View Full Version : 26 MPD cops to be relieved of duty !!!

12-10-2012, 09:54 AM
WOW ! Worse than anyone even thought 26 cops relieved of duty ! This is something else,whats going on, LOOK > http://www.thecrespogramreport.com/Site ... S_ROD.html (http://www.thecrespogramreport.com/Site_10/26_COPS_ROD.html)

12-10-2012, 09:58 AM
DECEMBER 10, 2012

I have been told by multiple sources that as many of 26 Miami Police officers have been relieved of duty (ROD), either as a result of the FBI investigation into the protection of a gambling establishment in Liberty City of because of involvement in mortgage fraud, loan fraud and credit card fraud.

These ROD’s all occurred before today’s Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel story about Miami Police Officers who were tracked by the use of their Sun Pass cards to have been filing fraudulent time cards.

In one case high-lighted in the Sun Sentinel, Officer Tika Jones managed to arrive late for work at least 32 times.

The ultimate responsibility for the calamity that has befallen the Police Department lies not only with the Chief of Police, but also with the City Manager.

Unfortunately, when the City Manager is a “Doormat,” and the Chief Of Police is holding on for dear life to cash out with a cushy pension, while surrounding himself with a handful of senior staff with questionable ethics, much less professional skills, it’s a wonder that things are not even worse.

The bad thing is that you’ll never go broke betting against the City of Miami, and this is just one more example of why not only Regalado needs to go, but also ALL of the City Commissioners, the City Manager, the Chief of Police and pretty much the remainder of what passes for the senior leadership of the City of Miami.

There is no way that the potential loss of 26 police officers as a result of illegal behavior, coupled with the already understaffed, and over-stressed officers on the streets can lead to anything but more trouble for the Police Department and the citizens of Miami.

When you couple that problem with the revelations in the Spence-Jones lawsuit of criminal collusion between the Mayor and the State Attorney - and even if half of the lawsuit is bullshit, the other half is not - you’ve got to wonder when someone(s) with a concern for the City and the ability to talk plainly to the Governor, decides that the time has come to go and ask him to take the management of the City away from these morons, and put it under some kind of receivership.

26 Police Officers relieved of duty because of possible criminal activity is just a mind blowing number for any city to deal with, even one as batshit crazy as Miami.

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12-10-2012, 10:15 AM
Time for a new chief.

12-10-2012, 11:41 AM
Time for a new chief.
That would be Roque. He is next in line,lol.

12-10-2012, 01:35 PM
DECEMBER 10, 2012
Embarrassing, sad, but well stated, plus one on this :oops: :( !!!!!!!

I have been told by multiple sources that as many of 26 Miami Police officers have been relieved of duty (ROD), either as a result of the FBI investigation into the protection of a gambling establishment in Liberty City of because of involvement in mortgage fraud, loan fraud and credit card fraud.

These ROD’s all occurred before today’s Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel story about Miami Police Officers who were tracked by the use of their Sun Pass cards to have been filing fraudulent time cards.

In one case high-lighted in the Sun Sentinel, Officer Tika Jones managed to arrive late for work at least 32 times.

The ultimate responsibility for the calamity that has befallen the Police Department lies not only with the Chief of Police, but also with the City Manager.

Unfortunately, when the City Manager is a “Doormat,” and the Chief Of Police is holding on for dear life to cash out with a cushy pension, while surrounding himself with a handful of senior staff with questionable ethics, much less professional skills, it’s a wonder that things are not even worse.

The bad thing is that you’ll never go broke betting against the City of Miami, and this is just one more example of why not only Regalado needs to go, but also ALL of the City Commissioners, the City Manager, the Chief of Police and pretty much the remainder of what passes for the senior leadership of the City of Miami.

There is no way that the potential loss of 26 police officers as a result of illegal behavior, coupled with the already understaffed, and over-stressed officers on the streets can lead to anything but more trouble for the Police Department and the citizens of Miami.

When you couple that problem with the revelations in the Spence-Jones lawsuit of criminal collusion between the Mayor and the State Attorney - and even if half of the lawsuit is bullshit, the other half is not - you’ve got to wonder when someone(s) with a concern for the City and the ability to talk plainly to the Governor, decides that the time has come to go and ask him to take the management of the City away from these morons, and put it under some kind of receivership.

26 Police Officers relieved of duty because of possible criminal activity is just a mind blowing number for any city to deal with, even one as batshit crazy as Miami.

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12-10-2012, 02:04 PM
Well I think we all ready have more then 10+ police rod... And I've been hearing 10 will be Rod soon from the incident in the north.. So far no surprise. You pAy your department the lowest in south Florida and you seemed surprise on what type of police officers you get. Hahaha. All the good applicants are going to work some where else.

12-10-2012, 08:45 PM
One thing is for sure. Chief Roy The Clown isn't involved. That guy can be found in the gym every morning. He has his Sergeant bring him his lunch and then watches television until mid-afternoon and then he slides out and goes home. He is just as incompetent as Orosa, Llanes, The idiot Roque and the unstable Luisito are except that Roy the Clown is asleep at the wheel. What a joke that place is. The citizens should file a class action law suit against the city for failure to deliver services that were paid for and promised.

