View Full Version : Chief Tokajer

04-03-2013, 02:55 AM
Can anyone that has worked with him let us know how he is to work for?

04-03-2013, 10:52 AM
HB mayor names new chief, interim chief resigns, dismissed by mayor

By Mark Young, Islander Reporter




Most residents of Holmes Beach at the March 28 special meeting to appoint the city’s new police chief left unhappy.

Outrage over the hastily organized meeting and the leak that Mayor Carmel Monti would be recommending Longboat Key Police Lt. Bill Tokajer over Holmes Beach Interim Chief Dale Stephenson was apparent.

In the ensuing days, Stephenson was locked out of his office by the mayor, resigned effective April 4, and was told by the mayor to collect his things April 1.

He was dismissed.

At the March 28 meeting, resident Andy Sheridan said, “This meeting needs to be moved to another date and time. There is no reason to rush unless there is something to hide. The citizens of Holmes Beach may forgive your choice, but they will never forgive your tactics.”

Islander publisher Bonner Joy questioned the mayor’s choice, as well as the three-months the mayor took to review informal inquiries about the job, which had no deadline and was not advertised.

“I’ve had applicants call and ask me what’s going on,” said Joy. “There were no deadlines, and some of them were not contacted.”

Joy said she feels Stephenson served the city well for 26 years and did not receive a fair chance from the administration to prove his value as chief.

“I was told that he was required by the mayor to fire people and refused and I believe this is a vindictive action,” she said.

Manatee County Commissioner Carol Whitmore was unable to attend the meeting, but submitted a letter asking commissioners to table the issue, and for the mayor to reconsider his choice.

“I respectfully suggest you delay the appointment of the chief of police,” wrote Whitmore. “Dale deserves a chance and has the major support and respect of the community. He has proven himself in highly visible situations.”

Whitmore said Stephenson deserved the time to establish his leadership.

Monti said it wasn’t a “slam on Dale. I saw no plan for a second in command to take over the chief’s role.”

Monti said retired Police Chief Jay Romine did not recommend a replacement, but did submit a recommendation letter for Stephenson during the review process. The mayor said he found it “bizarre.”

“He’s done an exceptional job as lieutenant, and I have asked him to stay on, but that’s his decision,” said Monti. “I’m recommending Tokajer because we have issues in the police department that need to be addressed.”

Stephenson resigned after the meeting, opting to take retirement.

Former Commissioner John Monetti, voted out of office in November, took exception to the mayor’s comments that there are issues within the police force, and that Stephenson did not have the support of the staff.

“Let me offer an inside view,” said Monetti, referring to his past experience. “I know a lot more than you do, mayor, and a lot more than some of our commissioners.”

Monetti criticized the hastily organized special meeting, saying special meetings are reserved for emergencies, not to select a department head. He said Stephenson did have the support of the department, “but this isn’t about Dale. This process is flawed. Why do you feel the need to have a special meeting without vetting the public?”

Commissioner Marvin Grossman left the meeting before it began, saying outside the meeting room he was experiencing an elevated heart rate, which he monitors with his smartphone. Grossman has a pacemaker.

Commissioner David Zaccagnino was the lone dissenter in a 3-1 vote to confirm the mayor’s appointment of Tokajer as the city’s new top cop.

“This has been one of the top three decisions I’ve made in eight years as commissioner,” said Zaccagnino. “Dale is the real choice. He has the integrity and trust of the citizens. He deserves the position as permanent chief.”

Commissioner Pat Morton moved to approve the mayor’s recommendation. Commissioner Judy Titsworth seconded the motion, she said, to open the floor for discussion.

Zaccagnino claimed the mayor did not perform due diligence in recommending Tokajer.

“This gentleman has applied for many, many chief jobs in the last several years,” he said. “He wants to be chief more than his interest in this city. His allegiance to us may not be what we think.”

Zaccagnino presented Tokajer’s personnel file — a 4-5 inch stack of papers, from which he had added up 16 disciplinary actions in just the top third of the stack from Tokajer’s career with the Bradenton Police Department.

In contrast, the commissioner displayed Stephenson’s file, a 1-inch stack of papers with no disciplinary actions in 26 years of service to the city.

“And two police chiefs told me ‘anybody but Tokajer,’” said Zaccagnino. “This is not the right choice.”

Titsworth said her duty as commissioner is to support the mayor unless she feels the mayor is doing something wrong. She said she was torn in her decision because both men “are great guys.”

Commission Chair Jean Peelen said Tokajer would not have been her choice, but also said it was important to support the mayor’s decision.

“It should never be an automatic that someone gets promoted to a top position just because they are a wonderful person,” she said. “This would not have been my decision, but I do need to support the mayor.”

Titsworth, Morton and Peelen voted to support the mayor’s recommendation to hire Tokajer. Morton was absent.

Tokajer’s personnel file shows a two-week suspension from duty without pay, an at-fault traffic accident and failing to report a domestic dispute between another office and his wife, for which he was suspended from duty, as well as other at-fault traffic incidents, improper paperwork and safety violations.

In other matters, commissioners unanimously approved temporary building official Tom O’Brien as the building department inspector effective April 15.

04-03-2013, 10:53 AM

04-03-2013, 11:28 AM
HBPD is so SCREWED!!!!! :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

04-04-2013, 01:35 PM
The recall process is starting and soon Mr. Key Royale will be just another former Mayor / mistake. Buh bye Monti…

04-06-2013, 08:14 PM
Can anyone that has worked with him let us know how he is to work for?

Let's just say this.......IMO, if you do not get on his good side quickly, you may want to consider doubling up your vest insert on you six, and listen carefully for the sound of a big truck rolling your way.....LOL

IMO, believe zero of what you hear from him, and don't count on anything he promises unless you have it in writing

IMO, he will quickly develop a few henchmen to do his bidding, so he does not have to get his hands dirty personally and he can use plausible deniability

Good luck fella's, y'all gonna need it

04-07-2013, 02:30 AM
SORRY,I dont read or trust anything that comes from that paper and Def NOT anything from one sided Mark JOY YOUNG :devil:

04-07-2013, 04:18 AM
Truth hurts!

04-08-2013, 09:42 PM
Personally I never had an issue with him. Only worked with him for a few years so I'm sure people will say I don't know half of the stories. The way I look at it is give the guy his fair chance. Everyone will have their personal opinion and you should make yours as well. However make it on your own from your experiences and encounters and not from stories you hear good or bad.

04-08-2013, 10:37 PM
I have known him for many years and there are LOTS of issues.

04-09-2013, 02:17 AM
Tokajer will be on his best behavior because he wants to take over BPD when Razzie leaves next year so just relax!

07-15-2013, 08:58 PM
OMG this is horrifying! WTF this guy is a chief! He is a disaster.. :o

07-15-2013, 09:03 PM
OMG this is horrifying! WTF this guy is a chief! He is a disaster.. :o

Titsworth lol that's all you need to know look into to her and Monti. This needs to be sent to an investigative journalist with a real paper.

07-15-2013, 11:50 PM
There needs to be a petition to recall the mayor and fire the chief now HB is a rats nest of trash.

07-18-2013, 03:07 PM
Tokajer will be on his best behavior because he wants to take over BPD when Razzie leaves next year so just relax!

Jokeager will never come back to BPD unless he has pictures of someone. Dude is amazing raised under boss hogg back shot Razzie and Poston and still lands on his feet.

07-18-2013, 10:12 PM
Tokajer will be on his best behavior because he wants to take over BPD when Razzie leaves next year so just relax!

Jokeager will never come back to BPD unless he has pictures of someone. Dude is amazing raised under boss hogg back shot Razzie and Poston and still lands on his feet.

Oh, he's coming back, you heard it hear. He is a very subversive passive aggressive type. But, people still believe him. SMH

07-21-2013, 02:18 PM
[quote="No Worries Mon!":2ugbkk4k]Tokajer will be on his best behavior because he wants to take over BPD when Razzie leaves next year so just relax!

Jokeager will never come back to BPD unless he has pictures of someone. Dude is amazing raised under boss hogg back shot Razzie and Poston and still lands on his feet.

Oh, he's coming back, you heard it hear. He is a very subversive passive aggressive type. But, people still believe him. SMH[/quote:2ugbkk4k]

We got taken here in Holmes by a sorry fool named Monti. He hired a a police chief with a documented troubled and disturbing past. Bradenton PD should have fired this man years ago but they promoted him instead. In reality, as a taxpayer here, the best service and most professional should come from the Manatee County Sheriff. To the gutless commissioners who voted to hire a man with this past is disgraceful.

07-22-2013, 08:10 PM
[quote="No Worries Mon!":3kijc53w]Tokajer will be on his best behavior because he wants to take over BPD when Razzie leaves next year so just relax!

Jokeager will never come back to BPD unless he has pictures of someone. Dude is amazing raised under boss hogg back shot Razzie and Poston and still lands on his feet.

Oh, he's coming back, you heard it hear. He is a very subversive passive aggressive type. But, people still believe him. SMH[/quote:3kijc53w]

Hey MOD, why did you remove the posts about Mayor Monti and Tokajer? There true and have been published many times in newspapers and Toke's IA file. Is Tokajer the MOD?

07-22-2013, 09:50 PM
MOD, it is well known that Tokajer has a very sketchy past as a law enforcement officer and that is public record. The mayor of Holmes Beach saw fit to look over a very well qualified candidate with no skeletons and he picked this man. Since we have no board here HBPD needs to sometimes vent here, especially because he came from BPD. If you are going to take posts like this down, please explain the violation.

07-24-2013, 02:04 PM
[quote="RandAnn"]MOD, it is well known that Tokajer has a very sketchy past as a law enforcement officer and that is public record. The mayor of Holmes Beach saw fit to look over a very well qualified candidate with no skeletons and he picked this man. Since we have no board here HBPD needs to sometimes vent here, especially because he came from BPD. If you are going to take posts like this down, please explain the violation.[/quote

Staggering, flabergasting and just shameful. Monti should be recalled with Titsworth or at least asked how this man could be a good choice for police chief!]

07-24-2013, 02:31 PM
Leave the guy alone. I like him.

07-24-2013, 11:07 PM
MOD, it is well known that Tokajer has a very sketchy past as a law enforcement officer and that is public record. The mayor of Holmes Beach saw fit to look over a very well qualified candidate with no skeletons and he picked this man. Since we have no board here HBPD needs to sometimes vent here, especially because he came from BPD. If you are going to take posts like this down, please explain the violation.

No violation but its BPD message board, you may not have one but you can sign up for one. Don't blame us because your mayor picked him. BPD had no say in the hiring of your new chief. We will feel for you but if you want answers go see your mayor. It seems the only person who wanted him hired is your mayor. Election time I would remind him why he can no longer be your mayor. Good luck.

07-25-2013, 03:29 AM
Like it or not he is coming back to BTown as Chief he just needed some experience!! :D

07-25-2013, 02:02 PM
Like it or not he is coming back to BTown as Chief he just needed some experience!! :D

Not happening, he will never be back to BPD as chief,meter maid or crossing guard. No politician other than your mayor wants to open up the can of that stink. I am all about 2nd chances, but this guy has a history (public record) that reads like a rap sheet. Poston would never hire him here, and were Rads to leave he has ample qualified candidates. He is very happy with Rads and he knows what a PR disaster that would be. The newspaper is interviewing people about Tokajer now for some kind of story.

07-26-2013, 01:14 AM
Unless he has done something since 96 it's not going be new news to anyone so go away dummy!

07-26-2013, 02:45 PM
Unless he has done something since 96 it's not going be new news to anyone so go away dummy!

Read the record Plato, it's 50 years in the books and it can and will be a subject to scrutiny at any time. Go back to your spot under the bridge :roll:

07-27-2013, 04:15 PM
Rads made him a deputy chief! Doesn't say to much for him. He needs to go now

07-27-2013, 08:05 PM
Same ole BS, he will be back at BPD mark my words!

07-28-2013, 04:50 AM
Can some one please explain why our IA, LT endorsed, I Am Blessed for that Chief position. That person has been here for a long time and knew all the crazy stuff that went on here at BPD with I Am Blessed. Holmes Beach officers should thank that person for the mess their in. Nobody can be that blind and not see the stuff I Am Blessed did. Pure Craziness.... In my book... posting.php?mode=reply&f=35&t=148106# (http://forums.leoaffairs.com/posting.php?mode=reply&f=35&t=148106#)

07-29-2013, 08:26 AM
Can some one please explain why our IA, LT endorsed, I Am Blessed for that Chief position. That person has been here for a long time and knew all the crazy stuff that went on here at BPD with I Am Blessed. Holmes Beach officers should thank that person for the mess their in. Nobody can be that blind and not see the stuff I Am Blessed did. Pure Craziness.... In my book... posting.php?mode=reply&f=35&t=148106# (http://forums.leoaffairs.com/posting.php?mode=reply&f=35&t=148106#)

Don't worry as I am blessed has a fiscal budget due well about overdue now and cant support his deficit in excessive spending. If one would have to guess I am blessed is all but already on his way out the door.

07-29-2013, 12:45 PM
Can some one please explain why our IA, LT endorsed, I Am Blessed for that Chief position. That person has been here for a long time and knew all the crazy stuff that went on here at BPD with I Am Blessed. Holmes Beach officers should thank that person for the mess their in. Nobody can be that blind and not see the stuff I Am Blessed did. Pure Craziness.... In my book... posting.php?mode=reply&f=35&t=148106# (http://forums.leoaffairs.com/posting.php?mode=reply&f=35&t=148106#)

Don't worry as I am blessed has a fiscal budget due well about overdue now and cant support his deficit in excessive spending. If one would have to guess I am blessed is all but already on his way out the door.

