View Full Version : Be Afraid

06-18-2013, 05:01 PM
Sorry I got long winded. I felt compelled so please don't blast me, let me just state my opinions on a few things. If you're on here you don't have anything else to do anyway.

LA devoted his life to the ECSO and he has had a stellar career that he and his family can be proud of. So many things at the agency that we all take for granted... he is responsible for. He has fought to keep cost down for the high quality benefits that we have. Don't forget, SOMEONE YOU WORK WITH WANTS TO WATER DOWN OUR HEALTH BENEFITS OR HAVE US CONTRIBUTE MORE MONEY! THAT'S ONLY THE BEGINNING.

LA has spent countless hours in his adult life serving the SO by day, night and weekends.
I appreciate LA and his wife. She has also devoted her adult life to serving the community at the SO. They are both hard workers and have given more than they have taken. There would be no way to pay them for the countless hours they have spent serving the SO. They both are on call 24-7 and always have been. They have done that for 31years without fail no matter what position or rank they held.

I am not a political person and I don't agree with a lot of decisions that are made. That's life. Decisions have to be made and I'm sure that the Sheriff and the upper staff lay awake at night searching for answers and making decisions that won't hurt people. I do believe that in most cases. This particular situation however, is questionable. I don't agree with the conspiracy issue most of the the time, but I'm not totally naive either. We don't know for sure how we would handle making life changing decisions everyday, especially when it involves a close friend or someone you have grown to like and respect. There's no way to make everyone happy, there never will be.

With that being said, LA is probably the most knowledgeable living person that knows how to run every department at the SO. Don't forget, he has been there his entire adult life and he has excelled in everything he has ever done, plus he keeps himself educated on technology and procedures that are constantly changing. He has had experience with the inner workings of all departments. HE ALSO KNOWS WHERE ALL THE DIRT IS!! THAT SECRETS THAT HAVE BEEN SWEPT UNDER THE CARPET AND HE KNOWS HOW TO USE THE DIRTY SECRETS IF HE CHOOSES TO!! I FEEL SURE HE HASN'T FORGOTTEN A THING EITHER, SOME OF YOU BETTER TAKE COVER. HE COULD BE YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE VERY SOON, YOU BETTER BE LOOKING OVER YOUR SHOULDER!!

I do have a question for the Sheriff. Why didn't you call LA if you were being told there was a problem? Especially if LA was out of town with no way to know what was going on. Would you appreciate someone confronting you if the situation was turned around?
LA did make mistakes, we all do, but he's a quick study and he would have changed anything you asked him to. He didn't lie, steal, cheat, do drugs or go after a co-workers wife. LA's knowledge is priceless. You are his boss, why would you not have confronted him ?

LA, I hope you will be able to enjoy some stress free time with your family because somehow I don't see you staying home and doing the HONEY DO gig. Rest, recharge your batteries, enjoy those babies and find something you love to do in the next chapter of your life. I truly wish you and your family the best! Thank you for your lifetime career as a public servant!

06-18-2013, 10:03 PM
Guest 800, well said....

06-18-2013, 11:10 PM
You rambled on long enough to expose LA's worst trait. A lack of ethics. Note that YOU wrote in all caps how he knows where all the dirt is and what was covered up. Yet what did he do about it? Nothing. He spent his entire adult life either participating in or overlooking corruption. When his lack of ethics became clear there was nothing to talk to him about. You would have been better to let it go. Just because you were in his little clan of protected ones doesn't make him a good leader or a person to admire. And so revenge is going to be your idea of his next move? Very GOB of you.

06-18-2013, 11:22 PM
I see Haines is busy on this blog. Shame on you Haines

06-19-2013, 12:10 AM
I hate to act dumb but what does GOB mean?

I wasn't in the clan, and I agree with guest 800 and it was well said. I don't think they implied revenge at all. I took it as the knowledge is stored and he could land in a position that will cause the karma to come back and ***** slap some folks.

06-19-2013, 02:25 AM
Sorry I got long winded. I felt compelled so please don't blast me, let me just state my opinions on a few things. If you're on here you don't have anything else to do anyway........

Seriously??? i think LA has a bit of dirt on him too, its sick to make any of them out to be a saint. Ill say this, its a sad day when the best admin guy you have is LA and he gets his rear end handed to him by EH. Car 1 has to be the most delusional egomaniac ever to hold this office. I thought Ronnie Mac was out of control until i saw this guy come in and play cops and robbers. I thought RM's custom grey uniform that got him laughed out of the Florida Sheriff's conference was bad... this guy could fit right in amongst the leaders in the middle east... crazy uniform, power drunk and all!!! Never thought that the county could get much worse, but running the only competent admin guy you have out on a rail just shows how F'ed up the SO is. Sad part, is that he will get re-elected...Hmmm kind of reminds me of Obama. Blames everyone else and fails to take responsibility.

All Hail the Honorable Sheriff Morgan!!!!!

06-19-2013, 03:11 AM
Guest 800 - very well said. Whether you liked him or not, this department is going to miss Chief Aiken and his experience and knowledge. It's very sad that the Sheriff has allowed this to happen.
Silver Snoopy you are also correct. LA is our best Admin guy but I disagree with you that he had his rear end handed to him by EH. I remember when EH did nothing but talk negatively about Sheriff Morgan and tried to convince everyone Morgan wasn't qualified to be the Sheriff. When Morgan won the first election he was disgusted with Haines and his behavior. It was the Chief who convinced the Sheriff that Haines could do a good job and be trusted. The Chief got Haines where he is today and look how Haines has treated the Chief. Stabbed him in the back and cut his throat. Haines is all about Haines. He doesn't care about anyone else. I hope Haines and the Sheriff are happy. They got what they wanted. But I'm pretty sure the Chief will have the last laugh.

06-19-2013, 03:27 AM
Chief do us all a favor and ask the Sheriff just what it was that you did to pi$$ him off and make him turn on you. You helped him when he was first elected and knew nothing about Law Enforcement and running the Sheriff's Office. You were very instrumental in getting him re-elected and yet he turned on you and has treated you like crap. It's not a secret. Everyone knows it and has seen it. Ask the Sheriff what it is about Haines that makes him so special. Because he is deceitful like the Sheriff? Haines did nothing to get him re elected and yet Haines has jumped on that band wagon and has done all he could to make your last several months at the department a nightmare. That also has been obvious to everyone. Ask the sheriff if he is oblivious to the morale issue and fear both he and Haines have created at the department.
What is sad about the whole situation is the Chief would have been better off if he would have disliked the Sheriff, wrote nasty letters about him on this blog, dug up information on the Sheriff's family and talked bad about him to co workers. Think about it. That is exactly what Haines and Eddins did and they are being rewarded for it while the most loyal person has been turned away. Frickin unbelievable.

06-19-2013, 04:44 AM
Chief do us all a favor and ask the Sheriff just what it was that you did to pi$$ him off and make him turn on you. You helped him when he was first elected and knew nothing about Law Enforcement and running the Sheriff's Office. You were very instrumental in getting him re-elected and yet he turned on you and has treated you like crap. It's not a secret. Everyone knows it and has seen it. Ask the Sheriff what it is about Haines that makes him so special. Because he is deceitful like the Sheriff? Haines did nothing to get him re elected and yet Haines has jumped on that band wagon and has done all he could to make your last several months at the department a nightmare. That also has been obvious to everyone. Ask the sheriff if he is oblivious to the morale issue and fear both he and Haines have created at the department.
What is sad about the whole situation is the Chief would have been better off if he would have disliked the Sheriff, wrote nasty letters about him on this blog, dug up information on the Sheriff's family and talked bad about him to co workers. Think about it. That is exactly what Haines and Eddins did and they are being rewarded for it while the most loyal person has been turned away. Frickin unbelievable.

A lot of Admin personnel must be on this site because, I show up, work 10 hours, go home and don't see any of the backstabbing anything. My Lt. never ran his mouth in muster, My Sgt. didn't run his mouth in muster. If it wasn't for this site I wouldn't know any of this stuff. But I do love watching the whining..lol you said " Ask the sheriff if he is oblivious to the morale issue and fear both he and Haines have created at the department." 1st we are an Office not a Department just saying 2nd what are you talking about? Who comes to your muster and kills your morale? when you're working your shift which one is stopping you from doing your job? Please let me know and I will beat them up for you!If you're going to say No Raises, can't chase with a car and of course losing leave balances then I all I can say is the Sheriff doesn't pay us Taxpayers do, Car Chases over-rated and well you're screwed over the comp hours so umm Sorry

06-19-2013, 05:00 AM
Oh poor poor car 2. Boo boo boo! The only back stabbing that was going on was done by him! No more protection for the little skanks that were part of his cult. The tax payers thank you for putting an end to the waste of their money.

06-19-2013, 06:04 AM

[quote][quote]Seriously??? i think LA has a bit of dirt on him too, its sick to make any of them out to be a saint.

I think you might have misunderstood, Guest 800 had a typo but was saying LA knows where all the dirt has been swept. I didn't think it was meant to make Admin out to be Saint's either, that was wishful thinking on Guest 800's part, hoping that senior staff might have some conscience hidden deep down.

I don't think LA got his ass handed to him either. EH and the Sheriff have underestimated LA.
After he has a little down time he may want to get back in the game and Whopp some A__!
It will be professional and legal, that's the way he does business.

06-19-2013, 11:24 AM
Smoking crack is dangerous. LA brought all his problems upon himself.no pity here for him or his two supporters.

06-19-2013, 09:56 PM
Good lord... this is just crap. What's with the "adult life"? Are we talking about Larva here. LA is a blood sucking insect that needed to be crushed but this post is just nauseating. LA may have started his career as "stellar" but I can tell you that it sure as hell didn't end that way. He's jacked up the ECSO so much and done so many people wrong I'm glad the "wrath" is coming to an end.
And- No clue where you got the "fought to keep costs down for high quality benefits" crap. LA hasn't fought for jack. Maybe for tape for his boxes, but I can't even see that happening. He's prolly got a line outside his door of people just waiting to help him pack up! Plus this was his decision to Retire... not the Sheriff's. So WTH are you questioning. It's more of a supporting deal. We are all supporting his decision to retire! GO LA! Retire. Get the F out of here and don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you!
-And get to work on your "Honey Do" list ... put that "priceless knowledge" that 008 says you have to good use!
You sure as Sh*t haven't been using it the last few years. Use it or loose it... that's what they say...

Sorry I got long winded. I felt compelled so please don't blast me, let me just state my opinions on a few things. If you're on here you don't have anything else to do anyway.

LA devoted his life to the ECSO and he has had a stellar career that he and his family can be proud of. So many things at the agency that we all take for granted... he is responsible for. He has fought to keep cost down for the high quality benefits that we have. Don't forget, SOMEONE YOU WORK WITH WANTS TO WATER DOWN OUR HEALTH BENEFITS OR HAVE US CONTRIBUTE MORE MONEY! THAT'S ONLY THE BEGINNING.

LA has spent countless hours in his adult life serving the SO by day, night and weekends.
I appreciate LA and his wife. She has also devoted her adult life to serving the community at the SO. They are both hard workers and have given more than they have taken. There would be no way to pay them for the countless hours they have spent serving the SO. They both are on call 24-7 and always have been. They have done that for 31years without fail no matter what position or rank they held.

I am not a political person and I don't agree with a lot of decisions that are made. That's life. Decisions have to be made and I'm sure that the Sheriff and the upper staff lay awake at night searching for answers and making decisions that won't hurt people. I do believe that in most cases. This particular situation however, is questionable. I don't agree with the conspiracy issue most of the the time, but I'm not totally naive either. We don't know for sure how we would handle making life changing decisions everyday, especially when it involves a close friend or someone you have grown to like and respect. There's no way to make everyone happy, there never will be.

