View Full Version : Hold Escambia County Sheriff's Office accountable

08-21-2013, 11:49 PM
Escambia County Sheriff's Office should hang their head in shame.


How sad a person can't even go out on their own property into their own car in the middle of the night to get something without some scared deputy shooting you.

The courts must start holding officers accountable when they are wrong. There can be no more hiding behind the badge and hiding behind the court system.

If you are that scared you need to find a new line of work and your sheriff needs to be removed from office. :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

08-22-2013, 12:05 AM
My money says given the same set of circumstances you would ship your pants :wink:

Since it is obvious you werent there and you werent faced with making a split-second decision as to if your life was in danger, maybe you should crawl back under the rock in which you slithered. Its easy to Monday Morning Quarterback this shooting. Who hasnt made a bad judgement call. However, I thinks its pretty clear the suspect/victim didnt respond properly as he thought "it was a neighbor playing a joke on him", and those were his words not mine.

This guy is still playing the poor race card seeking sympathy for a bigger judgement.

08-22-2013, 01:58 AM
My money says given the same set of circumstances you would ship your pants :wink:

Since it is obvious you werent there and you werent faced with making a split-second decision as to if your life was in danger, maybe you should crawl back under the rock in which you slithered. Its easy to Monday Morning Quarterback this shooting. Who hasnt made a bad judgement call. However, I thinks its pretty clear the suspect/victim didnt respond properly as he thought "it was a neighbor playing a joke on him", and those were his words not mine.

This guy is still playing the poor race card seeking sympathy for a bigger judgement.

Seems there are an awful lot of bad judgment calls by police officers these days and unarmed innocent people are the victims of that bad judgment.

An old man in his own driveway going through his own car ends up getting shot by some bone headed scared police officer. The public is tired of the police excuse that they made a move that made me fear for my life, i.e. I was scared and over reacted.

By the way junior I put in over 25 years as a LEO and never had to shoot anyone. Learn how to communicate with people instead of trying to be a cowboy all the time.

08-22-2013, 02:03 AM
I believe the officers did what they had to do in that situation. But I do agree with you. We need a new sheriff.

08-22-2013, 05:06 AM
So Mr I put in 25years and never shot anyone. In those 25yrs how many shootings did you work? How many of your fellow deputies were shot? How many times were you shot at? Well I can tell you in the last 5yrs 6 of my fellow deputies have been shot. I''ve been to over 150 shootings and been shot at twice. So everyone needs to walk in our shoes before they judge. And shame on you for turning on your brother's and sisters before knowing all the facts.

08-22-2013, 12:01 PM
Let me see, burglary call, 2am, find person rummaging around in car, right where complaintant said, doesn't comply with instructions, he has something in his hand, shots fired, semi bad neighborhood, sheriff runs uneducated mouth, media has orgasm, goes national, civil rights groups join in, interesting.

All that being said not one sane person has pointed out in the media that wtf! Why is neighbor up at 2am, poor victim rummaging for a cigarette at 2am, what was his state, drunk, high, stupid, how about his background, criminal record, knowledge on how to act when deputy barks orders at 2am? The media slant is so one sided its pitiful but why doesn't some Leo speak up? I should know better than ask that, the sheriff is a total non-law enforcement knowledgeable person it's sickening. Good luck guys, the moron in charge will only make things worse because he and his inner circle are unable to speak intelligently about what happened. Oh, and for the original poster, the old saying is: best to believed to be stupid before opening your mouth and proving it.

08-22-2013, 04:12 PM
Morgan will soon be on CNN decked out in his Muammar Gadaffi uniform explaining how he is single handedly lowered the 2012 county crime rate with the help of his butt kissing/slithering chief Haines.

08-22-2013, 04:14 PM
Morgan will soon be on CNN decked out in his Muammar Gadaffi uniform explaining how he single handedly lowered the 2012 county crime rate with the help of his butt kissing/slithering chief Haines.

08-23-2013, 02:12 PM
Seems like we are saying deputies can't ever get it wrong. How is sheriff responsible for this?

