View Full Version : dolphin detail

08-17-2013, 03:17 AM
anyone notice that all the deputies who have worked the dolphins detail for years were removed to make room for an all black deputy detail organized by our wonderful col al. its is so obvious now who the minorities are now including his son who just got to bso who is also on the detail.

08-17-2013, 03:20 AM
You mean deputy pollock , who has been on that detail for years. Hey dummy he's been working it since he was Hollywood PD.

08-17-2013, 04:14 AM
hey dummy he has been working the dolphins security as a civilian while with hollywood. He is now working the BSO Detail that 20 year deputies had been working but were removed this week to make way for young corrupt and crooked pol;lock junior

08-17-2013, 06:56 AM
anyone notice that all the deputies who have worked the dolphins detail for years were removed to make room for an all black deputy detail organized by our wonderful col al. its is so obvious now who the minorities are now including his son who just got to bso who is also on the detail.

Who cares they can keep it, its nothing but trouble, ask Kogard.

08-17-2013, 01:19 PM
This is the way it is until a new sheriff comes into power in 2016....keep your heads up and get your paycheck.

08-17-2013, 01:33 PM
Funny I didn't see that detail posted???? Maybe I missed it!!!

08-17-2013, 01:42 PM
Get your facts straight. It has been divided. Caucasians are doing 4 games and African Americans are doing 4 games. It's not that big of a deal. Grab a one hour funeral escort and you're better off.

08-17-2013, 02:11 PM
The above is ridiculous. I certainly hope this another false rumor.

08-17-2013, 02:39 PM
This is not a rumor. The 4 games, 4 games thing is a fact. This came from Al directly.

08-17-2013, 04:29 PM
This new "faction" refers to themselves as the Coalition.

08-17-2013, 04:53 PM
Is this what we have become now?....Caucasian details and African American details?

08-17-2013, 05:01 PM
This a leadership issue at the top. If the Sheriff allows this to start it will never change once it is entrenched . What happened to breaking down stereotypes and promoting an environment where we all work together regardless of ethnicicity. Washington leadership is promoting this division although they SAY just the opposite. Step up Sheriff, this is not what everybody wants.

08-17-2013, 06:53 PM
You wouldn't take of your son if you were in a position to do so? :roll:

08-17-2013, 08:17 PM
Actually two games and taken by Puerto Ricans two games and taken by Mexicans two games are taken by the blacks two games I think about whites and two games taken by the Chinese food network

08-17-2013, 08:22 PM
You wouldn't take of your son if you were in a position to do so? :roll:

No you don't...There is another Colonel with a son here who humps alphas on midnights in the hood., who started in the jail. That's respect there...

08-17-2013, 09:13 PM
who really cares. the dolphins are losers. Always have been. besides Nothing wrong with nepotism in politics. go do your job.

08-17-2013, 09:39 PM
You wouldn't take of your son if you were in a position to do so? :roll:

No you don't...There is another Colonel with a son here who humps alphas on midnights in the hood., who started in the jail. That's respect there...

Thanks Dad. Mom said the couch is warm for ya.... :evil: :snicker:

08-17-2013, 09:55 PM
You wouldn't take of your son if you were in a position to do so? :roll:

No you don't...There is another Colonel with a son here who humps alphas on midnights in the hood., who started in the jail. That's respect there...

Thanks Dad. Mom said the couch is warm for ya.... :evil: :snicker:[/


Wow..epic fail man..

08-17-2013, 11:56 PM
Actually two games and taken by Puerto Ricans two games and taken by Mexicans two games are taken by the blacks two games I think about whites and two games taken by the Chinese food network

Ahahahahahaha! :lol: now that's good

08-18-2013, 04:32 AM
Pollacks meeting with black deputies

08-18-2013, 05:00 AM
I cant believe we are just going to sit back and stand for this. This is all true and the media needs to know that we are dividing details by race. Al has told Ira and Brian W that his black deputies will be handling the detail and games. Ask ira or Brian and they will confirm. If not wait and see who does the escorts...

08-18-2013, 10:49 AM
very simple, last I checked the stadium is in Dade, let Metro have the detail. BSO shouldn't even be in another jurisdiction in a detail capacity.

08-18-2013, 11:21 AM
I cant believe we are just going to sit back and stand for this. This is all true and the media needs to know that we are dividing details by race. Al has told Ira and Brian W that his black deputies will be handling the detail and games. Ask ira or Brian and they will confirm. If not wait and see who does the escorts...

Take some of your own advice....if this pisses you off call or email Brittany Wallman or Bob Norman and drop a dime like I did after the email came out about the accepting gifts!!! Get it out there for the public to see!!

08-18-2013, 12:32 PM
None of this is true. Brian W doesn't do any of the escorts. He does the security on the field with the other guys from BSO and it's a sepatate job I'm told. Ira does escorts for the visiting teams and kisses everyone's ass to keep it. He's the only one besides the mayors son Chris O who didn't get booted.

08-18-2013, 12:50 PM
Who cares? The dolphin's suck anyways. Is this the same Col. who said he had to be notified anytime an nfl criminal was written a traffic ticket? Talk about a conflict of interest.

08-18-2013, 02:34 PM
None of this is true. Brian W doesn't do any of the escorts. He does the security on the field with the other guys from BSO and it's a sepatate job I'm told. Ira does escorts for the visiting teams and kisses everyone's ass to keep it. He's the only one besides the mayors son Chris O who didn't get booted.
It is true and we are discussing escorts, nothing about and field security.

