View Full Version : What is a Police Officer or a Deputy?

12-31-2012, 08:53 PM
Mom, what is a cop? ... Deeply thinking the mother replied:

"It is the man who has no work schedule is
he who has not Christmas, is the man who does not
have new year, that does not celebrate birthdays or holidays,
that does not have summers or winters. For him every day
are equal, as the National Flag, washed with
rain and sun dried "... is one who does not see you
while celebrating your birthday parties. It is he who is the friend
darkness of night, the stars with whom he shares
his problems, and in the coldest nights shares his
thoughts, is one who is not there for his own family,
because he must care for others, is one that throughout his life sleeps less
than everybody else, but realizes that he will die before everybody else, tired and without friends ... is he who becomes a doctor, psychologist, mechanical,
dictionary, guide and a even a traffic control device, and who shows your
photo and proudly says this is my daughter! ...
Then, the mother with tears on her eyes, hugs her and tells her, for that reason today
we will enjoy alone, but proud, because ... Your Dad
is a policeman and sometimes he is unable to be with us ...

"Dedicated to all the Police Officers, Deputies of the world and their love ones. Those who have chosen that high call in life.

Thank you for what you guys do for the rest of us! Thank you for keeping us safe. Thank you for working today.

01-01-2013, 12:09 AM
sounds like someone didnt get off for the holidays. dont worry, i'll drink a few for you tonight. :devil:

01-01-2013, 04:56 AM
You are dumber than what you sound. I am off dumb.

The message is a real acknowledgement to the brave who sacrifice day to day.


sounds like someone didnt get off for the holidays. dont worry, i'll drink a few for you tonight. :devil:

01-01-2013, 03:18 PM
Get a life.

01-01-2013, 04:13 PM
Get a life.

Get a brain!

01-02-2013, 01:26 AM
You are dumber than what you sound. I am off dumb.

The message is a real acknowledgement to the brave who sacrifice day to day.


sounds like someone didnt get off for the holidays. dont worry, i'll drink a few for you tonight. :devil:

"I am off dumb"??? Might want to form a sentence that makes actual sense before you start throwing the " your dumb" thing around.

01-02-2013, 01:57 AM
Ok kids, we will bypass the " I know you are but what am I " ? Phrase and the sticks and stones issue, just go to your rooms ...dummies. guy makes a decent post and you dunces post your stupidity......over n out.

01-02-2013, 04:32 AM
Ok kids, we will bypass the " I know you are but what am I " ? Phrase and the sticks and stones issue, just go to your rooms ...dummies. guy makes a decent post and you dunces post your stupidity......over n out.

no. it just sounds like people need to stop being so uber sensitive like a bunch of chicks