08-27-2013, 08:24 PM
The best part about this whole thing is: The ACLU came in and looked into the racial implications of this situation. They were only in Escambia County for one day. Their ruling was that it was not racially motivated and they left. Sit on that and smoke your peace pipe some more. :mrgreen:

08-29-2013, 02:47 AM
The good thing about it whether its true or not the members of the black community think its true and they will remember this next election time

08-31-2013, 07:58 AM
That's alright. Black people don't vote. So, I don't think the 12 that do will have much impact.

08-31-2013, 03:23 PM
We don't have to "be there" to know this was a bad shoot.

The facts are: unarmed citizen on/in his own property, no criminal background, no crime committed by victim citizen, 2 Deputies try their best to KILL unarmed citizen firing approx. 17 times and manage to only hit him in the leg 1X, Deputies try and justify bad shoot with "he lunged at us and didn't follow our commands".

Instead of trying to defend a bad shoot, maybe some of ya'll need to admit these 2 morons and the idiots shooting dogs after breaking into a home the following week, have brought National attention to ECSO and made everyone look like a bunch of redneck out of control thugs, terrorizing the county and shooting anyone and anything that "didn't follow our commands"

Walk in your shoes? Your shoes must be on too tight and stopping the blood flow to your brain if you think these shoots were justified.

08-31-2013, 03:42 PM
That's alright. Black people don't vote. So, I don't think the 12 that do will have much impact.

Spoken like a true Jay resident. Listen genius , how do you think Obama got elected twice?

09-01-2013, 06:34 AM
That's alright. Black people don't vote. So, I don't think the 12 that do will have much impact.

Spoken like a true Jay resident. Listen genius , how do you think Obama got elected twice?

White people, Hispanic people, Oriental people and Black people voted for him. You have some different theory?

09-04-2013, 02:17 AM
Question is will they vote for Morgan again

09-06-2013, 12:16 AM
In a new York minute-what are the alternatives?

10-14-2013, 02:23 PM
evidently some of you officers need to be tested on the u.s. and florida constitutions. people have rights. even criminals, whether you like it or not. policework is not warfare and too many leos see the job as that. seriously, now I have to worry about what time I go out in my yard or to my car? when I make a mistake 17 shots aren't fired and no one gets killed. I understand that there are some bad ppl out here that want to hurt leos, and I know that force is sometimes the only way to deal with situations, but seriously, shooting people in their own car, in their own yard at 2a.m. in the morning, no matter what is wrong. how would you guys react to something like that happening to you?? You would have shot. However while you walk around with your guns, most of us have none, and your thuggish tactics make you seem like stormtroopers. cmon, Escambia county isn't Iraq. do you really need automatic weapons, tasers, pistols, apcs and such?????? get real, we have rights too. we pay your salaries and we want it to stop. stop making excuses, you screwed up.

10-14-2013, 06:30 PM
If you think it's bad now wait until you learn about Morgan's latest operation coming to a neighborhood near you. Your wallets will never be the same.

10-14-2013, 07:02 PM
what operation?

10-14-2013, 08:34 PM
evidently some of you officers need to be tested on the u.s. and florida constitutions. people have rights. even criminals, whether you like it or not. policework is not warfare and too many leos see the job as that. seriously, now I have to worry about what time I go out in my yard or to my car? when I make a mistake 17 shots aren't fired and no one gets killed. I understand that there are some bad ppl out here that want to hurt leos, and I know that force is sometimes the only way to deal with situations, but seriously, shooting people in their own car, in their own yard at 2a.m. in the morning, no matter what is wrong. how would you guys react to something like that happening to you?? You would have shot. However while you walk around with your guns, most of us have none, and your thuggish tactics make you seem like stormtroopers. cmon, Escambia county isn't Iraq. do you really need automatic weapons, tasers, pistols, apcs and such?????? get real, we have rights too. we pay your salaries and we want it to stop. stop making excuses, you screwed up.

