View Full Version : Buddy Nevins

11-01-2012, 12:15 AM
GOP Worry: Early Voting “Cleaning Our Clock”


The flood of Democratic early voting continued Wednesday and it should start to worry every Republican on the ballot.

WPTV in Palm Beach obtained an e-mail from a distressed Palm Beach County Republican who fretted that Democrats were “cleaning our clock.”

The e-mail said the early voting might drag down the GOP ticket in Palm Beach County.

The e-mail in part states:

The early and absentee turnout is starting to look more troubling.

As of yesterday, Republicans made up only 22% of early voters and 30% of returned absentee votes.

This is closer to (and worse than) 2008 where we saw 19% EV and 38% of the absentees. 2010 (our blowout year) was 33% of EV and 45% of AB.

Conclusion: The Democrat turnout machine in the county has been very effective and they are cleaning our clock. Even if Romney wins the state (likely based on polls), the turnout deficit in PBC will affect our local races.

But what about Broward? Same thing.

Sources say that a poll taken since the start of early voting and the start of Scott Israel’s broadcast ads show the challenger narrowing Sheriff Al Lamberti’s lead. A second source, quoting a Republican poll, says it found that Israel is running within the margin of error with Lamberti — essentially tied.

“It’s doable now for Israel and it wasn’t before,” an exultant Democratic leader said.

11-01-2012, 12:55 AM
GOP Worry: Early Voting “Cleaning Our Clock”


The flood of Democratic early voting continued Wednesday and it should start to worry every Republican on the ballot.

WPTV in Palm Beach obtained an e-mail from a distressed Palm Beach County Republican who fretted that Democrats were “cleaning our clock.”

The e-mail said the early voting might drag down the GOP ticket in Palm Beach County.

The e-mail in part states:

The early and absentee turnout is starting to look more troubling.

As of yesterday, Republicans made up only 22% of early voters and 30% of returned absentee votes.

This is closer to (and worse than) 2008 where we saw 19% EV and 38% of the absentees. 2010 (our blowout year) was 33% of EV and 45% of AB.

Conclusion: The Democrat turnout machine in the county has been very effective and they are cleaning our clock. Even if Romney wins the state (likely based on polls), the turnout deficit in PBC will affect our local races.

But what about Broward? Same thing.

Sources say that a poll taken since the start of early voting and the start of Scott Israel’s broadcast ads show the challenger narrowing Sheriff Al Lamberti’s lead. A second source, quoting a Republican poll, says it found that Israel is running within the margin of error with Lamberti — essentially tied.

“It’s doable now for Israel and it wasn’t before,” an exultant Democratic leader said.

WOW....Buddy, such insightful writing. Yet, what exactly did this say.....Absolutely NOTHING. Not a signle named source. "A distressed Palm Beach County Republican" who emailed "their cleaning our clocks" and a "A second source, quoting a Republican poll, "

Buddy.....this means NOTHING....you just typed 250 words and didn't say SHIT~~~~~

11-01-2012, 12:56 AM
If I am reading the Nevins story correctly, TWO NEW POLLS now show the Israel-Lamberti race is "ESSENTIALLY TIED." That has got to be making people very nervous ... on both sides!!

11-01-2012, 02:36 AM
One guy who knows Lamberti is in trouble, Neil DeJesus, Neil is getting the organization in place to run against Israel in 2016. de JESUS SAVES (us from Israel).

11-01-2012, 02:42 AM
Come on Buddy - "Sources say that a poll..." No wonder the Sentinel let you go! The fact is that you're a left wing liberal (didn't cut your hair until it started falling out) and you WISH the races were closer and that Lamberti was not a double-digit shoe-in. After 7 pm Tuesday you can share some of that sh!t you're still smoking with Scott and the Israelites.

11-01-2012, 03:49 AM
Come on Buddy - "Sources say that a poll..." No wonder the Sentinel let you go! The fact is that you're a left wing liberal (didn't cut your hair until it started falling out) and you WISH the races were closer and that Lamberti was not a double-digit shoe-in. After 7 pm Tuesday you can share some of that sh!t you're still smoking with Scott and the Israelites.

The bottom line is this: Lamberti was connected to the criminal Rothstein!!!! He took money from Rothstein the (Ponzi scam artist) for his dirty campaign. Rothstein is now in prison. Lamberti had a member of his command staff (Lt. Benjamin) drive Rothstein to the airport with the dirty money to make a get-away when the Feds were investigating Rothstein. This is all public information, and has been widely reported in the media.

To make matters worse, Lamberti's former campaign manager was arrested for armed cocaine distribution, and domestic battery on his wife!!!!! How can anyone support Sheriff Lamberti??? Any person who supports Lamberti is either ignorant, corrupt, or worried about their jobs for selfish reasons!!!! They have no ethics.

Just knowing Lamberti's association with these convicted criminals should be enough to realize Lamberti must go!!!!!! Vote for Scott Israel for Sheriff on Nov. 6th. A real leader!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

04-09-2013, 03:16 PM
:oops: :lol: :roll: :idea: :D :shock: