View Full Version : CID

06-01-2013, 01:05 PM
I think they should move CID back to the DYS building and put the new Col' in the same office she went up or I mean down in. I still remember the morning she came in and seen the crime scene tape on the door and took off crying. Also, during the Hurricane when Bill had Kay and family camped out in his office, she went around slamming doors pissed because they were there. Then she goes to IA and lies. Also while all this is going on, she's having relations with a married man from George Stone. She also seemed to have a lasting relationship with another officer that was in charge of St Ann's security. She got to work security out there while the officer and his wife/kids worked out there. Now you tell me whether she has any morals or not. Now she's head of the very unit where her career started going literally up and down and she expects all of us to respect her in her new position ? Only a person with no respect of other wives, kids etc.. would feel this way. Great job Sheriff picking this one. All you had to do if you didn't want to read the IA file was just ask us. Now you've got all those witnesses in CID that was part of the Bill Price investigation who were told that all would be well having to work for the other half of the problem. Not to mention that she requested a copy of and received the IA statements given and by whom so she wouldn't forget her enemies. Thank you for putting us all out there to work for this useless employee. I'm sure she won't let any of this affect any decision she may try to make. Thanks again.

06-01-2013, 02:23 PM
If she will get rid of Briggs' bureaucratic BS tasks which wastes time that could be better used working cases and the ridiculous notion that wearing a tie helps solve crime, I can overlook the past and will support her.

06-01-2013, 03:35 PM
If she will get rid of Briggs' bureaucratic BS tasks which wastes time that could be better used working cases and the ridiculous notion that wearing a tie helps solve crime, I can overlook the past and will support her.

A tie? wow. A uniform is a uniform wear it or go back to patrol and put the vest back on. Dear lord how many patrol members are going to read this and laugh that of all the things that YOU would change about the CID is a "f"ing tie. The problem is you're fat and your shirts don't fit so the tie hurts. Understand if your neck is a fat 20 inches then don't buy a size 18 shirt.

06-02-2013, 03:23 AM
Briggs does not ask very much of the investigators. The problem is that most of the command staff fails to understand that investigators solving cases PREVENTS future crimes, and therefore, investigations is normally understaffed and neglected. The comment above about the tie was petty and is not a major issue. Investigators just want some solid leadership and I don't think anybody feels like this recent transfer is going to give that.

06-02-2013, 04:59 AM
I don't think she is the best person to put over there either. She doesn't have enough experience to run CID. The training she received while working over there would be most suited for Prostitute stings. Now if she slimmed back down, she may even get a John to stop.

06-02-2013, 05:14 AM
Resounding vote of no confidence. The ability to write people up does not mean that you're a good supervisor.

06-04-2013, 01:19 AM
I agree, she has shown limited judgement when it comes to working relationships, starting with her teaching job at GeorgeStone, then bringing her relationship to the court house. She was seen many times coming and going into alot of areas with this person. No respect from alot of officers (past and present). Morals, she has non. You will see, when she starts to write up people for any issue. She can not stand anyone to question her, watch out, she might go home and tell her daddy and he will come and beat you up. :cop: :cop: :cop: :shock: :shock: :shock:

06-04-2013, 10:32 PM
But no one wants to come on here and complain about the Eddins promotion. Talk about a checkered past! How many times did he have to be given leave because he was so distraught over his beloved Shannon ? How many ridiculous and policy violating decisions has he made while supervising at the beach? Racial comments, disrespect and flat out refusal to follow the rules. Possible armed subject no problem he will just ram him with his vehicle. Should people post about him hanging at the beach bars and drinking ? I don't think svelte and trim are used to describe him either

Maybe you are just afraid of a woman supervisor. Who cares if she writes people up do your job and it won't be an issue for you. Take away all of the alleged personal issues with both promotions and look at the work record. I think hers is much better than his

06-05-2013, 12:31 AM
Sounds like Escambia County Sheriff's department have some real winners. This is suppose to be a law enforcement career, not a sleep around, screw around, do him, do her, make life suck because you can. Damn, DOJ, come back, one of the worst kinds is working at the main courthouse thanks to the Sheriff. How much has big boy done for you? :( :( :( :( :(

06-05-2013, 12:38 AM
As a LEO, you can't over look the personal life there dummy. It has nothing to do with being a woman at all. If you'll look at her past relationships with either married men, boyfriends etc, you'll see how she got to where she is today. For St Ann's, it was old Phillip who was married, for Investigations, it was old Billy boy with Kate and zero and for George Stone, well do I need to tell you? It's the hubby who was married at the time to someone else and now is finally married to ole faithful. Now my question is this. How in the hell did our Sheriff allow such a person to be in charge of all the employees that told the truth in an IA ? Do you have any idea Sheriff the position you've put them in? Please go read the IA yourself and reconsider this before you make a fool out of everyone over there. I can assure you she's not your answer to the problems over there. She will only cause you more problems and no one is going to respect her at all. Neither you nor her will change that. Good god man, get your head out of your ass.

06-05-2013, 01:51 AM
Maybe it doesn't matter to someone who has had several girlfriends and wives. But how does the PCC Commander stand for either one of those promotions. Goes against all of his moral convictions he forces on everyone else. :devil:

06-05-2013, 01:55 AM
If she will get rid of Briggs' bureaucratic BS tasks which wastes time that could be better used working cases and the ridiculous notion that wearing a tie helps solve crime, I can overlook the past and will support her.

If you would wear a tie with different smiley faces on them like the illustrious inv Ingram you would be happier. That's the professional look the department was going for!

06-05-2013, 02:01 AM
As a LEO, you can't over look the personal life there dummy. It has nothing to do with being a woman at all. If you'll look at her past relationships with either married men, boyfriends etc, you'll see how she got to where she is today. For St Ann's, it was old Phillip who was married, for Investigations, it was old Billy boy with Kate and zero and for George Stone, well do I need to tell you? It's the hubby who was married at the time to someone else and now is finally married to ole faithful. Now my question is this. How in the hell did our Sheriff allow such a person to be in charge of all the employees that told the truth in an IA ? Do you have any idea Sheriff the position you've put them in? Please go read the IA yourself and reconsider this before you make a fool out of everyone over there. I can assure you she's not your answer to the problems over there. She will only cause you more problems and no one is going to respect her at all. Neither you nor her will change that. Good god man, get your head out of your ass.

The sheriff would be able to think clearer if he also got Haines and The attorneys heads out of his a$$ too!!!!

06-05-2013, 02:38 AM
I went in there to go to bed and thought about something. I wanted to make sure the above statements could be verified so I don't get blamed for deformation of character if you can wrap your lips around that one. Phillip had to be pulled out of her apartment up in Cantonment by a Supervisor after Phillip had been seen on numerous occasions driving his cruiser up there during the day and {visiting}. He was telling his wife that he had to work, would get in his cruiser and go straight to 850 N Hwy 29 Apt #1 for his first and only call of duty. Lt Roland and Sgt Grice were the supervisors then. She even involved herself in with activities with his family/kids while all of this was going on. Billy and Kate plus zero speaks for itself in the IA. You can't deny all the statements made by the witnesses on that one. She was also [friends] with John during this time too. The relationship with John was at full blast during her teaching years at George Stone when Billy was with Kate plus zero and she/John were seen together all over by everyone. Then they get married after he becomes single. I think they skipped the mourning, dating etc.. I guess. I still remember Bill talking about the big banana and the big strawberry at the Fair.

06-05-2013, 03:23 AM
Sounds like Escambia County Sheriff's department have some real winners. This is suppose to be a law enforcement career, not a sleep around, screw around, do him, do her, make life suck because you can. Damn, DOJ, come back, one of the worst kinds is working at the main courthouse thanks to the Sheriff. How much has big boy done for you? :( :( :( :( :(

I work for the Escambia County Sheriff's Office. Not Sheriff's Department it's simple to remember this, one is appointed as a department head the other is a Constitutional Office.

06-05-2013, 08:29 PM
You do know why it is smiling don't you!

If she will get rid of Briggs' bureaucratic BS tasks which wastes time that could be better used working cases and the ridiculous notion that wearing a tie helps solve crime, I can overlook the past and will support her.

If you would wear a tie with different smiley faces on them like the illustrious inv Ingram you would be happier. That's the professional look the department was going for!