08-18-2013, 02:43 PM
not true. the stadium where the dolphins continually lose, is actually in miami dade county. far from our jurisdiction.

08-18-2013, 03:20 PM
The stadium may be in Banana Republico...but the Dolphins live in Broward...their training facility is in Broward..and the away teams stay in hotels in Broward. ..So yeah that's why BSO does escorts for the team

08-18-2013, 05:43 PM
the stadium is considered Broward county only on sundays.

08-18-2013, 06:16 PM
Because they practice and live in broward, BSO is an insurance policy just like when merlin was arrested for domestic violence and out col drove him home from jail after his brother in law released him out a back door. Our col is dirty and needs to be exposed. He uses the postiion with the dolphins when it is good for him. his son worked many of details outside of the hotel they stayed at with hollywoood pd and never showed for some of them or showed late but collected his pay for the entire time. time is now for exposure.

SI realtive through marriage is Drew Brooks who works for pines and is very close to ireland. Come on guys see the connection. They are all dirty.

08-18-2013, 06:17 PM
Because they practice and live in broward, BSO is an insurance policy just like when merlin was arrested for domestic violence and out col drove him home from jail after his brother in law released him out a back door. Our col is dirty and needs to be exposed. He uses the postiion with the dolphins when it is good for him. his son worked many of details outside of the hotel they stayed at with hollywoood pd and never showed for some of them or showed late but collected his pay for the entire time. time is now for exposure.

SI realtive through marriage is Drew Brooks who works for pines and is very close to ireland. Come on guys see the connection. They are all dirty.

08-18-2013, 07:20 PM
Because they practice and live in broward, BSO is an insurance policy just like when merlin was arrested for domestic violence and out col drove him home from jail after his brother in law released him out a back door. Our col is dirty and needs to be exposed. He uses the postiion with the dolphins when it is good for him. his son worked many of details outside of the hotel they stayed at with hollywoood pd and never showed for some of them or showed late but collected his pay for the entire time. time is now for exposure.

SI realtive through marriage is Drew Brooks who works for pines and is very close to ireland. Come on guys see the connection. They are all dirty.

Do you read this stuff before you submit it? Please do us a favor and run a hot bath open a new razor blade and do the right thing for once in your life.

08-18-2013, 09:12 PM
This soap opera just keeps on going.

08-19-2013, 01:15 AM
This soap opera just keeps on going. perfect analogy! This whole website is just a bunch of jealous crybaby whiners that don't have the balls to say any of this crap to anyone's face! Soap opera!!

08-23-2013, 02:57 AM
Lt Akers advised that the motor unit would be taking over the dolphin detail. When is this going to happen since the first game is this weekend and the detail has already been given out according to ira marrich.

Please advise.

08-23-2013, 03:01 AM
This is not fair that the col is using his power with the dolphins detail. This has to stop. I promise to drive home the next player that is arrested.

08-23-2013, 03:31 AM
This is not fair that the col is using his power with the dolphins detail. This has to stop. I promise to drive home the next player that is arrested.

Shut up you idiot! What do u care?

08-23-2013, 04:34 AM
i care because it affects my details

08-24-2013, 04:25 AM
larry akers promised us the detail and we are not doing it this weekend?????

Please dont go back on your word Col. Pollock

08-24-2013, 06:39 AM
i care because it affects my details
Like there are not enough details in the whole entire county,... Good grace you guys can whine,.... You all behave like a bunch of 9 year old girls.

08-24-2013, 01:42 PM
i care because it affects my details
Like there are not enough details in the whole entire county,... Good grace you guys can whine,.... You all behave like a bunch of 9 year old girls.

Yeah be happy with the scraps..the blood money details that nobody wants, that Dolphins stuff is the Colonels Club back off..

08-24-2013, 07:01 PM
i care because it affects my details
Like there are not enough details in the whole entire county,... Good grace you guys can whine,.... You all behave like a bunch of 9 year old girls.

Yeah be happy with the scraps..the blood money details that nobody wants, that Dolphins stuff is the Colonels Club back off..

So I didn't think a bunch of grown professionals would behave like they were too good for a detail. "opportunity looks like hard work" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNXwKGZHmDc

08-24-2013, 10:25 PM
Yo mammy working the hot dog stand ,so stop complaining. Maybe she get you in for free!

08-24-2013, 11:28 PM
[quote="i care":2onpp14m]i care because it affects my details
Like there are not enough details in the whole entire county,... Good grace you guys can whine,.... You all behave like a bunch of 9 year old girls.

Yeah be happy with the scraps..the blood money details that nobody wants, that Dolphins stuff is the Colonels Club back off..

So I didn't think a bunch of grown professionals would behave like they were too good for a detail. "opportunity looks like hard work" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNXwKGZHmDc[/quote:2onpp14m]

No, you don't get to do that...you don't deflect the Good Ole Boys Club by saying that...we will and we ARE working the blood money details while the Club members cover the 50 yard line...We just want you to know that we see what's going on....Enjoy the game

08-24-2013, 11:34 PM


08-25-2013, 03:22 AM
his was washed up until he ran to scott and ken and begged to be on the team. after all he left once and ken brought him back to be a commander at the courthouse. One day his calling will come and no ONE will give two shitz who al pollock was.

08-25-2013, 03:33 AM
Nothing against Pollock, but who the hell would purchase a picture of him from 1980?

08-25-2013, 01:44 PM
Racial antics have no place in law enforcement. This is an uncalled for distraction and huge embarrassment for this agency. Sheriff I like you but this guy is making you look really bad.

08-25-2013, 04:24 PM
pollock has no interest in doing what is right for the agency. He is looking to get back what was taken from him by the previous administration. He is for himself and his son and always has been. Enough is enough, he needs to be packing. He is a cancer that is going to destroy everyone.

08-25-2013, 04:50 PM
I'm buying it...It will look great over my fireplace!!!

oops typo I meant in my fireplace :evil:

08-27-2013, 10:18 AM
Oh Rodger, stop it already !

08-28-2013, 12:52 AM
Pollock was at the stadium tellig everyone that he IS the sheriff and runs the agency and is trying to get rid of the FLPD guys one at a time. Go home pollock your an azz hole

08-28-2013, 01:18 AM
You couldn't come up with a better ploy to get Pollock out of there? Who did he tell he was Sheriff? Did he remove his "Not the Sheriff" eagles on his collar first? Dude you're going to have to come up with better BS than that, if you want to get him removed. Dumb azz. Hey I'm the President, I run the country. I guess that's not newsworthy either. Hahahahahahaha

08-28-2013, 02:20 AM
Pollock was at the stadium tellig everyone that he IS the sheriff and runs the agency and is trying to get rid of the FLPD guys one at a time. Go home pollock your an azz hole
I don't believe that for 1 second. You whining immature crybaby girls are sickening. BSO should do a psyche test for this crybaby immaturity specifically. Honest to God I have never ever heard such wining and crying and jealous commentary from any other group of people. Kinder garners whine less. Petty little girls just starting false rumors because your not popular enough or you think some girl stole your best friend. That's what you sound like. Grow the F8ck up!

08-28-2013, 02:25 AM
Racial antics have no place in law enforcement. This is an uncalled for distraction and huge embarrassment for this agency. Sheriff I like you but this guy is making you look really bad.
What is uncalled for is a group of guys whining on a public forum over BS. If it was real you would have the stones to email SI yourself and let him know what your concern is. Instead you make up BS and spread your hatred and vitriol on this website. Pollack is a decent person and a good and necessary part of BSO and if you don't understand that than you don't have a clue what is involved in running an organization as large and diverse as BSO. If you have a true concern have the courage and integrity to go to SI yourself and quit spreading gossip on the website like a Perez Hilton.

08-28-2013, 03:24 AM
Pollack is a decent person and a good and necessary part of BSO .

The above part of your statement is correct... Pollack is needed by those who ride his coat tails and lick his boots. Necessary to those you seek advancement in this agency by not what they know but rather who they know. also lastly and most sadly by those in the "Brotherhood"

08-28-2013, 11:28 AM
There is nothing good or necessary about racial discrimination no matter which way it's being done. Decent people don't do that. It's a poison.

08-28-2013, 12:20 PM
If you have evidence of "Racial Discrimination", then you need to forward that info to the FBI. Coming on this site playing "Forum Court", shows you are talking out of your azz. Go away. Dumb azz

08-28-2013, 06:13 PM
If you have evidence of "Racial Discrimination", then you need to forward that info to the FBI. Coming on this site playing "Forum Court", shows you are talking out of your azz. Go away. Dumb azz

The FBI would not be interested.... you're the one who called it "Racial Discrimination" I see it more like favoritism.... So if all of his friends and followers are of the same ethnicity. ... and he happens to favor them and give them special assignments or details, that is his discretion to do that. The only problem is that it underminds good leadership, integrity and good morale and opens the administration to accusations of operating by the good ole boy system under the veil of racism. I am sure if the opposite were true it would have been dealt with swiftly. These are the new rule we live by... like it or not ... fair or unfair.. that is the reality

08-30-2013, 02:50 AM
Another at the stadium with this moron alvin who walks around like a general telling all the miami guys how he is running the agency and that SI has no idea what he is doing. Would not have believed it if i did not hear it for myself. SI he is talking shiz about you and is going to bring you down. Cut out the cancer.

08-30-2013, 05:00 AM
Another at the stadium with this moron alvin who walks around like a general telling all the miami guys how he is running the agency and that SI has no idea what he is doing. Would not have believed it if i did not hear it for myself. SI he is talking shiz about you and is going to bring you down. Cut out the cancer.
[b]I'm calling pants on fire with this one. Your strategy of divide and conquer is a good one for less informed people. All races, genders and backgrounds are needed in any organization this large. The KJ / Lamberti good old boy days are over. I realize some good ol boys still want the white only in power but those days are over. As I watch the news it appears the people negatively connected to SI are not of the as you say "brotherhood" .

08-31-2013, 12:43 AM
Another at the stadium with this moron alvin who walks around like a general telling all the miami guys how he is running the agency and that SI has no idea what he is doing. Would not have believed it if i did not hear it for myself. SI he is talking shiz about you and is going to bring you down. Cut out the cancer.
[b]I'm calling pants on fire with this one. Your strategy of divide and conquer is a good one for less informed people. All races, genders and backgrounds are needed in any organization this large. The KJ / Lamberti good old boy days are over. I realize some good ol boys still want the white only in power but those days are over. As I watch the news it appears the people negatively connected to SI are not of the as you say "brotherhood" .

No......... People only want equality for all. We do not want one form of racism subsituted for another. Racism is racism wether its perpetrated against black or white it is still racism and it has no place here.

08-31-2013, 09:30 AM
Another at the stadium with this moron alvin who walks around like a general telling all the miami guys how he is running the agency and that SI has no idea what he is doing. Would not have believed it if i did not hear it for myself. SI he is talking shiz about you and is going to bring you down. Cut out the cancer.
[b]I'm calling pants on fire with this one. Your strategy of divide and conquer is a good one for less informed people. All races, genders and backgrounds are needed in any organization this large. The KJ / Lamberti good old boy days are over. I realize some good ol boys still want the white only in power but those days are over. As I watch the news it appears the people negatively connected to SI are not of the as you say "brotherhood" .

No......... People only want equality for all. We do not want one form of racism subsituted for another. Racism is racism wether its perpetrated against black or white it is still racism and it has no place here.
Really ? You have no Idea what racism is. When has an administration of black supervisors at BSO controlled bso? Never that's when,.. You get 1 guy that has been there forever, who has risen through the ranks, gone to college, done his time and you don't like it. I got news for you, there are a whole lot less competent white people in command positions at bso that you don't say jack about. Furthermore because of the past problems with BSO and the black community, no one in the black community is going to trust some newly appointed white guy to walk in to their town hall meeting and be straight with them. Policing is not just about shoot em'ups and jailing people. You have to earn the community's trust to lead the community. The white population is going to be the minority soon so you better get used to supervisors of all shades of all colors.

08-31-2013, 04:29 PM
way to go Josh sticking up for dad. Face it dad is a scumbagz

08-31-2013, 08:34 PM
way to go Josh sticking up for dad. Face it dad is a scumbagz
I Got News for you Coward, I've been a cop longer than Josh has been alive. Don't try to widen your hate propaganda. I don't know if it is jealousy or stupidity or just plain racism but it appears to THIS Veteran that you just can't stand to see a person of color in a supervisory position. And the Racist comments toward hard working detention people on the other topics prove that BSO has racists among its ranks. SO keep saying stupid Sh*t so it gets the attention of a Federal agency that will come in here and clean house of all the racist jerks. Keep saying stupid Sh*t so when you try and get a raise the diverse county commission can see that ignorant jerks like you don't deserve a raise. Keep saying stupid things so the mostly democratic citizens of Broward County can shoot down paying more taxes to fund any monies BSO needs to expand. Yep Just keep shooting yourself in the foot. BSO has the most immature back stabbing ignorant self absorbed Law enforcement in the State of Florida. You must work in a district with a lot of rookies because if you worked around anyone with a set and some time on they would take you to the woodshed for saying this ignorant sh*t on a public forum where it only makes ALL of BSO look bad. You are not hurting me because I'm outta here soon enough but you are hurting other deputies who would like to get a raise down the road.

08-31-2013, 09:15 PM
...typical Democrat strategy. ..if your on the losing side of an argument simply call the opposition "racists"....America has had enough of that from Obama and Holder.....

09-01-2013, 06:20 AM
...typical Democrat strategy. ..if your on the losing side of an argument simply call the opposition "racists"....America has had enough of that from Obama and Holder.....
No typical propaganda strategy, call names and insults and hurt other people not involved in your conflict, You throw the rock then hide your hand and call yourself a victim. FYI NOT A DEMOCRAT Nice try of "engineering of consent'" to the masses of uninformed sheep. You can't hit SI so you go for management. The fact is SI got elected he will be here for the next 3+ years. You don't like his decisions send him an email or if your afraid send him an anonymous letter. Stop crying and blaming everyone else for your perceived inadequacies. You know what republicans say? Don't blame others, take some personal responsibility and change starts with the man in the mirror. BTW I can't stand the politics of Holder and Obama but I also can't stand jealous crybabies that think what THEY WANT is somehow pertinent to the function of the entire organization.

09-01-2013, 08:41 AM
...typical Democrat strategy. ..if your on the losing side of an argument simply call the opposition "racists"....America has had enough of that from Obama and Holder.....
No typical propaganda strategy, call names and insults and hurt other people not involved in your conflict, You throw the rock then hide your hand and call yourself a victim. FYI NOT A DEMOCRAT Nice try of "engineering of consent'" to the masses of uninformed sheep. You can't hit SI so you go for management. The fact is SI got elected he will be here for the next 3+ years. You don't like his decisions send him an email or if your afraid send him an anonymous letter. Stop crying and blaming everyone else for your perceived inadequacies. You know what republicans say? Don't blame others, take some personal responsibility and change starts with the man in the mirror. BTW I can't stand the politics of Holder and Obama but I also can't stand jealous crybabies that think what THEY WANT is somehow pertinent to the function of the entire organization.

Thanks Ron for your thoughts... may want to lay off the sauce a bit when you post and when you advise your boss.... otherwise he may not make those 3+ years.

09-02-2013, 04:11 PM
Time to get rid of george "alvin: jefferson who thinks just because he moved up he is go. Let me tell you something you POS, you nd Kallman are trash and hated by all other that your family that is spread over BSO. Pack and go to the trainng camp where stu does not know any better. Isnt it time for merlin to see his probation officer, he is wating to get a rde.

09-02-2013, 07:21 PM
No that would be Swanson, cleaning up a crime scene for Edwards. Dumb azz

09-06-2013, 03:03 AM
hey alvin, if your douche bag son is going to get paid for sitting at the dolphin hotel dont you think he should show up on time rather than taking the pay without saying anything.

09-06-2013, 04:24 AM
hey alvin, if your douche bag son is going to get paid for sitting at the dolphin hotel dont you think he should show up on time rather than taking the pay without saying anything.

Another ball less sissy! 10-65 you jealous stone throwing wuss!

