View Full Version : Boo Hoo Scott

08-29-2013, 10:03 PM
Our tearful leader is so mad that moral isn't as he claims, that he gave a directive to at the Chiefs meeting to tell everyone to stop talking bad about him and how things are not so happy, happy,happy. If anyone violates this directive, he will get real mad and go in a corner and cry like a spoiled kid who does not get his own way! Rule by fear and intimidation. Is gone, I think not!

08-29-2013, 10:07 PM
Mr. Fearless Sheriff talks like a moron in the meetings saying the same shit over and over again. He sounds so uneducated and has no clue what the hell is going on. No matter what we do as a Staff, he continues to embarass everyone. I am sorry I joined the Sheriff's Staff. It's a mess and we have no real direction or top brass that knows how to run the show in the right way!!!

08-29-2013, 10:35 PM
This is Executive Director Angelo C. All you say is true and I have the solution!! I have hired Jorge Forte to study the problems and provide us with a report. We all know how intelligent and experienced Mr. Forte is and what a good speller he is. Only problem is he has to conduct the study from federal prison but we are quite confident he will meet his deadlines. Hang in there. Help is on the way!!

08-29-2013, 10:48 PM
Our tearful leader is so mad that moral isn't as he claims, that he gave a directive to at the Chiefs meeting to tell everyone to stop talking bad about him and how things are not so happy, happy,happy. If anyone violates this directive, he will get real mad and go in a corner and cry like a spoiled kid who does not get his own way! Rule by fear and intimidation. Is gone, I think not!

If you want to start a thread and make it seem like multiple people sre responding dont make each post several minutes apart its to obvious ;-). This is why Sheriff Lamberti lost he surrounded himself with incompetence.

08-29-2013, 11:55 PM
Our tearful leader is so mad that moral isn't as he claims, that he gave a directive to at the Chiefs meeting to tell everyone to stop talking bad about him and how things are not so happy, happy,happy. If anyone violates this directive, he will get real mad and go in a corner and cry like a spoiled kid who does not get his own way! Rule by fear and intimidation. Is gone, I think not!

If you want to start a thread and make it seem like multiple people sre responding dont make each post several minutes apart its to obvious ;-). This is why Sheriff Lamberti lost he surrounded himself with incompetence.

Ummmmm, I didn't. So nanny nanny boo boo, stick your head in doo doo!

08-30-2013, 02:17 AM
This is Executive Director Angelo C. All you say is true and I have the solution!! I have hired Jorge Forte to study the problems and provide us with a report. We all know how intelligent and experienced Mr. Forte is and what a good speller he is. Only problem is he has to conduct the study from federal prison but we are quite confident he will meet his deadlines. Hang in there. Help is on the way!!

By the way, Angelo, it certainly is interesting that you were chummy with Jorge Forte, the indicted lobbyist who was once Scott Israel's boss in North Bay Village. Jorge is the one who recently got $15,000 from Sheriff Israel for writing that report on used cars and misspelling Sheriff on the cover page. When the FBI connects the dots and takes Jorge's depo what will he say about you and Scott? Should prove to be amusing.

08-30-2013, 10:36 AM
Girls, if you are not happy, why are you here? This agency is inherently political and you knew it the day you walked in the PSB; before you even completed the application. Now all you tough guys are going to cry like babies because some things aren't going your way? Please do us all a favor and resign. Know why you cowards won't leave?...It's because this is the best SO and or PD in the area. You and I both know it. So why are you trying to pull it down.I hope most of you babies on this forum are not Deputies, cause it's scarey.

08-30-2013, 12:02 PM
Girls, if you are not happy, why are you here? This agency is inherently political and you knew it the day you walked in the PSB; before you even completed the application. Now all you tough guys are going to cry like babies because some things aren't going your way? Please do us all a favor and resign. Know why you cowards won't leave?...It's because this is the best SO and or PD in the area. You and I both know it. So why are you trying to pull it down.I hope most of you babies on this forum are not Deputies, cause it's scarey.

The employees that you call cowards are not trying to pull BSO down, they are trying to make it better by getting rid of the trash. There is a simple solution to your constant whining and crying about us whining and crying on this forum...... don't come on here. .. simple right..

08-30-2013, 03:01 PM
[quote="Angelo C":1n0vh2hc]This is Executive Director Angelo C. All you say is true and I have the solution!! I have hired Jorge Forte to study the problems and provide us with a report. We all know how intelligent and experienced Mr. Forte is and what a good speller he is. Only problem is he has to conduct the study from federal prison but we are quite confident he will meet his deadlines. Hang in there. Help is on the way!!

By the way, Angelo, it certainly is interesting that you were chummy with Jorge Forte, the indicted lobbyist who was once Scott Israel's boss in North Bay Village. Jorge is the one who recently got $15,000 from Sheriff Israel for writing that report on used cars and misspelling Sheriff on the cover page. When the FBI connects the dots and takes Jorge's depo what will he say about you and Scott? Should prove to be amusing.[/quote:1n0vh2hc]

I am glad you brought up Jorge Forte. As I have said, he will be conducting a Morale Study so that we can prove that Morale is UP UP UP here at BSO under the true leadership of a moral and ethical leader, Sheriff Israel. There is a minor problem with Mr. Forte conducting this study. As we all know he has had a recent unpleasantness with the FBI which finds him in the Federal Detention Center in Miami - they wont let him out. Go figure! So to accommodate the interviews, BSO personnel who have been selected to be interviewed will be driven down the Detention Center by Former Sheriff Ken Jenne who not only knows the way there, he spent some time there so he can escort you around so you dont get lost. I am sure your morale will be great by the time you get there!!

08-30-2013, 09:47 PM
Girls, if you are not happy, why are you here? This agency is inherently political and you knew it the day you walked in the PSB; before you even completed the application. Now all you tough guys are going to cry like babies because some things aren't going your way? Please do us all a favor and resign. Know why you cowards won't leave?...It's because this is the best SO and or PD in the area. You and I both know it. So why are you trying to pull it down.I hope most of you babies on this forum are not Deputies, cause it's scarey.

The employees that you call cowards are not trying to pull BSO down, they are trying to make it better by getting rid of the trash. There is a simple solution to your constant whining and crying about us whining and crying on this forum...... don't come on here. .. simple right..

Let me make it more clear. No matter who the sheriff is, you or people like you will continue to ***** and moan every time something appears not to go your way. Trash is a relative term. What you consider trash my actually not be trash. Who are you to judge who is trash at BSO? Sounds to me like it's more personal than anything else. If you care anything about this agency, you and others like you; who have an axe to grind, will stop airing out dirty laundry on this "public" forum. It just brings us all down. If you are an employee here, SHAME ON YOU. You should realize sheriffs are short timers and if a particular sheriff is not doing the job he or she will not be re-elected. So some in high places didn't earn it? Big F'ing deal. Just go do your job. Get better at it and things will work out. Continue to bash this administration and you as well as your colleagues look foolish to the citizens you serve. Grow up *****.

08-30-2013, 10:33 PM
Didn't you realize? We have lots of lil beoches round here! nothing going to change . This is the new culture of people we have these days.

08-30-2013, 11:08 PM
I love my job and I do it well but that doesn't mean that I have to accept that the new sheriff is a liar who has hired dozens of friends and flunkies, like Mr and Mrs Castillo for $300,000 + cars + free insurance + perks.

Put on your blinders and tell yourself everything is just swell. Don't complain if not everyone wants to wear your rose colored glasses.

08-30-2013, 11:51 PM
I love my job and I do it well but that doesn't mean that I have to accept that the new sheriff is a liar who has hired dozens of friends and flunkies, like Mr and Mrs Castillo for $300,000 + cars + free insurance + perks.

Put on your blinders and tell yourself everything is just swell. Don't complain if not everyone wants to wear your rose colored glasses.

No one is telling you to like or accept everything that has happened. Just stop airing out the dirty laundry so that the whole world can be aware of what you perceive to be wrong with the administration. If you really work here, you should know that what you are *****ing about ie: people not earning prominent positions, driving expensive cars etc. probably that won't last; and for that matter, you will go through 5 or 6 sheriffs during your career. All are going to do things some won't like. What I'm trying to say is that the agency as a whole is suffering from these public forums. This is a political organization live with it. Every time you bash the sheriff you bash yourselves, your friend who are co-workers and this office. The public is laughing at us and it does not feel good.

08-31-2013, 12:20 AM
This Sheriff. The old Sheriff. Or any of the clowns and felons before them. It does not matter.

The Problem here is that this is the leadership of law enforcement in Broward county.
And that sir/ Madam is pathetic.

08-31-2013, 12:48 AM
[quote="Enuff Already":3oppiqai]I love my job and I do it well but that doesn't mean that I have to accept that the new sheriff is a liar who has hired dozens of friends and flunkies, like Mr and Mrs Castillo for $300,000 + cars + free insurance + perks.

Put on your blinders and tell yourself everything is just swell. Don't complain if not everyone wants to wear your rose colored glasses.

No one is telling you to like or accept everything that has happened. Just stop airing out the dirty laundry so that the whole world can be aware of what you perceive to be wrong with the administration. If you really work here, you should know that what you are *****ing about ie: people not earning prominent positions, driving expensive cars etc. probably that won't last; and for that matter, you will go through 5 or 6 sheriffs during your career. All are going to do things some won't like. What I'm trying to say is that the agency as a whole is suffering from these public forums. This is a political organization live with it. Every time you bash the sheriff you bash yourselves, your friend who are co-workers and this office. The public is laughing at us and it does not feel good.[/quote:3oppiqai]

Its easy to say if you donit like it, leave. Why should we? your are right, the public is laughing at US, just like the sheriff's love to say we represent them, they also represent US. When they do questionable things, we all get painted with the same brush. I don't know about you, but i havent taken any $190,000 cruises lately or hired some flunky to do nothing, hired 1000 flunkies that do nothing or hang out with a convicted felon. But guess what? When Jenne was here they all thought i was lying on crime stats, when Lamberti was here they thought i was going to the Super Bowl and now that Israel is here they all think i am just some idiot friend of his.

I am not leaving. I don't have too. When people sit by and watch bad things happen, its their fault they happen. See the Germans in the 1940's.

It is up to us, the decent hard working men and women of BSO to overcome this and soldier on. And we don't do that by being good Nazi's and never questioning authority.

08-31-2013, 12:56 AM
[quote="Enuff Already":11dq66la]I love my job and I do it well but that doesn't mean that I have to accept that the new sheriff is a liar who has hired dozens of friends and flunkies, like Mr and Mrs Castillo for $300,000 + cars + free insurance + perks.

Put on your blinders and tell yourself everything is just swell. Don't complain if not everyone wants to wear your rose colored glasses.

No one is telling you to like or accept everything that has happened. Just stop airing out the dirty laundry so that the whole world can be aware of what you perceive to be wrong with the administration. If you really work here, you should know that what you are *****ing about ie: people not earning prominent positions, driving expensive cars etc. probably that won't last; and for that matter, you will go through 5 or 6 sheriffs during your career. All are going to do things some won't like. What I'm trying to say is that the agency as a whole is suffering from these public forums. This is a political organization live with it. Every time you bash the sheriff you bash yourselves, your friend who are co-workers and this office. The public is laughing at us and it does not feel good.[/quote:11dq66la]

In the words of Ricardo Tubbs.....DUMBAZZ....nobody is "airing out dirty laundry on here" that hasn't already been written about in Sun-Sentinel, the bugle, Miami Herald or on Channel 10.

I remember this time last year, everyone who supported Israel was told the same thing and when questioned why they didn't say something it was because they feared retaliation. Well, one year later, the shoe is on the other foot, only the retaliation has been just as bad if not worse. Taking detectives out of specialized units who had exemplary records and closed cases because they disagreed with the current administration, or because they pointed out apparent wrong doing at our "beloved" sheriff's former agency is worse then previous command by far.

Oh....and I never walked in the PSB to accept a job here, I came in the side door of the old low rise. Then again, you probably to new zip code to even know what building that was.

08-31-2013, 01:07 AM
[quote="Enuff Already":gxuw6yu4]I love my job and I do it well but that doesn't mean that I have to accept that the new sheriff is a liar who has hired dozens of friends and flunkies, like Mr and Mrs Castillo for $300,000 + cars + free insurance + perks.

Put on your blinders and tell yourself everything is just swell. Don't complain if not everyone wants to wear your rose colored glasses.

No one is telling you to like or accept everything that has happened. Just stop airing out the dirty laundry so that the whole world can be aware of what you perceive to be wrong with the administration. If you really work here, you should know that what you are *****ing about ie: people not earning prominent positions, driving expensive cars etc. probably that won't last; and for that matter, you will go through 5 or 6 sheriffs during your career. All are going to do things some won't like. What I'm trying to say is that the agency as a whole is suffering from these public forums. This is a political organization live with it. Every time you bash the sheriff you bash yourselves, your friend who are co-workers and this office. The public is laughing at us and it does not feel good.

Its easy to say if you donit like it, leave. Why should we? your are right, the public is laughing at US, just like the sheriff's love to say we represent them, they also represent US. When they do questionable things, we all get painted with the same brush. I don't know about you, but i havent taken any $190,000 cruises lately or hired some flunky to do nothing, hired 1000 flunkies that do nothing or hang out with a convicted felon. But guess what? When Jenne was here they all thought i was lying on crime stats, when Lamberti was here they thought i was going to the Super Bowl and now that Israel is here they all think i am just some idiot friend of his.

I am not leaving. I don't have too. When people sit by and watch bad things happen, its their fault they happen. See the Germans in the 1940's.

