View Full Version : House approves 3.5% pay raise

03-29-2013, 05:16 PM
The House budget proposal unveiled this morning would eliminate nearly 3,260 positions from state government.

More than two thirds of that reduction would fall on the Florida Department of Corrections, which would see a reduction of more than 2,200 positions.

The Department of Health would be cut by 752 positions, while some agencies, including the Florida Fish and WIldlife Conservation Commission, would add jobs.

The House has proposed an across-the-board raises for state workers would increase the average salary by about 3.5 percent.

The Senate is expected to unveil its spending proposal later today, and that will also set aside money for state worker raises.

The $74.4 billion spending plan unveiled Monday would avoid cuts to health care and increase funding for mental health, but House Speaker Will Weatherford said the "big winner" in the House's budget will be education.

The House plan would increase funding for public schools by $395 per student, or slightly less than the increase proposed by Gov. Rick Scott. That includes a about $676 million in increased funding that would be spread among Florida's school districts.

School districts could use as much of that money as they wanted on increased pay raises for teachers, but could also use some of the money to shore up spending in other areas. If all of the money went to tacher pay raises, school districts could increase salaries by more than $3,500 across the board.

The House budget asks school districts to base at least half their raises on merit, but Weatherford acknowledged that decision would have to be negotiated locally through collective bargaining.

"I'll give the governor credit," Weatherford said. "He challenged the Legislature to prioritize education. We've done that."

Original post

The House's budget proposal includes a $1,400 across-the-board pay raise for state workers, Speaker Will Weatherford announced this morning.

Weatherford and House Appropriations Chairman Seth McKeel unveiled a $74.4 billion state spending plan this morning.

Weatherford said he favored an across-the-board pay hike because it would give workers with lower salaries a larger percentage increase.

03-30-2013, 01:59 AM
Looks like the senate passed a 3% pay raise. So the House and Senate will have to come to a compromise.

03-30-2013, 02:21 AM
Looks like the senate passed a 3% pay raise. So the House and Senate will have to come to a compromise.

And they want to give State Officers except CO/CPO it appears either a 3% or 5% additional raise for 5 years of service. :(

03-30-2013, 02:56 AM
I'm quite sure the Teamsters are all over that! :snicker: :snicker: :snicker: :snicker:

03-30-2013, 03:47 AM
Looks like the senate passed a 3% pay raise. So the House and Senate will have to come to a compromise.

And they want to give State Officers except CO/CPO it appears either a 3% or 5% additional raise for 5 years of service. :(

Where did you find this? The Senate or House budget?

03-30-2013, 04:55 AM
Looks like the senate passed a 3% pay raise. So the House and Senate will have to come to a compromise.

And they want to give State Officers except CO/CPO it appears either a 3% or 5% additional raise for 5 years of service. :(

Where did you find this? The Senate or House budget?

The House has an extra 3% for 5 year State PBA Officers and the Senate has an extra 5% for 5 year PBA State Officers.

03-30-2013, 04:56 AM
I'm quite sure the Teamsters are all over that! :snicker: :snicker: :snicker: :snicker:

:lol: I am sure they are.

03-30-2013, 11:18 AM
It really doesn't matter I have done this job since 2996 and I make under 40 grand yes that bad the police and deputies top out st 12 yrs and make over 60 grand base pay plus they get all the trimmings! I should of been a LEO. Not a PO :(

03-30-2013, 02:14 PM
It really doesn't matter I have done this job since 2996 and I make under 40 grand yes that bad the police and deputies top out st 12 yrs and make over 60 grand base pay plus they get all the trimmings! I should of been a LEO. Not a PO :(

State LEO were in the same boat as us until this year - you are comparing apples/oranges. Fed probation makes as much or more than US Marshalls in many places.

03-30-2013, 06:29 PM
It really doesn't matter I have done this job since 2996 and I make under 40 grand yes that bad the police and deputies top out st 12 yrs and make over 60 grand base pay plus they get all the trimmings! I should of been a LEO. Not a PO :(

I should of been a LEO. Not a PO

I thought the minimum requirement to be a Probation Officer is a Bachelor degree...
Where did you have your degree? How did you get your degree w/this kind of english? I hope your sup doesn't sign your report w/this kind of english...

03-30-2013, 06:35 PM
It really doesn't matter I have done this job since 2996 and I make under 40 grand yes that bad the police and deputies top out st 12 yrs and make over 60 grand base pay plus they get all the trimmings! I should of been a LEO. Not a PO :(

I should of been a LEO. Not a PO

I thought the minimum requirement to be a Probation Officer is a Bachelor degree...
Where did you have your degree? How did you get your degree w/this kind of english? I hope your sup doesn't sign your report w/this kind of english...

So go to Pasco, I'm sure the Sheriff there would love to have you as one of his PO's.

04-01-2013, 04:12 PM
April Fool's.