12-10-2012, 08:55 PM
One thing is for sure. Chief Roy The Clown isn't involved. That guy can be found in the gym every morning. He has his Sergeant bring him his lunch and then watches television until mid-afternoon and then he slides out and goes home. He is just as incompetent as Orosa, Llanes, The idiot Roque and the unstable Luisito are except that Roy the Clown is asleep at the wheel. What a joke that place is. The citizens should file a class action law suit against the city for failure to deliver services that were paid for and promised.
That's a good idea. And then they should look at the productivity of EVERY MEMBER and determine who owes what portion of the judgement. Some of us wont have a paycheck after that deduction.

12-10-2012, 09:04 PM
I'm not a person that gambles but its a safe bet to say that even though Roy the Clown has been asleep at the wheel some black politician will save him again.

12-10-2012, 09:08 PM
Well I think we all ready have more then 10+ police rod... And I've been hearing 10 will be Rod soon from the incident in the north.. So far no surprise. You pAy your department the lowest in south Florida and you seemed surprise on what type of police officers you get. Hahaha. All the good applicants are going to work some where else.

We have been last or near the bottom in pay many times and over 20 ROD has not occurred. So your claim is wrong. It is bad people lead by no supervision nice guy bosses. And it spreads from the top down in every organization.

12-10-2012, 09:43 PM
The department is critically short on lieutenants and sergeants; the level of management that comes in most contact with the troops. For now, its cheaper to have one sergeant handling two crews but it will cost more in the end. However all the chief's positions are fully staffed when they rarely make contact or directly supervise the troops.

12-11-2012, 02:43 AM
The department is critically short on lieutenants and sergeants; the level of management that comes in most contact with the troops. For now, its cheaper to have one sergeant handling two crews but it will cost more in the end. However all the chief's positions are fully staffed when they rarely make contact or directly supervise the troops.

Roy the Clown has been asleep at the wheel.

12-11-2012, 02:51 AM
Well I think we all ready have more then 10+ police rod... And I've been hearing 10 will be Rod soon from the incident in the north.. So far no surprise. You pAy your department the lowest in south Florida and you seemed surprise on what type of police officers you get. Hahaha. All the good applicants are going to work some where else.
That is what happens when you hire GHETTo people from the hood. You get for what you paid. We are the MeTro pCS of police. Gables , Feds, fdle, all require 4 years degree minimum to weed out the ghetto ness.

12-11-2012, 03:00 AM
Well I think we all ready have more then 10+ police rod... And I've been hearing 10 will be Rod soon from the incident in the north.. So far no surprise. You pAy your department the lowest in south Florida and you seemed surprise on what type of police officers you get. Hahaha. All the good applicants are going to work some where else.
That is what happens when you hire GHETTo people from the hood. You get for what you paid. We are the MeTro pCS of police. Gables , Feds, fdle, all require 4 years degree minimum to weed out the ghetto ness.
Are you really that stupid? You think a 4 year college degree makes an officer? Please leave our department and our country you ignoramous!

12-11-2012, 03:17 AM
Well I think we all ready have more then 10+ police rod... And I've been hearing 10 will be Rod soon from the incident in the north.. So far no surprise. You pAy your department the lowest in south Florida and you seemed surprise on what type of police officers you get. Hahaha. All the good applicants are going to work some where else.
That is what happens when you hire GHETTo people from the hood. You get for what you paid. We are the MeTro pCS of police. Gables , Feds, fdle, all require 4 years degree minimum to weed out the ghetto ness.
Are you really that stupid? You think a 4 year college degree makes an officer? Please leave our department and our country you ignoramous!

4 year degree means you test well after beer bust. Give me anyone from any military service who has an Honorable Discharge. And your post shows your a bigot. Shows how low the standards have gotten if you got hired.

12-11-2012, 03:19 AM
You think the best military officer with a collage degree is going to apply here first? For 20 or 30% less and 3 times the workload.. Please

12-11-2012, 03:36 AM
Workload? What workload? It's been great with Orosa. He doesn't care about no stinking workload. Just show up to work and skate all day. LOL

12-11-2012, 01:26 PM
I am a military veteran, and I am working on getting a four year degree. I am 100% for education, and I believe police departments can benefit from it. It's true that you could be a bachelor holder and/or a military veteran, and still be a troubled officer. Unfortunately, there is no way of predicting the future.

12-11-2012, 06:06 PM
Nobody requires a 4 year degree. Some require a 2 year but military experience will sometime suffice. Stop making $hit up and check FHP & School Board if you think your the lowest paid. What a freakin lying ass cry baby.

12-13-2012, 04:22 AM
Nobody requires a 4 year degree. Some require a 2 year but military experience will sometime suffice. Stop making $hit up and check FHP & School Board if you think your the lowest paid. What a freakin lying ass cry baby.

02-24-2013, 03:43 AM

02-24-2013, 03:45 AM

02-24-2013, 02:11 PM
Nobody requires a 4 year degree. Some require a 2 year but military experience will sometime suffice. Stop making $hit up and check FHP & School Board if you think your the lowest paid. What a freakin lying ass cry baby.

We are talking about Police Departments, not Meter maids or School Security Guard.

02-24-2013, 04:30 PM
Is the Chief among the 26 ?

02-25-2013, 12:48 AM
In one week.2 more will be ROD