09-06-2013, 05:11 AM
[quote="lvin the chipmunk":11hhku5w]hey alvin, if your douche bag son is going to get paid for sitting at the dolphin hotel dont you think he should show up on time rather than taking the pay without saying anything.

Another ball less sissy! 10-65 you jealous stone throwing wuss![/quote:11hhku5w]

This is going to be a long 4 years...

09-06-2013, 08:30 AM
You're right dummy, 4 years is a long time. Everyone salute Captain Obvious.

09-06-2013, 08:52 AM
hey alvin, if your douche bag son is going to get paid for sitting at the dolphin hotel dont you think he should show up on time rather than taking the pay without saying anything.
wow, there you go, throwing the stone and hiding your hand like a little girl. shameful. DO you realize you got bigger issues ahead of you and this organization or are you just such a hateful stalker you got to go after a perceived "lateness" issue. geeze No wonder PPines writes your family tickets, they don't respect you. Why don't you pull up your big girl panties, handle your business, take care of your family and live YOUR life and quit being a little gossip girl.

09-06-2013, 08:58 AM
...typical Democrat strategy. ..if your on the losing side of an argument simply call the opposition "racists"....America has had enough of that from Obama and Holder.....
No typical propaganda strategy, call names and insults and hurt other people not involved in your conflict, You throw the rock then hide your hand and call yourself a victim. FYI NOT A DEMOCRAT Nice try of "engineering of consent'" to the masses of uninformed sheep. You can't hit SI so you go for management. The fact is SI got elected he will be here for the next 3+ years. You don't like his decisions send him an email or if your afraid send him an anonymous letter. Stop crying and blaming everyone else for your perceived inadequacies. You know what republicans say? Don't blame others, take some personal responsibility and change starts with the man in the mirror. BTW I can't stand the politics of Holder and Obama but I also can't stand jealous crybabies that think what THEY WANT is somehow pertinent to the function of the entire organization. .

Thanks Ron for your thoughts... may want to lay off the sauce a bit when you post and when you advise your boss.... otherwise he may not make those 3+ years.
NOT RON but I consider that a compliment, so do what a good republican will do, look yourself in the mirror and fix yourself and stop looking for perceived flaws in other people to make yourself feel better. With this much hate and aggression in your heart you won't make 30 years as a deputy. You will be one of the many that have a heart attack before you get your retirement.

09-09-2013, 03:33 AM
Now the dolphins won their first game does this mean no tickets or arrests for the players this week al?????

09-09-2013, 07:22 AM
Well dumb azz, as a Colonel I'm absolutely certain he's not writing tickets or making arrests. Sorry not to Dolphins players or people as dumb as you to make such an idiotic statement. Dumb azz civilian go away. Only a civilian wouldn't know that.

09-09-2013, 11:40 AM
Well dumb azz, as a Colonel I'm absolutely certain he's not writing tickets or making arrests. Sorry not to Dolphins players or people as dumb as you to make such an idiotic statement. Dumb azz civilian go away. Only a civilian wouldn't know that.
Don't pick on civilians Tubby.....they keep your 100k mile Crown Vic running and gassed up while you 10-65...... :<u

09-09-2013, 12:03 PM
we really need to get rid of this ridiculous detail. we are not jock sniffers.....or are we?

09-09-2013, 12:25 PM
we really need to get rid of this ridiculous detail. we are not jock sniffers.....or are we?
Some are sniffers and get a kick out of escorting buses of jocks to and from the stadium such as Tony, Ron, Ira and others.

09-10-2013, 02:53 AM
Ira would sniff anyones ass to getwhat he can. He sniffed jays azz to get to the port and would sell anyone out in a heartbeat. Look how he makes ovetime just to drive the swat tuck and towel off the guys when they are hot.

09-12-2013, 04:14 AM
Ira can never be trusted and is a pos. He is lazy, thinks his shitz does not stink and is corrupt.

09-12-2013, 04:39 AM
Ira can never be trusted and is a pos. He is lazy, thinks his shitz does not stink and is corrupt.
You have a deputy in critical condition, Can you just pray for him and give the negativity a rest?

09-25-2013, 05:00 AM
they are 3-0 alvin are you going to leave bso and take stus job soon like you said

09-25-2013, 08:48 AM
they are 3-0 alvin are you going to leave bso and take stus job soon like you said
In the midst of planning a funeral and all you can do is spew hate and nonsense. God have mercy on your soul.

09-29-2013, 03:56 AM
Let it be already.

09-29-2013, 02:36 PM
Let it be already.

I agree.

09-29-2013, 05:20 PM
Are you also going to cry about not being able to get the airport detail?

09-30-2013, 12:08 PM
Are you also going to cry about not being able to get the airport detail?


09-30-2013, 12:57 PM
Let it be already.
Why let it be? It needs to be addressed until the details are issued in a fair manner. The same people have been getting NFL escorts and unlimited funeral escorts for years. It needs to be corrected. It's not real difficult. Just have the people in the detail office do their job correctly. It may take a little more effort on their part.

10-01-2013, 12:15 AM
Let it be already.
Why let it be? It needs to be addressed until the details are issued in a fair manner. The same people have been getting NFL escorts and unlimited funeral escorts for years. It needs to be corrected. It's not real difficult. Just have the people in the detail office do their job correctly. It may take a little more effort on their part.
Dude, how about you care about your cola, your insurance and your step raises. You're priorities are so out of line.

10-01-2013, 02:22 AM
as long as george jefferson is ther only the jeffersons will get the detail

10-01-2013, 03:04 AM
as long as george jefferson is ther only the jeffersons will get the detail
Cowardly to use some one else's name My name is bobby and not uncle Sam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0FKzPfsxA4#_=_

10-01-2013, 03:24 AM
as long as george jefferson is ther only the jeffersons will get the detail

It's the illuminate... it's not BSO or a deputy it's Hollywood California Illuminate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xW66daLBYYM

10-01-2013, 03:34 AM
Let it be already.
Why let it be? It needs to be addressed until the details are issued in a fair manner. The same people have been getting NFL escorts and unlimited funeral escorts for years. It needs to be corrected. It's not real difficult. Just have the people in the detail office do their job correctly. It may take a little more effort on their part.
Dude, how about you care about your cola, your insurance and your step raises. You're priorities are so out of line.
I'm well into the DROP, my COLA is already determined, no more step raises and I'm a millionaire, insurance isn't that important, but I'd like to still keep working the details that got me to be where I am today.

10-01-2013, 05:42 AM
Let it be already.
Why let it be? It needs to be addressed until the details are issued in a fair manner. The same people have been getting NFL escorts and unlimited funeral escorts for years. It needs to be corrected. It's not real difficult. Just have the people in the detail office do their job correctly. It may take a little more effort on their part.
Dude, how about you care about your cola, your insurance and your step raises. You're priorities are so out of line.
I'm well into the DROP, my COLA is already determined, no more step raises and I'm a millionaire, insurance isn't that important, but I'd like to still keep working the details that got me to be where I am today.

Then you are quite the pathetic 'millionaire' loser to spend so much time on this site for issues that you shouldn't really care all that much about (because you're a millionaire-retired-dummy) You such a loser :snicker:

10-01-2013, 05:42 AM
Let it be already.
Why let it be? It needs to be addressed until the details are issued in a fair manner. The same people have been getting NFL escorts and unlimited funeral escorts for years. It needs to be corrected. It's not real difficult. Just have the people in the detail office do their job correctly. It may take a little more effort on their part.
Dude, how about you care about your cola, your insurance and your step raises. You're priorities are so out of line.
I'm well into the DROP, my COLA is already determined, no more step raises and I'm a millionaire, insurance isn't that important, but I'd like to still keep working the details that got me to be where I am today.

Then you are quite the pathetic 'millionaire' loser to spend so much time on this site for issues that you shouldn't really care all that much about (because you're a millionaire-retired-dummy) You such a loser :snicker:

10-01-2013, 06:11 AM
Let it be already.
Why let it be? It needs to be addressed until the details are issued in a fair manner. The same people have been getting NFL escorts and unlimited funeral escorts for years. It needs to be corrected. It's not real difficult. Just have the people in the detail office do their job correctly. It may take a little more effort on their part.
Dude, how about you care about your cola, your insurance and your step raises. You're priorities are so out of line.
I'm well into the DROP, my COLA is already determined, no more step raises and I'm a millionaire, insurance isn't that important, but I'd like to still keep working the details that got me to be where I am today.
You are the greedy heel in Law enforcement that give's policing a bad name. Instead of bragging what you are doing for the less fortunate you get on here and brag that you are a millionaire. With that attitude you need to be gone. You don't appreciate all the gifts you have already received ; all you do is stand there with your hand out looking at your brother's plate to see what you can get. You are disgusting.

10-01-2013, 10:38 AM
He is NOT a millionaire. Trust me. if he were he would not be working here. These clowns in the DROP love to brag about the money they wish they had.

10-01-2013, 01:26 PM
Let it be already.
Why let it be? It needs to be addressed until the details are issued in a fair manner. The same people have been getting NFL escorts and unlimited funeral escorts for years. It needs to be corrected. It's not real difficult. Just have the people in the detail office do their job correctly. It may take a little more effort on their part.
Dude, how about you care about your cola, your insurance and your step raises. You're priorities are so out of line.
I'm well into the DROP, my COLA is already determined, no more step raises and I'm a millionaire, insurance isn't that important, but I'd like to still keep working the details that got me to be where I am today.
You are the greedy heel in Law enforcement that give's policing a bad name. Instead of bragging what you are doing for the less fortunate you get on here and brag that you are a millionaire. With that attitude you need to be gone. You don't appreciate all the gifts you have already received ; all you do is stand there with your hand out looking at your brother's plate to see what you can get. You are disgusting.
Don't be a hater junior. Hopefully your day will come and you can reap the benefits of your hard work. I worked many long hours over the years and made sacrifices to get where I am today.

10-01-2013, 01:49 PM
Got to where you are being a rat

10-01-2013, 02:02 PM
Let it be already.
Why let it be? It needs to be addressed until the details are issued in a fair manner. The same people have been getting NFL escorts and unlimited funeral escorts for years. It needs to be corrected. It's not real difficult. Just have the people in the detail office do their job correctly. It may take a little more effort on their part.
Dude, how about you care about your cola, your insurance and your step raises. You're priorities are so out of line.
I'm well into the DROP, my COLA is already determined, no more step raises and I'm a millionaire, insurance isn't that important, but I'd like to still keep working the details that got me to be where I am today.

Do you have a special forces vest too?

10-01-2013, 09:34 PM
[quote="Guest":1rt77iqn]Let it be already.
Why let it be? It needs to be addressed until the details are issued in a fair manner. The same people have been getting NFL escorts and unlimited funeral escorts for years. It needs to be corrected. It's not real difficult. Just have the people in the detail office do their job correctly. It may take a little more effort on their part.
Dude, how about you care about your cola, your insurance and your step raises. You're priorities are so out of line.
I'm well into the DROP, my COLA is already determined, no more step raises and I'm a millionaire, insurance isn't that important, but I'd like to still keep working the details that got me to be where I am today.
You are the greedy heel in Law enforcement that give's policing a bad name. Instead of bragging what you are doing for the less fortunate you get on here and brag that you are a millionaire. With that attitude you need to be gone. You don't appreciate all the gifts you have already received ; all you do is stand there with your hand out looking at your brother's plate to see what you can get. You are disgusting.
Don't be a hater junior. Hopefully your day will come and you can reap the benefits of your hard work. I worked many long hours over the years and made sacrifices to get where I am today.[/quote:1rt77iqn]
[b]You should be hated. By fellow law enforcement, by the public, and by your peers. You are an ungrateful PIG. You are the reason Law enforcement is not trusted or liked by the public. You brag about what you have like the over-fed pig that you are and then want more on your plate. And as the other commenter pointed out you are a big fat rat[. All the Rookies can thank the over fed useless pigs like this guy who drain the very life out of an agency for their own benefit. This kind of selfish person should not be allowed to wear a badge. Everyone gets on here and talks about SI boat trip, please this bragging overfed jerk is the problem. Mr. Millionaire wanting to take from his brother's place. And then has the stupidity to brag about it on a public forum. /b]

10-01-2013, 09:56 PM
[quote="Guest":3ogqzuog][quote="Guest":3ogqzuog]Let it be already.
Why let it be? It needs to be addressed until the details are issued in a fair manner. The same people have been getting NFL escorts and unlimited funeral escorts for years. It needs to be corrected. It's not real difficult. Just have the people in the detail office do their job correctly. It may take a little more effort on their part.
Dude, how about you care about your cola, your insurance and your step raises. You're priorities are so out of line.
I'm well into the DROP, my COLA is already determined, no more step raises and I'm a millionaire, insurance isn't that important, but I'd like to still keep working the details that got me to be where I am today.
You are the greedy heel in Law enforcement that give's policing a bad name. Instead of bragging what you are doing for the less fortunate you get on here and brag that you are a millionaire. With that attitude you need to be gone. You don't appreciate all the gifts you have already received ; all you do is stand there with your hand out looking at your brother's plate to see what you can get. You are disgusting.
Don't be a hater junior. Hopefully your day will come and you can reap the benefits of your hard work. I worked many long hours over the years and made sacrifices to get where I am today.[/quote:3ogqzuog]
[b]You should be hated. By fellow law enforcement, by the public, and by your peers. You are an ungrateful PIG. You are the reason Law enforcement is not trusted or liked by the public. You brag about what you have like the over-fed pig that you are and then want more on your plate. And as the other commenter pointed out you are a big fat rat[. All the Rookies can thank the over fed useless pigs like this guy who drain the very life out of an agency for their own benefit. This kind of selfish person should not be allowed to wear a badge. Everyone gets on here and talks about SI boat trip, please this bragging overfed jerk and those like him are the problem. Mr. Millionaire wanting to take from his brother's plate. And then has the stupidity to brag about it on a public forum. [/quote:3ogqzuog]

10-02-2013, 03:53 PM
[quote="priority":123qa3ch][quote="Guest":123qa3ch][quote="Guest":123qa3ch]Let it be already.
Why let it be? It needs to be addressed until the details are issued in a fair manner. The same people have been getting NFL escorts and unlimited funeral escorts for years. It needs to be corrected. It's not real difficult. Just have the people in the detail office do their job correctly. It may take a little more effort on their part.
Dude, how about you care about your cola, your insurance and your step raises. You're priorities are so out of line.
I'm well into the DROP, my COLA is already determined, no more step raises and I'm a millionaire, insurance isn't that important, but I'd like to still keep working the details that got me to be where I am today.
You are the greedy heel in Law enforcement that give's policing a bad name. Instead of bragging what you are doing for the less fortunate you get on here and brag that you are a millionaire. With that attitude you need to be gone. You don't appreciate all the gifts you have already received ; all you do is stand there with your hand out looking at your brother's plate to see what you can get. You are disgusting.
Don't be a hater junior. Hopefully your day will come and you can reap the benefits of your hard work. I worked many long hours over the years and made sacrifices to get where I am today.[/quote:123qa3ch]
[b]You should be hated. By fellow law enforcement, by the public, and by your peers. You are an ungrateful PIG. You are the reason Law enforcement is not trusted or liked by the public. You brag about what you have like the over-fed pig that you are and then want more on your plate. And as the other commenter pointed out you are a big fat rat[. All the Rookies can thank the over fed useless pigs like this guy who drain the very life out of an agency for their own benefit. This kind of selfish person should not be allowed to wear a badge. Everyone gets on here and talks about SI boat trip, please this bragging overfed jerk and those like him are the problem. Mr. Millionaire wanting to take from his brother's plate. And then has the stupidity to brag about it on a public forum. [/quote:123qa3ch][/quote:123qa3ch]
It's amazing how some people take offense to a person trying to get ahead and take care of his family.

10-03-2013, 08:07 AM
[quote="Guest":19zavctd][quote="priority":19zavctd][quote="Guest":19zavctd][quote="Guest":19zavctd]Let it be already.
Why let it be? It needs to be addressed until the details are issued in a fair manner. The same people have been getting NFL escorts and unlimited funeral escorts for years. It needs to be corrected. It's not real difficult. Just have the people in the detail office do their job correctly. It may take a little more effort on their part.
Dude, how about you care about your cola, your insurance and your step raises. You're priorities are so out of line.
I'm well into the DROP, my COLA is already determined, no more step raises and I'm a millionaire, insurance isn't that important, but I'd like to still keep working the details that got me to be where I am today.
You are the greedy heel in Law enforcement that give's policing a bad name. Instead of bragging what you are doing for the less fortunate you get on here and brag that you are a millionaire. With that attitude you need to be gone. You don't appreciate all the gifts you have already received ; all you do is stand there with your hand out looking at your brother's plate to see what you can get. You are disgusting.
Don't be a hater junior. Hopefully your day will come and you can reap the benefits of your hard work. I worked many long hours over the years and made sacrifices to get where I am today.[/quote:19zavctd]
[b]You should be hated. By fellow law enforcement, by the public, and by your peers. You are an ungrateful PIG. You are the reason Law enforcement is not trusted or liked by the public. You brag about what you have like the over-fed pig that you are and then want more on your plate. And as the other commenter pointed out you are a big fat rat[. All the Rookies can thank the over fed useless pigs like this guy who drain the very life out of an agency for their own benefit. This kind of selfish person should not be allowed to wear a badge. Everyone gets on here and talks about SI boat trip, please this bragging overfed jerk and those like him are the problem. Mr. Millionaire wanting to take from his brother's plate. And then has the stupidity to brag about it on a public forum. [/quote:19zavctd][/quote:19zavctd]
It's amazing how some people take offense to a person trying to get ahead and take care of his family.[/quote:19zavctd]
Bragging about being a millionaire while trying to get more details is not taking care of your family, it is glutinous , selfishness without any thought of how he is affecting other people by bragging about having a millionaire dollars while taxpayers are footing the bills for his pension. He is grossly stupid at the very least and after the overtime scandal of filing false o/t forms and collecting thousands in fraudulently obtained money, it is suspect as well. There are plenty of details available for anyone who "wants to get ahead". Bragging about your millionaire pension while crying about want a specific detail is disgusting, selfish childish and not worthy of the pension the taxpayers are giving him.

10-04-2013, 03:40 AM
has to be ronnie dagostino at teh airport if in the drop and bragging about being a milllionaire. him and alvin are in together

10-05-2013, 06:27 PM
Let it be already.
Why let it be? It needs to be addressed until the details are issued in a fair manner. The same people have been getting NFL escorts and unlimited funeral escorts for years. It needs to be corrected. It's not real difficult. Just have the people in the detail office do their job correctly. It may take a little more effort on their part.
Dude, how about you care about your cola, your insurance and your step raises. You're priorities are so out of line.
I'm well into the DROP, my COLA is already determined, no more step raises and I'm a millionaire, insurance isn't that important, but I'd like to still keep working the details that got me to be where I am today.

Then you are quite the pathetic 'millionaire' loser to spend so much time on this site for issues that you shouldn't really care all that much about (because you're a millionaire-retired-dummy) You such a loser :snicker:

I happen to be a business man. I have to turn a profit. This is a business guys, the sooner you wake up and realize it the better off you will be and you too can achieve financial independence.

10-05-2013, 11:05 PM
[quote="Guest":1rlsaewh]Let it be already.
Why let it be? It needs to be addressed until the details are issued in a fair manner. The same people have been getting NFL escorts and unlimited funeral escorts for years. It needs to be corrected. It's not real difficult. Just have the people in the detail office do their job correctly. It may take a little more effort on their part.
Dude, how about you care about your cola, your insurance and your step raises. You're priorities are so out of line.
I'm well into the DROP, my COLA is already determined, no more step raises and I'm a millionaire, insurance isn't that important, but I'd like to still keep working the details that got me to be where I am today.

Then you are quite the pathetic 'millionaire' loser to spend so much time on this site for issues that you shouldn't really care all that much about (because you're a millionaire-retired-dummy) You such a loser :snicker:

I happen to be a business man. I have to turn a profit. This is a business guys, the sooner you wake up and realize it the better off you will be and you too can achieve financial independence.[/quote:1rlsaewh]
NO police work is not a business it is a public service job. If you think you should treat police work like a business, such as getting ahead by stepping on the guy next to you as in private business, then you should have never passed the psych screening. Treating police work like a business will lead to corruption like "collars for dollars". You do not treat your fellow deputy like a competing adversary for your own benefit. You have the wrong mindset and have no business being in police work you stupid selfish overfed RAT.

10-05-2013, 11:20 PM
Oh yes he's a rich man! Lets not forget while he was working all that detail/OT and gone from the house somebody was taking care of things around the house? She probably can't wait to split your fortune or should I say the both can't wait!

10-05-2013, 11:24 PM
Listen guys, if you're not funding your deferred comp account and your Roth IRA properly, you're missing the boat. No two ways about it. You won't be able to retire by 55 with a 100K pension. The time is now to plan. Don't wait.

10-06-2013, 02:28 AM
Oh yes he's a rich man! Lets not forget while he was working all that detail/OT and gone from the house somebody was taking care of things around the house? She probably can't wait to split your fortune or should I say the both can't wait!
You got that right ;)

10-16-2013, 02:09 AM
Hey Col Pollock
Is ti true your son was driving phil merling around this past weekend as a favor. Two crooks in the car.

10-16-2013, 03:59 AM
Hey Col Pollock
Is ti true your son was driving phil merling around this past weekend as a favor. Two crooks in the car.
Is it true you need some pamprin?