View Full Version : On being me.

03-25-2013, 01:48 PM
Dear Mod;

My sincere thanks for removing my comments, as it affirms my belief I'm well under the skin of those in charge.

The problem is though ... you can't control what's on other blogs ... one blog in particular.

Give me a call, we'll have lunch -- and maybe Alois can score us some free food.



03-25-2013, 02:16 PM
You're the best Chaz!

03-25-2013, 08:42 PM

03-26-2013, 12:06 AM

Keep up the good work! You have become a hero at CCPD for most of us. FYI- A certain spandex wearing superhero still believes that only 8-10% of the police department is unhappy with his "leadership."

03-26-2013, 03:22 AM
How many ways can Chaz and his 1 or 2 minions praise his posts under different names?
It an endless cesspool.

Go play on your blog and leave this site to real police officers

03-26-2013, 12:37 PM
Oh ... my ...

We're to that point of the conversation where the discussion is about "who's real" or not.

If you are not one of us, then leave -- leaving no room for discussion about what's happening at the CCPD. There is no latitude to define how (or if) you support the agency. You can’t comment that you don’t support the reasons, the rationalizations, that put those in uniform in danger, how the organization operates, or how taxpayer dollars are being spent/wasted. You either "real" or something else. There is no middle ground. That, people, is a False Choice Fallacy.

The false choice is that if you don’t support Mann (or at least appear to) in exactly the same fashion as everyone else, you are unwelcomed. Forget all about leveraging one's critical thinking skills. Do not ask for specifics, for clarification, for facts. Button down your nerve to break from the herd and speak out. Just blindly accept the viral and trite messages being bandied about.

So. Not. Happening.

In the end, I am a taxpayer, who also happens to have a popular outlet for my musings. Both are very valid reasons for being here.

03-27-2013, 12:30 AM
Chazzy...either prove that you can get rid of Rivera and Mann...or STFU you have proved you are a fraud.

03-27-2013, 02:21 AM
Chaz you have got to be kidding. Did I read your last post right that you are lecturing us about critical thinking skills and asking for clarification of facts. Your whole blog is based on baseless rumors, anonymous letters, no fact checking. You print things you know are lies in the hopes of getting some discussion and when that doesn't work you make comments under fictitious names praising your own posting in the desperate attempt of creating the aura that you real matter. What you are is a self promoting blow hard who gets some perverse pleasure out of attacking people you do not know in an effort to somehow make yourself feel important. Sorry Chaz but people need to see you for who you are a pathetic little man who has a vulgar blog. So again go back to you insignificant life and spare us the pain of having you present on a site which was meant for individuals engaged in a noble profession who actual understand what honor, integrity and a life devoted to helping people real means.

03-27-2013, 02:34 AM
Pathetic... Vulgar... Pitiful.

And, along the way, my work resulted in three elected officials being sent to jail.

So there is that.

03-27-2013, 02:41 AM
Chaz Stevens Screams Harassment from Local Blogger. Guess He Can Dish It, But Can't Take It *Updated
So after reviewing Mr. Stevens website MAOS and hearing whispers that he emailed several individuals and others in a veiled attempt to warn them or sway them from attending the May 14, 2012 District 2 meeting to inform the public about the controversial "Stand Your Ground" Laws hosted by Terry Scott and his non-profit organization Community reaching Youth, Inc (c.r.y., Inc.)

I fired off the following email to him:

Have you looked into community reaching youth, INC??? Cry for youth was more likely than not an error.
Knowing you you already know that, but delusions and your drug abuse keep you from printing the truth.
Also, tell your friend Tommy that if he wants to comment on my page to discredit me, as I have done to you so many times...to please have his facts right because I have the court documents and they are on the site and people can read about YOU there.
Keep attacking Terry...I wish you would take him down...somebody needs to and all the other political pimps like him.
Thank you
Your friend David Cody
If you need me to go with you to your AA meetings I will. I wanna fully support you in your efforts to get clean and sober.
Next, you can look into getting psychiatric help for that little problem of yours that causes you to be a total douchebag or the clinical term, a Sociopath.
Please note that this is my first and only email to Mr. Stevens

This was his very prompt response:

I am going to suggest this to you once.
Never ever ever email me again. I will consider any further communication from you as harassment.
Do not reply to this email.
Leave me alone.
This message was sent from a mobile device. Apologies in advance for any typographical and/or grammatical errors.

Looks like he can dish it out, but he can't take it.

The truth hurts and I have legitimate purposes for contacting him and that is to correct the inaccurate and misleading information that he is disseminating through his website MAOS, on local blog comment sections, and via emails to various individuals.

It's funny that he is the one screaming harrassment after his actions. As a sociopath I guess he wouldn't see his actions as having any consequences...so he feels like the victim here.

He may want to change his site from MAOS to DOAS (Delusions of a Sociopath).

03-27-2013, 02:45 AM
A Citizen Clarifies the Palm Beach Judge's Mandate for Timothy "CHAZ' Stevens to Seek Psychiatric Care
Yesterday, I received information documenting Timothy Chaz Stevens psychiatric disfunction, which can be read here. I promptly posted the information because the public has a right to know what kind of person our elected officials, including U.S. Representative Allen West are listening to and taking advice from.

I received many emails in my inbox, many of them from individuals looking to support and help walk Mr. Stevens through his 12 STEPS to Sobriety and Sanity.

But, I received one which sparked my interest and attempts to clarify the legal "jargon" from the court document detailing the outcome and conditions of Chaz's run-in with the law.

Just what I suspected all along.

Look carefully at the form. About 1/5 of the way down, last typed line before the written part - "Defendant to plead guilty. Sentence to be passed if defendant returns with proof of"....laundry list.

This was a deferred disposition- the form was started by the state's attorney's office (the filled in typed parts) and the rest haggled written and filled in, and/or added by the judge, when Chaz went to court and plead guilty on that date.

Acceptance of the plea of guilt was witheld by the court, provided Chaz did all the prescribed stuff, which he apparently successfully did, and the plea was never entered.

This is common with 1st time offenders, to give people who made a mistake and learnfrom it an opportunity to mend their ways and not have a criminal record of the conviction.

This case was probably a little grosser than some 1st offenses, so getting deferred disposition--even with the psych evaluation, was a nice piece of work by Wright.

But, deferred disposition doesnt change the fact that Chaz Plead Guilty and admitted the allegations, right there on the disposition form.

Signed, sealed and delivered.

Now, if that is the case it seems funny that Chaz over on MAOS indicated that these allegations were all rumor and lies. Yet, he complied with the Judges order so the adjudication could be withheld.

I guess Chaz's public pronouncement that his conforming to the Judge's order was "LIES"...

I think he not only needs AA, but needs to return to psychiatric treatment for professional counseling for his delusions.

Dr. Alvarez do you have any appointments available for your old friend Timothy Chaz Stevens.

Everyone is welcome to comment, but all comments represent the views of the poster and not this site.

03-27-2013, 02:55 AM
I have some interesting news for everyone, and I'll give ya a sneak peak of my finding. It seems Timothy Richards Stevens AKA Chaz isnt so honest.

A little research and I've uncovered a pretty troublesome life for Timothy. In 2004 had put a restraining order against Timothy. He was charged and found guilty of Statue 784.047. This is just the beginning.

In the next coming days I'll be launching a new website at exposing the real Chaz. Oh and Chaz, I have side of the story =)

Apples, hows them.

Posted by: Chaz Whistleblower | February 24, 2011 11:00 PM

Chaz, I've uncovered a pretty troublesome life for you my friend. In 2004 had put a restraining order against you.. He was charged and found guilty of Statue 784.047. Care to explain this buddy? Anger getting to you? Some of the documents are not available online, but I've got my requests in..

In the next coming days I'll be launching a new website at exposing the real Chaz and documenting all my finding on Chaz. Oh and Chaz, I have side of the story =)

See for yourself people, go here and search Stevens Timothy or Stevens Chaz

Bananas, hows them.

Posted by: Whistle Blower | February 24, 2011 11:04 PM

Chaz, I've uncovered a pretty troublesome life for you my friend. In 2004 had put a restraining order against you.. He was charged and found guilty of Statue 784.047. Care to explain this buddy? Anger getting to you? Some of the documents are not available online, but I've got my requests in..

In the next coming days I'll be launching a new website at exposing the real Chaz and documenting all my finding on Chaz. Oh and Chaz, I have side of the story =)

See for yourself people, go here and search Stevens Timothy or Stevens Chaz

Bananas, hows them.

Posted by: Whistle Blower | February 24, 2011 11:10 PM

I've run an extensive background check on Timothy Richards Stevens. It seems on his website his charities consist of Women in Distress among others. Yet in 2004-2005 Timothy Chaz Stevens was arrested on charges of Domestic Violence. Why does one support Women in Distress on his website, yet he's arrested for Domestic Violence? Something is not right here. Chaz Stevens of Deerfield Beach also had a restraining order put against him. All of this is public knowledge if you care to look.

Posted by: James Fooley | February 25, 2011 8:10

03-27-2013, 02:58 AM
Mr Cody

On behalf of the honorable members of the CCPD.....THANK YOU FOR YOUR POST

PS ...Chaz you never put any corrupt public officials in jail, that was done by law enforcement again you were just an insignificant tag along self promoting blow hard trying to take credit for the hard work of law enforcement professionals

03-27-2013, 03:11 AM
Chaz Stevens nominated for the 2012 Chris Brown-I beat that rap like I beat my girl award
Headline April 13, 2011: Sylvia Poitier Voluntarily turns herself in to face Misdemeanor Charges brought about by the hard work and dedication of Palm Beach County Jailbird and Gadfly, Chaz Stevens.

Chaz Stevens 5/5/2004
Stevens who since about 2008 has cataloged countless hours reporting and filing complaints against City Commissioner Sylvia Poitier and others finally saw his hard work pay-off. Stevens who used those same skills to allegedly commit credit card fraud, harassment, email hacking, and a laundry list of other complaints that were filed against him back in 2003 by his then girlfriend, (whose name I have withheld, because quite honestly who would want to be romantically linked to that douchebag).

Her initial petition for a restraining order was denied, due to lack of evidence. The initial complaint weaved a horrifying tale of woman being threatened with physical violence. A tale that also included some claims of Mr. Stevens having a past history of sexual, mental, and physical abuse. There is even a claim that he not only abused the girlfriend, but her also her 10 year old son, as well. Again, these allegations were never proven and the court denied the request due to lack of evidence, but like Chaz himself stated on his blog back on March 10, 2011 "Attorney's for MAOS tell us that breaking the law and being found guilty of that is" well let me just say we all know the guilty sometimes go unpunished. (Peggy Noland...Bill Ganz...Burgess Hanson...Keven Klopp, not necessarily in that order)

Ok, so anyway if everyone remembers right after the City Commission meeting on April 5, 2011 Chaz blogged in response to Commissioner Poitiers statements about him "being arrested in Palm Beach for beating his wife" and he stated that "One, I've never been married and two I've never gone to jail for hitting a woman"..which is Chaz? You've been married or you've never been to jail for beating a woman. Your own records would indicate per your letter from your attorney on April 6, 2011 (Cease and Desist), you were married at 19 for a few months. I wonder why it didn't last...somebody got all Ike Turner didn't he??? Just kidding. We have no real way to know what really happened do we, which brings us back to your never being arrested for beating a woman. It would seem that you did get arrested for violating a protection order brought against you by a woman who claimed you beat her and physically and mentally abused her and her son.

I am not trying to discredit all the wonderful work that you have done, but I do want to point out the hypocrisy of it all (which if I am not mistaken is how you and I first chatted on your blog and then you subsequently blocked all comments after calling me a troll, retard, and local conspiracy theorist...hmmmm)

I digress.

Your victims second restraining order, which eventually became a mutual restraining order against the two of you (btw you refer to her as your "crazy ex-girlfriend"...LAUGHABLE). It would seem to me that even after you threatened her with a lawsuit, she stood her ground and eventually like she first alleged you stalked her until finally being caught by the police and as a result you were arrested. Now, may not have been arrested for beating her that time, but like you yourself insinuated just because you didn't get caught doesn't mean you didn't do the deed.

With all the lies that you have told regarding this extremely embarrassing matter, I don't know what to believe you or the petitioner's court documents. I am going to go with the Petitioner!

So, congratulations on your winning that Kessler Award and having it named after you. I know how much you wanted to have something (Like A1A) named after you, so congrats on the achievement. Maybe next you'll get the Chris Brown, I beat that rap like I beat my woman award.

Dedicated to Timothy Chaz Stevens

03-27-2013, 03:12 AM
To the moderator
I don't know all the rules of this site but could u leave these post up because people have a right to know the type of person Timothy Chaz Stevens is. He has been trashing our department and individuals in our department for months. The few people who subscribe to his trash need to see what he is all about.

03-27-2013, 03:13 AM
Chaz Stevens: Anti-American, Anti-Woman, Anti-Everyone is Bad for America, but Perfect for Al Qaeda Secretary of Public Relations
If you go to , which is the business website of one Timothy “Chaz” Stevens, you will find all sorts of information. The information that we will be discussing today is located at the bottom of the page and states the following:

“Copyright 1995-2011. All Rights Reserved. Zproductions is the online portfolio of Chaz Stevens – a guy who’s passionate about humanity, civil liberties…. “

Let’s take a look at this statement.

First Zproductions- I wonder if this is the same Zproductions who processed unauthorized charges on a certain young lady’s credit card. The same young lady, who as it would seem, is very frightened of Chaz Stevens, so much so that she filed for a restraining order against him, which was granted and he later broke by processing unauthorized credit charges onto her Bank of America checking account debit/credit card, amongst other things.

Excerpt from Court filings in the 15th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida, in and for Palm Beach County in
Case No. DA 03 2772 FZ 10/30/2003

Click to Enlarge

See the evidence :

1 of several charges Chaz allegedly attempted, fraudently, causing his female victim to have to close her account

03-27-2013, 03:25 AM
pic of chaz bono
CHAZ leaving the gym he has room to talk fat boy

03-27-2013, 03:29 AM
Are atheists just a bunch of drunken killjoys?

Well, if Chaz Stevens of Florida is anything to go by they are.And he seems determined to tell the world that atheists stand for the enrichment of the brewery industry. Not only that he wants Christian children to pack in their sober ways and start drinking. At least, I assume that is why he has created an 8-foot-tall "Festivus" pole with beer cans, just six feet away from where Baby Jesus lies in a manger.

"It's just 23 beer cans stacked 8 feet high and conveniently located 6 feet from Baby Jesus," he told the Sun Sentinel.

Stevens had been trying unsuccessfully for five years to get the city to stop the Nativity scene. This year, he asked for permission to express his own unreligious beliefs. He said he decided against a more elaborately designed pole that "would not get as much attention" as a low-budget sign comprising Pabst Blue Ribbon cans.

Yep! Attention seeking would certainly explain it.

What a complete and utter pillock.

03-27-2013, 04:02 AM
To guest 333, 4444, 5555. YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!

03-27-2013, 09:53 AM
Timothy Stevens is on MyLife

Claim Profile!
Timothy Stevens, 48
Deerfield Beach, FL

Places Lived
Deerfield Beach, FL
Kansas City, MO
(954) 421-XXXX
About Timothy Stevens
Timothy Richard Stevens was born in 1964. Timothy currently lives in Deerfield Beach, Florida. Before that, Timothy lived in Kansas City, MO from 1999 to 2000. Before that, Timothy lived in Overland Park, KS in 1999.

03-27-2013, 10:01 AM
Husky Boy???
I wonder who's HUSKY, BOY!!! Chaz leaving the gym... Oops! W rong Chaz... I just want to issue a public apology to Chaz...

03-27-2013, 10:06 AM
Wiki-leaks in Deerfield Beach...Who is it and how long has she been here??

So Timothy R. Stevens aka Chaz Stevens aka "He Who Shall Not Be Named" insinuated that, is the Deerfield Beach version of Julian Assange of Wiki-leaks fame...laughable!!

When it would seem Chaz would have to look no further than his own email box(s) for possible Deerfield Beach Wiki-leak informant, Assistant to several City Managers.

Smoke-screen averted. Sorry, Guy.

For the record to all who read this, I don't blog Pro-political, anything.

I blog Pro-Deerfield Beach, Period!!!!

April 11, 2011

City Clerk’s Office
150 NE 2nd Avenue Deerfield Beach, FL 33441

Re: Public Records Request
Dear Records Custodian:

Pursuant to the Florida Public Records Act, Fla. Stat. ch. 119, I am requesting copies of/or access to all records pertaining to

? Any/All email communications between Amanda Shafer, Assistant to the City Manager and a citizen Timothy R. (Chaz) Stevens or any agent of , political blog.
? Any/all email communications between Burgess Hanson, City Manager, and a citizen Timothy R. (Chaz) Stevens or any agent of , political blog.
? Any/all email communications between Keven Klopp, Assistant City Manager, and a citizen Timothy R. (Chaz) Stevens or any agent of , political blog.
? Any/all email communications between Burgess Hanson and Keven Klopp regarding a citizen David Cody and/or the public blog,
? Any/all communications between Amanda Shafer, Burgess Hanson, Keven Klopp regarding a citizen David Cody and/or the public blog
? Access to any/all applications submitted for the City of Deerfield Beach’s City Manager and Assistant City Manager position over the last 2 years.
? Access to communications between the hiring agent(s), not limited to the Deerfield Beach City Commission, for the position of City Manager and Assistant City Manager.
? Human resource or Payroll records which indicate the number of employees listed under each pay grade category. (Employee names and personal information is not required and can be redacted)
? The City of Deerfield Beach’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for 2009/2010 and 2010/2011.

This request includes every document related to the matter, regardless of the format in which the information is stored.

If any of the above documents are digitally stored and can be emailed to me free of charge that would be the preferred manner in which I would like to receive the requested information.

If you refuse to provide this information, please state the reasons for your decision in writing, as required by Fla. Stat. s. 119.07(1)(d). If the exemption applies to a portion of the records, please delete that portion and provide copies of the remainder.

I agree to pay the actual cost of duplication as defined in Fla. Stat. s. 119.07(4). However, if "extensive use" of information resources or extensive clerical or supervisory assistance is needed to fulfill my request, please provide a written estimate and justification as required by Fla. Stat. s. 199.07(4)(d).
Please make these records available by April 26, 2011 (which is 10 business days from today and should be reasonable enough time to compile this information).

If you have any questions or need more information, please email me at


David Cody


I do choose to have all correspondence, concerns, questions regarding this matter sent to me electronically.

Also, according to Chaz Stevens, “The Supreme Court of the State of Florida has determined that such requests must be fulfilled in with limited reasonable delay. Additionally, Florida Law demands you acknowledge this request promptly and in good faith.”

************************************************** ***************
Learning from the best douchebag in the business

03-27-2013, 10:30 AM
Looks like Mann sent his supporters, all three of them, on a drone attack mission on Chaz. This only proves Chaz is chipping away at the "Emperor with No Clothes."

03-27-2013, 11:14 AM
You also forgot I was flatulent.


03-27-2013, 12:35 PM
Mancow = Chaz when he needs support he creates a new name to make himself feel better posts at 5:30 then 45 minutes later, very pathetic

03-27-2013, 12:39 PM
Actually, 5:30am.

I'd consider someone on 7pm-7am patrol.

As for me, I was asleep.

Also, if you knew me as well as you think you do now, you'd know I'm an attention whore -- love the free publicity.

I'm not one to post anonymously. Defeats my self-serving purpose of having the conversation all about me.

03-27-2013, 01:13 PM
First, I am not a police officer, nor am I Chaz or one of his people. I'm just as my handle states.....

Having read this string of blogs attacking Chaz, I have a question for Michael Mann (AKA "Get Real"... and pseudonyms): How much of your work time and that of your staff have been devoted to the extensive background checks - and other searches - you are performing? In other wortds, how much of my taxpayer money is being spent on this activity? Perhaps, "Get real," you need to beef up your already deficient staffing so you can free up more time for blogging (and of course less time for police work).

03-27-2013, 01:15 PM
Nice try Chaz but as they shine the bright light on you it is becoming apparent to us all your just a whiny,self promoting blow hard drug and alcohol abuser with nothing worth while to say. You are getting smaller with each post. A sad pathetic little man writing behind a keyboard trying to take credit for thing you had nothing to do with..sad ...very very sad

03-27-2013, 01:24 PM
Again nice try average joe ....guess again

03-27-2013, 08:02 PM
Please keep working for us Chaz.

This guy is so inept, that he has no idea how obvious he is with these posts. This tactic comes right out of the Biondolillo playbook - now we know why they were such great friends - they really are so much alike.

It's funny how he runs around the department telling everybody that he is glad that it is him (and not others in the department) who is being attacked because he has thick skin. Yet he has a long history of trying to identify and discipline those who post negative things about him.

He is so oblivious to what's going on around him that he doesn't even realize what he has done that has caused us to view him in such a negative light and why we want him gone.

If what he has done to this department wasn't so infuriating, it would actually be comical. It's like having someone with full blown dementia wander around the department acting as if nothing is wrong. Pathetic actually......truly pathetic.

03-27-2013, 09:51 PM
If everyone here thinks that these post that are written about in a not so positive manner are written by I must disagree. I think the fact that this particular blog is getting so much attention, must be very troubling, very troubling, to . I would wonder why feels the need to respond to the responses and to dignify and legimitize them. I can only speculate but I feel that there is BIG trouble brewing on a much larger scale that rest us on the outside can only guess what is going to happen next. The only thing we do know for sure is that we have an infestation of . Out for now. Later......