View Full Version : Doral fires Mike and Ralf

04-02-2013, 04:42 AM
Doral is competing with Miami PD to see who is the worst PD to work at.

Mike and Ralf, two stand up cops, fired at Doral's City Hall meeting. WTF?

Gee, thanks a lot Ritchee Blom. And just to think that you meant what you said about being a cop's cop.

04-02-2013, 01:28 PM
they must be competing with Medley PD also
all these little rinky dink police dept. stick
they think they are hot s---
they chiefs go around doing whatever they like, violating the rights of officers.
but it's ok, u live by the sword, die by the sword...so these chief's better watch out, their time will come.

04-02-2013, 03:06 PM
Doral is competing with Miami PD to see who is the worst PD to work at.

Mike and Ralf, two stand up cops, fired at Doral's City Hall meeting. WTF?

Gee, thanks a lot Ritchee Blom. And just to think that you meant what you said about being a cop's cop.

I heard that both Mike and Ralph turned into a couple of slugs on Doral. Maybe now that department can progress.

04-02-2013, 05:56 PM
The garbage gets thrown out... don't like it change departments!

04-02-2013, 06:01 PM
The garbage gets thrown out... don't like it change departments!

I agree. Those two spent more time screwing off than anything else. I guess their gravy train is over.

04-15-2013, 03:09 PM
I guess you can fool some of the people some of the time; especially in Hialeah, but….. Well I think you get the message.
The whole Play Boy thing just caught up with both of you boys.
Apparently the new chief is more interested in substance.

04-29-2013, 10:45 PM
That happens when you try to be smarter then the other person. They made a bed for Chief Gomez and Trigo, they thought they got away with it. But when the next Chief came in, he knew what kind of RATS these two where. And what got them caught was when they hid the weapons trying to accuse Chief Gomez and Trigo of stealing them. That's what happens when you try to do a political favor to move up in the chain of command. Another thing intimidating other officers because they would not get involved with selecting political sides. That's one thing they where never outstanding cops nor are they on the up and up, they are corrupt and dirty! The City has a great administration and will do what they need to do to protect officers who want to work and not get involved in politics said by the new chief.

04-30-2013, 03:26 AM
Oye Caballo Viejo, before you begin to write, (and do everyone a favor, learn to spell and use proper grammar), know your facts you fat ass. You have no idea what you're talking about. Yes, fat ass, I know exactly who you are. So go suck on another fat ass, something that you're good at and go ruin other officers lives. Pendejo

04-30-2013, 12:58 PM
Hey guest #9, guess you must be a grammar teacher, me on the other hand just state the facts. I guess the truth hurts. And those 2 where never cops. You need integrity before you can call yourself a police officer. As for you keep on spell checking,thats all your sorry ass is good for.

04-30-2013, 01:44 PM
Aye Caballo Viejo, we can tell you are just a rafter who became a cop. You know nothing about being a police officer. I know both of those guys you refer to. I promise you that you're not even qualified to tie their shoes. I'm pretty sure I know who you are, you're a bitter individual who gets jealous and hates those individuals who move up and try to make something of themselves and you're just too lazy to do it on your own. You're a typical fat ass old timer who has never worked for anything. Has never earned anything. No one respects you. But yet you want everything handed to you. You're pathetic Caballo fat ass.

Learn the facts before you go after these two or the other officers that I know you have bad mouthed over the years. Caballo de Miedra

04-30-2013, 04:58 PM
Oye Guest #9.
Which one of these two guys do you have the hots for; or are you one of their many ambulatory sperm receptacles?

04-30-2013, 07:24 PM
LOL, oye Pony, you have a great sense of humor. But sorry, I don't have the hots for either one of them. I'm just replying to that un-informed caballo viejo who apparently doesn't know these two guys. They were with us, (Hialeah), a long time. They never screwed anyone over while they were here. You didn't see them often because one was a Captain, (Perez), and the other the Homicide Lieutenant, (Gracia). But they never hurt anyone and they had great careers.Wish we had them back in Hialeah. I guess it bothers me when a useless fat ass like this Caballo Viejo starts talking out of his fat ass without knowing the facts. So he's either an old timer who doesn't hold rank because he was too stupid to pass a promotional exam or was too damn lazy to take one and hates those that had moved up within the ranks. Or he is some punk who just started police work and doesn't know these two individuals and is basing his opinion on something he knows nothing about. But Pony, you sound like a good guy.

04-30-2013, 09:56 PM
When someone goes through a 25 year career and the only thing that you can say about them is that “they never hurt anyone” is like Chinese food; it leaves you with that empty feeling.
Instead why don’t you tell me about Mike and Ralphs contributions to the Hialeah Police Department; you may have to dig really deep and hard.
One of them would not give roll-call as a Sgt. Because of his fear of public speaking; so consequently, never spoke up or contributed anything but had others do his talking for him; he didn’t have that problem with the women, but to the best of my memory he never stood up for someone else either. The other really and truly believes that he is smarter than everyone else; he runs a close 2nd to Ceballos in being a real conceited SOB; however, he never committed the offenses that Ceballos did and should have been fired for.
Please don’t try to blow smoke up my behind and tell me its raining, I know these boys and the people they stepped on to get promoted.

04-30-2013, 11:01 PM
No one is blowing smoke up your ass "Really???", I don't have to dig deep at all, but if you been around for a while like you say you have, you know that we all get sent to different specialty units. We don't all contribute the same. Mike was one of the original SWAT members for the department. He worked as the supervisor for Burglary and Auto Theft, Narcottics. Made the rank of Captain and was appointed upstairs to the Chiefs office and took care of the budget. He was a part of our Police Olympics for over ten years.

Ralf on the other hand, did work patrol, was an FTO, he trained Charlie Rodriguez, Sharon Doyle, and a few others. Was involved in a major car accident with Sharon driving. He was in the hospital for two weeks while Sharon was in there for over a month. He worked K-9, IA, Robbery, Homicide, Domestic Violence. He trained our post graduate BLE trainees on Crime Scenes. In fact he was the one who started the first Domestic Violence Unit for Hialeah and wrote most of the policy. He was the detective in charge of the Manny Pardo case. If you know who that was, you know that guy killed 9 people, 3 of them in Hialeah. The rest in the County. The guy was put to death. He was the co-lead detective on Officer Emilio Miyares Murder Investigation. He was on the committee to write the State Attorney's police shooting policy. And don't forget, it was Gracia who revised our awards policy and single handedly took care of updating everyones awards/ribbons. He was responsible for starting up our Officer of the Year banquets, say what you wan't, but if you ever attended, you know that everyone has a great time. And last years was fantastic. All because of Gracia. These are just a few things that I remember about these two guys. I don't know who you mean about not speaking at roll call. I sat in on many of Gracia's roll calls and he was always up there, I'm not sure about Mike. Maybe they weren't there in the Chiefs Office trying to save everyone's job, (are you), but they contributed a lot.
I'm not trying to throw smoke up your ass, but if you don't know your history, you need to stay quiet. Why don't you mention a few of your accomplishments if you have any? So go to a corner and eat your chinese food.

05-01-2013, 10:44 AM
You are a good brother!

05-01-2013, 12:46 PM
LOL, hey Guest, sorry but you're a bad at figuring out who I am. I promise you Im not Lionel, please believe me. I'm just stating facts, that's all. I don't like seeing people being trashed for no reason at all. But good guess anyway.

05-01-2013, 02:20 PM
No one is blowing smoke up your ass "Really???", I don't have to dig deep at all, but if you been around for a while like you say you have, you know that we all get sent to different specialty units. We don't all contribute the same. Mike was one of the original SWAT members for the department. He worked as the supervisor for Burglary and Auto Theft, Narcottics. Made the rank of Captain and was appointed upstairs to the Chiefs office and took care of the budget. He was a part of our Police Olympics for over ten years.

Ralf on the other hand, did work patrol, was an FTO, he trained Charlie Rodriguez, Sharon Doyle, and a few others. Was involved in a major car accident with Sharon driving. He was in the hospital for two weeks while Sharon was in there for over a month. He worked K-9, IA, Robbery, Homicide, Domestic Violence. He trained our post graduate BLE trainees on Crime Scenes. In fact he was the one who started the first Domestic Violence Unit for Hialeah and wrote most of the policy. He was the detective in charge of the Manny Pardo case. If you know who that was, you know that guy killed 9 people, 3 of them in Hialeah. The rest in the County. The guy was put to death. He was the co-lead detective on Officer Emilio Miyares Murder Investigation. He was on the committee to write the State Attorney's police shooting policy. And don't forget, it was Gracia who revised our awards policy and single handedly took care of updating everyones awards/ribbons. He was responsible for starting up our Officer of the Year banquets, say what you wan't, but if you ever attended, you know that everyone has a great time. And last years was fantastic. All because of Gracia. These are just a few things that I remember about these two guys. I don't know who you mean about not speaking at roll call. I sat in on many of Gracia's roll calls and he was always up there, I'm not sure about Mike. Maybe they weren't there in the Chiefs Office trying to save everyone's job, (are you), but they contributed a lot.
I'm not trying to throw smoke up your ass, but if you don't know your history, you need to stay quiet. Why don't you mention a few of your accomplishments if you have any? So go to a corner and eat your chinese food.

Well Cabron; here are the options and they are not good for you.
1-You are Lionel trying to keep your anonymity.
2-You are Ralph and your ego just got the best of you (as usual) and you had to come on here and tell everyone how wonderful you are.
3-You are someone who is incredibly queer about Ralph. The contents of the post deal 99% with Ralph and detailed things that only Ralph, Lionel or someone very queer about Ralph would know because quite frankly; no one really gave a $hit or kept track of what committees Ralph was in, or who he was the FTO for, come on, give me a break!
Which one are you?
Ralph, is that you?

05-01-2013, 06:07 PM
Hey "Guest", you would make a terrible investigator. Don't quit your day job. You are wrong on all counts. I only wrote more about Ralph because I've known him longer, I didn't know Mike that well. Anyway, I've said what I had to say, I wont be posting anymore. you take care "Guest", I can call you by your first name, if YOU want to tell us who you are. Take care.

05-01-2013, 06:47 PM
Hey "Guest", you would make a terrible investigator. Don't quit your day job. You are wrong on all counts. I only wrote more about Ralph because I've known him longer, I didn't know Mike that well. Anyway, I've said what I had to say, I wont be posting anymore. you take care "Guest", I can call you by your first name, if YOU want to tell us who you are. Take care.

Dude, I am sorry about pushing you out of the closet like that; it was kind of rash of me.
I am sure that you would have wanted to make your own debut at on your own terms and all and tell Ralph how you feel about him.

Oh well.

05-01-2013, 07:24 PM
I keep forgetting I can't hold an adult conversation because I'm dealing with children on this site. Cisco, just keep watching cartoons and play your video games. "Dude", who the hell still uses that word... Take care Children, won't be hearing from me anymore. :cop:

05-01-2013, 09:25 PM
I keep forgetting I can't hold an adult conversation because I'm dealing with children on this site. Cisco, just keep watching cartoons and play your video games. "Dude", who the hell still uses that word... Take care Children, won't be hearing from me anymore. :cop:

Dude, that’s what you said before.
Just like Ralph to insist on having the last word!

05-02-2013, 12:03 AM
They wanted for all of us to believe that shit! The only one who believes that is themselves. what a bunch of arrogant mother F**kers. :lol:

We know who they really are! Morans

05-02-2013, 11:17 AM
Guys take this trash to your own forum, we have enough problems in HPD as it is.

05-02-2013, 11:23 AM
Guys take this trash to your own forum, we have enough problems in HPD as it is.

This IS the right forum pecker breath!

05-02-2013, 03:51 PM
No you mindless twit, Doral Police would be the proper forum being that they were fired from there. Those two haven't worked in Hialeah and no one in HPD gives a crap about this jackass.

05-02-2013, 03:53 PM
Those two haven't worked in Hialeah in ages.

05-02-2013, 03:53 PM
Those two haven't worked in Hialeah in ages.

05-02-2013, 06:37 PM
No you mindless twit, Doral Police would be the proper forum being that they were fired from there. Those two haven't worked in Hialeah and no one in HPD gives a crap about this jackass.

Yes, but the effect of their careers burned such a mark in the psychic of the Hialeah Police Department, and their contributions were of such magnitude that you all are reaping the benefit of their insight, vision and talents.
We thought that you would welcome the opportunity to pay homage to those that did so much for you and placed the Hialeah Police Department at the forefront of professional law enforcement.

05-02-2013, 11:08 PM
They were just pawns in the grand scheme of things. Martinez and Bolanos were the ones that originally began contributing to the demise of HPD.

05-10-2013, 03:26 AM
[quote="Guest#9":3n36t9k3]Hey "Guest", you would make a terrible investigator. Don't quit your day job. You are wrong on all counts. I only wrote more about Ralph because I've known him longer, I didn't know Mike that well. Anyway, I've said what I had to say, I wont be posting anymore. you take care "Guest", I can call you by your first name, if YOU want to tell us who you are. Take care.

Dude, I am sorry about pushing you out of the closet like that; it was kind of rash of me.
I am sure that you would have wanted to make your own debut at on your own terms and all and tell Ralph how you feel about him.

Oh well.[/quote:3n36t9k3]

Ok. It's me Ralf but what I wrote is the Gods honest truth. I did a lot of great things for the department and I just wanted to remind people who I am.

05-10-2013, 11:18 AM
[quote="Guest#9":35nofo07]Hey "Guest", you would make a terrible investigator. Don't quit your day job. You are wrong on all counts. I only wrote more about Ralph because I've known him longer, I didn't know Mike that well. Anyway, I've said what I had to say, I wont be posting anymore. you take care "Guest", I can call you by your first name, if YOU want to tell us who you are. Take care.

Dude, I am sorry about pushing you out of the closet like that; it was kind of rash of me.
I am sure that you would have wanted to make your own debut at on your own terms and all and tell Ralph how you feel about him.

Oh well.

Ok. It's me Ralf but what I wrote is the Gods honest truth. I did a lot of great things for the department and I just wanted to remind people who I am.[/quote:35nofo07]

Yes, I know Ralph.
I am sure that you could secure a number of testimonials from the women at West Land Mall and Casanovas (If you could find them now)
The only other thing you did was to wear out perfectly good mirrors from constant usage.

:cop: :devil: :cop: :devil: :devil: :cop: :devil: :devil: :cop:

05-11-2013, 02:07 PM
I hear Doral is doing much better since they cleaned house of some of the slugs.

05-12-2013, 03:50 AM
Tonys, who the hell have you been talking to? this place is still a dump.

05-12-2013, 05:11 AM
I hear Doral is doing much better since they cleaned house of some of the slugs.

I Agree.

05-14-2013, 10:07 PM
[quote="Guest#9":395z1t2h]Hey "Guest", you would make a terrible investigator. Don't quit your day job. You are wrong on all counts. I only wrote more about Ralph because I've known him longer, I didn't know Mike that well. Anyway, I've said what I had to say, I wont be posting anymore. you take care "Guest", I can call you by your first name, if YOU want to tell us who you are. Take care.

Dude, I am sorry about pushing you out of the closet like that; it was kind of rash of me.
I am sure that you would have wanted to make your own debut at on your own terms and all and tell Ralph how you feel about him.

Oh well.[/quote:395z1t2h]

Ok. It's me Ralf but what I wrote is the Gods honest truth. I did a lot of great things for the
department and I just

Ralp, you loser piece of shit.

05-15-2013, 06:59 PM
Ralphy, you are taking one hell of a beating here!
Aren’t you glad Mike’s got your back?
Mike, Mike, where are you?
That my friend has always been the history on Mike Perez; if you ever allowed yourself to hold expectations from Mike; you were doomed for massive disappointments.

05-30-2013, 05:16 PM
They really miss them at Doral!
This is from the Doral Page.

"You have no idea what those guys where! Kiss ass want be command staff. Gulla the IA, did his IA cases on rumors, I thought they where on facts! You had Gracias who was behind the scene trying to **** other officers, you have Perez that was incompetent you should have seen all the stuff he never completed, WOW, and you have Alfaro, the guy who goes and plays both sides! At least now we can do our jobs without being in fear that those 4 assholes where going to fire us because we weren't on there side. Jose wrote:
Morley wrote:
Maria wrote:
Get off this site you demoted loser. LOL

Good for the Big Guy. I heard the four slugs that he got rid of should have been fired for gross incompetence. Especially when it came to finding assault rifles being stored in the stairwells and giving out fully Automatic weapons to part time reserves. What a bunch of clowns. My question is " why didn't the big guy fire them for that instead of letting them resign"? If you ask me he went easy on those slugs."

:oops: :oops: :cry: :oops: :oops: :oops: :cry: :oops: :oops:

05-31-2013, 03:13 AM
They really miss them at Doral!
This is from the Doral Page.

"You have no idea what those guys where! Kiss ass want be command staff. Gulla the IA, did his IA cases on rumors, I thought they where on facts! You had Gracias who was behind the scene trying to **** other officers, you have Perez that was incompetent you should have seen all the stuff he never completed, WOW, and you have Alfaro, the guy who goes and plays both sides! At least now we can do our jobs without being in fear that those 4 assholes where going to fire us because we weren't on there side. Jose wrote:
Morley wrote:
Maria wrote:
Get off this site you demoted loser. LOL

Good for the Big Guy. I heard the four slugs that he got rid of should have been fired for gross incompetence. Especially when it came to finding assault rifles being stored in the stairwells and giving out fully Automatic weapons to part time reserves. What a bunch of clowns. My question is " why didn't the big guy fire them for that instead of letting them resign"? If you ask me he went easy on those slugs."

:oops: :oops: :cry: :oops: :oops: :oops: :cry: :oops: :oops:

Feel the Love, you're such a little *****

05-31-2013, 12:00 PM
[quote="Feel the love":2mkjykqk]They really miss them at Doral!
This is from the Doral Page.

"You have no idea what those guys where! Kiss ass want be command staff. Gulla the IA, did his IA cases on rumors, I thought they where on facts! You had Gracias who was behind the scene trying to **** other officers, you have Perez that was incompetent you should have seen all the stuff he never completed, WOW, and you have Alfaro, the guy who goes and plays both sides! At least now we can do our jobs without being in fear that those 4 assholes where going to fire us because we weren't on there side. Jose wrote:
Morley wrote:
Maria wrote:
Get off this site you demoted loser. LOL

Good for the Big Guy. I heard the four slugs that he got rid of should have been fired for gross incompetence. Especially when it came to finding assault rifles being stored in the stairwells and giving out fully Automatic weapons to part time reserves. What a bunch of clowns. My question is " why didn't the big guy fire them for that instead of letting them resign"? If you ask me he went easy on those slugs."

:oops: :oops: :cry: :oops: :oops: :oops: :cry: :oops: :oops:

Feel the Love, you're such a little *****[/quote:2mkjykqk]

Well thank you #9, you big whore you!

05-31-2013, 03:28 PM
Hey #9, why are you so hung up on Doral issues? We have our own problems with our department. Quit being such a little ***** for whomever it is you know in doral.

05-31-2013, 07:40 PM
Hey #9, why are you so hung up on Doral issues? We have our own problems with our department. Quit being such a little ***** for whomever it is you know in doral.

The adults are talking, you stay quiet!

06-02-2013, 02:04 AM
[quote="Feel the love":eo4ygcaa]They really miss them at Doral!
This is from the Doral Page.

"You have no idea what those guys where! Kiss ass want be command staff. Gulla the IA, did his IA cases on rumors, I thought they where on facts! You had Gracias who was behind the scene trying to **** other officers, you have Perez that was incompetent you should have seen all the stuff he never completed, WOW, and you have Alfaro, the guy who goes and plays both sides! At least now we can do our jobs without being in fear that those 4 assholes where going to fire us because we weren't on there side. Jose wrote:
Morley wrote:
Maria wrote:
Get off this site you demoted loser. LOL

Good for the Big Guy. I heard the four slugs that he got rid of should have been fired for gross incompetence. Especially when it came to finding assault rifles being stored in the stairwells and giving out fully Automatic weapons to part time reserves. What a bunch of clowns. My question is " why didn't the big guy fire them for that instead of letting them resign"? If you ask me he went easy on those slugs."

:oops: :oops: :cry: :oops: :oops: :oops: :cry: :oops: :oops:

Feel the Love, you're such a little *****[/quote:eo4ygcaa]

06-02-2013, 02:54 AM
Amos, you sound like a little Doral *****.... Stay over there. You're not man enough to work in Hialeah.

06-03-2013, 03:04 AM
Yeah I have to agree with Amos. Please don't send anymore of Hialeahs finest (LOL) over to Doral. Please stay in that cesspool third world country with the screwed up street signs.

06-03-2013, 12:07 PM
Hey Little Ceasar, are you from Doral? It sounds like you're one of their little *****es over there. You couldn't handle Hialeah. Stay over there and pick up subjects for littering at the parks. Punk... oh and that goes for Amos. Sounds like the bother of you are little *****es. Might be one and the same.

06-03-2013, 10:14 PM
Yeah I have to agree with Amos. Please don't send anymore of Hialeahs finest (LOL) over to Doral. Please stay in that cesspool third world country with the screwed up street signs.

Yeah I agree. Hialeah is filled with corrupt clowns. LOL