It is up to us, the decent hard working men and women of BSO to overcome this and soldier on. And we don't do that by being good Nazi's and never questioning authority.[/quote:gxuw6yu4]

Well said. As a 20+year employee I will not leave. I do my job, and I do it well, regardless of what clown or political flunky steers this ship. BSO is in trouble and mostly, for now, all I can do post what I see on this blog. I have seen and have been the victim of political retaliation, and that's what will happen. In nazi Germany if you even hinted at going against the system, you were labeled a traitor, sent to the Russian front, jailed or shot. At BSO you are transfered and sent to 10-65. If this forum is the only place for employees to vent and air the dirty laundry as you say...then I say to the administration.... don't give them any dirty laundry in the first place and there will be no airing.

08-31-2013, 05:52 AM

08-31-2013, 12:59 PM
[quote="Enuff Already":2tqxp23c]I love my job and I do it well but that doesn't mean that I have to accept that the new sheriff is a liar who has hired dozens of friends and flunkies, like Mr and Mrs Castillo for $300,000 + cars + free insurance + perks.

Put on your blinders and tell yourself everything is just swell. Don't complain if not everyone wants to wear your rose colored glasses.

No one is telling you to like or accept everything that has happened. Just stop airing out the dirty laundry so that the whole world can be aware of what you perceive to be wrong with the administration. If you really work here, you should know that what you are *****ing about ie: people not earning prominent positions, driving expensive cars etc. probably that won't last; and for that matter, you will go through 5 or 6 sheriffs during your career. All are going to do things some won't like. What I'm trying to say is that the agency as a whole is suffering from these public forums. This is a political organization live with it. Every time you bash the sheriff you bash yourselves, your friend who are co-workers and this office. The public is laughing at us and it does not feel good.

Its easy to say if you donit like it, leave. Why should we? your are right, the public is laughing at US, just like the sheriff's love to say we represent them, they also represent US. When they do questionable things, we all get painted with the same brush. I don't know about you, but i havent taken any $190,000 cruises lately or hired some flunky to do nothing, hired 1000 flunkies that do nothing or hang out with a convicted felon. But guess what? When Jenne was here they all thought i was lying on crime stats, when Lamberti was here they thought i was going to the Super Bowl and now that Israel is here they all think i am just some idiot friend of his.

I am not leaving. I don't have too. When people sit by and watch bad things happen, its their fault they happen. See the Germans in the 1940's.

It is up to us, the decent hard working men and women of BSO to overcome this and soldier on. And we don't do that by being good Nazi's and never questioning authority.[/quote:2tqxp23c]

Then I'm sure you realize that this is a political agency. Why are you so upset that the politician has not yet made good on some promises? Politics by nature is dirty. If you were one of those to get a nice "do nothing" position, or transferred to a unit you desired, you would be singing a different tune. Admit it, the sheriff would be the greatest guy in the world...right? Correct, the media is really doing on job on the sheriff, just like they did to his predecessor; but that will all work its way out eventually. People are not sitting by ((Germans, that's funny)). It's not just repeating what has already been reported in the news (as you say), it's a lot of the personal "in house" occurrences that people are reading on this forum. Like I said it's dragging this fine agency down. Just look at all the posts this agency gets compared to the others. It's because it's employees are passionate in what they believe in. OK, not everything is working out just fine, but most cops around here would love to be w/BSO. Don't contribute to the negativity. We all know the solution... appoint, not elect the people running this agency. But until that happens, spare your self and your co-workers the embarrassment. God knows we are our own worst enemy sometimes. You must remember, politicians put their names out there and expose themselves and their family to a very harsh media. Let's see you do that. It's been 8 months. Give the guy more time and things will get better in my opinion.

09-01-2013, 07:37 PM
Our tearful leader is so mad that moral isn't as he claims, that he gave a directive to at the Chiefs meeting to tell everyone to stop talking bad about him and how things are not so happy, happy,happy. If anyone violates this directive, he will get real mad and go in a corner and cry like a spoiled kid who does not get his own way! Rule by fear and intimidation. Is gone, I think not!

True. I was there. What an embarrassment!

09-01-2013, 09:10 PM
Our tearful leader is so mad that moral isn't as he claims, that he gave a directive to at the Chiefs meeting to tell everyone to stop talking bad about him and how things are not so happy, happy,happy. If anyone violates this directive, he will get real mad and go in a corner and cry like a spoiled kid who does not get his own way! Rule by fear and intimidation. Is gone, I think not!

True. I was there. What an embarrassment!

Perhaps you should run for sheriff. I bet you could do better. (that was a joke; of course you couldn't). You sir are a coward and have no respect for the agency. No one said you had to respect the sheriff or every directive, but you are just hurting yourself when you go out wearing that wonderful uniform (if you are a deputy.....that's scarey in itself). You even show no respect for your buddy's who are out there handling calls. Just stop being a child and promote a better image for the office. The current sheriff will not be here forever and you will probably out last him. Get a life.