View Full Version : Who decides who get promoted in DOD

12-13-2012, 03:49 AM
I pretty much have a general answer but who ulimately decides who gets promoted in DOD. How doe the process began and at what level of management does the selection process began before it goes up the chain of command?

Human Resources informed me that they only does the testing so how will we ever know when someone earns and deserves it vs someone __ :P {fill in the blank} :P __ for it?

Is this something the Sheriff will work to change when he steps into office? Will there be a concrete guideline for advancement similar to the military?

Needed thoughts and opinions.
-Greatly appreciated.

sign ,
10+ years

12-13-2012, 04:40 AM
"...they only does the testing..."

Please Sheriff-Elect Israel PLEASE bring back TABE and CJBAT testing for new detention hires. The poster above is an embarassment to himself and our department. Remember the only reason Sheriff Jenne started the BSO academy? To significantly lower standards because BCC refused to drop their minimum standards. Jobs are tough to come by perhaps BSO can again raise hiring standards. We already have enough semi-retarded Deputies in Detention and unfortunately some are even supervisors.

12-13-2012, 12:06 PM
i been trying to figure out the answer to that myself....

all promotional test's in detention are fake , fraudulent, fixed.

the agency has to show a certain amount of people in leadership positions.

the people who pick the names hold grudges their entire career , so a fair and honest
testing procedure would be eliminate the entire command staff from the selction
process. baptism under fire & sink or swim for people promoted based on truthful

it would not be of any benifit to name the goof ball's who are in big time command
positions, 99% have heir retirement time in. but i do hope the ones who did not resign
with dignity do get fired.

i attended the f.o.p.e. picnic & p.b.a. meet & greet , it's a sad reallity that the
ones who deserve to be terminated don't have a clue on how much they are hated
and thought of as imcompetent baffoons, the agency has way to may stupid people
making big time money, with that in ending, i hope 2013 show's a more honest and progressive period of time with the new sheriff to make things honest & fair to
those who stay on top of the game.

12-13-2012, 05:07 PM
i been trying to figure out the answer to that myself....

all promotional test's in detention are fake , fraudulent, fixed.

the agency has to show a certain amount of people in leadership positions.

the people who pick the names hold grudges their entire career , so a fair and honest
testing procedure would be eliminate the entire command staff from the selction
process. baptism under fire & sink or swim for people promoted based on truthful

it would not be of any benifit to name the goof ball's who are in big time command
positions, 99% have heir retirement time in. but i do hope the ones who did not resign
with dignity do get fired.

i attended the f.o.p.e. picnic & p.b.a. meet & greet , it's a sad reallity that the
ones who deserve to be terminated don't have a clue on how much they are hated
and thought of as imcompetent baffoons, the agency has way to may stupid people
making big time money, with that in ending, i hope 2013 show's a more honest and progressive period of time with the new sheriff to make things honest & fair to
those who stay on top of the game.

At least that fat racist Fock is gone!

12-14-2012, 01:38 AM
To the garbage who said my post is dumb and that they should raise the standards>>. yeah they should...

Considering that I scored a 90 on it.. with ease

considering that I graduated college with high honors 3.64gpa.

Considering that when I took the asvab and joined the military I qualified for EVERYJOB except 2.

Considering my credit score is well above 700 with no more than a speeding and minor traffic ticket on my record.

Considering that I damn near max out on my evaluations and could train you any day. Every educated and knowlegeable of the SPM, SOP, and FLorida State Statues...

Consider that I scored overly high on the Sergeants exam with the first take; scoring a 94% on the oral borad with standard deviation (if you don't know what standard deviation is look it up) hint: I sat with H.R. and they informed me that they basically lowered the standards so they would not have to disqualify 70% of the 48 who made the dod sergeant list.

Deputy of the month within the first year of employment.. me...

I am certain I could learn your job in a day and teach you how to be better at it.

Considering that I bet you can meet up with me any day and I would make you look pathethic athletically. When you find out who ran the fastest mile in in-service this year (6:27) then you can get back at me.

Writing an Event report or any other type of report... I am sure that I could make you look stupid as I am the one who is called on to help others out with report (this year a kick back rate of 0% appx. 23 reports written to include JOR for myself and others)... and the only reason that there are a few gramatical errors in my posts are due to the fact that I type well over 80 words per minute (which means this post only took me a few minutes to draft) and I wouldn't waste my time using a spell check.

I could go on. The post that I made was for good reason and if you don't have any positive feed back then I strongly advise you to be more productive with the 20 minutes that it mostly likely took you to create your post.....

Get you knowledge up and continue to educate yourself.



12-14-2012, 01:42 AM
Jailer with the brain,

I would seriously like to meet you so we could compare credentials.... I really would..
But I do agree that they have lowered the standards...
So you cry raising the standards but if they make this like the military where passing the PT portion of In-Service was mandatory... You would most likely be one of the first to go.

Lets make it happen! :wink:

12-14-2012, 01:44 AM
"...they only does the testing..."

Please Sheriff-Elect Israel PLEASE bring back TABE and CJBAT testing for new detention hires. The poster above is an embarassment to himself and our department. Remember the only reason Sheriff Jenne started the BSO academy? To significantly lower standards because BCC refused to drop their minimum standards. Jobs are tough to come by perhaps BSO can again raise hiring standards. We already have enough semi-retarded Deputies in Detention and unfortunately some are even supervisors.

To the garbage who said my post is dumb and that they should raise the standards>>. yeah they should...

Considering that I scored a 90 on it.. with ease

considering that I graduated college with high honors 3.64gpa.

Considering that when I took the asvab and joined the military I qualified for EVERYJOB except 2.

Considering my credit score is well above 700 with no more than a speeding and minor traffic ticket on my record.

Considering that I damn near max out on my evaluations and could train you any day. Every educated and knowlegeable of the SPM, SOP, and FLorida State Statues...

Consider that I scored overly high on the Sergeants exam with the first take; scoring a 94% on the oral borad with standard deviation (if you don't know what standard deviation is look it up) hint: I sat with H.R. and they informed me that they basically lowered the standards so they would not have to disqualify 70% of the 48 who made the dod sergeant list.

Deputy of the month within the first year of employment.. me...

I am certain I could learn your job in a day and teach you how to be better at it.

Considering that I bet you can meet up with me any day and I would make you look pathethic athletically. When you find out who ran the fastest mile in in-service this year (6:27) then you can get back at me.

Writing an Event report or any other type of report... I am sure that I could make you look stupid as I am the one who is called on to help others out with report (this year a kick back rate of 0% appx. 23 reports written to include JOR for myself and others)... and the only reason that there are a few gramatical errors in my posts are due to the fact that I type well over 80 words per minute (which means this post only took me a few minutes to draft) and I wouldn't waste my time using a spell check.

I could go on. The post that I made was for good reason and if you don't have any positive feed back then I strongly advise you to be more productive with the 20 minutes that it mostly likely took you to create your post.....

Get you knowledge up and continue to educate yourself.



12-14-2012, 01:58 AM
i been trying to figure out the answer to that myself....

all promotional test's in detention are fake , fraudulent, fixed.

the agency has to show a certain amount of people in leadership positions.

the people who pick the names hold grudges their entire career , so a fair and honest
testing procedure would be eliminate the entire command staff from the selction
process. baptism under fire & sink or swim for people promoted based on truthful

it would not be of any benifit to name the goof ball's who are in big time command
positions, 99% have heir retirement time in. but i do hope the ones who did not resign
with dignity do get fired.

i attended the f.o.p.e. picnic & p.b.a. meet & greet , it's a sad reallity that the
ones who deserve to be terminated don't have a clue on how much they are hated
and thought of as imcompetent baffoons, the agency has way to may stupid people
making big time money, with that in ending, i hope 2013 show's a more honest and progressive period of time with the new sheriff to make things honest & fair to
those who stay on top of the game.