Will never be back at BPD and Rads better be looking over his shoulder for all his screwups including promoting Toke the Joke. A Bill Evers henchman who got "saved" during a number of investigations by FDLE and MSO along with the IRS. Poston should have fired Rads for promoting this walking billboard of what not to do as a law enforcement officer much less a blessed one. Holmes Beach is in for it, the good news is he will screw it up before it gets to far except Monti is a fool and will get shown the door with Titsworth. Dirty politics never stop around here, Poston needs a reformer who he trusts but that BPD will trust even more. Someone who will tell Poston how it is and not sell out the troops.

07-31-2013, 05:46 PM
Can some one please explain why our IA, LT endorsed, I Am Blessed for that Chief position. That person has been here for a long time and knew all the crazy stuff that went on here at BPD with I Am Blessed. Holmes Beach officers should thank that person for the mess their in. Nobody can be that blind and not see the stuff I Am Blessed did. Pure Craziness.... In my book... posting.php?mode=reply&f=35&t=148106# (http://forums.leoaffairs.com/posting.php?mode=reply&f=35&t=148106#)

Don't worry as I am blessed has a fiscal budget due well about overdue now and cant support his deficit in excessive spending. If one would have to guess I am blessed is all but already on his way out the door.

Will never be back at BPD and Rads better be looking over his shoulder for all his screwups including promoting Toke the Joke. A Bill Evers henchman who got "saved" during a number of investigations by FDLE and MSO along with the IRS. Poston should have fired Rads for promoting this walking billboard of what not to do as a law enforcement officer much less a blessed one. Holmes Beach is in for it, the good news is he will screw it up before it gets to far except Monti is a fool and will get shown the door with Titsworth. Dirty politics never stop around here, Poston needs a reformer who he trusts but that BPD will trust even more. Someone who will tell Poston how it is and not sell out the troops.

Amen to that, Radz served a purpose for a little while but he should go now. Tokajer will never be the chief here, he is done. Poston should have done something about him or made the chief do the right thing and fire him. I don't see how either of them could justify keeping a guy like that for so long.

08-02-2013, 02:38 AM
It is this kind of initiative that will make Chief Tokajer the best choice for BPD Chief, how many years did the old HBPD chief JR sit on his hands, and he has all these contacts!

http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/l ... mp-murders (http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/local_news/investigations/a-new-police-chief-looking-into-the-kingfish-boat-ramp-murders)

08-02-2013, 11:00 AM
It is this kind of initiative that will make Chief Tokajer the best choice for BPD Chief, how many years did the old HBPD chief JR sit on his hands, and he has all these contacts!

http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/l ... mp-murders (http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/local_news/investigations/a-new-police-chief-looking-into-the-kingfish-boat-ramp-murders)

That was a whole lot of NOTHING.

08-04-2013, 03:19 PM
It is this kind of initiative that will make Chief Tokajer the best choice for BPD Chief, how many years did the old HBPD chief JR sit on his hands, and he has all these contacts!

http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/l ... mp-murders (http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/local_news/investigations/a-new-police-chief-looking-into-the-kingfish-boat-ramp-murders)

That was a whole lot of NOTHING.

What a crock!Tokajer could not solve a crime in his own home. FDLE, MSO, FBI all have worked this case, this guy is an arrogant fool looking for cheap press while opening old wounds for the family. Total self delusional egomaniac.

08-04-2013, 06:59 PM
It is this kind of initiative that will make Chief Tokajer the best choice for BPD Chief, how many years did the old HBPD chief JR sit on his hands, and he has all these contacts!

http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/l ... mp-murders (http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/local_news/investigations/a-new-police-chief-looking-into-the-kingfish-boat-ramp-murders)

That was a whole lot of NOTHING.

What a crock!Tokajer could not solve a crime in his own home. FDLE, MSO, FBI all have worked this case, this guy is an arrogant fool looking for cheap press while opening old wounds for the family. Total self delusional egomaniac.

You have failed your history lesson, the failures that were in command of HBPD gave up years ago, the victims's families are very happy with Chief Tokajer doing the job that the past did not!

08-04-2013, 10:18 PM
It is this kind of initiative that will make Chief Tokajer the best choice for BPD Chief, how many years did the old HBPD chief JR sit on his hands, and he has all these contacts!

http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/l ... mp-murders (http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/local_news/investigations/a-new-police-chief-looking-into-the-kingfish-boat-ramp-murders)

That was a whole lot of NOTHING.

08-05-2013, 12:30 AM
Next, He will find Jimmy Hoffa and DB Cooper!!!

08-05-2013, 03:36 AM
It is this kind of initiative that will make Chief Tokajer the best choice for BPD Chief, how many years did the old HBPD chief JR sit on his hands, and he has all these contacts!

http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/l ... mp-murders (http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/local_news/investigations/a-new-police-chief-looking-into-the-kingfish-boat-ramp-murders)

That was a whole lot of NOTHING.

What a crock!Tokajer could not solve a crime in his own home. FDLE, MSO, FBI all have worked this case, this guy is an arrogant fool looking for cheap press while opening old wounds for the family. Total self delusional egomaniac.

You have failed your history lesson, the failures that were in command of HBPD gave up years ago, the victims's families are very happy with Chief Tokajer doing the job that the past did not!

You couldnt be further from the truth. The people of holmes beach feel duped that this inept individual slipped through the cracks mostly due to our soon to be outgoing mayor. Fear not that we the citizens are doing our best to right these wrongs and quickly. We want notta to do with the anna maria policing nor do we want this self depricating so called leader in the wheel house of the agency.

08-06-2013, 09:13 PM
It is this kind of initiative that will make Chief Tokajer the best choice for BPD Chief, how many years did the old HBPD chief JR sit on his hands, and he has all these contacts!

http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/l ... mp-murders (http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/local_news/investigations/a-new-police-chief-looking-into-the-kingfish-boat-ramp-murders)

Dude are you nuts. Tokajer applied to almost every police department in the United States and still could not land a job. That speaks volumes about his character and potential to be a Chief. He is a walking poster child on what not to do to become a chief in another Agency. To much baggage. I still cant believe our Chief hasn't been fired yet. Its all about his pay check and not Officers. He proves it day after day. He actually wrote a recommendation for Tokajer saying he would make a great chief. How on earth is this guy still our chief when he thinks Tokajer is an asset. He is delusional.

08-07-2013, 07:23 PM
It is this kind of initiative that will make Chief Tokajer the best choice for BPD Chief, how many years did the old HBPD chief JR sit on his hands, and he has all these contacts!

http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/l ... mp-murders (http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/local_news/investigations/a-new-police-chief-looking-into-the-kingfish-boat-ramp-murders)

Dude are you nuts. Tokajer applied to almost every police department in the United States and still could not land a job. That speaks volumes about his character and potential to be a Chief. He is a walking poster child on what not to do to become a chief in another Agency. To much baggage. I still cant believe our Chief hasn't been fired yet. Its all about his pay check and not Officers. He proves it day after day. He actually wrote a recommendation for Tokajer saying he would make a great chief. How on earth is this guy still our chief when he thinks Tokajer is an asset. He is delusional.

Rads wrote a recommendation letter!!! Good golly, he needs to take his butt outa here and work for Toke the super crime fighter. What a joke.

08-08-2013, 03:17 AM
HBPD involved in Steroid ring?

08-08-2013, 04:02 AM
It happened when there wasn't a present Chief, JR and DS were never at work! There were no other Supervisors working, Chief Tokajer now has 3 Sgts and himself, which speaks volumes about bringing accountability to our agency.

08-08-2013, 04:15 AM
BS meter is ringing loudly. :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :snicker:

08-08-2013, 04:55 AM
Oh you will find that this was under the past regime, not the Tokajer Command!

08-09-2013, 01:50 AM
Oh you will find that this was under the past regime, not the Tokajer Command!

Toke is a joke, he will bring nothing but a bad light to an already irrelevant department. Radsilowski is an idiot if he recommended this guy, maybe just to get rid of him.

08-10-2013, 03:38 AM
Next, He will find Jimmy Hoffa and DB Cooper!!!

Or just make a lot of meaningless noise, again, to get publicity.

08-14-2013, 04:22 PM
Next, He will find Jimmy Hoffa and DB Cooper!!!

Or just make a lot of meaningless noise, again, to get publicity.

LOL :lol: He is going to find Al Zawhiri in Holmes too!

08-15-2013, 05:53 AM
Word is his budget is so out of balance his replacement is being sought after. His mayor is getting ready to quit and bail and leave him swinging in the wind. You asked for it you got it.

08-15-2013, 06:25 AM
Too long his employment has been.

08-18-2013, 03:33 PM
Word is his budget is so out of balance his replacement is being sought after. His mayor is getting ready to quit and bail and leave him swinging in the wind. You asked for it you got it.

As many of you know me I must be somewhat discreet here. This man has had too many chances and does not have the best interest of the community in mind. He is after the BPD job in a big way and so is Wells in Palmetto. So Tokajer needed a platform to beat Wells out or at least compete. Wells will eventually run for sheriff when Brad is done. Tokajer just wants BPD, HBPD is a holding pattern. He must have had "influence" :lol: over that idiot Monti. BPD would take huge step backward by hiring Tokajer. Why Poston and the others chose to keep and promote him has to make you wonder. Whaaat a personnel file on this dude!

08-18-2013, 05:00 PM
The below quote nominating Chief Wells for the NAACP Award shows who Chief Razz wants replacing him!!!

Chief Rick Wells

Palmetto Police Chief Rick Wells will receive the Community Service Award for his work with community organizations and service projects.

"I've seen him interacting with the community and he is very professional, very precise, and very community-oriented," said Bradenton Police Chief Michael Radzilowski.

Wells has been chief of the Palmetto Police Department since July 2010.

He began his law enforcement career in 1984 with the Manatee County Sheriff's Office and then moved to the Florida Highway Patrol for more than 21 years.

A 1982 graduate of Manatee High School, Wells attended what was then Manatee Junior College, now State College of Florida, before enrolling in the Saint Leo University Command Officer Management Program.

"This is a high honor for me," Wells said. "I was very proud to be nominated."

He said his service is a "combination of a blessing to work with some of the best people and to help the community."

Chief Wells participates in weekly North River Project meetings with area pastors and local leaders.

"I try to get out and be active in the community," he said. "We have to be proactive."

Radzilowski said he meets regularly with Wells to talk about their communities and said he found Wells to be responsive to neighborhood concerns.

"He's very upbeat and positive," Radzilowski said.

The Palmetto police chief serves as a board member for Keep Manatee Beautiful, Manatee County Crime Stoppers, Boy Scouts of America, The Gold Star Club and Manatee River Fair Association.

08-19-2013, 02:38 PM
Talking nice about a fellow Chief---- I don't read anything thing into that.

08-19-2013, 02:59 PM
Talking nice about a fellow Chief---- I don't read anything thing into that.

Translation: Your lying eyes.

Author: The political posse that patrols the BPD, MSO, SSO boards
“never miss a chance to put the fix in”

08-19-2013, 07:49 PM
The below quote nominating Chief Wells for the NAACP Award shows who Chief Razz wants replacing him!!!
"Bradenton NAACP to honor six community activists"

NAACP-Manatee isn’t what you think. It was a low profile nonprofit without much dough. That is until certain politicos realized they could control it. So the Old Boys put their Errand Boys in top positions at NAACP. Out spits political favors. Oh yes, the Bradenton NAACP has more cash than ever before.

Engineering political favors

08-19-2013, 09:15 PM
As many of you know me I must be somewhat discreet here. He is after the BPD job in a big way and so is Wells in Palmetto.
who started this thread, oh now I get it :idea:

08-21-2013, 03:05 AM
I don't get it. Who actually DID start this thread??? :cop:

08-23-2013, 08:17 PM
I don't get it. Who actually DID start this thread??? :cop:

Rads doesn't get a vote on who will replace him. Poston will cast the only one that counts. Wells is a great guy, but he should wait Brad out and walk right into MSO. He has done a great job at Palmetto P.D.

08-23-2013, 09:45 PM
I agree

08-24-2013, 03:27 AM
I don't get it. Who actually DID start this thread??? :cop:

Rads doesn't get a vote on who will replace him. Poston will cast the only one that counts. Wells is a great guy, but he should wait Brad out and walk right into MSO. He has done a great job at Palmetto P.D.

Hey Rick how's that Club Elite massacre investigation going? Great job :roll:

08-26-2013, 01:03 PM
I don't get it. Who actually DID start this thread??? :cop:

Wells is a great guy, but he should walk right into MSO.

The campaign has begun.

08-26-2013, 01:42 PM
the invisible primary is underway. Step 1, Use The Media To Raise Your Profile
talk about the Bradnton Herald over doing it

Palmetto Police Chief Rick Wells will receive the Community Service Award - - - - -

Palmetto Police Chief Rick Wells, Community Service Award - - - - - -

Palmetto Police Chief Rick Wells was awarded the Community Service Award-----

Palmetto Police Chief Rick Wells, council chair, says--------

08-26-2013, 02:31 PM

Charles Richard “Rick” Wells would make a good sheriff! Thats a great picture of him and his 2nd wife Guadalupe “Lupita” F. Flores in the Herald.

09-03-2013, 09:16 PM
[quote="for MSO sheriff":11i2kbzh][url]http://www.bradenton.com/2013/08/24/4679113/manatee-naacp-honors-6-against.html[/url

Charles Richard “Rick” Wells would make a good sheriff! Thats a great picture of him and his 2nd wife Guadalupe “Lupita” F. Flores in the Herald.[/quote:11i2kbzh]

Nooooo Tokajer Puleeeze

09-04-2013, 04:19 AM
He won't risk Endictment

09-28-2013, 01:49 AM
He won't risk Endictment

Chief Raz is an idiot and needs to be fired. This guy thinks Tokajer would be a good chief.. Of course he has to say that because if he didn't he would look like even more of an idiot then he does now. Chief Raz, if you really care about this agency you should quit. You have to know that your not a very good chief. Tokajer did so many illegal things at BPD that the whole department knows it and 99.9% wanted to see him fired but not you, you wanted to keep him. Tell the truth you kept him because your a lazy chief who wants to collect another big pay check with out doing any work.. You kept him because he did all the work that you should of been doing. You are so far out of touch with us officers that every time I see you it makes me sick. I honestly hope Your double standards catches up with you, and the city will have no other choice but to shi_ can you. Funny thing is through out your stay here you have had some officers doing a lot of illegal things but you gave them a pass.. Lets see, You have a Lt. that cheated the city with over time, what did you do to a guy that steals money from the city. You demote him. You have a CPT that has been in trouble for sexual harassment and what did you do, you promoted him. You have a Lt. in our IA that investigates officers doing wrong in our department and yet she takes craps load of Zanies and never has to take a urine test because we all know she would fail. You have a female officer that went to jail for Battery and what did you do, suspended her for a couple of days. You have a deputy chief that gets caught selling his wife's dresses out of our station and what did you do to him.. Nothing, Like I said if you really care about BPD you would quit. Your just as much a criminal as the people we arrest for criminal acts. You need to Go

09-28-2013, 04:52 AM
Maybe they were Keith's dresses and not his wife's. Don't forget, we was involved in the McMillan incident......in more ways than most know.

09-28-2013, 04:54 AM
Maybe they were Keith's dresses and not his wife's. Don't forget, we was involved in the McMillan incident......in more ways than most know.

Sorry. Should have read "he" not "we"

09-28-2013, 05:54 AM
He won't risk Endictment

Chief Raz is an idiot and needs to be fired. This guy thinks Tokajer would be a good chief.. Of course he has to say that because if he didn't he would look like even more of an idiot then he does now. Chief Raz, if you really care about this agency you should quit. You have to know that your not a very good chief. Tokajer did so many illegal things at BPD that the whole department knows it and 99.9% wanted to see him fired but not you, you wanted to keep him. Tell the truth you kept him because your a lazy chief who wants to collect another big pay check with out doing any work.. You kept him because he did all the work that you should of been doing. You are so far out of touch with us officers that every time I see you it makes me sick. I honestly hope Your double standards catches up with you, and the city will have no other choice but to shi_ can you. Funny thing is through out your stay here you have had some officers doing a lot of illegal things but you gave them a pass.. Lets see, You have a Lt. that cheated the city with over time, what did you do to a guy that steals money from the city. You demote him. You have a CPT that has been in trouble for sexual harassment and what did you do, you promoted him. You have a Lt. in our IA that investigates officers doing wrong in our department and yet she takes craps load of Zanies and never has to take a urine test because we all know she would fail. You have a female officer that went to jail for Battery and what did you do, suspended her for a couple of days. You have a deputy chief that gets caught selling his wife's dresses out of our station and what did you do to him.. Nothing, Like I said if you really care about BPD you would quit. Your just as much a criminal as the people we arrest for criminal acts. You need to Go

Tim go to rehab buddy!

09-29-2013, 02:27 AM
He won't risk Endictment

Chief Raz is an idiot and needs to be fired. This guy thinks Tokajer would be a good chief.. Of course he has to say that because if he didn't he would look like even more of an idiot then he does now. Chief Raz, if you really care about this agency you should quit. You have to know that your not a very good chief. Tokajer did so many illegal things at BPD that the whole department knows it and 99.9% wanted to see him fired but not you, you wanted to keep him. Tell the truth you kept him because your a lazy chief who wants to collect another big pay check with out doing any work.. You kept him because he did all the work that you should of been doing. You are so far out of touch with us officers that every time I see you it makes me sick. I honestly hope Your double standards catches up with you, and the city will have no other choice but to shi_ can you. Funny thing is through out your stay here you have had some officers doing a lot of illegal things but you gave them a pass.. Lets see, You have a Lt. that cheated the city with over time, what did you do to a guy that steals money from the city. You demote him. You have a CPT that has been in trouble for sexual harassment and what did you do, you promoted him. You have a Lt. in our IA that investigates officers doing wrong in our department and yet she takes craps load of Zanies and never has to take a urine test because we all know she would fail. You have a female officer that went to jail for Battery and what did you do, suspended her for a couple of days. You have a deputy chief that gets caught selling his wife's dresses out of our station and what did you do to him.. Nothing, Like I said if you really care about BPD you would quit. Your just as much a criminal as the people we arrest for criminal acts. You need to Go

Tim go to rehab buddy!

Nice, but I'm not him maybe he does need rehab and maybe he doesn't. Its none of my business and I don't care. I was talking about Chief Raz on this post not him.. I'm sure your one of the admin sucking up to the chief that's why you came to his defense. No matter who you think I am on this post, doesn't change the fact that he needs to go. Im not the only one who thinks he should go. Time for change because most of us are tired of the people who are in our admin. Its time for a new breed. I'm tired of the same old, same old. There dragging us in to the abyss.. with them.. look around nobody is happy here. This agency could be a great one but admin has no innovation.. to move us forward.. We walk around all depressed and crap because BPD is not getting better but worse.. I know I can go somewhere else if I don't like it. I say hell no why do I have to be the person who has to go.. He should be the one to leave.. Any way's I'm done crying.. Be safe

09-29-2013, 03:22 AM
Oh your already gone buddy! :devil:

09-29-2013, 12:24 PM
He won't risk Endictment

Chief Raz is an idiot and needs to be fired. This guy thinks Tokajer would be a good chief.. Of course he has to say that because if he didn't he would look like even more of an idiot then he does now. Chief Raz, if you really care about this agency you should quit. You have to know that your not a very good chief. Tokajer did so many illegal things at BPD that the whole department knows it and 99.9% wanted to see him fired but not you, you wanted to keep him. Tell the truth you kept him because your a lazy chief who wants to collect another big pay check with out doing any work.. You kept him because he did all the work that you should of been doing. You are so far out of touch with us officers that every time I see you it makes me sick. I honestly hope Your double standards catches up with you, and the city will have no other choice but to shi_ can you. Funny thing is through out your stay here you have had some officers doing a lot of illegal things but you gave them a pass.. Lets see, You have a Lt. that cheated the city with over time, what did you do to a guy that steals money from the city. You demote him. You have a CPT that has been in trouble for sexual harassment and what did you do, you promoted him. You have a Lt. in our IA that investigates officers doing wrong in our department and yet she takes craps load of Zanies and never has to take a urine test because we all know she would fail. You have a female officer that went to jail for Battery and what did you do, suspended her for a couple of days. You have a deputy chief that gets caught selling his wife's dresses out of our station and what did you do to him.. Nothing, Like I said if you really care about BPD you would quit. Your just as much a criminal as the people we arrest for criminal acts. You need to Go

Tim go to rehab buddy!

