View Full Version : No longer can we be everything for everyone

12-09-2012, 09:25 PM
It is well past the time when we do away with helping everyone out. It is time officers carry full caseloads. We have 6 or 7 officers in this circuit that are in drug programs and have almost no contacts to make. All the cases are in s03 and require no contacts. We no longer have this luxury.WHat is the answer here . If the cases are in a locked down program , why not just divide them amongst field offices . We can have thoses dopo officers seeing what 300 cases on the street .

We have officers in Intake doing immeadiate transfers and handling cases from other circuits. A clerical position at best, of hey novel idea let a supervisor handle this.
This frees up the officer to handle 60 more street cases.

Some circuit have court officers , sorry we need the officers on the streets, see you .

How can we better use our resources, try it.

12-10-2012, 01:51 AM
What circuit do you work in? We have nothing like that in my circuit!

12-10-2012, 11:30 AM
Program cases require a lot of work. It is a trade off. What you gain in the lack of field work, you lose in the constant VOPs for dirty urines, absconding, etc. Also you have to deal with program politics, offenders thinking you are their counselors, and other BS. Also, if these cases make it to graduation, you have to prepare the files for transfer.I have done both, so I know. Its no walk in the park.