I totally agree.
I attended it also, it was just great to hear such positive words.. but something should be done. I can't speak for myself due to this is the first time me taking and passing the exam but I know a lot of great deputies who I would love to be first to my back; a lot of great deputies with great credentials and minimal sick time who have gotten passed up atleast twice.

Then here comes the as* whos never done anything let nor knows the basic (how to write paperwork)... gets promoted.. Poor leadership and I don't blame thoes who are not worth of Sergeant and Lieutenant who made it, I blame thoes who placed them in the positions because the are ultimately responsible for the future of our agency.

12-14-2012, 02:32 AM
"...they only does the testing..."

Please Sheriff-Elect Israel PLEASE bring back TABE and CJBAT testing for new detention hires. The poster above is an embarassment to himself and our department. Remember the only reason Sheriff Jenne started the BSO academy? To significantly lower standards because BCC refused to drop their minimum standards. Jobs are tough to come by perhaps BSO can again raise hiring standards. We already have enough semi-retarded Deputies in Detention and unfortunately some are even supervisors.

When I draft an offical document... that's when you can critique it....

because I type so fast when I wrote it I forgot to delete "the"..

they only do the testing... they only does testing..... either or smart-"ask". oops, that must be a spelled incorrectly.

Because I'm so bothered that you tried to check me. I will provide you with a few grammar tips!

I can break it all down for you.... They---they're...there... they (subject) ....testing (verb)... do normally follows a singlar subject.... and does will follow after a plural subject... or more than one.

Now with you post..... I can also correct you errors (my Lit professor would have tore it apart!!)
1) It would be "departmen and himself" (more always come before one)....
2)... It would be Do you remember.... in order to end that sentence with a "?".
3) you could say
"Jobs are tough to come by; therefore, BSO could/should raise their hiring standards"
"Jobs are tough to come by. Perhaps BSO could/shoud raise their hiring standards"
"Jobs are tought to come by so perhaps BSO could/should raise their hiring standards"
4) and lastly the last sentence... be carefuly with where you place your ponouns...
Either take out the "even" completely, or fix your placing of "even" .... because the subject (Some in reference to=Semi-Retarded supervisors), you have to write as if you were placing the subject in front of "some"

unfortunately even some semi-retarded deputies are supervisors.. _____YES_______
unforunately some semi-retarded deputies are supervisors.. _____YES_____
unfortunately some semi-retarded deputies are even superviors... ____NO______

Never judge someone from inside of a glass house!!!! Meaning don't try to correct me if you are not certain you can't be... clearly my errors were due to not caring but you must have thought that your statement was gramatically correct.. I'm sure you even went back, spell check, and read it over.

So exuse the gramatical errors in this one. :evil:

12-14-2012, 02:57 AM
Lt.Col.Raymaond Hicks after Jan.9 2013...

12-14-2012, 11:39 AM
one of the main things in detention is how do you measure good & bad ??????

is a good deputy one that hides out in office jobs, the suddenly reappears as

a Lt. ?? the agency has plenty of examples of that.

a sgt who was a lamberti cheer leader, all his so called career wanted to do all the cool

stuff, and was a dumb box of rocks deputy, but knew how to kiss butt and hide for

90% of his career, again big money paid to a non intelligent person.

another Lt who is a egotistical coward if you piss him off will go after you as if the

mission in life was to make yr life miserable, he was another one who dissappeared

into a office job and later emerged as a sgt, working alpha shift would often abandon

his post and race around town making traffic stop's and one time ran across a stolen

car in dania, and the road sgt had no idea who this guy was and told him to clean up

his own mess as the bad guy jumped out and fled on foot.

a well rounded deputy who has experience in all area's at least will have working

knowlege and will no doubt make a good supervisor further down the line.

if a good supervisor can be measured by a 10 star rating, none in the last

25 years could make it past a 5 star rating, ' comes to work, does his job' no more

or no less. deputy of the month has been *******ized, so it really has no significant

meaning now, but looks great on paper. the agency pays a lot of salary to way to many

do nothings & know nothings and is a travesty to the public & tax payers, but has

been allowed to keep going on and on like a endless broken record.

in 2013 we can ony hope the agency gets better professionally and the caliber of

people hired gets better as well.

12-14-2012, 11:30 PM
one of the main things in detention is how do you measure good & bad ??????

is a good deputy one that hides out in office jobs, the suddenly reappears as

a Lt. ?? the agency has plenty of examples of that.

a sgt who was a lamberti cheer leader, all his so called career wanted to do all the cool

stuff, and was a dumb box of rocks deputy, but knew how to kiss butt and hide for

90% of his career, again big money paid to a non intelligent person.

another Lt who is a egotistical coward if you piss him off will go after you as if the

mission in life was to make yr life miserable, he was another one who dissappeared

into a office job and later emerged as a sgt, working alpha shift would often abandon

his post and race around town making traffic stop's and one time ran across a stolen

car in dania, and the road sgt had no idea who this guy was and told him to clean up

his own mess as the bad guy jumped out and fled on foot.

a well rounded deputy who has experience in all area's at least will have working

knowlege and will no doubt make a good supervisor further down the line.

if a good supervisor can be measured by a 10 star rating, none in the last

25 years could make it past a 5 star rating, ' comes to work, does his job' no more

or no less. deputy of the month has been *******ized, so it really has no significant

meaning now, but looks great on paper. the agency pays a lot of salary to way to many

do nothings & know nothings and is a travesty to the public & tax payers, but has

been allowed to keep going on and on like a endless broken record.

in 2013 we can ony hope the agency gets better professionally and the caliber of

people hired gets better as well.

I most certainly agree with you...

There are a few supervisors out there. The one I work for is actully great. I've watched him/her pick up the slack when posts were shut down. To include working movement, relieving for breaks... conducting uniform exchange/ re-inspections of cells.. and actually does proper escorting (to include the proper handcuffing techniques taugh in Corrections 101 ) and pat searches ....

I have yet to se him/her take short cuts.

Leading by example... Wouldn't make staff do anything her/she would not do.

That's the type of leader I would like to be because I could not sit on my as* all day if they paid me too... I must assist other and help out because I believe in teamwork and safety and I love my job.

Or at the least while you are doing nothing become overly familiar with policies, procedures, and the judicial system so when and if deputies need advice you will atlease have a general idea of where to find them. Lastly, take advantage of siminars and other training opportunites made availible specifically for sergeants and above.


12-14-2012, 11:32 PM
Where is my good friend (jailer with a brain) is her/she in hiding?
Nothing else to say?
go figure.


12-17-2012, 06:29 PM
i been trying to figure out the answer to that myself....

all promotional test's in detention are fake , fraudulent, fixed.

the agency has to show a certain amount of people in leadership positions.

the people who pick the names hold grudges their entire career , so a fair and honest
testing procedure would be eliminate the entire command staff from the selction
process. baptism under fire & sink or swim for people promoted based on truthful

it would not be of any benifit to name the goof ball's who are in big time command
positions, 99% have heir retirement time in. but i do hope the ones who did not resign
with dignity do get fired.

i attended the f.o.p.e. picnic & p.b.a. meet & greet , it's a sad reallity that the
ones who deserve to be terminated don't have a clue on how much they are hated
and thought of as imcompetent baffoons, the agency has way to may stupid people
making big time money, with that in ending, i hope 2013 show's a more honest and progressive period of time with the new sheriff to make things honest & fair to
those who stay on top of the game.

I totally agree.
I attended it also, it was just great to hear such positive words.. but something should be done. I can't speak for myself due to this is the first time me taking and passing the exam but I know a lot of great deputies who I would love to be first to my back; a lot of great deputies with great credentials and minimal sick time who have gotten passed up atleast twice.

Then here comes the as* whos never done anything let nor knows the basic (how to write paperwork)... gets promoted.. Poor leadership and I don't blame thoes who are not worth of Sergeant and Lieutenant who made it, I blame thoes who placed them in the positions because the are ultimately responsible for the future of our agency.

"Thoes"?...... Do you mean "those"?

"who are not worth of sergeant and lieutenant"?....."worth"? Do you mean "worthy"?

Please educate yourself!