View Full Version : Poisonous Leadership

01-24-2013, 02:55 AM
Poisonous leadership is toxic. Actually, it's not leadership at all. A lack of leadership is venomous. Leadership is in short supply.

For self-gratification, many aspire to ensure their own enrichment at the expense of others.

Lethal leadership slithers and creeps about to infect entire organizational structures. Its venomous counter productivity lurks everywhere.

Likewise, as a form of cowardice and reflection of arrogance, it contributes to operational disturbance and the oppression of others. Weakness in an organization's hierarchy is sometimes reflected by an inability to standup for what's right.

In the criminal justice realm, "poisonous leadership" or a lack of competently qualified leadership, dangerously affects the quality, competency and capacity of the agency's effectiveness in carrying out its mission.

Venomous authority is oppressive, tyrannical and despotic, while being at the same time cowardly and fearful, in order to satiate its perpetuity. Such selfish arrogance is sinister and ingratiates to the nexus of power that keeps it alive and insulated.

Efficiency wanes, trust diminishes and proficiency in public safety suffers. And, as a result, the entire networks, the systems and subsystems, all suffer. They fail to prevail.

There is a search for true leaders. Not the ones you see publicized at press conferences, who marvel at their legendary mythology.

More frequently, we get self-servicing appeasement at any price. A toxic lack of leadership is deadly.

Masquerading behind the pretext of authority or title, many give pretense to the rank of their assignment. They feel entitled to be promoted, as they believe it's their turn. You see that with politicians. Political-babble reinforces the noxious clichés.

For the sake of their own self-gratification, their pretext to "leadership" is nothing more than a con game and a good retirement package.

Poisonous inclinations strike with covert adversity when you least expect it, and no matter how convincing, deception is very real.

Click here (http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Randy_Gonzalez) to read the full article.

01-24-2013, 07:01 PM
Poisonous leadership is toxic. Actually, it's not leadership at all.

Venomous authority is oppressive, tyrannical and despotic, while being at the same time cowardly and fearful, in order to satiate its perpetuity. Such selfish arrogance is sinister and ingratiates to the nexus of power that keeps it alive and insulated.

Very accurate!!! :?

01-25-2013, 01:47 AM
Bla bla yawn :roll:

01-25-2013, 04:09 AM
I am staying here for the FRS retirement and not for Knight and his merry band of misfits. If it weren't for the FRS pension, Knight would have chased away everyone. If this were a real business, no one would stay here to work for a tyrant. Like someone else said, SSO was a great place to work before bad management arrived. Unfortunately, bad management is staying because great employees are the ones who make this place so great.

01-25-2013, 08:08 AM
I am staying here for the FRS retirement and not for Knight and his merry band of misfits. If it weren't for the FRS pension, Knight would have chased away everyone. If this were a real business, no one would stay here to work for a tyrant. Like someone else said, SSO was a great place to work before bad management arrived. Unfortunately, bad management is staying because great employees are the ones who make this place so great.

You are a whacko! Knight is the best leader we have had in a long time.

01-25-2013, 12:04 PM
I am staying here for the FRS retirement and not for Knight and his merry band of misfits. If it weren't for the FRS pension, Knight would have chased away everyone. If this were a real business, no one would stay here to work for a tyrant. Like someone else said, SSO was a great place to work before bad management arrived. Unfortunately, bad management is staying because great employees are the ones who make this place so great.

Do as I say and not as I do. It's smazing to read about all the theories in the promotional book -- and then to see the 2nd floor doing the exact opposite. It's sickening.

01-25-2013, 04:43 PM
Adolf Hitler was elected by the people because he was a charismatic leader. However, behind the scenes he ruled as a ruthless tyrant who destroyed anyone who disagreed with him. *

01-25-2013, 06:04 PM
Knight is the best leader we have had in a long time

01-25-2013, 06:27 PM
Adolf Hitler was elected by the people because he was a charismatic leader. However, behind the scenes he ruled as a ruthless tyrant who destroyed anyone who disagreed with him. *

Tom said that he liked Hitler's leadership style, but he did not like the bad things that Hitler did. Tom also said, "if you tell anyone that I said that, I'll deny it because people won't understand."

01-27-2013, 12:19 PM
I saw aliens last night. What's your input here? :devil: get a life

01-27-2013, 02:11 PM
Adolf Hitler was elected by the people because he was a charismatic leader. However, behind the scenes he ruled as a ruthless tyrant who destroyed anyone who disagreed with him. *

Tom said that he liked Hitler's leadership style, but he did not like the bad things that Hitler did. Tom also said, "if you tell anyone that I said that, I'll deny it because people won't understand."

Knight has actually made that statement to two different people, but I would not dare post their names here because then they would be politically crucified for disclosing Knight's statements. :?

01-27-2013, 03:17 PM
Uh Huhhh- if you would quit ease dropping and hearing only part of a conversation. Isn't their a general order on spreading rumors. The Sheriff is fine. It's people like you slandering the agency that drag it down.

01-27-2013, 03:28 PM
Adolf Hitler was elected by the people because he was a charismatic leader. However, behind the scenes he ruled as a ruthless tyrant who destroyed anyone who disagreed with him. *

Tom said that he liked Hitler's leadership style, but he did not like the bad things that Hitler did. Tom also said, "if you tell anyone that I said that, I'll deny it because people won't understand."

Knight has actually made that statement to two different people, but I would not dare post their names here because then they would be politically crucified for disclosing Knight's statements. :?

If someone makes a comment to you, then he is saying the same thing to others. He isn't just saying it to you. In this case, Knight has told at least two different people the exact same thing. They both said the same thing, independent of each other. Personslly, I would not say anything good about Hitler -- not even his leadership style. That's crazy.

01-28-2013, 12:28 AM
No I'm pretty sure when I carry a conversation with one person. it isn't to more than one. WTH are you talking abut. You're only proving your freaking warped way of thinking. Do us a favor and take your crap conspiracy theory elsewhere. :roll:

01-28-2013, 12:46 AM
Tom said that he liked Hitler's leadership style, but he did not like the bad things that Hitler did. Tom also said, "if you tell anyone that I said that, I'll deny it because people won't understand."

Either way, it is not kosher to praise anything that Hitler did.

01-28-2013, 02:39 PM
If that statement was made by Knight, that is just discusting. You know the jewish community in Sarasota is very strong, and very wealthy, and I am sure they gave KNIGHTMARE alot of votes.Wish someone would report what he said to the news.Hes a little man who thinks he is king with his sheriff status!!!All big men eventually come down, he will stick his foot in his smart$%^& mouth again !! :cop:

01-28-2013, 04:40 PM
Tom said that he liked Hitler's leadership style, but he did not like the bad things that Hitler did. Tom also said, "if you tell anyone that I said that, I'll deny it because people won't understand."

Either way, it is not kosher to praise anything that Hitler did.

You can't make this stuff up!!!!

It says a lot about the thought processes of someone who admires ANYTHING that Hitler did. It's freaking scarey.

01-28-2013, 07:42 PM
Hey I did a paper on Socrates in college? does that mean I should be a sexual offender. after all he mentioned repeatedly at same sex philosophy as a child?

01-28-2013, 08:34 PM

Tom said that he liked Hitler's leadership style, but he did not like the bad things that Hitler did. Tom also said, "if you tell anyone that I said that, I'll deny it because people won't understand."

Either way, it is not kosher to praise anything that Hitler did.

Mr Knight made those crazy comments during a promotional interview with the top 10 supervisory candidates -- and thats why he told more than one person that he admires Hitler's leadership qualities. Only an idiot would make those kinds of comments to potential promotional candidates because it sends the wrong message to SSO employees, from the top down.

Can you imagine if the litigants in the Adam Shaw race-based case were to depose Mr Knight to ask him if he has ever told SSO employees that he admires Hitler in any way? That sends a pisspoor message to Newtown and it would corroborate their concerns that Hitler crap and racial crap is coming from the top down.

01-29-2013, 01:21 AM
Subpoena Tom and ask him if he ever said that he admires Hitler’s leadership style. :snicker: We have one Newtown case that is still being litigated. Fortunately, attorneys don’t read this website. :shock:

01-29-2013, 03:33 PM
Subpoena Tom and ask him if he ever said that he admires Hitler’s leadership style. :snicker: We have one Newtown case that is still being litigated. Fortunately, attorneys don’t read this website. :shock:

Kurt Hoffman (SSO attorney) would tell the county attorney to pay off the litigants instead of allowing Mr. Knight to be subjected to questioning in a deposition. Mr. Knight will never be questioned under oath about his opinions on Hitler's leadership abilities.

01-29-2013, 04:59 PM
Hitler....The principle relied on absolute obedience of all subordinates to their superiors; thus he viewed the government structure as a pyramid, with himself—the infallible leader—at the apex. Rank in the party was not determined by elections—positions were filled through appointment by those of higher rank, who demanded unquestioning obedience to the will of the leader.[319] Hitler's leadership style was to give contradictory orders to his subordinates and to place them into positions where their duties and responsibilities overlapped with those of others, in order to have "the stronger one [do] the job".[320] In this way, Hitler fostered distrust, competition, and infighting among his subordinates in order to consolidate and maximize his own power.

Sounds about right!

01-29-2013, 05:47 PM
Adolf Hitler did not find value in individuality. Individualism was an egotistic, culture-corroding, Jewish value. The Nazis insisted that the individual had value only in his or her membership in the collective community.

The Nazis persecuted opponents, both real and perceived. These opponents needed to follow their “natural instinct” to do the right thing: accept and internalize the Nazi vision of the world.

Nazis expected the rank and file --perhaps after a time in a concentration camp -- would “see the light” and fall in with the collective.

The Nazis demanded that Germans accept the premises of the Nazi worldview and live their lives accordingly. They tolerated no criticism, dissent, or nonconformity.

Nazi persecution of opponents exacted a terrible price in human suffering. Anti-Nazi politicians and union workers fled Germany or faced long-term mistreatment.

The SS targeted groups of real or perceived enemies of Nazi Germany. They were deliberately mistreated.


01-29-2013, 06:34 PM
Subpoena Tom and ask him if he ever said that he admires Hitler’s leadership style. :snicker: We have one Newtown case that is still being litigated. Fortunately, attorneys don’t read this website. :shock:

Kurt Hoffman (SSO attorney) would tell the county attorney to pay off the litigants instead of allowing Mr. Knight to be subjected to questioning in a deposition. Mr. Knight will never be questioned under oath about his opinions on Hitler's leadership abilities.

Every dog has his day in the sun. Hitler had his and Tom has his, but all bad things must eventually come to an end. Hitler shot himself in the head and his body was burned. These petty dictators think that their reign will last forever, but it never does. It always ends in disaster.

01-29-2013, 07:50 PM
Subpoena Tom and ask him if he ever said that he admires Hitler’s leadership style. :snicker: We have one Newtown case that is still being litigated. Fortunately, attorneys don’t read this website. :shock:

Kurt Hoffman (SSO attorney) would tell the county attorney to pay off the litigants instead of allowing Mr. Knight to be subjected to questioning in a deposition. Mr. Knight will never be questioned under oath about his opinions on Hitler's leadership abilities.

I agree that the case will be settled out of court with the county making a pay off because if Tom Knight admitted in a deposition that he admires Hitler's leadership style, it would make nationwide news. Arizona sheriff Joe Arapaio would take a backseat to Tom Knight.

01-29-2013, 09:06 PM
Subpoena Tom and ask him if he ever said that he admires Hitler’s leadership style. :snicker: We have one Newtown case that is still being litigated. Fortunately, attorneys don’t read this website. :shock:

Kurt Hoffman (SSO attorney) would tell the county attorney to pay off the litigants instead of allowing Mr. Knight to be subjected to questioning in a deposition. Mr. Knight will never be questioned under oath about his opinions on Hitler's leadership abilities.

Every dog has his day in the sun. Hitler had his and Tom has his, but all bad things must eventually come to an end. Hitler shot himself in the head and his body was burned. These petty dictators think that their reign will last forever, but it never does. It always ends in disaster.

I swear you idiots are out in left field. This Sheriff is the best we have had in years.

01-29-2013, 09:25 PM
Tom said that he liked Hitler's leadership style, but he did not like the bad things that Hitler did. Tom also said, "if you tell anyone that I said that, I'll deny it because people won't understand."

Either way, it is not kosher to praise anything that Hitler did.

Hitler's "yes men" (the SS) said that Hitler could do no wrong, but they were brainwashed.

01-29-2013, 09:58 PM
Tom said that he liked Hitler's leadership style, but he did not like the bad things that Hitler did. Tom also said, "if you tell anyone that I said that, I'll deny it because people won't understand."

Either way, it is not kosher to praise anything that Hitler did.

Hitler's "yes men" (the SS) said that Hitler could do no wrong, but they were brainwashed.

The SS also said that Hitler was the best leader that they had in years. :roll: