08-28-2013, 11:02 AM
If there's one thing I've learned about blogs, forums, threads, etc is that the more you respond, the more the topic get's thrown back to the top of the page and as such, the exposure the trolls desire and their "half fiction/part myth with a dash of psychosis" based argument sets the trap!

All the SI supporter's...STOP PETTING THE TROLLS!! Why respond? Why waste your time on this forum? It is not necessary to defend SI. HIs actions speak louder than words and that alone is enough to give reason why you don't need to defend him. SI doesn't give a crap about this forum. His only concern is to lead BSO!

Both supports and detractors of SI don't sway things one way or the other based on the dribble that comes from LEO AFFAIRS!

Ricardo...you have done your job. Let it go bro! It is not necessary for you to be her anymore. You have done your job. Time to move on...your legacy isn't going to be spending relentless hours defending SI on LEO AFFAIRS, is it? The same 28 + Al and a few other turncoats can spend all the time they want here....the BSO forum has turned to a big pile of smelly dung!

08-28-2013, 11:54 AM
It's not just Al's 28 and a few turncoats. There are a lot of us, maybe most of us, who are disgusted with Israel's lying and broken promises. He can't justify all the political hacks that he has hired and all the FLPD people he has brought over to tell us how to do police work.

Get your head out of the sand, or out of your a$$, Max!

08-28-2013, 04:16 PM
We will keep responding to the trolls, everyone writing negative stuff about all the good that SI is doing.

We won't allow them open road to play perception as reality. Even if they are more in numbers, we will still come here to say the truth.