If homeboy had followed the simple instructions given him I doubt there had been any reason to fire any shots. By this victims own statement, he thought it was just a neighbor playing a joke on him. This victim failed to follow simple instructions and then had an unknown object in his hands.

Put yourself in the deputies shoes....alleged burglar, poor lighting, suspect failed to follow instructions to get out the car and show his hands and then got out with his back to deputies and when he spun around he was holding something in his hands. Were a lot of shots fired? Absolutely. But in a time of crisis, tunnel visions sets in, you look for some type of cover that might stop a bullet being fired at you, sometimes you dispense suppression fire to slow down a threat. The backdrop appeared to be a safe one of a house and vehicle. No one else was injured so I would presume the deputies did the best they could under the circumstances. I for one, would rather be tried by 12 than be carried by 6.

Your tax dollars is such a small amount of money that goes to the operations of local government. You really DONT pay anyone's salary. You may have actually paid for the county to dump some asphalt in a pothole, but you aren't anywhere's close to paying anybody's salary. And if you what to insist tax dollars pay employees their salary, well deputies are tax payers as well and they also contribute.

The less-lethal weapons a deputy carries are there to provide options. Unlike you, the deputy doesnt always get the opportunity to retreat when the crap hits the fan. They have an obligation to fight to the bitter end. Deputies are human. They are hired out of the same work force that some other employer hired you from. If you think you can do better, George Stone regularly offers a law enforcement academy. Feel free to sign up, pay your tuition, get certified and apply for a job. Then, you will have an understanding of the "who, what, when, hows, why's " and so forth....

10-15-2013, 12:20 PM
You are not a tax payer. Your salaries come from taxpayer dollars, and it seems that leos nowadays don't remember that the people they are supposed to serve are the taxpayers. its an attitude of thuggishness, and by the way, I have been in many of the situations you describe, and if I would have fired first and asked questions later I would be in prison, not still on the job. Some of you guys act as if there is a double standard and that WE are the enemy. I really think you should rethink your argument about tax dollars because the federal government gives block grants to the Law Enforcement Community, and these block grants are provided by, guess what????, tax dollars. So if what you are saying is true, then if I walk into MY yard at 2am and see someone in my yard, then they break down my door, enter my house with weapons drawn and grenades then you are telling me that I should fire back????? And I'd still be alive? B.S.! You guys would fire till ya didn't have any bullets left, and if I lived I'd be in prison for the rest of my life. I know that you guys do a sometimes dangerous job, but everyone is not a threat, and everyone is not a potential criminal. So why do ya'll look and act towards us like we are?????? And I was gonna go to George stone to be a cop at one point, but then I saw how militarized the local police departments had begun to get and felt it was not the proper thing for me to do. We had a local cop here in Molino years ago, his name was Frank. He was a real stand up guy. If you were screwing up, he'd bust you. He was a great ambassador for the ecso, but he was transferred because he was "getting too friendly with the locals" Isn't that part of the job you have???? Aren't you supposed to protect and serve the public???? Then why does it seem like you guys are serving the government and screw the rest of us. I have had cops plant things in vehicles, shoot for no reason, and stop me for trumped up reasons on the side of the road in order to interrogate and search me. I know my constitutional rights, and supposedly law enforcement officers are supposed to know them too. If that is so, then why don't you follow it, you took an oath to uphold it. I never did, but still do. I mean seriously, LEOs are citing a law on this site,that no reasonable person in this state knows, in order to legally be able to stop a person and cite, search, and detain them. All for walking down the wrong side of the road??????? Cmon, people go out and get the thugs shooting up the hood, and slinging dope on the sidewalk, and quit messing with generally good, generally honest citizens of this county who just wanna be left alone. Times are hard enough right now.

10-15-2013, 12:45 PM
and by the way if taxpayers don't pay your salary, then who does?????

10-16-2013, 09:16 PM
The money citizens pay in taxes fund a variety of operations from road maintenance, to landfill operations, to providing animal control, to fire fighting, purchasing of equipment and yes funding law enforcement. These funds are used to cover the salary I earn. But to say YOU pay my salary, let me assure you YOU dont. You paid your taxes to the Board of County Commissioners for the benefit of operating local government. My salary is paid by David Morgan out of money budgeted for Sheriffs Office operations.

Using your logic, since I am a property owner and pay a decent amount of property taxes each year (all of which fund local County Government), I should be able to decide when I get a raise and how of a raise it will be. I should be just like you a belly-ache over how others within government should do their job. The fact is, I only contribute to the funds that are used to pay for operations, which happens to include the salary of employees. This doesnt give me the right to tell every County employee how they are to perform their job duties.

This isnt the 1950's where a tough night for the police was responding to Ernest T Bass breaking a street lamp. Times have changed and so has law enforcement. Society today is not a kinder, gentler society. Far to many people arent worried about tomorrow, they only want to get revenge today. They often fail to heed to the directions given by law enforcement.

Law enforcement doesnt have the luxury to retreat and say "oh well" and go about their day. They have a duty to respond. Often times that responce may be appalling to those who dont understand the need for an officer to be in control of a situation. Every time an officer arrives at an incident the incident becomes "armed" incident. I dont want to be the officer who loses control to a "generally good, generally honest" citizen subsequently becomes a "bad, dishonest" person and attempts to disarm me or god forbid does disarm me. Life would be great if every time police made contact that all of involved parties were polite, well spoken, non-yelling, honest and happy that law enforcement was present. But that only happens in a fairy tale.

You wrote:

I know my constitutional rights, and supposedly law enforcement officers are supposed to know them too. If that is so, then why don't you follow it, you took an oath to uphold it. I never did, but still do. I mean seriously, LEOs are citing a law on this site,that no reasonable person in this state knows, in order to legally be able to stop a person and cite, search, and detain them. All for walking down the wrong side of the road??????? Cmon, people go out and get the thugs shooting up the hood, and slinging dope on the sidewalk, and quit messing with generally good, generally honest citizens of this county who just wanna be left alone. Times are hard enough right now.

Based on the above, law enforcement should only "get the thugs shooting up the hood and slinging dope on the sidewalk"? I would think that all crime, no matter how small should be dealt with regardless of who the law breaker may be. I'm not saying every person should be ticketed or arrested. But that doesnt mean that a conversation resulting in a verbal warning isnt warranted.

You use the term "generally good, generally honest citizens". While the over-whelming majority of those in the community are "generally good, generally honest" folks, you would be surprised at how quickly these people can become "bad and/or dishonest" when in contact with law enforcement. Every person who gets ticketed or arrested always feel they were picked on by the police and the police should be out arresting some other type of law violator. Even the dope slingers will complain "why arrest me, I havent killed anyone", but I digress.

There are numerous reason for making citizens contacts. Some of these contacts will result in enforcement action being taken. In my lifetime I have never had a reason to fear the police or felt that a ticket issued to me wasnt justified. I can assure you that I earned every ticket I was given.

No matter what happens at an incident somebody is going to be unhappy with the police. Either you arrested someone who doesnt think they should be arrested. Or, you didnt arrest somebody that someone else thought should have been arrested. Or these citizens thought since I am supposed to "serve and protect" that I should be greatfull for the cussing (or worse) that they laid upon me. At the end of the shift, the most important thing that matters is that "I am going home safe and sound" and my family didnt have to visit me in the Emergency Room as the result of a request for service where a "generally good, generally honest" citizen became "bad and dishonest".

Quit blaming the police for the issues and thinking you have the right since you pay taxes to tell them how to do their job. You have the right to elect a Sheriff who sets the policies and procedures on how I do my job. You have the right to elect legislators who enact laws that govern the citizenry that mandate how I do my job. If you are unhappy with how the job is being done, you can chose to elect a new Sheriff and/or new legislators. Lastly, when your name is at the bottom of my paycheck I will be sure to do the job as you instruct it to be carried out.