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View Full Version : Race at BPD

08-27-2013, 11:41 AM
Commissioner Davis is spot on! I'm tired of these minority groups pushing a sensitive issue when it suites their needs and at least Davis appears to be sticking to his guns (although he did budge a little). Don't get me wrong, I have no issue with minorities being promoted or working for them...even if they have on less time than me...as long as it is done fairly. But how can anyone complain against an impartial test that does not take one's minority status into the equation? You either want the promotional process to be fair or not, let's call it like it is!

09-02-2013, 10:09 PM
Davis is not spot on and you can't show me one working cop that wants that man to stay as commissioner. As far as this situation goes, I'll cut and paste it so I don't have to go through it again because I'm lazy like that.

19 or 21 officers were tied with the same score (depending upon whom you ask). 9 were racial minorities. That's about 1/2 but only whites were promoted from the white half with the same scores as the minorities for the 5 new sergeants. Only after "outcry" because of minorities and women getting passed over, time and time again did they add 2 men with the same score as the whites who are black on a separate but unequal personnel order the very next day, which makes them lower for seniority. Yes, an officer's race does matter. If you're a white cop with the Boston Police, you can be promoted but if you're not then you don't stand a snowball's chance in Boston.

For art imitating life, I leave you quotes from Leo Dicaprio, as Costigan: "Look at it this way: You're a black guy in Boston. You don't need any help from me to be completely f****d" and Marky Mark Wahlberg as Dignam: "Yeah, a lot of people just wanna slam a n******'s head through a plate-glass window" because that boys and girls is how it works on the job in Boston and I am neither a minority nor a woman but I can be honest enough to say those that are and become cops in Boston get screwed because race does matter here and so does gender or anything else they can find to discriminate for. All the children from The Boston Busing Crisis have grown up and it's payback time.