View Full Version : so I wrote an article about thugs playing the race card

07-26-2013, 02:05 AM
For a while I lived in the ghetto around thugs, and never heard the end of this racial conspiracy nonsense. If these guys were dealing dope on the corner and got arrested it was of course because they were black. Not only that but the thugs and criminals that "play the race card" claiming to be victims of racism are extremely racist. I've been told things like whites invented slavery to which I replied the egyptians, the chinese dynastic rulers, the japanese the mayans all practiced slavery. I was told "nah nah dat be whiteys history you brainwashed fool" I was told things like its ok to rob white people because they all owned slaves. irregardless that my ancestors were poor working class irish who never owned slaves. anyways these thugs pimping, dealing drugs, and robbing perpetuate and circulate this myth that they are being stopped, questioned, and arrested because of racism when naive people living in the suburbs nowhere near these communities are oblivious of the absolute criminal nature of communities within these inner city areas. areas where "gangsta" is revered thug life is given respect considered cool etc etc while these people essentially form criminal families and harass people caught within their neighborhoods trying to rob or extort them...trying to deal them drugs or sex. its like the lowest of the low kind of culture. anyways I wrote this article. here is the link: http://huenoun.blogspot.com/2013/07/the ... ustle.html (http://huenoun.blogspot.com/2013/07/the-race-card-and-ghetto-hustle.html)