed up at the Commission meeting on Thursday were not concerned about understaffing. They were complaining about Orosa and the city administration's neglect of their neighborhood. they said so in the tv interviews. We also watched you on TV huddled with the chief and the rest of the administration without a care about us or our salaries or staffing.

We aren't going to be pawns in your game to get brownee points with Regalado and Orosa. You show up at the next commission meeting, but we won't.

I urge my brothers and sisters to stay away from city hall for the next meeting and let Javi fend for himself.

09-09-2013, 01:39 PM
So who's going to fight for your step raise and benefits. Do you think the City is just going to give it to you. What type of **** head are you? I'll be there along with my entire crew.

09-09-2013, 08:39 PM
Javi, don't continue to bullsh!t us. You know damn well that the people that showed up at the Commission meeting on Thursday were not concerned about understaffing. They were complaining about Orosa and the city administration's neglect of their neighborhood. they said so in the tv interviews. We also watched you on TV huddled with the chief and the rest of the administration without a care about us or our salaries or staffing.

We aren't going to be pawns in your game to get brownee points with Regalado and Orosa. You show up at the next commission meeting, but we won't.

I urge my brothers and sisters to stay away from city hall for the next meeting and let Javi fend for himself.

this is the problem we are facing and what I was talking about in my original post.

we have to do this for ourselves. we can't just sit back and let the FOP fight a battle for us...we have to get involved. I for one can't live like this any more. I'm killing myself working off duties to support my family because of our low pay...and missing out on my children growing up because of it. I'm not living above my means and I'm one of the many who can't leave...I'm working extra just to cover what was taken away from me and trying to make what I should have been paid up to date, before the cuts

The FOP has got the ball rolling but we have to keep it going and get the support from the citizens...It's the only way we are going to make any forward progress.

09-09-2013, 09:18 PM
Show up; join disenfranchised Miamians' especially the Grove folks and tell elected and appointed Miami officials that Orosa, as police chief, is utterly inept and clueless as to leading and or managing a major police department. When Orosa needed to rise to the occasion as a sergeant, he failed miserably, only to become a government informant to save his ass. True, it is very difficult to be "John the Baptist" and clamor from the wilderness, for there are consequences to telling the truth! Therefore you should seek a spoke person; preferably a retired one who will speak for you without fear of retaliation!

09-09-2013, 09:24 PM

This Thursday (9/12/13) at 1600 HRS at City Hall, we need everyone to unite with city residents to make change to the police budget. Our plan calls for a $10 million dollar increase in the police budget to restore our benefits and to be able to hire new officers. Without being competitive, the MPD will never hire 100 cops. Chief Orosa is being blamed for the police department being understaffed, when the reason is quite clear: We are underpaid and one of the lowest compensated departments in South Florida.
With several hundred residents and ourselves coming together on Thursday, we can make our voices heard. Our goal is for the City of Miami to add $10 million dollars to next year's budget on top of what is proposed. Can it be done? On a half a billion dollar budget, I'm sure it can be. With $10 million dollars, the City can restore our benefits to make us competitive again (that would cost about $8 million dollars). By becoming competitive with surrounding police departments, the MPD will be able to fill the approximately 40 vacant positions open now, fill the 25 additional positions already in next year's budget, and add approximately 30 police officers (starting pay and all benefits for entry level police officers is about $67,000 divided by $2 million is about 30 more cops, cited from a DOJ COPS Grant) with this increase.



09-09-2013, 10:49 PM
**** no I won't be there. Because of the assholes in the FLOP I have to work my off duty to pay bills.

09-09-2013, 11:08 PM
We are not asking for raises but to return the benefits we gave to the mismanaged city!!!

Come protest the FLOP or City Hall but come!!!

09-10-2013, 08:11 AM
Javi can stand in front of the mayor and the commissioners and talk till he's blue in the face....nothing will ever happen

if we stand with the citizens...then maybe then they will listen

09-10-2013, 10:49 AM
Javi and a neighbor put that together stupid. Thursday is a tuning point. Be there or STFU

09-10-2013, 11:02 AM
Hey brothers! Do you need need officers from surrounding area who are in the FOP to join you guys in the battle?

09-10-2013, 12:23 PM
Javi is making up numbers again. When will this clown stop? He gives no balls no blame for decimating our department. What a kiss ass.

