View Full Version : WTH is going on at this place?

03-20-2013, 01:58 PM
The chief is a lovely woman, but is she being dominated by a captain and a very big for his britches lieutenant? Were those guys ever actual cops? I know the one will tell you stories and then more stories about being a cop.....but I don't think there are any living witnesses to that. How much time is wasted on BS? This city is becoming a dump....let us be cops.

03-22-2013, 09:14 PM
She isn't dominated, she is disinterested. Just as all of the higher ups are disinterested in morale, or what the rank and file think. Each day she can drift through, or avoid the place, is another day closer to retirement. For her, and the Captains who bully and bluster their ways through each day, it isn't a matter of not remembering what it's like to be out there, but rather not caring. At this stage, they just jockey their favorites in position, ignore rule, regs, and policies in lieu of more favoritism, and frankly play us all for the fools we are for their amusement. The more we holler and moan, the more they can peer down from the ivory towers they have elevated themselves into and sneer down at us all. Why else would we have so many incompetents in supervisory positions? They are easier to manipulate. We all ***** and moan, twist and turn, and nothing ever changes. Nor will it ever. Just do as so many others have or are planning. Count your days and jump ship as soon as you can, for no matter what, rules will only be applied when convenient, and no one will care unless it's them being caught in someones sights.

03-22-2013, 09:33 PM
She isn't dominated, she is disinterested. Just as all of the higher ups are disinterested in morale, or what the rank and file think. Each day she can drift through, or avoid the place, is another day closer to retirement. For her, and the Captains who bully and bluster their ways through each day, it isn't a matter of not remembering what it's like to be out there, but rather not caring. At this stage, they just jockey their favorites in position, ignore rule, regs, and policies in lieu of more favoritism, and frankly play us all for the fools we are for their amusement. The more we holler and moan, the more they can peer down from the ivory towers they have elevated themselves into and sneer down at us all. Why else would we have so many incompetents in supervisory positions? They are easier to manipulate. We all ***** and moan, twist and turn, and nothing ever changes. Nor will it ever. Just do as so many others have or are planning. Count your days and jump ship as soon as you can, for no matter what, rules will only be applied when convenient, and no one will care unless it's them being caught in someones sights.

If you don't like it then leave.

03-23-2013, 12:44 PM
O wise and wonderful Osanforth many thanks for proving what I said

03-24-2013, 02:48 PM
The one LT that never shuts up with his stupid opinions is ruining the agency. He weighs in on everything and scolds us for things other agencies have done wrong. Chief, consider getting rid of this windbag.

03-26-2013, 01:50 PM
Acting City Manager is who? The new Captain will be who? No it won't be the "windbag". He's about as useless as......well, himself.