View Full Version : Crazy Joe is at it again!

05-11-2013, 06:11 AM
A Doral councilwoman tried to file a harassment report with police on Friday after a disagreement with the city manager over guests she brought to City Hall.

Councilwoman Sandra Ruiz had brought two young men into a conference room at City Hall to discuss a summer volunteer program when she was called to a meeting in her office. The two men remained in the conference room for about 10 minutes, according to Ruiz.

City Manager Joe Carollo saw the unattended men and walked into the conference room with Assistant City Manager Al Childress and City Attorney Joe Jimenez.

The men were asked to leave because they were unsupervised. As Ruiz came back from her meeting, she took issue and eventually drove to the police department to file a harassment report.

Ruiz spoke with a Doral police detective, according to Chief Richard Blom, and no report was filed after the meeting.

“I am confident that nothing criminal occurred, otherwise we would have a police report,” Blom said.

After leaving the police station, Ruiz said she plans on sending a memo to city officials regarding the incident. She said she did not think it would cause a problem to leave the men unsupervised for her 10-minute meeting.

“We’re not obligated to be tied at the hip to be with everybody who comes to see us,” she said.

Jimenez said that Carollo has the authority to control access to the city’s third-floor offices, which are restricted areas accessible only with key cards.

“These kids that were there with the councilwoman were told they were not allowed to be here unsupervised,” Jimenez said.

Ruiz has taken on one of the men, 21-year-old Florida International University student Alex Castro, to help her with scheduling and reviewing meeting materials. Castro said they met through a mutual friend.

She had him apply for an internship with the city, which Carollo denied earlier this week. Carollo said he rejected Castro because Castro had started a political action committee in January.

“What I’m not going to let her do is bring in political operatives, like she did before, so she can create problems within our city building,” Carollo said, referencing previous interns Ruiz has had that had worked on her campaigns.

Ruiz and Carollo have been feuding for months.

Ruiz said Castro still works with her in an unofficial capacity.

Castro “is working with me regardless of whether he has an internship,” Ruiz said.

Castro, a political science and international relations major, said he didn’t think he was getting in the way by waiting for Ruiz in the conference room.

“I’m not causing any inconvenience to anyone,” he said. “I’m not a political operative to anyone.”

Carollo said he would provide an intern for Ruiz if she wants one.

“If she wants an intern, I will find her one through the university system,” he said.

Interns are not paid in Doral and can only receive college credit, according to Carollo.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/05/10/3 ... rylink=cpy (http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/05/10/3391612/doral-council-member-tries-to.html#storylink=cpy)

05-11-2013, 07:19 AM
At it again? This is tame for Joe. No flying terra cotta tea thingy. No Cuban spies involved. No firing of city manager 2-3 times in one commission meeting. Tame, I tell ya. Seems like he may even be right for once .

05-11-2013, 07:21 AM
Its Just a matter of time before he turns on the mayor. How do you think he got the name crazy joe.

05-11-2013, 10:35 AM
Doesn't Crazy Joe know those interns are Miami PD SiS detectives working on a federal task force to investigate him :cry:

05-11-2013, 10:50 AM
At it again? This is tame for Joe. No flying terra cotta tea thingy. No Cuban spies involved. No firing of city manager 2-3 times in one commission meeting. Tame, I tell ya. Seems like he may even be right for once .

I agree. Sounds like Joe is QRU.

05-11-2013, 01:15 PM
Sometimes you got to relax and let the spy's do their work.

05-12-2013, 03:36 PM
I like what he did it makes alot of sense. We need more of that here in miami.

05-13-2013, 05:17 AM
I like what he did it makes alot of sense. We need more of that here in miami.

How new are you? Crazy Joe did not get the moniker Crazy by making sense. He just got lucky this time. And note, he and the commish the report says have had, let's say issues. Hey, even a blind pig finds an apple in it's stall if it wonders around long enough. And sense and Miami? Not much displayed since 1896. Glad I do not live where is in charge. Joe that is.

05-13-2013, 08:12 PM

05-13-2013, 10:09 PM
I know as sure as God makes little green apples that I am going to regret getting in this fight; however, I think we need to clear a couple of things up.

First and foremost, I don’t have a dog in this fight. Having said that most of you don’t know, and is not your fault, the degree of Cuban intelligence involvement in Miami and Miami’s government. Regretfully this has been going on for quite a while and will not stop any time soon. Hundreds of Cuban Agents have been trained and are here involved in a plethora of activity. That is the reason why the Miami FBI has something called “The Cuban Squad”

There are certain protocols to be observed by members of government. Depending on the type of set-up, strong Mayor Vs City Manager, the elected officials are guided by a set of rules. It has been the universal practice that in a City Manager form of government, although working at the pleasure of the Mayor and City Council, he/she does all of the hiring and firing.

It does appear that this council person has exceeded her authority.

05-13-2013, 11:35 PM
I know as sure as God makes little green apples that I am going to regret getting in this fight; however, I think we need to clear a couple of things up.

First and foremost, I don’t have a dog in this fight. Having said that most of you don’t know, and is not your fault, the degree of Cuban intelligence involvement in Miami and Miami’s government. Regretfully this has been going on for quite a while and will not stop any time soon. Hundreds of Cuban Agents have been trained and are here involved in a plethora of activity. That is the reason why the Miami FBI has something called “The Cuban Squad”

There are certain protocols to be observed by members of government. Depending on the type of set-up, strong Mayor Vs City Manager, the elected officials are guided by a set of rules. It has been the universal practice that in a City Manager form of government, although working at the pleasure of the Mayor and City Council, he/she does all of the hiring and firing

It does appear that this council person has exceeded her authority.

That the Castro 's have agents all over the place I doubt not. But Crazy's spy adventure came about when the trips back to the island started in the early 80's. Two Miami cops went back to visit family. Joe tells media they are "Cuban spies". Guest all the 10's of thousands who gone to visit family are spies. But that spies are here, no doubt. Just not the ones Joe said were spies. His history is of running mouth while mind stuck in stupid. He already started with City manager he replaced. Let's see history repeat itself. It has everytime so far.