09-10-2013, 12:43 PM
Keep paying dues and looking like fools. Until families and friends is done away with here, jr will still be laughing at you all while driving his rental making your $$$$

09-10-2013, 02:09 PM
Hey brothers! Do you need need officers from surrounding area who are in the FOP to join you guys in the battle?

Thank you for the offer. But rumors has it that the benefits return has already been approved. This little "demonstration" is just a dog and pony show to help Ortiz gain a little support from the troops... :roll: :roll:

09-10-2013, 05:11 PM
Hey brothers! Do you need need officers from surrounding area who are in the FOP to join you guys in the battle?

Yes my brother!!! Please we need all the help we can.. This Thursday at City Hall 4pm-6pm.

09-10-2013, 06:05 PM
Hey brothers! Do you need need officers from surrounding area who are in the FOP to join you guys in the battle?

Thank you for the offer. But rumors has it that the benefits return has already been approved. This little "demonstration" is just a dog and pony show to help Ortiz gain a little support from the troops... :roll: :roll:

If this is true then it will not hurt you to be there to make sure.

09-10-2013, 07:02 PM
I guess commissioners are writing on this so we don't show up,

Yeah, it's a done deal. And
Santa is coming I promise

09-10-2013, 07:36 PM
Reading Javi's latest memo to the membership, he is more concerned about Chief NBO being blamed for shortages in the department than he is about us being underpaid. After all, if the FOP had not given up salary and benefits the last five years, we wouldn't be behing the eight ball.

Guess what Javi, some people would rather go to work in a professionally run police department than coming to this sh!thole, and Orosa is to blame for that. Stop being an apologist for this guy and remember where your bread us buttered, you kiss-ass. Don't be such a mama tranca!!

09-10-2013, 07:53 PM
How about posting an invite on message boards which agencies are backed by the FOP. Strength by numbers!

09-10-2013, 10:10 PM
Reading Javi's latest memo to the membership, he is more concerned about Chief NBO being blamed for shortages in the department than he is about us being underpaid. After all, if the FOP had not given up salary and benefits the last five years, we wouldn't be behing the eight ball.

Guess what Javi, some people would rather go to work in a professionally run police department than coming to this sh!thole, and Orosa is to blame for that. Stop being an apologist for this guy and remember where your bread us buttered, you kiss-ass. Don't be such a mama tranca!!

Expo mamatranka-
He isn't defending nbo, just that it's not the MPDs problem to hire, it's the commission.

Please get your facts straighter than you crime stats you reported to FDLE

09-10-2013, 10:20 PM
Javi go **** yourself just like all members were needed at the heat game to demonstrate 3 miles away and march there when everyone went inside. Stick your game up your ass and keep sucking Regalado and Orosaa ****.

09-10-2013, 10:41 PM
When Javi disappears on Thursday, you'll find him up Regalado's ass. He'll be celebrating with champagne as you poor souls are playing the role of fools.

09-10-2013, 10:59 PM
Show up; join disenfranchised Miamians' especially the Grove folks and tell elected and appointed Miami officials that Orosa, as police chief, is utterly inept and clueless as to leading and or managing a major police department. When Orosa needed to rise to the occasion as a sergeant, he failed miserably, only to become a government informant to save his ass. True, it is very difficult to be "John the Baptist" and clamor from the wilderness, for there are consequences to telling the truth! Therefore you should seek a spoke person; preferably a retired one who will speak for you without fear of retaliation!
Very good idea, ref a retired spokesperson !!!! You have 2 days to find one ?

09-10-2013, 11:39 PM
Shut the **** up joe Longuera

09-11-2013, 12:56 AM
You will get your usual 15 or so FLOP board members and no one else. No one believes in the ass kisser whortiz. He is more of an embarrassment than anyone else. Ask him how much the FLOP is paying to defend him in the Federal lawsuit and how he lied in a court proceeding.

09-11-2013, 10:54 AM
Show up; join disenfranchised Miamians' especially the Grove folks and tell elected and appointed Miami officials that Orosa, as police chief, is utterly inept and clueless as to leading and or managing a major police department. When Orosa needed to rise to the occasion as a sergeant, he failed miserably, only to become a government informant to save his ass. True, it is very difficult to be "John the Baptist" and clamor from the wilderness, for there are consequences to telling the truth! Therefore you should seek a spoke person; preferably a retired one who will speak for you without fear of retaliation!Re: ALL MEMBERS NEEDED THIS THURSDAY