View Full Version : T minus 30 days and counting

12-08-2012, 03:46 PM
30 days left ‘till Scott Israel is sworn in as THE 16TH PERSON TO HOLD THE OFFICE OF Sheriff of Broward County. Halleluiah!

Scott Israel
Elected 2012 - PRESENT
Al Lamberti
2007 - 2012
Ken Jenne
1997 - 2007
Ron Cochran
1993 - 1997
Nick Navarro
1985 - 1993
George Brescher
1983 - 1985
Robert Butterworth
1979 - 1982
Edward Stack
1969 - 1979
Thomas Walker
Allen B. Michell
1961 - 1968
J.A. "Quill" Lloyd
1957 - 1961
Amos Hall
1951 - 1957
Walter Clark
1941 - 1950
Eddie Lee
1939 - 1940
Walter Clark
1931 - 1939
A.W. Turner
1927 - 1931
Paul C. Bryan
1925 - 1927
A.W. Turner
1915 - 1925

Sheriff Lamberti, the first to rise through the ranks to the top position at BSO, dedicated himself to restoring public confidence in the integrity of the agency. In November 2008, the voters of Broward County elected him to the position of sheriff. The voters of Broward County kicked his evil ass to the curb on November 6th, 2012 and elected a real Sheriff, Scott Israel, on that same day!

And now you know the rest of the story ....

12-08-2012, 04:21 PM
LOVE IT!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

12-08-2012, 11:25 PM
SI will trip over the curb on the way into the PSB wait and see his crew of boobs.

12-08-2012, 11:33 PM
you sound "disgruntled". :shock:

12-09-2012, 11:39 AM
It just occurred to me that Sheriff Scott Israel will be at the helm during the Broward County Sheriff's Office centennial celebration. Nice. It will be a pleasant change to have morale at an all time high and pride in an agency that will celebrate 100 years of existence. Thank God Lamberti will not be the Sheriff when this milestone occurs in 2015 ...... that means there might be a chance that everybody will get to enjoy it instead of just the 5th floor!

12-09-2012, 12:42 PM
Morale will be high for a week. I heard he is keeping half of the command staff.this place is going to be worse then ever.

12-09-2012, 02:34 PM
Morale will be high for a week. I heard he is keeping half of the command staff.this place is going to be worse then ever.

Which half? The half that have already quit or the half in the queue to quit? Who in hell's name would he keep and why? I say clean house ... start fresh. The only one with both a brain and a set of balls is Pollock and he should be retained and promoted. If Prichard is considered command staff, he should be retained but not as the XO to the sheriff, but definitely retained, even promoted. He is a bright guy and he stuck his neck out for us.

The rest of the Colonels and Majors (including Major Larry "railroad tracks" R) should be dumped ASAP.

EVERYONE in IA needs to be reassigned to Pompano. Clean that house before they bankrupt the agency with all of the pending lawsuits they have caused. EVERY Chief position needs to be reevaluated. D-9 Wally should be a no-brainer flush. Chief Dan at D-14 needs to get going while the getting and going is good. Lt. B O'B needs to take his 38 years and walk.

EEOD is useless and needs personnel that actually have the victims' best interest in mind. Sheriff Israel can clean that house in its entirety.

Detail office needs an ass kick / total face lift.

External Affairs got a great start with JimL jumping ship ... ALL others should follow.

All pending suspensions with pay need to be resolved by February 1st, 2013. They did it or they didn't. Period.

ALL Motor units in ALL districts need to do what Motor units were designed to do when the specialized unit was created in 1952 under the supervision of Sergeant Edward Wagner; a five man motorcycle team was organized for the sole purpose of traffic enforcement and accident investigation.

Sheriff Scott Israel is a smart guy. I don't think for a moment that he won't replace those do boys / yes men that Lamberti had attached to his ass and bring in those that are loyal to him. If they don't know the job on the first day, well then, they learn it just like the idiot's that they are replacing did!

Sheriff Scott Israel has the same golden opportunity that Lamberti had. The only difference is Lamberti flushed it down the crapper and Sheriff Scott Israel will use that golden opportunity to make respected and historic changes to an agency that has been demoralized by the outgoing sheriff.

I heard that the book "Inside the Broward County Sheriff's Office" has been renamed as "The guide on who should stay and who should go".

No worries. I'm confident that Sheriff Scott Israel knows what he's doing! :D

12-10-2012, 03:32 AM
Pollock has a brain? Really? The only thing he has is the ability to con people, from Navarro, to Cochran, Jenne, etc, he is a con man. And as soon as the game changes he dumps the old friends for the new. Ask Ana and Ken Jenne, although it looks like the devil (Jenne) and the devil (Pollock) sleep in the same bed.

Good luck boys and girls, Lamberti was bad but Israel is going to be a train wreck. History has shown that the sheriff's just get worse as time goes on. I was sworn by Navarro. He was the best, but certainly not perfect. Then Cochran (worse), Jenne (horrible and criminal), Lamberti (don't know how to describe how bad his administration was) and now Israel.


12-10-2012, 08:04 PM
In all my experience with Pollock I've seen nothing but an honorable decent man who hasn't forgotten where he came from and Actually cares about the troops. Which is more than I can say for about 90% of the command staff here. But judging by your post you are probably one of that 90% who will be enjoying retirement after January 8. You want to question the man's intelligence? Well all I can say is he was smart enough to back the winning candidate. nd even after everything he went through I've never seen the man speak ill of anyone. Not even the current sheriff.

I will further say that when I was going through a personal issue that indirectly involved the agency, Pollock was the only member of the agency's command staff who called to check on me. It's said that you can judge a character of a man by how they treat those who can do nothing for them. Well the Commander took the time to check on me and so based on that alone, regardless of the other fine character traits mentioned, he has earned my respect and loyalty just for making a simple phone call. And though I can do nothing for the man now, I hopefully can return that favor for him someday.

12-10-2012, 08:19 PM
Amen brother, Commander Pollock is and always has been a cops cop. Unlike all off the others on the removal list, he has NEVER hurt anyone. I too went through something and the Commander was by my side. So sorry you waved at him one day and he didn't wave back. Sorry your dog ran away, you called 911 and he didn't respond to your house and hold your hand. But, to trash him because..... That's right you didn't really give a reason. You must have been a Colonel in our current administration. Enjoy retirement and GFY