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07-25-2013, 12:57 PM
Hello Brothers and Sisters,

I'm a School Resource Officer at an inner-city high school in Tampa and I'm trying to find out if any agencies in FL issue their SROs/SRDs long-guns and allow them to be kept/gun-safed in their respective schools during the school day.

With the ever-increasing threats we face both on the street and in our schools, it seems like a pretty good idea to not only have a long-gun but for an SRO/SRD, it would be an invaluable tool to engage and stop a threat at range, with accuracy, when that day comes. Particularly so, when considering that the active shooter/murderer is armed with a
long-gun(s) and possibly suited in body armor.

Thanks, God bless, take care of each other and be safe.

01-07-2014, 06:17 AM
Hello Officer,

I would imagine they don't. I was a high school student in a rough school a few years ago myself and the LEOs there never had any rifles.

Personally, I think it'd be an excellent idea. A Glock 22 can't take down someone with a rifle or a shotgun; it would even out the odds. If they don't allow you to have it in a safe, perhaps you could just sling it over your shoulder? That way you'd be ready for a fire fight.

Oh, and pretty much any rifle that fires a .223 round or higher, will penetrate level 3a, and below.


01-07-2014, 04:00 PM
"A Glock 22 can't take down someone with a rifle or a shotgun; it would even out the odds."
Holly shit, for years I've been wearing a ballistic vest thinking that it might help to stop a round from killing me! Come to find out (from someone who is just out of high school) all you need to do is carry a shotgun or a rifle and you're all good. :lol: