View Full Version : Candidate Wants The Hog-Tying Case Re-opened

10-14-2012, 08:40 PM
Candidate Seeks Special Prosecutor In Hog-Tying Case

10-14-2012, 08:53 PM
I still may not vote for him, but he has guts. The easy thing to do is keep as quiet as the church mouse, but this thing is coming to a head. Sheriff looks like he's has something to hide, when he should have taken this and used it in his favor. he has thrown so many under the bus already, so what's a career to two more, like he did Lt. Murray. Its a tough call, but when your opponent is out flanking you, its time to cover your rear. Not looking good.

10-14-2012, 10:13 PM
Sheriff will be campaigning with Romney next week and they discuss this nonsense hog-tying case at that time. He will also speak about how he brought healthcare cost down by bringing in Conventry. Go Lamberti and Romney!!! Good the Great!

10-15-2012, 11:09 AM
Sheriff will be campaigning with Romney next week and they discuss this nonsense hog-tying case at that time. He will also speak about how he brought healthcare cost down by bringing in Conventry. Go Lamberti and Romney!!! Good the Great!

This is such nonsense. Romney would never stand with this sheriff.

10-15-2012, 05:32 PM
As I hope most of you know, the procedure concerning the hog-tie technique has been updated because it causes asphyxiation as it did in this case. It was OK to do back then and the paramedics could have saved the guy but were lazy and let him die. There is nevertheless a crime here . . . the cover-up and Sheriff Al's fingerprints are all over that.

10-15-2012, 07:17 PM
As I hope most of you know, the procedure concerning the hog-tie technique has been updated because it causes asphyxiation as it did in this case. It was OK to do back then and the paramedics could have saved the guy but were lazy and let him die. There is nevertheless a crime here . . . the cover-up and Sheriff Al's fingerprints are all over that.

What cover-up by Sheriff Al? This happened 10 years ago. Dumb Israelites.

10-16-2012, 12:33 PM
As I hope most of you know, the procedure concerning the hog-tie technique has been updated because it causes asphyxiation as it did in this case. It was OK to do back then and the paramedics could have saved the guy but were lazy and let him die. There is nevertheless a crime here . . . the cover-up and Sheriff Al's fingerprints are all over that.

What cover-up by Sheriff Al? This happened 10 years ago. Dumb Israelites.

Sheriff, it has everything to do with you. You ARE the sheriff now and the dictates of leadership and the head of an agency demands that you address issues as they arise. Stop whining and blaming everything on Scott Israel, lazy jailers, media and so on. The media has caught on and they now see this was a bad case which was clearly covered up. Your under cover Republican pal Mike Satz won't do anything, but where in the hoot n nanny are the feds?


10-17-2012, 03:18 PM
As I hope most of you know, the procedure concerning the hog-tie technique has been updated because it causes asphyxiation as it did in this case. It was OK to do back then and the paramedics could have saved the guy but were lazy and let him die. There is nevertheless a crime here . . . the cover-up and Sheriff Al's fingerprints are all over that.

What cover-up by Sheriff Al? This happened 10 years ago. Dumb Israelites.

10-17-2012, 03:46 PM
The incident happened before Lamberti became sheriff. What has been described as a cover-up continues to this day. Yes, there was plenty of corruption before Lamberti. From the stand point of the officers back at the time of the incident, they did nothing wrong and followed procedure. The victim's family is really seeking to have the air cleared with a statement from the Sheriff and he's not inclined to comment. Instead the issue has to get churned out in the newspapers and linger on forever. I think the whole matter could be resolved and ended if the Sheriff stepped up and made a statement.

10-17-2012, 05:13 PM
The incident happened before Lamberti became sheriff. What has been described as a cover-up continues to this day. Yes, there was plenty of corruption before Lamberti. From the stand point of the officers back at the time of the incident, they did nothing wrong and followed procedure. The victim's family is really seeking to have the air cleared with a statement from the Sheriff and he's not inclined to comment. Instead the issue has to get churned out in the newspapers and linger on forever. I think the whole matter could be resolved and ended if the Sheriff stepped up and made a statement.

When have you known This Sheriff to step up and do the right thing?? IJS!!

10-17-2012, 05:58 PM
The incident happened before Lamberti became sheriff. What has been described as a cover-up continues to this day. Yes, there was plenty of corruption before Lamberti. From the stand point of the officers back at the time of the incident, they did nothing wrong and followed procedure. The victim's family is really seeking to have the air cleared with a statement from the Sheriff and he's not inclined to comment. Instead the issue has to get churned out in the newspapers and linger on forever. I think the whole matter could be resolved and ended if the Sheriff stepped up and made a statement.

You make a lot of sense, but that was a leader would have done. Now, sadly, its too late. This is a cover-up and Israel has stolen the thunder from a sitting sheriff, which is mind boggling. If Lamberti does anything at this point, he will hurt him and bring even more attention to it. He needs new advisors.

10-18-2012, 09:57 PM
Does SI have rocks in his head? With this press conference he just lost the vote of everything on the 5th floor of the PSB building and those worked at RRA.

10-22-2012, 10:19 AM
The incident happened before Lamberti became sheriff. What has been described as a cover-up continues to this day. Yes, there was plenty of corruption before Lamberti. From the stand point of the officers back at the time of the incident, they did nothing wrong and followed procedure. The victim's family is really seeking to have the air cleared with a statement from the Sheriff and he's not inclined to comment. Instead the issue has to get churned out in the newspapers and linger on forever. I think the whole matter could be resolved and ended if the Sheriff stepped up and made a statement.

When have you known This Sheriff to step up and do the right thing?? IJS!!

There is a debate being held by the NAACP this week and Al should not go. He is concerned the audience will be stacked, and he is probably right. They are arranging to have as a many black employees as possible attend in full uniform, problem is few want to attend. Al, you should avoid this event, do you really think the NAACP is pleased with you as sheriff?