With that being said, LA is probably the most knowledgeable living person that knows how to run every department at the SO. Don't forget, he has been there his entire adult life and he has excelled in everything he has ever done, plus he keeps himself educated on technology and procedures that are constantly changing. He has had experience with the inner workings of all departments. HE ALSO KNOWS WHERE ALL THE DIRT IS!! THAT SECRETS THAT HAVE BEEN SWEPT UNDER THE CARPET AND HE KNOWS HOW TO USE THE DIRTY SECRETS IF HE CHOOSES TO!! I FEEL SURE HE HASN'T FORGOTTEN A THING EITHER, SOME OF YOU BETTER TAKE COVER. HE COULD BE YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE VERY SOON, YOU BETTER BE LOOKING OVER YOUR SHOULDER!!

I do have a question for the Sheriff. Why didn't you call LA if you were being told there was a problem? Especially if LA was out of town with no way to know what was going on. Would you appreciate someone confronting you if the situation was turned around?
LA did make mistakes, we all do, but he's a quick study and he would have changed anything you asked him to. He didn't lie, steal, cheat, do drugs or go after a co-workers wife. LA's knowledge is priceless. You are his boss, why would you not have confronted him ?

LA, I hope you will be able to enjoy some stress free time with your family because somehow I don't see you staying home and doing the HONEY DO gig. Rest, recharge your batteries, enjoy those babies and find something you love to do in the next chapter of your life. I truly wish you and your family the best! Thank you for your lifetime career as a public servant!

06-19-2013, 11:50 PM
Amen! Billy Graham couldn't said it better.
Good lord... this is just crap. What's with the "adult life"? Are we talking about Larva here. LA is a blood sucking insect that needed to be crushed but this post is just nauseating. LA may have started his career as "stellar" but I can tell you that it sure as hell didn't end that way. He's jacked up the ECSO so much and done so many people wrong I'm glad the "wrath" is coming to an end.
And- No clue where you got the "fought to keep costs down for high quality benefits" crap. LA hasn't fought for jack. Maybe for tape for his boxes, but I can't even see that happening. He's prolly got a line outside his door of people just waiting to help him pack up! Plus this was his decision to Retire... not the Sheriff's. So WTH are you questioning. It's more of a supporting deal. We are all supporting his decision to retire! GO LA! Retire. Get the F out of here and don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you!
-And get to work on your "Honey Do" list ... put that "priceless knowledge" that 008 says you have to good use!
You sure as Sh*t haven't been using it the last few years. Use it or loose it... that's what they say...
[quote="Guest 800":1xdvk591]Sorry I got long winded. I felt compelled so please don't blast me, let me just state my opinions on a few things. If you're on here you don't have anything else to do anyway.

LA devoted his life to the ECSO and he has had a stellar career that he and his family can be proud of. So many things at the agency that we all take for granted... he is responsible for. He has fought to keep cost down for the high quality benefits that we have. Don't forget, SOMEONE YOU WORK WITH WANTS TO WATER DOWN OUR HEALTH BENEFITS OR HAVE US CONTRIBUTE MORE MONEY! THAT'S ONLY THE BEGINNING.

LA has spent countless hours in his adult life serving the SO by day, night and weekends.
I appreciate LA and his wife. She has also devoted her adult life to serving the community at the SO. They are both hard workers and have given more than they have taken. There would be no way to pay them for the countless hours they have spent serving the SO. They both are on call 24-7 and always have been. They have done that for 31years without fail no matter what position or rank they held.

I am not a political person and I don't agree with a lot of decisions that are made. That's life. Decisions have to be made and I'm sure that the Sheriff and the upper staff lay awake at night searching for answers and making decisions that won't hurt people. I do believe that in most cases. This particular situation however, is questionable. I don't agree with the conspiracy issue most of the the time, but I'm not totally naive either. We don't know for sure how we would handle making life changing decisions everyday, especially when it involves a close friend or someone you have grown to like and respect. There's no way to make everyone happy, there never will be.

With that being said, LA is probably the most knowledgeable living person that knows how to run every department at the SO. Don't forget, he has been there his entire adult life and he has excelled in everything he has ever done, plus he keeps himself educated on technology and procedures that are constantly changing. He has had experience with the inner workings of all departments. HE ALSO KNOWS WHERE ALL THE DIRT IS!! THAT SECRETS THAT HAVE BEEN SWEPT UNDER THE CARPET AND HE KNOWS HOW TO USE THE DIRTY SECRETS IF HE CHOOSES TO!! I FEEL SURE HE HASN'T FORGOTTEN A THING EITHER, SOME OF YOU BETTER TAKE COVER. HE COULD BE YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE VERY SOON, YOU BETTER BE LOOKING OVER YOUR SHOULDER!!

I do have a question for the Sheriff. Why didn't you call LA if you were being told there was a problem? Especially if LA was out of town with no way to know what was going on. Would you appreciate someone confronting you if the situation was turned around?
LA did make mistakes, we all do, but he's a quick study and he would have changed anything you asked him to. He didn't lie, steal, cheat, do drugs or go after a co-workers wife. LA's knowledge is priceless. You are his boss, why would you not have confronted him ?

LA, I hope you will be able to enjoy some stress free time with your family because somehow I don't see you staying home and doing the HONEY DO gig. Rest, recharge your batteries, enjoy those babies and find something you love to do in the next chapter of your life. I truly wish you and your family the best! Thank you for your lifetime career as a public servant![/quote:1xdvk591]

06-20-2013, 02:51 AM
You are pathetic. It's people like you and your spewing negativity that is ruining the department. And thanks to attitudes like yours those of us who have to stay and want to stay are stuck with Haines and the Attorney. The Sheriff has lost it and is allowing those two to make stupid policy and procedures
Smart move Chief. Get out before they ruin you

06-20-2013, 12:40 PM
No negativity over here baby. Just speaking the truth.
And "Smart move Cheif. Get out before they ruin you?" What kind of remark is that? What about all the people he has ruined?? ...has chased off, has sent to midnights and sh*itty shifts just cause they didn't agree with them. And - you - don't even play Innocent. You had a hand in a few of those too. Before they ruin YOU... screw that... he needs to pay restitution for everyone he has ruined. I mean does the Man even feel quilty for the wrongdoings he is responsible for?? Is there a conscious in there? In you, even?? That's what I call pathetic... doing that crap to people and having no conscious.

You are pathetic. It's people like you and your spewing negativity that is ruining the department. And thanks to attitudes like yours those of us who have to stay and want to stay are stuck with Haines and the Attorney. The Sheriff has lost it and is allowing those two to make stupid policy and procedures
Smart move Chief. Get out before they ruin you

06-20-2013, 11:24 PM
No negativity over here baby. Just speaking the truth.
And "Smart move Cheif. Get out before they ruin you?" What kind of remark is that? What about all the people he has ruined?? ...has chased off, has sent to midnights and sh*itty shifts just cause they didn't agree with them. And - you - don't even play Innocent. You had a hand in a few of those too. Before they ruin YOU... screw that... he needs to pay restitution for everyone he has ruined. I mean does the Man even feel quilty for the wrongdoings he is responsible for?? Is there a conscious in there? In you, even?? That's what I call pathetic... doing that crap to people and having no conscious.

You are pathetic. It's people like you and your spewing negativity that is ruining the department. And thanks to attitudes like yours those of us who have to stay and want to stay are stuck with Haines and the Attorney. The Sheriff has lost it and is allowing those two to make stupid policy and procedures
Smart move Chief. Get out before they ruin you

somebody please crank the suckle truck up. we are in need of a tit stat.

06-21-2013, 03:27 AM
Amen! Billy Graham could not say it better. He is just a loser!!
No negativity over here baby. Just speaking the truth.
And "Smart move Cheif. Get out before they ruin you?" What kind of remark is that? What about all the people he has ruined?? ...has chased off, has sent to midnights and sh*itty shifts just cause they didn't agree with them. And - you - don't even play Innocent. You had a hand in a few of those too. Before they ruin YOU... screw that... he needs to pay restitution for everyone he has ruined. I mean does the Man even feel quilty for the wrongdoings he is responsible for?? Is there a conscious in there? In you, even?? That's what I call pathetic... doing that crap to people and having no conscious.

You are pathetic. It's people like you and your spewing negativity that is ruining the department. And thanks to attitudes like yours those of us who have to stay and want to stay are stuck with Haines and the Attorney. The Sheriff has lost it and is allowing those two to make stupid policy and procedures
Smart move Chief. Get out before they ruin you