Yeah I agree its one of the fired guys (who needed to be fired) venting.

09-29-2013, 05:57 PM
He won't risk Endictment

Chief Raz is an idiot and needs to be fired. This guy thinks Tokajer would be a good chief.. Of course he has to say that because if he didn't he would look like even more of an idiot then he does now. Chief Raz, if you really care about this agency you should quit. You have to know that your not a very good chief. Tokajer did so many illegal things at BPD that the whole department knows it and 99.9% wanted to see him fired but not you, you wanted to keep him. Tell the truth you kept him because your a lazy chief who wants to collect another big pay check with out doing any work.. You kept him because he did all the work that you should of been doing. You are so far out of touch with us officers that every time I see you it makes me sick. I honestly hope Your double standards catches up with you, and the city will have no other choice but to shi_ can you. Funny thing is through out your stay here you have had some officers doing a lot of illegal things but you gave them a pass.. Lets see, You have a Lt. that cheated the city with over time, what did you do to a guy that steals money from the city. You demote him. You have a CPT that has been in trouble for sexual harassment and what did you do, you promoted him. You have a Lt. in our IA that investigates officers doing wrong in our department and yet she takes craps load of Zanies and never has to take a urine test because we all know she would fail. You have a female officer that went to jail for Battery and what did you do, suspended her for a couple of days. You have a deputy chief that gets caught selling his wife's dresses out of our station and what did you do to him.. Nothing, Like I said if you really care about BPD you would quit. Your just as much a criminal as the people we arrest for criminal acts. You need to Go

Tim go to rehab buddy!

Yeah I agree its one of the fired guys (who needed to be fired) venting.

Wrong again!!!!

:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :snicker:

09-30-2013, 12:59 AM
He won't risk Endictment

Chief Raz is an idiot and needs to be fired. This guy thinks Tokajer would be a good chief.. Of course he has to say that because if he didn't he would look like even more of an idiot then he does now. Chief Raz, if you really care about this agency you should quit. You have to know that your not a very good chief. Tokajer did so many illegal things at BPD that the whole department knows it and 99.9% wanted to see him fired but not you, you wanted to keep him. Tell the truth you kept him because your a lazy chief who wants to collect another big pay check with out doing any work.. You kept him because he did all the work that you should of been doing. You are so far out of touch with us officers that every time I see you it makes me sick. I honestly hope Your double standards catches up with you, and the city will have no other choice but to shi_ can you. Funny thing is through out your stay here you have had some officers doing a lot of illegal things but you gave them a pass.. Lets see, You have a Lt. that cheated the city with over time, what did you do to a guy that steals money from the city. You demote him. You have a CPT that has been in trouble for sexual harassment and what did you do, you promoted him. You have a Lt. in our IA that investigates officers doing wrong in our department and yet she takes craps load of Zanies and never has to take a urine test because we all know she would fail. You have a female officer that went to jail for Battery and what did you do, suspended her for a couple of days. You have a deputy chief that gets caught selling his wife's dresses out of our station and what did you do to him.. Nothing, Like I said if you really care about BPD you would quit. Your just as much a criminal as the people we arrest for criminal acts. You need to Go

Wow, this Poster is a sick puppy! You need to see a Doctor for your mental condition. me

09-30-2013, 03:18 AM
He won't risk Endictment

Chief Raz is an idiot and needs to be fired. This guy thinks Tokajer would be a good chief.. Of course he has to say that because if he didn't he would look like even more of an idiot then he does now. Chief Raz, if you really care about this agency you should quit. You have to know that your not a very good chief. Tokajer did so many illegal things at BPD that the whole department knows it and 99.9% wanted to see him fired but not you, you wanted to keep him. Tell the truth you kept him because your a lazy chief who wants to collect another big pay check with out doing any work.. You kept him because he did all the work that you should of been doing. You are so far out of touch with us officers that every time I see you it makes me sick. I honestly hope Your double standards catches up with you, and the city will have no other choice but to shi_ can you. Funny thing is through out your stay here you have had some officers doing a lot of illegal things but you gave them a pass.. Lets see, You have a Lt. that cheated the city with over time, what did you do to a guy that steals money from the city. You demote him. You have a CPT that has been in trouble for sexual harassment and what did you do, you promoted him. You have a Lt. in our IA that investigates officers doing wrong in our department and yet she takes craps load of Zanies and never has to take a urine test because we all know she would fail. You have a female officer that went to jail for Battery and what did you do, suspended her for a couple of days. You have a deputy chief that gets caught selling his wife's dresses out of our station and what did you do to him.. Nothing, Like I said if you really care about BPD you would quit. Your just as much a criminal as the people we arrest for criminal acts. You need to Go

Can't dispute FACTS !!!!!!!!!!!

09-30-2013, 04:26 AM
Why don't you take those "facts" to the Chief yourself big man!!! :shock:

09-30-2013, 12:25 PM
One has to ask themselves what type of person would spew such vile hatred for other people. I refuse to believe that they are a Professional Police Officer.

I agree with a previous posted-- this Poster need some help from Manatee Glens.

I feel sorry for anyone that has so much hate.

09-30-2013, 12:26 PM
Why don't you take those "facts" to the Chief yourself big man!!! :shock:

This mental case won't say it to anyone as he likes to hide in a hole.

10-04-2013, 03:16 PM
Chief Toke is making big changes on the beach!

http://www.baynews9.com/content/news/ba ... lice_.html (http://www.baynews9.com/content/news/baynews9/news/article.html/content/news/articles/bn9/2013/10/3/holmes_beach_police_.html)

10-04-2013, 08:34 PM
What the hell made him have Hurricane waves in Paradise? Yep he is really improving HBPD! :roll:

10-05-2013, 02:26 AM
Chief Toke is making big changes on the beach!

http://www.baynews9.com/content/news/ba ... lice_.html (http://www.baynews9.com/content/news/baynews9/news/article.html/content/news/articles/bn9/2013/10/3/holmes_beach_police_.html)

That is so stupid. Just wasting more money.

When he was @ BPD, we always got the crappy equipment instead of the good stuff.

MSO got STOP STICKS, we got that rolled up mechanical crap that no one ever took out of the trunks.

Then those stupid Flashlight things that were supposed to be like flares, but never worked.

What a waste!!!!

10-05-2013, 10:16 PM
Chief Toke is making big changes on the beach!

http://www.baynews9.com/content/news/ba ... lice_.html (http://www.baynews9.com/content/news/baynews9/news/article.html/content/news/articles/bn9/2013/10/3/holmes_beach_police_.html)

That is so stupid. Just wasting more money.

When he was @ BPD, we always got the crappy equipment instead of the good stuff.

MSO got STOP STICKS, we got that rolled up mechanical crap that no one ever took out of the trunks.

