View Full Version : Election

11-19-2012, 03:09 AM
I love to listen to all the rumors made by morons about the election gone wild, before and after..They are mostly wrong and they remind me of people in a bar/restaurants talking about what play should have been made, what quarterback should start etc,,, hey idiot get your degree and then make the coaching moves yourself..All the Lamberti fans who came on her and swore he would not lose..well its like going to Vegas with thousands and coming home broke..you threw the dice and lost on your table/horse/wheel..thats the chances you take when you go public..win/lose/draw..The smart stay quiet..Lesson learned : Never assume.Let this man do his job..we will know in a year or two if it is working..or less..
If he hires from the outside so be it..He deserves to make that choice..not you..In 4 yrs you can run against him, if not happy..Happy holidays..be safe, better times are coming.

11-19-2012, 04:04 AM
Sounds like the honeymoon is already over....

11-19-2012, 04:52 AM
Freddie Parker for Broward County Sheriff 2016
