View Full Version : Israel Lies Again!

12-28-2012, 04:26 PM
The Sun Sentinel has caught the sheriff-elect in yet another fabrication. Scott told the reporter that he can't get a uniform to be sworn-in wearing, but it turns out he has had a BSO uniform for weeks. Unbelievable! Click or cut and paste this link:

http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/ ... ?track=rss (http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/crime/crime-safety-blog/sfl-uniformgate-continues-at-broward-sheriffs-office-20121228,0,959202.story?track=rss)

12-28-2012, 04:54 PM
You Lamberti guys need to stop. I'm so sorry Brittney Wallman, that your promised position to head up Media Relations after Lamberti won feel through. Find real news or report on the fact that Lamberti STILL won't allow the transition team into the PSB. If that is worse lie to can come up with about MY new Sheriff, I can live with that. Your Sheriff told waaaaay too many to list. Anybody remember him not knowing how his son got to the Superbowl or how he got credentials? Reality time, boys and girls. Israel is in and Lamberti is out. Well kind of, because he can't get into HIS new office.

12-28-2012, 05:08 PM
Just two more weeks and this will all be over. January 8th can't come fast enough.

12-28-2012, 05:42 PM
You Lamberti guys need to stop. I'm so sorry Brittney Wallman, that your promised position to head up Media Relations after Lamberti won feel through. Find real news or report on the fact that Lamberti STILL won't allow the transition team into the PSB. If that is worse lie to can come up with about MY new Sheriff, I can live with that. Your Sheriff told waaaaay too many to list. Anybody remember him not knowing how his son got to the Superbowl or how he got credentials? Reality time, boys and girls. Israel is in and Lamberti is out. Well kind of, because he can't get into HIS new office.

Face it buddy Scott Israel got caught in a lie in this one. You can bring up the Super Bowl three years ago but it still doesn't change the fact that Israel said he can't get a uniform when he's had a uniform since a week after the election.

12-28-2012, 05:50 PM
Bloodshedpls wrote:

Guest wrote:

Guest wrote:Israel lied. He has had a BSO uniform for weeks. We can't believe anything he says. See the link: http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/ ... ?track=rss

Al's pants has huge pockets?
The scum sentinel fits in his pants's pockets too. I wonder who else is in his pockets? IA, the public corruption unit, who else.

Of course the entire Broward County who voted for SI and for Al himself are frustrated to see Al acting like a child and the PSB is his ball to play.

If I ever had any respect for Al, now it's completely lost. He is a consistent hypocrite of the bigest they can come. I will never forget this childish game he is playing. This is a good reminder if he ever comes back. He is lucky he is not under arrest with his friends.

Al said: "oh I was cleared from all wrong doing!"
...of course, who cleared him? his pocketbook IA, Public Corruption Unit, or the Scum Sentinel.

His pocketbook IA fit to his measure for vindictiveness. That's why the need exist for a bloodshed: fired, retired or demoted (civilian and Lt and above)

12-28-2012, 07:10 PM
When asked Dec. 19 if he’d been fitted for the new duds, Sheriff-Elect Scott Israel responded, “I have not. I probably need to get in the building to get the uniform to do that.”

****HEADS ... He was asked if he had been FITTED!! No lies here... just Al Lamberti being the coward and azzhole he always was!!!

12-28-2012, 07:13 PM
When asked Dec. 19 if he’d been fitted for the new duds, Sheriff-Elect Scott Israel responded, “I have not. I probably need to get in the building to get the uniform to do that.”

****HEADS ... He was asked if he had been FITTED!! No lies here... just Al Lamberti being the coward and azzhole he always was!!!

You are a moron. Are you saying you are okay with double-talk AND lying?! Israel clearly led the reporter to believe that he did not have a uniform and it just was not true!

12-28-2012, 08:24 PM
When asked Dec. 19 if he’d been fitted for the new duds, Sheriff-Elect Scott Israel responded, “I have not. I probably need to get in the building to get the uniform to do that.”

****HEADS ... He was asked if he had been FITTED!! No lies here... just Al Lamberti being the coward and azzhole he always was!!!

You are a moron. Are you saying you are okay with double-talk AND lying?! Israel clearly led the reporter to believe that he did not have a uniform and it just was not true!

Yes, the Sun-Sentinel is a relaible source of information that will always report all of the facts correctly, doesn't slant or taint any story with bias or personal opinion and whose editors are above reproach...and just as reliable as like the information on this rag "Leo Affairs" site. You people just can not come to your senses when it comes to what you READ, anywhere. Haven't you figured it out; Do not read or listen to the media as a legitimate means of obtaining relaible information. Especially when it comes to LEO. Purely entertainment at who's ever expense, especially LEO. Hasn't the "speeding cops" article or the "leaving work early" articles in the SS done anything to snap you back into reality and what they are trying to do to your profession, your livelyhood and your hardwork? They are on a crusade, all in the name of "who polices the police," if not them?

The whole truth will NEVER be told...EVER!! Both positions, right wing or left wing are distorted...and everyday you people post on this site and everyday you lose your credibility and respect with your community, your peers and yourselves.

Go to work everyday and be the best at what you do. Everything else will take care of itself and you'll live long enough to collect that pension that you've deserve and worked so hard at getting.

12-28-2012, 09:04 PM
“I have not. I probably need to get in the building to get the uniform to do that.”

Anymore stunts like this Scott and you guarantee yourself as a one-term Sheriff.

Very dissapointed supporter.

12-28-2012, 09:12 PM
Why do you guys give credit to the sun sentinal and a very pissed off Brittney Wallman. She was promised JL's job by Lamberti if he won. He didn't so now she is he'll bent on discrediting the new Sheriff. You people are so easily misled. Sorry Brit, you're stuck at the Sentinal. Haha

12-28-2012, 10:22 PM
They posted the inventory list for him - are you saying the sun sentinel madenthat list up. Any bso employee knows the only thing we get FITTED for are vests. Uniforms of all sizes are in stock, very rarely do we end up at Argo

12-28-2012, 11:09 PM
We go to Argo to have the pants hemmed.

12-28-2012, 11:18 PM
We go to Argo to have the pants hemmed.

and to be abused. :D

12-28-2012, 11:27 PM
I read both the Herald and Sentinel articles on this and Scott Israel was speaking clearly, precisely and truthfully about the uniform issue and Lamberti is making his assertions based on a misinterpretation. How is it the media was given the requisition form? It was obviously leaked by sour-grapes Lamberti as it would have taken weeks to get through the Freedom of Information Act. It is a shameful and transparent ploy not unlike the stripper in the You Tube video designed to discredit Israel something Lamberti has now admitted his campaign did. We want our new sheriff to look as good as possible because he will have a good deal of PR work ahead of him cleaning up the tarnished reputation Lamberti has left for BSO. If that requires a fitted uniform and new rather than a used holster for his Sig Sauer then so be it.

12-29-2012, 12:11 AM
“I have not. I probably need to get in the building to get the uniform to do that.”

Anymore stunts like this Scott and you guarantee yourself as a one-term Sheriff.

Very dissapointed supporter.

@Very dissapointed supporter:

Why would YOU lie about the quote? The actual quote without your editorializing additions appears below!!!

It looks like Broward Sheriff-elect Scott Israel may be decked out in civilian attire at his Jan. 8 swearing-in — but not by choice.

"Unfortunately I've never been given access to the Broward Sheriff's building," to be measured for the agency's knit green pants and white shirts, he said.

"I probably need to get in the building to get to do that," said Israel, adding, "I should be given an office…in the building that I'll be in charge of for the next four years."

12-29-2012, 12:20 AM
When asked Dec. 19 if he’d been fitted for the new duds, Sheriff-Elect Scott Israel responded, “I have not. I probably need to get in the building to get the uniform to do that.”

****HEADS ... He was asked if he had been FITTED!! No lies here... just Al Lamberti being the coward and azzhole he always was!!!

You are a moron. Are you saying you are okay with double-talk AND lying?! Israel clearly led the reporter to believe that he did not have a uniform and it just was not true!

It would appear you are the moron ... I actually know how to read a quote! Here IS THE ACTUAL QUOTE:

It looks like Broward Sheriff-elect Scott Israel may be decked out in civilian attire at his Jan. 8 swearing-in — but not by choice.

"Unfortunately I've never been given access to the Broward Sheriff's building," to be measured for the agency's knit green pants and white shirts, he said.

"I probably need to get in the building to get to do that," said Israel, adding, "I should be given an office…in the building that I'll be in charge of for the next four years."

12-29-2012, 01:30 AM
When asked Dec. 19 if he’d been fitted for the new duds, Sheriff-Elect Scott Israel responded, “I have not. I probably need to get in the building to get the uniform to do that.”

****HEADS ... He was asked if he had been FITTED!! No lies here... just Al Lamberti being the coward and azzhole he always was!!!

You are a moron. Are you saying you are okay with double-talk AND lying?! Israel clearly led the reporter to believe that he did not have a uniform and it just was not true!

It would appear you are the moron ... I actually know how to read a quote! Here IS THE ACTUAL QUOTE:

It looks like Broward Sheriff-elect Scott Israel may be decked out in civilian attire at his Jan. 8 swearing-in — but not by choice.

"Unfortunately I've never been given access to the Broward Sheriff's building," to be measured for the agency's knit green pants and white shirts, he said.

"I probably need to get in the building to get to do that," said Israel, adding, "I should be given an office…in the building that I'll be in charge of for the next four years."

You cannot be this stupid! If you read the whole article it is clear that Israel was issued size 34 uniform pants, a Sig Saur holster, etc. AND HE ADMITS IT! He deliberately whined about not getting into the building to be fitted when in fact he was issued a full uniform in November. It is called LYING. Our sheriff is a liar.

12-29-2012, 02:06 AM
When asked Dec. 19 if he’d been fitted for the new duds, Sheriff-Elect Scott Israel responded, “I have not. I probably need to get in the building to get the uniform to do that.”

****HEADS ... He was asked if he had been FITTED!! No lies here... just Al Lamberti being the coward and azzhole he always was!!!

You are a moron. Are you saying you are okay with double-talk AND lying?! Israel clearly led the reporter to believe that he did not have a uniform and it just was not true!

It would appear you are the moron ... I actually know how to read a quote! Here IS THE ACTUAL QUOTE:

It looks like Broward Sheriff-elect Scott Israel may be decked out in civilian attire at his Jan. 8 swearing-in — but not by choice.

"Unfortunately I've never been given access to the Broward Sheriff's building," to be measured for the agency's knit green pants and white shirts, he said.

"I probably need to get in the building to get to do that," said Israel, adding, "I should be given an office…in the building that I'll be in charge of for the next four years."

You cannot be this stupid! If you read the whole article it is clear that Israel was issued size 34 uniform pants, a Sig Saur holster, etc. AND HE ADMITS IT! He deliberately whined about not getting into the building to be fitted when in fact he was issued a full uniform in November. It is called LYING. Our sheriff is a liar.

My bad ... you are correct ... Our Sheriff is a Liar. Thank God he's out of office in about a week cause he's also a vindictive scumbag coward!!

Suck a lemon AHole ...

12-29-2012, 04:11 AM
Oy, the Drama! Every day it's something else - Lamberti said and did such n such, and Isreal lied about whatever nonsense Lamberti can find to pick on. This is worse than watching two little kids fighting in a sandbox. Lamberti just needs to get his butt out of the sandbox and allow the new kid on the block in. At first this behavior was comical, but now it's just getting on my nerves. The media is having a heyday and only encouraging them. I just hope when January 8th comes everyone who is still employed at BSO will be professional and do their jobs to the best of their ability like the grown up adults we're supposed to be. I'm tired of worrying if I'm "caught" supporting the person other people don't think should be supported. Don't any of your feel this same way?
'Nuf said.

12-29-2012, 05:13 AM
You Lamberti guys need to stop. I'm so sorry Brittney Wallman, that your promised position to head up Media Relations after Lamberti won feel through. Find real news or report on the fact that Lamberti STILL won't allow the transition team into the PSB. If that is worse lie to can come up with about MY new Sheriff, I can live with that. Your Sheriff told waaaaay too many to list. Anybody remember him not knowing how his son got to the Superbowl or how he got credentials? Reality time, boys and girls. Israel is in and Lamberti is out. Well kind of, because he can't get into HIS new office.

What new office? SI doesn't take office until the 8th of January, after he is sworn in! I voted for SI and in this case he is wrong. Had he been properly advised he would know this. Just like SI is transitioning in, AL is transition out! Common sense should tell SI to set up transition office space off site, down the street or at his campaign headquarters. Not at PSB. No matter how much you and I dislike the current Sheriff, the PSB is still his house. So SI should stop trying to rub in his win by invading he PSB before he is actually the sheriff. And as far as a uniform.. unless SI can get a uniform pressed and hemmed before his swearing in he shouldn't be wearing one. He is just like any new hire. All equipment is issued on the date of hire not before.

12-29-2012, 11:08 AM
You Lamberti guys need to stop. I'm so sorry Brittney Wallman, that your promised position to head up Media Relations after Lamberti won feel through. Find real news or report on the fact that Lamberti STILL won't allow the transition team into the PSB. If that is worse lie to can come up with about MY new Sheriff, I can live with that. Your Sheriff told waaaaay too many to list. Anybody remember him not knowing how his son got to the Superbowl or how he got credentials? Reality time, boys and girls. Israel is in and Lamberti is out. Well kind of, because he can't get into HIS new office.

What new office? SI doesn't take office until the 8th of January, after he is sworn in! I voted for SI and in this case he is wrong. Had he been properly advised he would know this. Just like SI is transitioning in, AL is transition out! Common sense should tell SI to set up transition office space off site, down the street or at his campaign headquarters. Not at PSB. No matter how much you and I dislike the current Sheriff, the PSB is still his house. So SI should stop trying to rub in his win by invading he PSB before he is actually the sheriff. And as far as a uniform.. unless SI can get a uniform pressed and hemmed before his swearing in he shouldn't be wearing one. He is just like any new hire. All equipment is issued on the date of hire not before.

Finally someone posted something that is logical. The transition team should work off site.....does Israel really think that al should be his FTO and have him sit next to him at his desk? Does he think that all the people that he fired should welcome him with open arms? Al assessment of si is accurate, si continues to blame al for everything and he is demonstrating his manipulative leadership style (lack of). He clearly and intentionally misled the news to make al look petty. He had his uniform, does he really think that agency has an in house tailor standing by waiting for him to come in?

The response to follow will be-----" ok, lamberti is aliar too!". That excuse is getting weak and tiresome. Lamberti will be out of office soon and we will have another liar for four more years.

12-29-2012, 11:25 AM
You Lamberti guys need to stop. I'm so sorry Brittney Wallman, that your promised position to head up Media Relations after Lamberti won feel through. Find real news or report on the fact that Lamberti STILL won't allow the transition team into the PSB. If that is worse lie to can come up with about MY new Sheriff, I can live with that. Your Sheriff told waaaaay too many to list. Anybody remember him not knowing how his son got to the Superbowl or how he got credentials? Reality time, boys and girls. Israel is in and Lamberti is out. Well kind of, because he can't get into HIS new office.

What new office? SI doesn't take office until the 8th of January, after he is sworn in! I voted for SI and in this case he is wrong. Had he been properly advised he would know this. Just like SI is transitioning in, AL is transition out! Common sense should tell SI to set up transition office space off site, down the street or at his campaign headquarters. Not at PSB. No matter how much you and I dislike the current Sheriff, the PSB is still his house. So SI should stop trying to rub in his win by invading he PSB before he is actually the sheriff. And as far as a uniform.. unless SI can get a uniform pressed and hemmed before his swearing in he shouldn't be wearing one. He is just like any new hire. All equipment is issued on the date of hire not before.

Finally a reasonable person has made a response on this issue. You hit the nail on each point, I couldn't agree with you more. Very well put.

12-29-2012, 12:45 PM
Amazing how Adam Black and all the other Al cronies just won't go away. Boys you lost, your gravy train has come to an end, it's time to move on. You had a good ride at taxpayer expense but the pay to at culture is out the door with Al. Your guy lost just go away.

12-29-2012, 01:38 PM
After reading all of these rants over the past several months, Israel's people are acting like a bunch of douchebags too. Same circus, just different clowns. Both sides are embarrassing themselves on a daily basis.

12-29-2012, 01:51 PM
You Lamberti guys need to stop. I'm so sorry Brittney Wallman, that your promised position to head up Media Relations after Lamberti won feel through. Find real news or report on the fact that Lamberti STILL won't allow the transition team into the PSB. If that is worse lie to can come up with about MY new Sheriff, I can live with that. Your Sheriff told waaaaay too many to list. Anybody remember him not knowing how his son got to the Superbowl or how he got credentials? Reality time, boys and girls. Israel is in and Lamberti is out. Well kind of, because he can't get into HIS new office.

What new office? SI doesn't take office until the 8th of January, after he is sworn in! I voted for SI and in this case he is wrong. Had he been properly advised he would know this. Just like SI is transitioning in, AL is transition out! Common sense should tell SI to set up transition office space off site, down the street or at his campaign headquarters. Not at PSB. No matter how much you and I dislike the current Sheriff, the PSB is still his house. So SI should stop trying to rub in his win by invading he PSB before he is actually the sheriff. And as far as a uniform.. unless SI can get a uniform pressed and hemmed before his swearing in he shouldn't be wearing one. He is just like any new hire. All equipment is issued on the date of hire not before.

The equipment for Scott Israel, including his badge, Sig Sauer holster, size 34 pants, etc. were issued to him on Nov. 13th. He lied when he told the reporter he couldn't get into the PSB to get a uniform. Our new boss is a liar.

12-30-2012, 02:38 AM
You Lamberti guys need to stop. I'm so sorry Brittney Wallman, that your promised position to head up Media Relations after Lamberti won feel through. Find real news or report on the fact that Lamberti STILL won't allow the transition team into the PSB. If that is worse lie to can come up with about MY new Sheriff, I can live with that. Your Sheriff told waaaaay too many to list. Anybody remember him not knowing how his son got to the Superbowl or how he got credentials? Reality time, boys and girls. Israel is in and Lamberti is out. Well kind of, because he can't get into HIS new office.

What new office? SI doesn't take office until the 8th of January, after he is sworn in! I voted for SI and in this case he is wrong. Had he been properly advised he would know this. Just like SI is transitioning in, AL is transition out! Common sense should tell SI to set up transition office space off site, down the street or at his campaign headquarters. Not at PSB. No matter how much you and I dislike the current Sheriff, the PSB is still his house. So SI should stop trying to rub in his win by invading he PSB before he is actually the sheriff. And as far as a uniform.. unless SI can get a uniform pressed and hemmed before his swearing in he shouldn't be wearing one. He is just like any new hire. All equipment is issued on the date of hire not before.

The equipment for Scott Israel, including his badge, Sig Sauer holster, size 34 pants, etc. were issued to him on Nov. 13th. He lied when he told the reporter he couldn't get into the PSB to get a uniform. Our new boss is a liar.


It would appear you are an absolute moron ... I actually know how to read a quote! Here IS THE ACTUAL QUOTE:

It looks like Broward Sheriff-elect Scott Israel may be decked out in civilian attire at his Jan. 8 swearing-in — but not by choice.

"Unfortunately I've never been given access to the Broward Sheriff's building," to be measured for the agency's knit green pants and white shirts, he said.

"I probably need to get in the building to get to do that," said Israel, adding, "I should be given an office…in the building that I'll be in charge of for the next four years."

12-30-2012, 02:01 PM
The equipment for Scott Israel, including his badge, Sig Sauer holster, size 34 pants, etc. were issued to him on Nov. 13th. He lied when he told the reporter he couldn't get into the PSB to get a uniform. Our new boss is a liar.[/quote]


It would appear you are an absolute moron ... I actually know how to read a quote! Here IS THE ACTUAL QUOTE:

It looks like Broward Sheriff-elect Scott Israel may be decked out in civilian attire at his Jan. 8 swearing-in — but not by choice.

"Unfortunately I've never been given access to the Broward Sheriff's building," to be measured for the agency's knit green pants and white shirts, he said.

"I probably need to get in the building to get to do that," said Israel, adding, "I should be given an office…in the building that I'll be in charge of for the next four years."[/quote]

"to be measured" is double-speak and you know it. The Sentinel reporter was pissed because Scott Israel led her to believe that he did not have a uniform for the swearing-in and then she found out he lied and got the uniform on Nov. 13th. I can't respect a boss who talks in circles and misleads people - it's called lying.

12-30-2012, 03:00 PM
Here is true "double speak" when coming from the mouth of your pal Al Lamberti....

Pride in Service with Integrity

12-30-2012, 03:22 PM
Sheriff Israel just a cost savings suggestion going forward-

CANCEL SUN SENTINEL subscription to the jails. Access to news for the inmates can be had through the tv news, a newspaper subscription is not a right, as long as they have access to tv news Scum Sentinel can and should be cancelled going forward, and will save taxpayers thousands.

12-30-2012, 03:42 PM
Here is true "double speak" when coming from the mouth of your pal Al Lamberti....

Pride in Service with Integrity

I heard Sheriff Israel is going to have this credo removed agency-wide because there will be no integrity in his administration.

12-30-2012, 03:46 PM
"to be measured" is double-speak and you know it. The Sentinel reporter was pissed because Scott Israel led her to believe that he did not have a uniform for the swearing-in and then she found out he lied and got the uniform on Nov. 13th. I can't respect a boss who talks in circles and misleads people - it's called lying.

Oh so you must be ****head ... thanks for responding to my post Al.

"To be measured" to me ... means, to be measured.

"a boss who talks in circles and misleads people" to me .... means, the boss has stupid employee's who are easily mislead.

"then she found out he lied and got the uniform on Nov. 13th" to me... means, the reporter did not ask if he got a uniform, the reporter asked if he was fitted for one.

The only one lying here Al Lamberti is YOU. Now GTFO of the PSB!

12-30-2012, 03:51 PM
Here is true "double speak" when coming from the mouth of your pal Al Lamberti....

Pride in Service with Integrity

I heard Sheriff Israel is going to have this credo removed agency-wide because there will be no integrity in his administration.

He's going to have the Credo removed alright ... but it's because it's the stupidest Credo ever coined by the worst sheriff BSO has ever seen. Even if you were correct in your statement that there will be no integrity in the new administration, that's still 100% more integrity than there is there now! You lost, move along.

12-30-2012, 07:12 PM
In the grand scheme of life: WHO CARES ABOUT A UNIFORM!

12-30-2012, 07:21 PM
Just a play on words. Leave it alone.

12-30-2012, 07:26 PM
Just a play on word's. Well voter's don't see things so clearcut. My advice just answer the questions completely and honestly or don't answer at all.

12-30-2012, 08:38 PM
Just a play on word's. Well voter's don't see things so clearcut. My advice just answer the questions completely and honestly or don't answer at all.

Answer the question honestly. It's not so hard, even for the soon-to-be leader of one of the biggest law enforcement agencies in the country. Scott knew the reporter wanted to know if he had a uniform for the swearing-in ceremony and he lied when he said he needed to to get measured.

12-30-2012, 08:40 PM
In the grand scheme of life: WHO CARES ABOUT A UNIFORM!

It's not about a uniform. It's about the sheriff-elect lying and saying he needed to get measured for a uniform when in fact a full uniform was issued to him by the BSO property unit on November 13th.

12-30-2012, 10:04 PM
OMG? Hahahahahahaha. What a bunch of BSO retards. Honestly...can't make up their minds about anything. Al Lamberti is leaving and his peeps are talking smack...about a quote in the Sun-Sentinel, the very piece of trash that has made all of us look like we are fools when only it is a few of the a-holes who...act like a-holes with a badge and a gun. Keep it up fellas...you all look like douche bags to the public.