Then those stupid Flashlight things that were supposed to be like flares, but never worked.

What a waste!!!!

It was not a waste, Tokajer got gifts and kickbacks on all that stuff we ended up throwing away.

:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :snicker:

10-05-2013, 11:03 PM
It was a little odd that he would get a lot of demo items??? I am sure the Chief never even knew what was happening, or we have put a end to it!

10-06-2013, 02:59 AM
It was a little odd that he would get a lot of demo items??? I am sure the Chief never even knew what was happening, or we have put a end to it!

A little odd????

How about criminal? Shirts, gun accessories, etc., deals on Apartments on the Riverwalk????

Yeah, A "little" odd!!!!

10-06-2013, 05:13 PM
This is old news. Nothing new.

10-07-2013, 12:03 AM
Once a crook, always a crook.

:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :snicker:

10-07-2013, 12:52 AM
This guy is like Teflon nothing will ever stick, we would have been doomed if he would have become Chief at BPD! Even his golden children have not followed him to LBK Or HB? Only a investigative report away from a fall!

10-07-2013, 04:55 AM
This guy is like Teflon nothing will ever stick, we would have been doomed if he would have become Chief at BPD! Even his golden children have not followed him to LBK Or HB? Only a investigative report away from a fall!

Karma will get him soon. Even Teflon has been improved now with ceramic nonstick coatings so its only a matter of time before the Teflon wears off. I am sure there will be a long list of people quite happy. :snicker:

11-13-2013, 12:59 AM
Chief Toke is making big changes on the beach!

http://www.baynews9.com/content/news/ba ... lice_.html (http://www.baynews9.com/content/news/baynews9/news/article.html/content/news/articles/bn9/2013/10/3/holmes_beach_police_.html)

That is so stupid. Just wasting more money.

When he was @ BPD, we always got the crappy equipment instead of the good stuff.

MSO got STOP STICKS, we got that rolled up mechanical crap that no one ever took out of the trunks.

Then those stupid Flashlight things that were supposed to be like flares, but never worked.

What a waste!!!!

He is soon to be gone, HBPD is soon to be history and Steube knows this piece of work masquerading as chief is a crook. Buh By Tokie

11-13-2013, 02:31 AM
You don't really think anyone believes your BS
You may want to get a life and let go of the past
You know why you were fired so move on

11-13-2013, 03:36 PM
You don't really think anyone believes your BS
You may want to get a life and let go of the past
You know why you were fired so move on
I still work here nimrod, and Poston is consulting about the PD here, wake up fool

12-02-2013, 12:09 PM
You don't really think anyone believes your BS
You may want to get a life and let go of the past
You know why you were fired so move on

Listen douche bag, Every time that a negative article pops out about chief razz you insist that I'm the one writing this stuff, Well its not me.. When I have a problem with someone I do it face to face. You on the other hand are a coward, if you want to make statements about me do it face to face, I would be happy to talk things over with you. If your not a coward start using your real name instead of hiding behind a computer. I could care less what's going on with BPD. I got fired by BPD for some bull crap info that NM made up. You may dislike me for some reason and frankly I don't give a sh_t. I was a good officer when I worked there. (Go ahead and spout off that I sucked being a police man). I can only say Google my name and see for yourself. Also I have no problem with Chief Tokajer and 99 percent of BPD. There are a select few I cant stand. you would feel the same way if you got fired. BPD is in the past for me and I'm moving on with my life you should do the same, Also stop being a coward hiding behind a computer. If you have a problem with some one do it face to face...

12-02-2013, 01:18 PM
Blah blah. This is getting old...

12-03-2013, 08:10 AM
We'll be fine he's gonna take over all LE on the glorified sand bar, solve the kingfish boat ramp & tampa stripper murders

12-04-2013, 03:49 AM
Chief Toke is just bidding his time and he has Razz putting his children in position for his return!

12-19-2013, 11:54 AM
Chief Toke is just bidding his time and he has Razz putting his children in position for his return!

NOT GOING TO HAPPEN CLONE! Poston has been conferring with his people about Razz and who would replace him. I said this before in this thread pay attention to who has been coming around city hall. Toke the joke ain't even on the radar screen, way to much baggage that would bring a spot light on us at the worst time. He make Depino look good, and she sucks so bad...

01-03-2014, 06:13 PM
This is the first time that I have read this message board. I am not a police officer just a citizen. I think you guys need to stop all the bickering and pulled together for the better. I have lost some respect for the BPD by treading all these blogs...sorry. :(

01-04-2014, 02:17 AM
Cajun Joe you are correct but so you don't judge too quickly, 95% of everything posted on this site is from former employees, most of which were terminated for just cause. It's not just the BPD site but on most of the department blogs. Unfortunately there is no way to filter out the opinions of disgruntled or former officers.

01-11-2014, 03:23 PM
Cajun Joe you are correct but so you don't judge too quickly, 95% of everything posted on this site is from former employees, most of which were terminated for just cause. It's not just the BPD site but on most of the department blogs. Unfortunately there is no way to filter out the opinions of disgruntled or former officers.

Dude, not true. Most are from current officers like it or not. Wish it wasn't true but it is. Poston and Raz have done a good job trying to clean up the department since 2000. Before that a crooked mayor and a guy who hired chiefs who just did his bidding. Poston consulted with outsiders who selected Hogle and Raz, both good chiefs. BPD has a very troubled past, including Tokajer and many others. We are way better now.

01-11-2014, 06:16 PM
OMG Poston Raz Tokajer Calahan are all friends and he has already told several people that he is coming back to BPD, so start putting apps out there unless you want to be blessed with his presence!

01-12-2014, 12:33 AM
OMG Poston Raz Tokajer Calahan are all friends and he has already told several people that he is coming back to BPD, so start putting apps out there unless you want to be blessed with his presence!

Never happen.

01-12-2014, 04:47 AM
Chief Razz is only a legend in his own head he has only been lucky to have people working for him because we had too many years to go anywhere else! It is long over due for a new Chief to go in there and TRULY care about the officers. He would talk about how he came in and fixed the BPD, well time for someone to fix it again! I'm sure someone will say they will be sorry when he leaves I think the guys are willing to take that risk! Stay safe!

01-12-2014, 02:59 PM
Chief Razz is only a legend in his own head he has only been lucky to have people working for him because we had too many years to go anywhere else! It is long over due for a new Chief to go in there and TRULY care about the officers. He would talk about how he came in and fixed the BPD, well time for someone to fix it again! I'm sure someone will say they will be sorry when he leaves I think the guys are willing to take that risk! Stay safe!

We are glad you are retired too. I have been here a long time and I can say I think the Raz has done a good job.

Anyone can come on here and bad mouth him but we will be sorry when he leaves just watch.

01-12-2014, 08:06 PM
OMG Poston Raz Tokajer Calahan are all friends and he has already told several people that he is coming back to BPD, so start putting apps out there unless you want to be blessed with his presence!

Bull shit!

07-20-2014, 06:24 PM
OMG Poston Raz Tokajer Calahan are all friends and he has already told several people that he is coming back to BPD, so start putting apps out there unless you want to be blessed with his presence!

Bull shit!

Seconded! he is kissing Scotts a$$. This guy has an FDLE file like two NYC phone books. Only in merica CAN A GALOOT LIKE THIS GUY BE A CHIEF LOL

07-20-2014, 07:56 PM
Teflon Bill is always trying to play the political card,how you think he got his job as HB chief!

07-25-2014, 03:56 AM
Teflon Bill is always trying to play the political card,how you think he got his job as HB chief!

Bradenton should annex BBPD and HBPD, useless waste of resources.

07-25-2014, 03:14 PM
Better yet It would make more sense for Manatee County to annex the "Friendly" or better yet Deadly city of Bradenton. The City crime has become rampant & needs some true leadership.

07-26-2014, 01:14 AM
Better yet It would make more sense for Manatee County to annex the "Friendly" or better yet Deadly city of Bradenton. The City crime has become rampant & needs some true leadership.

You're oblivious to life. BPD stats are doing just fine. Go blow yourself.

07-27-2014, 12:25 PM
Better yet It would make more sense for Manatee County to annex the "Friendly" or better yet Deadly city of Bradenton. The City crime has become rampant & needs some true leadership.
According to State the City of Bradenton crime STATS have been going down for 10 years in a row.

Most of this crime in Bradenton is in the County part of Bradenton because the City runs their crime out of the City to the County.

So next time Outsider you want to post something on our Board you should know what you are talking about.

07-28-2014, 03:11 PM
Better yet It would make more sense for Manatee County to annex the "Friendly" or better yet Deadly city of Bradenton. The City crime has become rampant & needs some true leadership.
According to State the City of Bradenton crime STATS have been going down for 10 years in a row.

Most of this crime in Bradenton is in the County part of Bradenton because the City runs their crime out of the City to the County.

So next time Outsider you want to post something on our Board you should know what you are talking about.

Wow Officer Tough guy what makes you so sure of yourself I am an outsider? First off if the COB has such falling crime (see manipulated UCR code entry) why is Chief Raz requesting a Compton CA style shooting location tracking system to the tune of 1/2 a million dollars? That system is unheard of in such a "crime free" society....HA! Manatee County is four times the size of the City limits so explain why the crime is NOT four times higher? I will explain why::: COB in fact has a rise in violent crime and again the stat masters have manipulated said crime stats to reflect otherwise. Not everyone is as uneducated as the posting patrolman to believe the rhetorical nonsense in which you expel. :shock: :oops: :lol:

08-01-2014, 12:30 PM
[quote="A-1":3qgkkarj]Better yet It would make more sense for Manatee County to annex the "Friendly" or better yet Deadly city of Bradenton. The City crime has become rampant & needs some true leadership.
According to State the City of Bradenton crime STATS have been going down for 10 years in a row.

Most of this crime in Bradenton is in the County part of Bradenton because the City runs their crime out of the City to the County.

So next time Outsider you want to post something on our Board you should know what you are talking about.

Wow Officer Tough guy what makes you so sure of yourself I am an outsider? First off if the COB has such falling crime (see manipulated UCR code entry) why is Chief Raz requesting a Compton CA style shooting location tracking system to the tune of 1/2 a million dollars? That system is unheard of in such a "crime free" society....HA! Manatee County is four times the size of the City limits so explain why the crime is NOT four times higher? I will explain why::: COB in fact has a rise in violent crime and again the stat masters have manipulated said crime stats to reflect otherwise. Not everyone is as uneducated as the posting patrolman to believe the rhetorical nonsense in which you expel. :shock: :oops: :lol:[/quote:3qgkkarj]

The State of Florida and the FBI disagrees with you. Anyone can go to their WEBSITES and see for themselves that crime in down in the City and has been going down for years that is a fact.

08-01-2014, 12:51 PM
[quote="A-1":19p5p906]Better yet It would make more sense for Manatee County to annex the "Friendly" or better yet Deadly city of Bradenton. The City crime has become rampant & needs some true leadership.
According to State the City of Bradenton crime STATS have been going down for 10 years in a row.

Most of this crime in Bradenton is in the County part of Bradenton because the City runs their crime out of the City to the County.

So next time Outsider you want to post something on our Board you should know what you are talking about.

Wow Officer Tough guy what makes you so sure of yourself I am an outsider? First off if the COB has such falling crime (see manipulated UCR code entry) why is Chief Raz requesting a Compton CA style shooting location tracking system to the tune of 1/2 a million dollars? That system is unheard of in such a "crime free" society....HA! Manatee County is four times the size of the City limits so explain why the crime is NOT four times higher? I will explain why::: COB in fact has a rise in violent crime and again the stat masters have manipulated said crime stats to reflect otherwise. Not everyone is as uneducated as the posting patrolman to believe the rhetorical nonsense in which you expel. :shock: :oops: :lol:

The State of Florida and the FBI disagrees with you. Anyone can go to their WEBSITES and see for themselves that crime in down in the City and has been going down for years that is a fact.[/quote:19p5p906]

Those are based on stats we give them. You know, the burglaries that get changed to larceny, Agg Assault that gets changed to Simple assault, Thefts which become "suspicious circumstance", etc.

08-01-2014, 01:28 PM
[quote=Guest][quote="A-1":45jihsy8]Better yet It would make more sense for Manatee County to annex the "Friendly" or better yet Deadly city of Bradenton. The City crime has become rampant & needs some true leadership.
According to State the City of Bradenton crime STATS have been going down for 10 years in a row.

Most of this crime in Bradenton is in the County part of Bradenton because the City runs their crime out of the City to the County.

So next time Outsider you want to post something on our Board you should know what you are talking about.

Wow Officer Tough guy what makes you so sure of yourself I am an outsider? First off if the COB has such falling crime (see manipulated UCR code entry) why is Chief Raz requesting a Compton CA style shooting location tracking system to the tune of 1/2 a million dollars? That system is unheard of in such a "crime free" society....HA! Manatee County is four times the size of the City limits so explain why the crime is NOT four times higher? I will explain why::: COB in fact has a rise in violent crime and again the stat masters have manipulated said crime stats to reflect otherwise. Not everyone is as uneducated as the posting patrolman to believe the rhetorical nonsense in which you expel. :shock: :oops: :lol:

The State of Florida and the FBI disagrees with you. Anyone can go to their WEBSITES and see for themselves that crime in down in the City and has been going down for years that is a fact.[/quote:45jihsy8]

Those are based on stats we give them. You know, the burglaries that get changed to larceny, Agg Assault that gets changed to Simple assault, Thefts which become "suspicious circumstance", etc.[/quote:45jihsy8]

EXACTLY the point I was making! When you change the crime title to lower felony stats of course you will manufacture lower crime statistics. LMAO :snicker: