View Full Version : BSO needs an Appointed Director-Sheriff

08-23-2013, 05:12 PM
Its time to admit..the past 4 elected sheriff's have been average to criminal to abysmal. like Dade County figured out in the 1970s police work cannot be lead by politics. political paybacks favors , deputies and sergeants jumping up the rank structure to captains overnight...as well as outside people coming in becoming a specialty unit members overnight, captains overnight ,colonels overnight while major police departments those positions are earned by years of service... quite simply we cannot continue to run as a Mayberry sheriff's department anymore the County Commission has it right when they started talking about an appointed sheriff this week

08-23-2013, 05:26 PM
Since the fake Tubbs can't speak in his own voice, I'll help him with his message. My little brother Al Lamberti likes all of the controversy this site creates but, can't understand any of the talk about an appointed Sheriff. After all of the crap he did, no one wanted that, now that baby brother is a political nobody, people are screaming bloody murder. Scott Israel is a tremendously better Sheriff than little Al ever was. Sorry but, even the Lamberti family won't support little Al. Keep it up Scott, grandma, mom, dad and me are behind you. Dumb azz

08-23-2013, 05:48 PM
Lamberti was a poor political sheriff too...using his deputies as election tools...Rothstein...et al. We need an appointed leader...that won't owe anyone any favors..no Super Bowl tickets..no cheap land in Plantation. .no Yacht cruises...get it?

08-23-2013, 06:10 PM
Well that would be interesting. Just wonder who would make the appointment!

Lets see, hmmm, the commissioners ? They are all clowns that create this atmosphere.

Nice idea but it will Never happen.

08-23-2013, 06:56 PM
The director of LE position would be granted for life... therefor no political pressure.

BSO would be much smaller and back to reasonable numbers. BSO LE would be Sheriff. Corrections and fire would be split up... 3 dif agencies.

08-23-2013, 08:05 PM
The director of LE position would be granted for life... therefor no political pressure.

BSO would be much smaller and back to reasonable numbers. BSO LE would be Sheriff. Corrections and fire would be split up... 3 dif agencies.

Director for life.....not good. What if he's not what was expected. Appointed for a specific term. Maybe incremental 2 years renew for 4 etc. nobody should be forever.

08-23-2013, 08:19 PM
1. National Search in compliance with education and experience criteria.
2. Thorough background check including past business ties.
3, protection for current employees with union contracts AND VESTED administrators through the rank of Major
4. Current Administrators subject to a review after one year with 6 month interim review for the sake of fairness.
5. Limit high ranking staff he initially brings on board to 3.
6. 3 month transition to set policy before assuming office.
7. Oversight board that would review first years performance of the selected individual.

Feel free to add or question any of the above. Thanks

08-23-2013, 08:23 PM
Don't think you'll ever see an appointed leader in Broward. The Sheriff is an elected position as required by the State Constitution. In order to change that, the sheriff's office would need to be abolished and a County Police force created with the responsibility to perform the services previously done by the Sheriff. The only reason Miami-Dade County was able to do that is because it is a HOME RULE county as designated by legislation. I don't believe Broward has that designation. The only other county that is Home Rule is Duval.

08-23-2013, 08:25 PM
Don't think you'll ever see an appointed leader in Broward. The Sheriff is an elected position as required by the State Constitution. In order to change that, the sheriff's office would need to be abolished and a County Police force created with the responsibility to perform the services previously done by the Sheriff. The only reason Miami-Dade County was able to do that is because it is a HOME RULE county as designated by legislation. I don't believe Broward has that designation. The only other county that is Home Rule is Duval.

It can be done.. and The County Commision is looking at it hard...

08-23-2013, 09:04 PM
You are all missing the point here. If we have an appointed Sheriff, there will be more politics and even more control by the County Commission than ever before. Wouldn't you rather have your leader chosen by the people, based on their qualifications? Of course, you say!,So how do we do that, you ask? Well, If you want to have a real leader, we must have a NON-PARTISAN Elected Sheriff, like 7 other counties in FL. By being a non-partisan race, it forces you to focus on the candidate's qualifications, experience, and ability to lead, not just a D or R after their name. No political party games, no commissioners hand picking OUR leader, but THE PEOPLE CHOOSING he or she who is MOST QUALIFIED TO LEAD! A novel concept, isn't it?! Well, as a D/S here for more than 20 years, I do hope it happens before I finish my DROP, and I even know who is gonna run and hopefully win in 2016! And it ain't Scott Israel or Al Lamberti. If you really want to set this agency straight, depoliticize the office of Sheriff and get a local LEADER, with LE and private sector biz experience who knows how to run a business. Not a lawyer, politician, or lifer cop. Our Dept. is a huge "public" business and Israel just proved he's in over his head and has no experience with budgets over his $20 weekly allowance from Susan. C'mon 2016, You can't get here soon enough! #embarrassing

08-23-2013, 09:35 PM
It can be done.. and The County Commision is looking at it hard...

Not so easy. It has to be placed on the ballot as a charter question, which takes a super majority, then the voters need to approve it. WILL NOT EVER HAPPEN. Israel will campaign against it. Lamberti will campaign against it. And the voters will also never vote to take away an elected sheriff they pick and let the crooked (how many of them have gone to prison) politicians on the county commission hand-select some bureaucrat to run BSO with a mission of cutting costs/jobs/salaries. Only an idiot LEO would think this is a good thing. Thus, I must presume those who are cheering this on here are civilian outsiders.

08-24-2013, 01:00 AM
You are all missing the point here. If we have an appointed Sheriff, there will be more politics and even more control by the County Commission than ever before. Wouldn't you rather have your leader chosen by the people, based on their qualifications? Of course, you say!,So how do we do that, you ask? Well, If you want to have a real leader, we must have a NON-PARTISAN Elected Sheriff, like 7 other counties in FL. By being a non-partisan race, it forces you to focus on the candidate's qualifications, experience, and ability to lead, not just a D or R after their name. No political party games, no commissioners hand picking OUR leader, but THE PEOPLE CHOOSING he or she who is MOST QUALIFIED TO LEAD! A novel concept, isn't it?! Well, as a D/S here for more than 20 years, I do hope it happens before I finish my DROP, and I even know who is gonna run and hopefully win in 2016! And it ain't Scott Israel or Al Lamberti. If you really want to set this agency straight, depoliticize the office of Sheriff and get a local LEADER, with LE and private sector biz experience who knows how to run a business. Not a lawyer, politician, or lifer cop. Our Dept. is a huge "public" business and Israel just proved he's in over his head and has no experience with budgets over his $20 weekly allowance from Susan. C'mon 2016, You can't get here soon enough! #embarrassing

Unfortunately, making the office of sheriff non-partisan does not result in any material benefits. Although candidates are "non-partisan", everyone is fully aware of their "former" political party affiliations as well as their actual political leanings and alliances. Being a non-partisan race does nothing towards depoliticizing the office; the election is as political as ever (except the party backers stay behind the scenes in their clandestine support of the "non-partisan" candidate), and the candidates and resulting elected sheriffs are just as political as ever, and their agencies are just as political as ever. The candidates certainly prefer the benefit that they enjoy in not facing the same kind of primary issues.

With or without the D or R labels, the candidates are the same, their qualifications or lack thereof are the same, and the results are the same. It does sound good however when they claim to be "non-political" because the job has been made "non-partisan". Just smoke and mirrors unfortunately.

Likewise, the idea of an "appointed sheriff" sounds appealing, until you remember that the selection and appointment of that sheriff will be made by a group of the most political (and sometimes unqualified) people in the county; the Board of County Commissioners. The use of "screening committees" or hired consultants, etc. does not make the process any more legitimate, since they are controlled by the commission which hired them. The commission of course would just love to have absolute control over the Sheriff's Office, the biggest recipient of the tax dollars which they control!

Work for one politician or work for a group of politicians (who have absolutely no motivation to keep you well-paid or happy). Would the Sheriff's Office actually be less political; would it "feel" less political; would employees be happier; would the agency operate more effectively? Several questions the answers to which require a great deal of speculation.

Sheriff's Offices really would benefit from being depoliticized. How does that actually get accomplished?

Often, you need to be careful what you wish for. That "greener grass" might turn out to be green slime.

08-24-2013, 02:34 AM
Lifetime appointment (like Dade county) keeps politics out of the police department.

The police chief (sheriff) no longer has to bow to political pressure. It truly becomes like it or leave it. You're not going to have political factions plotting an overthrow of the department. Brings stability to the agency not a new command structure every 8 years...

08-24-2013, 01:09 PM
we need only 1 agency conducting law enforcement in this county. lets get everyone on the same page already.

08-24-2013, 02:15 PM
we need only 1 agency conducting law enforcement in this county. lets get everyone on the same page already.

Amen Brother it's about time.......

08-24-2013, 03:15 PM
we need only 1 agency conducting law enforcement in this county. lets get everyone on the same page already.

Amen Brother it's about time.......

Does that mean that we will all get the special forces vests???? Huh?? Huh????

08-24-2013, 03:46 PM
we need only 1 agency conducting law enforcement in this county. lets get everyone on the same page already.

Good luck with that. Deerfield Beach commission just started the process to go back to their own PD and Fire.

08-24-2013, 03:58 PM
we need only 1 agency conducting law enforcement in this county. lets get everyone on the same page already.

Good luck with that. Deerfield Beach commission just started the process to go back to their own PD and Fire.

Really? Again? For the 10th time?

08-24-2013, 06:55 PM
It can be done.. and The County Commision is looking at it hard...

Not so easy. It has to be placed on the ballot as a charter question, which takes a super majority, then the voters need to approve it. WILL NOT EVER HAPPEN. Israel will campaign against it. Lamberti will campaign against it. And the voters will also never vote to take away an elected sheriff they pick and let the crooked (how many of them have gone to prison) politicians on the county commission hand-select some bureaucrat to run BSO with a mission of cutting costs/jobs/salaries. Only an idiot LEO would think this is a good thing. Thus, I must presume those who are cheering this on here are civilian outsiders.

look at the dedication plaque at the p/s/b/ and you will see 2 convicted criminal
county commissioner names on it, do we , the people or the cops for that matter
need these self serving dopes to run police and kjail services ?

08-24-2013, 07:51 PM
It can be done.. and The County Commision is looking at it hard...

Not so easy. It has to be placed on the ballot as a charter question, which takes a super majority, then the voters need to approve it. WILL NOT EVER HAPPEN. Israel will campaign against it. Lamberti will campaign against it. And the voters will also never vote to take away an elected sheriff they pick and let the crooked (how many of them have gone to prison) politicians on the county commission hand-select some bureaucrat to run BSO with a mission of cutting costs/jobs/salaries. Only an idiot LEO would think this is a good thing. Thus, I must presume those who are cheering this on here are civilian outsiders.

look at the dedication plaque at the p/s/b/ and you will see 2 convicted criminal
county commissioner names on it, do we , the people or the cops for that matter
need these self serving dopes to run police and kjail services ?

All of this disgruntled jibberish, is coming from these humanoids we know as LAMERS!!!! Bunch of low rent, ham & eggers!

08-24-2013, 09:01 PM
there are crooked city and county commissioners/small time political nuts all over this tri county area; stupid. Why do you think the FBI recently opened their office in WPB. As they surface, they will be punished. Does law enforcement need to suffer 'cause of those crooks? I think not.