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08-13-2013, 11:32 PM
BSO CRIME STATS FOR FIRST SIX MONTHS OF 2013 (Sheriff Israel) ... compared against first six months of 2012 (ex-Sheriff Lamberti):


Sheriff Israel: Leadership That Works!! The UCR stats prove it.

08-13-2013, 11:46 PM
crime numbers again sounds like powertrac, must be Jenny helping out. :devil:

08-13-2013, 11:54 PM
Exactly. The puppet master that is actually running the place with the Imbecile mouthpiece as the Sheriff. The puppet master crime stat reduction plans are his specialty. Lol

08-14-2013, 12:04 AM
BSO CRIME STATS FOR FIRST SIX MONTHS OF 2013 (Sheriff Israel) ... compared against first six months of 2012 (ex-Sheriff Lamberti):


Sheriff Israel: Leadership That Works!! The UCR stats prove it.

Please explain what ops plans and new policies that have been put into place that has caused this reduction in crime. Please do not say morale, as morale would not have a thing to do with the prevention of crime, since law enforcement, without operational plans, is reactionary to crime already happening.

Also, how do you take credit for the first 3 months of 2013, when he barely was in office and there were no new policy or plans initiated. Crime, nationally and statewide, have been going down for approximately 13 years straight now. But, if you need to live in the delusional world and give credit to Israel, well, you go right ahead there sparky.

08-14-2013, 12:14 AM
I hate to say this but if you look at the last years lamberti was in office, crime went down also. its a national trend. take credit for it if you like, but anybody who knows anything about law enforcement knows we have no effect on the crime rate, one way or the other.

I suggest you read the Kansas City Preventative Patrol Study, the Replication Study done 4 years after that to validate the first one, the Kansas City Response Time Study and numerous other studies that debunk the myth that we have any effect whatsoever.

The hard data seems to indicate that we are an aging population and there are less numbers of younger people - typically those that commit crimes, that minimum mandatory prison sentences seem to have had the effect of keeping the professional criminal behind bars longer, hence they are not out to commit further crimes- it is well documented that 90% of the crime is committed by the same 10% of so of offenders and lastly, many of the professional criminals getting out of prison after minimum mandatory sentences are older, in their 50's and 60's and criminal activity is no longer an attractive job for them

SO we can pat ourselves on the back if we like, but there are many many other factors in our society that lead to increases or decreases in reported crime.

08-14-2013, 12:17 AM
I suspect that the Under Sheriff's anti idling policy had something to do with the drop in crime. Isn't it funny, we never here from this guy at all and his first order of business is to put out a memo about the costs associated with idling police cars. Wowee, you now earned that fat paycheck!

08-14-2013, 12:19 AM
I bet there was Zero crime rate on that boat trip!

08-14-2013, 12:30 AM
$15k for an anti idling policy.....seems legit

08-14-2013, 12:38 AM
Why dont you check arrests and tickets. They are way down. Ain't nobody doing shit because they don't want to deal with complaints.

08-14-2013, 01:23 AM
Scott seems to like to take credit for stuff he doesn't do, like the crime rate and blame someone else when he does do something. Stand up guy your sheriff.

08-14-2013, 03:21 AM
Yeah, crime went way down under the KJ administration too. We know how that went! lol :evil:

08-14-2013, 03:30 AM
Scott seems to like to take credit for stuff he doesn't do, like the crime rate and blame someone else when he does do something. Stand up guy your sheriff.

Amateur hour continues here at bso. Most experienced police leaders know not to take credit for crime reductions stats. They know that if they take credit form the crime drop, they will be responsible for the increase next year!

08-14-2013, 03:32 AM
Scott seems to like to take credit for stuff he doesn't do, like the crime rate and blame someone else when he does do something. Stand up guy your sheriff.

Amateur hour continues here at bso. Most experienced police leaders know not to take credit for crime reductions stats. They know that if they take credit form the crime drop, they will be responsible for the increase next year!

You are correct, but remember who we are dealing with here....... this sheriff is great in every way, remember?