View Full Version : Meghan Brooks

08-16-2013, 10:39 AM
She's a hottie!!

08-16-2013, 11:58 AM
Great evidence. If the sergeants told the troops at roll call to stay away from her, Meghan you just got a home run. Get a lawyer and go for hostile work environment. What idiot sergeant would say something like this? Just another reflection on what a lame district Dania is. Bunch of F'n jerks.

08-16-2013, 12:08 PM
Great evidence. If the sergeants told the troops at roll call to stay away from her, Meghan you just got a home run. Get a lawyer and go for hostile work 2environment. What idiot sergeant would say something like this? Just another reflection on what a lame district Dania is. Bunch of F'n jerks.

Don't get excited - I doubt very seriously anything like that was said or done.

08-16-2013, 12:59 PM
Just another key board coward! Why don't you put in for being a rep? There's not many. And I give every one of them credit for trying with all the back stabbing buffoon sissies like you. Meghan would be a good rep! That position isn't easy and constantly you get back stabbed by an idiot like you! No, I'm sure you're not Russ! Just a keyboard sissy!

08-16-2013, 01:37 PM
Leave Meghan alone, she's good people. But even if everything you said is true, which it's not, she'd still have a better track record then everyone else on that list.

08-16-2013, 05:04 PM
I worked with Meghan in an adjoining jurisdiction when she was a rookie in district 9. She was good people then.

When I was caught up in the powertrac mess Meghan was one of a handful of people who supported me. I didnt know her all that well but she is good people. Meghan is smart, educated, and lives the job.

That is what is needed at the PBA. She would be a great rep.


08-16-2013, 07:35 PM
join the fop

08-16-2013, 08:57 PM

08-17-2013, 12:48 AM
Vote her in please. It will just be better for the PERC drive next year. IUPA is already drawing members away from the PBA and has already made plans to start collecting PERC cards in 2014

08-17-2013, 11:22 AM
If you want to vote in the rep election please do everyone a favor. Ask about the person. Make sure they have not recently lost a cush and are truing to regain another soft job by being a rep. Select one who has always been vocal during the good and bad times. Dont just pick the new guy hoping for change. We did that in 2008 and look where that got us.

08-17-2013, 03:23 PM
[size=150]Meghan this bull is being driven by Russ Diperna who is the master of this site so realize he's the one that don't want you to be a rep. He's a fool and all should vote for you and condemn that fool Diperna

08-17-2013, 05:49 PM
Megan left the PBA for whatever reasons. I beleave that in itself disqualified her from the position. For not having enough consecutive time to meet the qualifications for the position.

08-17-2013, 09:26 PM
You apparently don't have very standards for can I see!!!