View Full Version : Return of Louie Granteed

09-03-2013, 01:20 PM
Remember former HPD asst chief Louie Granteed, who was last seen getting crushed 70-30 in the 2012 Democratic primary? Well, he's back! He spent yesterday at the North Broward Democratic Labor Day picnic telling everybody he's running again for sheriff in 2016. He told people Lamberti tried to convince him not to run again (to support Lamberti in the 2016 Dem primary instead), but that he won't cut a deal cuz he knows he's a stronger candidate than Lamberti. HAHAHAHAHA!!!

So now we have Lamberti and Granteed and maybe others (Chinn, etc) looking to all run against Israel in the primary. What a mess!!

09-03-2013, 02:53 PM
Bring them on. Scott is not afraid of any one of them.

09-03-2013, 02:54 PM
The only thing stronger about Louie is his stench and greed!

09-03-2013, 03:14 PM
Lou Granteed was at the picnic. We will all support him too. I was there and he was surrounded by people all day wanting him to run in 2016. Lamberti was not there. Lou never said anything about Lamberti. Here you all go again. Where do you Israelites get your bad info from. Obviously Israel and his people want nothing to do with Lou Granteed running and thats why your already on here with the mud slinging and more lies. What happend in 2012 is not 2016. Just like when Israel lost in 2008 and won in 2012. You can try a spew whatever you want, Lou Granteed is very popular and liked. Now that the Sheriff has tons of baggage and already in 7 months has shown he has no idea what he is doing, he should be worried about Lou and 2016.

PS: Britanny Wallman wrote some thing in the Broward Politics Blogs.

09-03-2013, 04:21 PM
I dont care who runs... Israel is horrible.

09-04-2013, 11:46 PM
What a joke, Louie needs to go eat another foot long hogie and leave the sheriff nonsense alone..... That's what broward needs more corruption lmmmaaaaooo... There's a reason why this slob lost by a landslide.... :cop: