View Full Version : Secretary Crews will you please stand up for DOC !!!

01-15-2013, 11:54 PM
Dear Secretary Crews,

Kind Regards

Secretary Crews will you please stand up for DOC !!!

I don't know you personally but I hope you would find it in yourself to stand up for DOC Officers. I am aware with the current legislature only so much can be done by you but some things controlled at the Agency level are causing a huge morale problem on the Community Corrections side ( I can't specifically speak for the prison side as I dont work on that side any longer but I am sure there are some issues there also ). The latest is this forcing of the state car on officers when there arent nearly enough, many are in poor condition and the huge headaches coording their use with the number of officers we have are really stressing people now. The same people that are getting paid less now than they were about 7 years ago - think about that for a second - while everything gets more expensive. Also from a practical standpoint it is known that it is cheaper paying mileage (even at the fed 50+ cent rate) than to maintain decent vehicles and fuel them for officers to use. DOC will find this out I guess but after morale has been totally destroyed. We have taken the biggest hit of all state agencies - make them listen finally.

Yours Thankfully,

Concerned Probation Officer

01-16-2013, 12:55 AM
In other words, don't f@ck with our mileage checks, sir! Please and thank you.

01-16-2013, 01:21 AM
In other words, don't f@ck with our mileage checks, sir! Please and thank you.

I could care less about that . Most of the state cars are messed up and it is a real headache coordinating the mess with so few cars. With wear and tear we probably lose money using our own vehicles.

01-16-2013, 10:37 PM
Dear Secretary Crews,

Kind Regards

Secretary Crews will you please stand up for DOC !!!

I don't know you personally but I hope you would find it in yourself to stand up for DOC Officers. I am aware with the current legislature only so much can be done by you but some things controlled at the Agency level are causing a huge morale problem on the Community Corrections side ( I can't specifically speak for the prison side as I dont work on that side any longer but I am sure there are some issues there also ). The latest is this forcing of the state car on officers when there arent nearly enough, many are in poor condition and the huge headaches coording their use with the number of officers we have are really stressing people now. The same people that are getting paid less now than they were about 7 years ago - think about that for a second - while everything gets more expensive. Also from a practical standpoint it is known that it is cheaper paying mileage (even at the fed 50+ cent rate) than to maintain decent vehicles and fuel them for officers to use. DOC will find this out I guess but after morale has been totally destroyed. We have taken the biggest hit of all state agencies - make them listen finally.

Yours Thankfully,

Concerned Probation Officer

I don't think that Mr.Crew cares about you, your job or the raggady state car you have to use for your job. The fact of the matter is, and I know you might be shocked, is that he probably is more concerned about what Rick Scott wants and what he is driven around in for him to his job than he is you.

01-17-2013, 01:53 AM
Don't worry about using the state car people. These POS vehicles will fall apart after a couple of days. Just watch! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

01-17-2013, 01:57 AM
Crews is just another puppet placed in the position of secretary. He is not rocking any boats as he collects his six figure salary. Nobody is on your side except yourself, so if you wake up every morning thinking someone will "look out for you," you will be sadly disappointed. Wake up! :cop:

01-17-2013, 02:01 AM
So what's the official policy if the state car breaks down in the field?

Are we still on the clock? Who do we call to tow the car & where do we tow the car?

01-17-2013, 02:50 AM
So what's the official policy if the state car breaks down in the field?

Are we still on the clock? Who do we call to tow the car & where do we tow the car?

1) Yes. You are still on the clock.
2) Call your supervisor.
3) The supervisor will then tell you who will tow the car.

01-17-2013, 03:00 AM
Dear Secretary Crews,

Kind Regards

Secretary Crews will you please stand up for DOC !!!

I don't know you personally but I hope you would find it in yourself to stand up for DOC Officers. I am aware with the current legislature only so much can be done by you but some things controlled at the Agency level are causing a huge morale problem on the Community Corrections side ( I can't specifically speak for the prison side as I dont work on that side any longer but I am sure there are some issues there also ). The latest is this forcing of the state car on officers when there arent nearly enough, many are in poor condition and the huge headaches coording their use with the number of officers we have are really stressing people now. The same people that are getting paid less now than they were about 7 years ago - think about that for a second - while everything gets more expensive. Also from a practical standpoint it is known that it is cheaper paying mileage (even at the fed 50+ cent rate) than to maintain decent vehicles and fuel them for officers to use. DOC will find this out I guess but after morale has been totally destroyed. We have taken the biggest hit of all state agencies - make them listen finally.

Yours Thankfully,

Concerned Probation Officer

Ahhhhh....to be young and naive again.

01-17-2013, 04:36 AM
So what's the official policy if the state car breaks down in the field?

Are we still on the clock? Who do we call to tow the car & where do we tow the car?

1) Yes. You are still on the clock.
2) Call your supervisor.
3) The supervisor will then tell you who will tow the car.

My supervisor doesnt answer after hours. what then ?

01-17-2013, 05:24 PM
A more appropriate name would be Secretary Screws!

John Augustus
01-17-2013, 05:33 PM
No Secretary in the history of the Department of Corrections ever stood up for DOC. So why would Secretary Crews be any different?

01-17-2013, 10:34 PM
So what's the official policy if the state car breaks down in the field?

Are we still on the clock? Who do we call to tow the car & where do we tow the car?

1) Yes. You are still on the clock.
2) Call your supervisor.
3) The supervisor will then tell you who will tow the car.

My supervisor doesnt answer after hours. what then ?

Start walking! :snicker:

01-20-2013, 04:25 PM
So what's the official policy if the state car breaks down in the field?

Are we still on the clock? Who do we call to tow the car & where do we tow the car?

1) Yes. You are still on the clock.
2) Call your supervisor.
3) The supervisor will then tell you who will tow the car.

My supervisor doesnt answer after hours. what then ?

Start walking! :snicker:


01-20-2013, 06:17 PM
About a year ago I had to get a state car to drive to an out of county vop hearing. I asked if I could use the car after the hearing to make field contacts on sex offenders before I turned the car in so I wouldn't have to use my own vehicle. My request was not only denied, but I was looked at as if I had 3 heads or something. They thought I was nuts. So all you people with whining posts about POs who sound like they are "entitled" should really take a deep breath and think about all those "entitled" people that kept those cars in the parking lot all this time. What is the new management thinking?

01-20-2013, 06:53 PM
That was then this is now. Shut your crying yap, take the vehicle that is being issued to you, make your checks and be done with it. You all act like a bunch of primadonas. No wonder Gov. Scott wants to privatize p/p.

01-20-2013, 07:14 PM
The cigarette lighter is missing in our car.

01-20-2013, 07:23 PM
Hey what is up with these vehicles? No leather interior, no Sirius, no radio mounted GPS, no hands free blue tooth for my phone, and No DVD player. How do they expect us to do our jobs?

Surely the institutional staff would not be using vehicles without these necessities.

:cry: "Oh woe is me!"

01-20-2013, 08:11 PM
Go State Car Go