View Full Version : Nov 6th Election for Sheriff

10-05-2012, 02:11 AM
T'was the month before voting,
And all thru' the town,
Tempers were flaring
Emotions were down.

When I, in my bathrobe
With a pup in my lap,
Had shut off the Tube,
With its politics crap.

When all of a sudden,
A loud evil laugh,
I peered out my window,
Was Ramsay and staff

My absentee ballot!
They wanted my vote
I ran from the house,
And hid in my boat

He snatched up my ballot,
And quick as a wink,
Jumped back in his squad car
I gagged from the stink.

He rallied his henchmen
Who carried his banner.
They bullied and pushed
In a threatening manner!

On Hillard, on Elomina,
On Crane and Haevilin,
Run Taylor! Run Age!
My campaign’s unravelin’!

They took up his cause
“This election’s my right!”
One more evil laugh
Off he drove in the night

And I heard him exclaim
As he they sped out of sight,
“This County is mine!
Cause they’re all scared to fight!”

The sirens were screaming
The lights were ablaze
Then they all disappeared
In a brown funky haze.

So I leave you to think
on this one final note

Vote Ramsay out Nov 6th let him know how you really feel about his self proclaimed entitlement to the office of sheriff. He can't follow you into the voting booth and he wont know what your vote is till its too late for him. Then you truly win.

10-06-2012, 12:38 AM
'Twas the night before elections
And all through Key West
A small group of deputies
Sat holding their breath

'"it's election night dear friends
A miracle we need,
'cuz that's the only way
Petecks can succeed!!!"

When all of the sudden
Bill Becker came on
And all the Big Piners
Ran out on their lawns

And the announcement it rang
Monroe county wide
Rick Ramsay had won
By a big ol' landslide!!!

the Piners were silent
As champagne corks did pop
And Jake Baby requested
Papers for DROP

But the saddest of all
If it wasn't so funny
Was the site of ole' Petecks
Who was flat outta money

With his "hit list" in hand
He felt really tired
And thanked baby Jesus
He'd already retired

As he sat broken down
In the sky did appear
Rick Ramsay's sleigh
Pulled by 8 key deer

"To all you haters
It's finally done-
This election is over
And guess what???? I won!!!

So keep your boots on the ground
Where the rubber meets the road
You've careers are now
Flushed down the commode!!!!"

10-06-2012, 01:22 AM
Now the rest of you see the bullying and threatening mentality of a Ramsay supporter. Someone who enjoys, and brags about not only Ramsay's predicted win, but boasts about the illegal harassment that jake and Tom(if he was still here) would face under a Ramsay administration. What a great insight into how Sheriff Ramsay will behave. I might have to place this poem in every paper in the county as a Peteck ad. Keep up the great work captain

10-06-2012, 01:59 AM
Keep up the great work captain


I doubt that is don, gene or chad. None of 'em are smart enough to have thought of that themselves. How do I know....please, they graduated from Marathon High. :lol:

My guess is donnie, he is fond of Broadway musicals, Barabra Striesand and poetry, so he could have pulled it off. (pun intended) :snicker:

See ya later

10-06-2012, 02:07 AM

10-07-2012, 07:18 PM
When the votes were all counted
by a quarter to ten
Little Ricky was jazzed
He’d just fooled them again

As the numbers came up
And they stared at the screen
They then realized
It was only a dream

The numbers were clear
And his brass made a sigh
The winner they found
Just wasn't THEIR guy

Ramsay's 8 tiny Key Deer
Lay down by his feet
His sled now silent
No driver in it's seat

His brass staff they grew quiet
Each scratching his ass
Monroe County had given
Their leader the pass

His arrogance so legend
Had peaked in the press
His bragging and lying
No longer impressed.

His lies came to light
And his favors unplugged
He could no longer cover
For his bullies and thugs

Past MCSO powers
They all made a gasp
He had covered their blunders
So well in the past

The people were tired
Of Ramsay's same song and dance
They voted him out
When each had their chance

The line officers stepped back
And they took a deep breath
Finally an end
To the favors and threats

The pressure was off
We’ll perform “to the letter”
There’ll be training we need
To do our job better

The public was happy
The folks big and small
Finally we’ll know the man
Answering our call

Keep this in mind
When you make your selection
No undersheriff ever
Won this election.


10-09-2012, 02:41 AM

Are these new superheros? A good name would be "The League of Losers".

10-09-2012, 03:12 AM
Mr Darwin
I have to wonder if your in fact your a high ranking MCSO admin staff person or in 3rd grade I can't tell from your sarcastic unprofessionalism which it is?

10-09-2012, 03:32 AM
Darwin and hos fellow admin friends are hearing the same things we are around town. They are hearing that folks are tired of the Peryam / Ramsay reign of terror on the working deputies of the county. They are ready to vote for a change, they are ready to put money into the pockets of the workers and not the bosses. They are ready to put the boot to the tax and spenders currently in office.

For the first time all election season they are scared and it is beginning to show, I know my Capt CS and LT BW are certainly down, but they shouldn't be, they have their 25 and can retire.

For Chris' sakes admin the pic is just a joke nothing more. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

10-09-2012, 04:07 AM
At first I thought Darwin was Lou C. but he's too busy removing signs in the upper keys. Worried about your jobs guys? You should be. Try acting like adults instead of high school bullies. In the end the people of the county will decide who wins or loses. A few signs will not make a difference.

10-16-2012, 12:20 AM
At first I thought Darwin was Lou C. but he's too busy removing signs in the upper keys. Worried about your jobs guys? You should be. Try acting like adults instead of high school bullies. In the end the people of the county will decide who wins or loses. A few signs will not make a difference.

Correct. Why steal Peteck's signs? He's going to lose big anyway.

He's not a bad guy, just in over his head.

10-16-2012, 01:26 AM
A few signs will not make a difference.

Oh but they have, just not in a positive way for the Ramsay Squad. And why they are going into business and intimidating them into taking down Peteck signs is beyond me. Did they really think they would change the minds of those business owners? Rather just the opposite, they are telling their customers and friends about the visit, heck that's how I first heard it was happening, by the good ole coconut telegraph,not the one on Big Pine either.

My guess is it's their ego and inflated vision of their own self worth. Now let me throw y'all a curve ball. I supported Ramsay when he made his announcement to run for sheriff, based on the Ramsay I thought I knew. But I began to question this support when I began to hear from taxpaying friends and citizens about the tactics being employed by the Ramsay Squad. In my opinion, if Ramsay had run a campaign free from thuggery and half truths, the election would have been no sweat for him. He would have run away with it. But instead he broke the promise he made to run a clean election. He failed to deter his friends from engaging in their thuggery. He began to belittle Tom Peteck. He did not have to do any of these to win this election, he could have run on his record alone.

But allowing his friends to act like thugs and harass / interfere with taxpaying citizens constitutional right to support who they want in an election, he has made this election a non certainty for either party.

10-16-2012, 03:47 AM
I have lived in the keys for a while now. I have a law enforcement background. As this election rolled around I didn't pay too much attention at first. But the more I read and heard, I began to look harder. Finally, a few months ago, I got to meet his royalness, Rick Ramsay. I was way less than impressed. He sounded like a commercial for himself. " I have seen it all, done it all, I am so great, etc." Never asked me a single question or even seemed interested in who I was. Just more about him, wonderful Rick. Every deputy that I have talked to privately has said he is an arrogant man, which I saw in 5 minutes. The sign says "Paradise Needs Peteck". I have not met him, but have spoken to many who agree. You have my vote Mr. Peteck! Ramsay is arrogant and self serving. He is not the person this Monroe county resident and taxpayer wants to lead his law enforcemnt. Good luck Tom. An uphill battle you have, but I take David over Goliath any time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-16-2012, 12:45 PM
[quote="No Children Please":2qcja9qw]A few signs will not make a difference.

Oh but they have, just not in a positive way for the Ramsay Squad. And why they are going into business and intimidating them into taking down Peteck signs is beyond me. Did they really think they would change the minds of those business owners? Rather just the opposite, they are telling their customers and friends about the visit, heck that's how I first heard it was happening, by the good ole coconut telegraph,not the one on Big Pine either.

My guess is it's their ego and inflated vision of their own self worth. Now let me throw y'all a curve ball. I supported Ramsay when he made his announcement to run for sheriff, based on the Ramsay I thought I knew. But I began to question this support when I began to hear from taxpaying friends and citizens about the tactics being employed by the Ramsay Squad. In my opinion, if Ramsay had run a campaign free from thuggery and half truths, the election would have been no sweat for him. He would have run away with it. But instead he broke the promise he made to run a clean election. He failed to deter his friends from engaging in their thuggery. He began to belittle Tom Peteck. He did not have to do any of these to win this election, he could have run on his record alone.

But allowing his friends to act like thugs and harass / interfere with taxpaying citizens constitutional right to support who they want in an election, he has made this election a non certainty for either party.[/quote:2qcja9qw]

Why not give some specific incidents? Have the "victims" of this harassment report it to a state agency. Otherwise, this is just whiny gossip.

10-16-2012, 01:12 PM
Why not give some specific incidents? Have the "victims" of this harassment report it to a state agency. Otherwise, this is just whiny gossip.

Why do I need to? Ask Lou, Donnie E and Ramsay's Father. They know who they "convinced" to switch signs to the "winning team". And mention to Lou the phrase " after all I have done for you and my Family has done for you and this business". That should ring a bell or several to him.

You see, these people have come forward, the rest is not fore public disclosure at this time. After all they feel threatened and those currently in power have the ability to ruin them financially. I can't blame them and neither can you since that is what you are pinning your hopes on.

10-16-2012, 02:35 PM
These people may have cooperated out of fear for their businesses but you can bet they, and their family and friends", will not be voting for Rick and his "Rat Pack" on Nov 6. So, by all means, keep up the good work!

10-23-2012, 03:42 PM
Rick is the only qualified candidate. He is the only one capable in keeping within budget. What the malcontents don't realize is that to keep things running smoothly we have to have a strong administration. The salaries are comparible to other agencies but alot less than the fortune 500 companies. Rick has been trained on how to run the agency since he was a kid. He and his family are fine upstanding pillars of the community and all he cares about are the citizns of Monroe county.

10-23-2012, 04:02 PM
Hey MCSO fan
Your ovibously a MCSO admin staff person with one of those bloated salaries. What you fail to realize is your jackass idol is a liar, a spend thrift and can't admit when he is wrong. Just because he feels he's owed the sheriffs seat don't make it so. The only thing we see he has been trained to do is pass out favors and coverup for his buddies. His fiscally responsible budget is the second highest ever in MCSO history and with less officers on the road to service we the public. Remember us the people you work for? We are paying attention. We don't need a conceited "I" "I" "I" sheriff who now would like to spend our tax dollars on a helicopter! Don't worry in November 6th your overpaid buddy will learn exactly how we the public feel about his self entitled posturing!
VOTE PETECK for Integrity & Honesty!

10-24-2012, 01:34 AM
a spend thrift :lol: :lol: :lol:


Ramsay is far from a spend thrift. He has never met a penny that he has pinched, rather he spends them by the 55 gallon drum full. Mostly on things he wants to have but does not need.

My guess is MCSO fan is his mom.

10-24-2012, 03:44 PM
Rick is the only true leader for MCSO he knows whats best for the agency and he probably has the best interest of his employees. He has integrity and cares for those that work for him. The citizens need to realize that Rick has the expeirence and is the only qualified candidate. He was correct that putting Peteck as sheriff is like a private commanding an army, Rick has always been a leader and he holds the rank to prove it. Just because a small group of disgruntled employees don't be fooled he has at least 95% of the employees behind him. Look at all the employees that contributed to his campaign as opposed to Petecks contributors. Rick will be the next Sheriff for Monroe County.

10-24-2012, 06:14 PM
Rick is the only true leader for MCSO he knows whats best for the agency and he probably has the best interest of his employees. He has integrity and cares for those that work for him. The citizens need to realize that Rick has the expeirence and is the only qualified candidate. He was correct that putting Peteck as sheriff is like a private commanding an army, Rick has always been a leader and he holds the rank to prove it. Just because a small group of disgruntled employees don't be fooled he has at least 95% of the employees behind him. Look at all the employees that contributed to his campaign as opposed to Petecks contributors. Rick will be the next Sheriff for Monroe County.

Finally, a voice of reason on this ridiculous board. It's fun to watch the malcontents work themselves up about the election. They're hoping Peteck wins so they can become the administration that they whine about now.

Peteck is not a bad guy, but is woefully under-qualified to be Sheriff. His supporters are not motivated by a noble cause but becuase they have an axe to grind against the administration, particularly Rick Ramsay.

Long story short, Ramsay will win, by a large margin, and will be a good Sheriff.

The 5% malcontents will whine no matter who is in office.

10-24-2012, 07:07 PM
Mcso fan or should I say Darwin?
Since you are the same person. Need I remind you Peryam wasnt a colonel and the only reason Ricky holds the title is because he lost his integrity long ago to do favors and cover ups for the bubbas. Just ask colonel McDonalds ex wife. Ricky covered up her being the victim of domestic violence. Why don't you tell people the truth? You are a highly paid admin who is pushing Ricky as hard as possible so you don't lose your bloated salary to ride a desk. You should know by now the citizens are not ignorant and your diatribe isn't working. We want a change not a "buy me a helicopter Ricky" nor do we care for the admin officers threaths and bullying over signs. You people are the problem and disgusting at best.

10-24-2012, 07:10 PM
Mcso fan or should I say Darwin?
Since you are the same person. Need I remind you Peryam wasnt a colonel and the only reason Ricky holds the title is because he lost his integrity long ago to do favors and cover ups for the bubbas. Just ask colonel McDonalds ex wife. Ricky covered up her being the victim of domestic violence. Why don't you tell people the truth? You are a highly paid admin who is pushing Ricky as hard as possible so you don't lose your bloated salary to ride a desk. You should know by now the citizens are not ignorant and your diatribe isn't working. We want a change not a "buy me a helicopter Ricky" nor do we care for the admin officers threaths and bullying over signs. You people are the problem and disgusting at best.

10-24-2012, 10:27 PM
Mcso fan or should I say Darwin?
Since you are the same person. Need I remind you Peryam wasnt a colonel and the only reason Ricky holds the title is because he lost his integrity long ago to do favors and cover ups for the bubbas. Just ask colonel McDonalds ex wife. Ricky covered up her being the victim of domestic violence. Why don't you tell people the truth? You are a highly paid admin who is pushing Ricky as hard as possible so you don't lose your bloated salary to ride a desk. You should know by now the citizens are not ignorant and your diatribe isn't working. We want a change not a "buy me a helicopter Ricky" nor do we care for the admin officers threaths and bullying over signs. You people are the problem and disgusting at best.

You are delusional and have anger management issues. Seek professional help.

10-25-2012, 12:16 AM
You are delusional and have anger management issues. Seek professional help.
Is that what you tell people when they state the truth? You admin are scared you'll lose your do nothing potions that pay 100k salaries from the public trough. If Rick could ever tell the truth he'd probably have his law cert pulled. He lies and you sir are just his lackey. No anger here just the truth. But it seems you can't handle that ...
Ricky wanting a helicopter:
Ricky NOT answering the question and blaming the public:
Budget woes 2nd highest budget this year ever seen by MCSO
Crime Statistics VIOLENT CRIME UP 10.2%
Ricky covering up another officers battery By Ricky's IA Buddies:
Rick not qualified to run for office RAMSAY IS BREAKING THE LAW

WE HAVE HAD 8 YEARS OF RICK RAMSAY,WE CAN'T AFFORD ANY MORE! Vote Integrity Honesty VOTE PETECK and lets stop the fiscal bleeding and lack of service from the sheriffs office.

10-25-2012, 12:31 AM
[quote="No Children Please":2lm0kt9d]A few signs will not make a difference.

Oh but they have, just not in a positive way for the Ramsay Squad. And why they are going into business and intimidating them into taking down Peteck signs is beyond me. Did they really think they would change the minds of those business owners? Rather just the opposite, they are telling their customers and friends about the visit, heck that's how I first heard it was happening, by the good ole coconut telegraph,not the one on Big Pine either.

My guess is it's their ego and inflated vision of their own self worth. Now let me throw y'all a curve ball. I supported Ramsay when he made his announcement to run for sheriff, based on the Ramsay I thought I knew. But I began to question this support when I began to hear from taxpaying friends and citizens about the tactics being employed by the Ramsay Squad. In my opinion, if Ramsay had run a campaign free from thuggery and half truths, the election would have been no sweat for him. He would have run away with it. But instead he broke the promise he made to run a clean election. He failed to deter his friends from engaging in their thuggery. He began to belittle Tom Peteck. He did not have to do any of these to win this election, he could have run on his record alone.

But allowing his friends to act like thugs and harass / interfere with taxpaying citizens constitutional right to support who they want in an election, he has made this election a non certainty for either party.

Why not give some specific incidents? Have the "victims" of this harassment report it to a state agency. Otherwise, this is just whiny gossip.[/quote:2lm0kt9d]

..."victims report to a state agency..." Is there a state agency that isn't in kahoots w/ this regime to feel safe to report it? Amazing most of your posts/replys are revolved around name-calling. There is something about the truth; it's that -the truth; no need to come out w/ name calling, insults etc. Another thing about the truth, it stands on it's own and eventually will come back in some way or manner, to bite the liar. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there are many good law enforcement officers in MCSO that take their oath and job seriously and with pride. I also know that those w/ the fine qualities are forced into intimidation, loss of position or maimed for life if they do not become a product of the bubbaism, regardless of circumstance or situation or cover up or personal gainage. Rick Ramsey was and is a patsy for personal gain and advancement to allow previous admin's. It's been in the works for over 15 yrs that I know of.

I'm glad this forum exists; my best advice to those in fear. I know that fear, remember - silence feeds the violence. Being threatened in any form is abuse = violence. Many have stated that deputies have their resumes ready for just in case... stand up NOW before it's too late. You have everything to gain by doing so and nothing to lose. Do not become or remain victims, but be victorious for what is right, it's time to take a stand. Character, truth, and common sense, these are virtues to live and work by.

if I were still there, as a registered Republican, I would vote for Tom Peteck. It's not about party affiliations, again it's about character and integrity and Rick Ramsey has neither.

10-25-2012, 12:50 AM
[quote="No Children Please":38p4a2el]A few signs will not make a difference.

Oh but they have, just not in a positive way for the Ramsay Squad. And why they are going into business and intimidating them into taking down Peteck signs is beyond me. Did they really think they would change the minds of those business owners? Rather just the opposite, they are telling their customers and friends about the visit, heck that's how I first heard it was happening, by the good ole coconut telegraph,not the one on Big Pine either.

My guess is it's their ego and inflated vision of their own self worth. Now let me throw y'all a curve ball. I supported Ramsay when he made his announcement to run for sheriff, based on the Ramsay I thought I knew. But I began to question this support when I began to hear from taxpaying friends and citizens about the tactics being employed by the Ramsay Squad. In my opinion, if Ramsay had run a campaign free from thuggery and half truths, the election would have been no sweat for him. He would have run away with it. But instead he broke the promise he made to run a clean election. He failed to deter his friends from engaging in their thuggery. He began to belittle Tom Peteck. He did not have to do any of these to win this election, he could have run on his record alone.

But allowing his friends to act like thugs and harass / interfere with taxpaying citizens constitutional right to support who they want in an election, he has made this election a non certainty for either party.

Why not give some specific incidents? Have the "victims" of this harassment report it to a state agency. Otherwise, this is just whiny gossip.[/quote:38p4a2el]

..."victims report to a state agency..." Is there a state agency that isn't in kahoots w/ this regime to feel safe to report it? Amazing most of your posts/replys are revolved around name-calling. There is something about the truth; it's that -the truth; no need to come out w/ name calling, insults etc. Another thing about the truth, it stands on it's own and eventually will come back in some way or manner, to bite the liar. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there are many good law enforcement officers in MCSO that take their oath and job seriously and with pride. I also know that those w/ the fine qualities are forced into intimidation, loss of position or maimed for life if they do not become a product of the bubbaism, regardless of circumstance or situation or cover up or personal gainage. Rick Ramsey was and is a patsy for personal gain and advancement to allow previous admin's. It's been in the works for over 15 yrs that I know of.

I'm glad this forum exists; my best advice to those in fear. I know that fear, remember - silence feeds the violence. Being threatened in any form is abuse = violence. Many have stated that deputies have their resumes ready for just in case... stand up NOW before it's too late. You have everything to gain by doing so and nothing to lose. Do not become or remain victims, but be victorious for what is right, it's time to take a stand. Character, truth, and common sense, these are virtues to live and work by.

if I were still there, as a registered Republican, I would vote for Tom Peteck. It's not about party affiliations, again it's about character and integrity and Rick Ramsey has neither.

10-25-2012, 03:57 AM
They're hoping Peteck wins so they can become the administration that they whine about now.

Wasn't that the same reason you voted for Peryam? I mean you chose to support him over the other candidates. Let me break it down so you can understand.....Hello Kettle I want you to meet the Pot.

Peteck is not a bad guy, but is woefully under-qualified to be Sheriff.
Darwin speaks with forked tongue.

He, Ramsay and other admin hangers on have spent the entire campaign saying Ramsay has spent the last 8 years running the show. Ramsay's words were "intimately involved in every facet of the day to day operations"...blah, blah , blah. We all know (even Darwin will admit it) Peryam is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. While Roth spent most of his last term disengaged with the operations of the department and focused on the political side.

It is entirely possible that Tom Peteck will also pick a strong Colonel to run the day to day operations while he focuses on the big picture of ensuring he is putting forth the best services possible to the citizens of our county. In my opinion he should and will.

10-27-2012, 02:55 AM
They're hoping Peteck wins so they can become the administration that they whine about now.

Wasn't that the same reason you voted for Peryam? I mean you chose to support him over the other candidates. Let me break it down so you can understand.....Hello Kettle I want you to meet the Pot.

Peteck is not a bad guy, but is woefully under-qualified to be Sheriff.
Darwin speaks with forked tongue.

He, Ramsay and other admin hangers on have spent the entire campaign saying Ramsay has spent the last 8 years running the show. Ramsay's words were "intimately involved in every facet of the day to day operations"...blah, blah , blah. We all know (even Darwin will admit it) Peryam is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. While Roth spent most of his last term disengaged with the operations of the department and focused on the political side.

It is entirely possible that Tom Peteck will also pick a strong Colonel to run the day to day operations while he focuses on the big picture of ensuring he is putting forth the best services possible to the citizens of our county. In my opinion he should and will.

Peryam is not "the sharpest knife in the drawer"? Compared to Peteck, Peryam is Einstein. Peryam had a good career and went out on top. He was a good Sheriff.

Ramsay is the only candidate with a resume that isn't a joke. BG, JB, and MK were clowns that got annihilated at the polls.

See that Peryam just got a great new job as a HIDTA Director? Congratulations to him. And early congrats to Ramsay; he'll win 65-35

10-27-2012, 03:45 AM
Darwin we can tell by all of your negative comments that you are really concerned about keeping your job after Nov 6. You should be with your reputation. If you REALLY knew Peteck you would not say the things that you do. People love it when you underestimate the opposition. Don't forget, Peteck will be carrying the votes from the three people you referred to as clowns as well as the majority of the independents. Peteck 52 Ramsay 48.

10-27-2012, 01:09 PM
Darwin we can tell by all of your negative comments that you are really concerned about keeping your job after Nov 6. You should be with your reputation. If you REALLY knew Peteck you would not say the things that you do. People love it when you underestimate the opposition. Don't forget, Peteck will be carrying the votes from the three people you referred to as clowns as well as the majority of the independents. Peteck 52 Ramsay 48.

52-48? We'll talk after you sober up.

10-28-2012, 03:45 AM
Peryam is not "the sharpest knife in the drawer"? Compared to Peteck, Peryam is Einstein. Peryam had a good career and went out on top. He was a good Sheriff.

Ramsay is the only candidate with a resume that isn't a joke. BG, JB, and MK were clowns that got annihilated at the polls.

See that Peryam just got a great new job as a HIDTA Director? Congratulations to him. And early congrats to Ramsay; he'll win 65-35

My poor Darwin, are you truly that blinded by the paycheck you receive? No need to answer, it is a rhetorical(look it up) question.

Peryam may have a college degree, but It is also common knowledge a female subordinate completed his online course work for him. I will again point out for you that you are arguing both sides of the coin. On the campaign trail, Ramsay has consistently stated and would have everyone believe he has been running the show for the past 8 years. And as such he is is the only qualified candidate. That indicates to me a trained monkey could have occupied the sheriff's chair for the past 8 years and we would be the same since Rick was in charge. Obviously the Ramsay Camp, and you as it's HEAD cheerleader agree with this assessment, as that is your main talking point on experience.

So either the sheriff(s) for the past 8 years have been dunces, in which case Tom Peteck is exponentially better. Or the sheriff(s) for the past 8 years have been highly trained and highly engaged on a day to day basis for the past 8 years and as such would not need a second in command to have so much authority over the day to day operations of the department. OR the Ramsay campaign is misleading the public regarding how much the Sheriff is really responsible for in the day to day operations of the department.

You are correct that Ramsay has an impressive resume, on paper, however in real life, he is less than the resume. It's sad really how little he has changed from that pimped faced deputy who it has been alleged, was harassing bank tellers as a young hormonally charged deputy.

And a little history lesson for you. Sheriff Bob, and the campaign that is currently supporting Ramsay barely won the 2008 election. You would be looking at Sheriff Davis if it had not been for Sandy Downs. The folks that voted for her were anti peryam votes and they certainly would have voted for Davis if she had dropped out of the 2008 race. So Peryam's endorsement of Ramsay may actually end up hurting Ramsay. This race will be closer than you imagine, so dial back the vitriol, the job you save may be your own.

10-29-2012, 01:53 AM
Peryam is not "the sharpest knife in the drawer"? Compared to Peteck, Peryam is Einstein. Peryam had a good career and went out on top. He was a good Sheriff.

Ramsay is the only candidate with a resume that isn't a joke. BG, JB, and MK were clowns that got annihilated at the polls.

See that Peryam just got a great new job as a HIDTA Director? Congratulations to him. And early congrats to Ramsay; he'll win 65-35

My poor Darwin, are you truly that blinded by the paycheck you receive? No need to answer, it is a rhetorical(look it up) question.

Peryam may have a college degree, but It is also common knowledge a female subordinate completed his online course work for him. I will again point out for you that you are arguing both sides of the coin. On the campaign trail, Ramsay has consistently stated and would have everyone believe he has been running the show for the past 8 years. And as such he is is the only qualified candidate. That indicates to me a trained monkey could have occupied the sheriff's chair for the past 8 years and we would be the same since Rick was in charge. Obviously the Ramsay Camp, and you as it's HEAD cheerleader agree with this assessment, as that is your main talking point on experience.

So either the sheriff(s) for the past 8 years have been dunces, in which case Tom Peteck is exponentially better. Or the sheriff(s) for the past 8 years have been highly trained and highly engaged on a day to day basis for the past 8 years and as such would not need a second in command to have so much authority over the day to day operations of the department. OR the Ramsay campaign is misleading the public regarding how much the Sheriff is really responsible for in the day to day operations of the department.

You are correct that Ramsay has an impressive resume, on paper, however in real life, he is less than the resume. It's sad really how little he has changed from that pimped faced deputy who it has been alleged, was harassing bank tellers as a young hormonally charged deputy.

And a little history lesson for you. Sheriff Bob, and the campaign that is currently supporting Ramsay barely won the 2008 election. You would be looking at Sheriff Davis if it had not been for Sandy Downs. The folks that voted for her were anti peryam votes and they certainly would have voted for Davis if she had dropped out of the 2008 race. So Peryam's endorsement of Ramsay may actually end up hurting Ramsay. This race will be closer than you imagine, so dial back the vitriol, the job you save may be your own.

Your posts are either brilliant satire or abject stupidity (look it up), but I strongly suspect the latter.

You obviously have a personal vendetta against Ramsay, and can't handle it when someone challenges your soon-to-be loosing ex-candidate for Sheriff.

You throw out a lot of nonsense; man up and name names. Who did Peryam's course work, and how do you know? Fill us in on Ramsay's "bank teller" incidents? Right. You can't. Just "old lady" gossip.

Of course,this thread will be gone after the election. A few malcontents will stay on here, mad at the world, but no one cares what they think.

Ramsay 65%, Peteck 35.

10-29-2012, 02:17 AM
I like it how Darwin knocks some sense out of the postings.

10-29-2012, 03:37 AM
Darwin will have fun trying to tear down the fact that Ramsay got caught in more of his shall we say "untruths" about budget, etc. tonight at the Key Largo forum. Haven't seen his face that red in a long time. It was humorous to watch. Even funnier to see him grab four of his "staff" and try to regroup to no avail.

11-01-2012, 08:08 PM
I have been reading the posts on this forum with some amusement! Does anyone really not know that Rick Ramsay is a arrogant, self-righteous, pompous, micro-managing %#&. A very small group of people are actually friends with the guy (since high school) and support him no matter what. Since these "friends" have all been bubba'ed up the ranks, they are all in positions to exert influence over the troops. Everyone else are either "groupies" or in fear of losing their over paid position (there are many) with the SO. Unless your from another planet or just really like hanging out with a-holes then your one of the previously described.

Ricky boy has some other issues. He really is not much of a family guy and makes this clear in his dealings with the little people (you know...deputies). Rick has been married to his job for what 20 some odd years now and doesn't understand why everyone else is not as well. God forbid that anyone has an actual life outside of the SO. Its a boy in a bubble existance that Ricky boy lives. Works with cops, hangs out with cops, follows other cops around checking for wrong-doing and busts other cops balls! Thats pretty much it! Rick has a warped perception of Monroe County and its citizens. Citizens are for putting in jail and laughing at! Why laughing...well mainly just because their not cops! Of course someone will argue that he's not like that when speaking publicly or in full view of the public. If you know him, you would know I speak the truth. Behind the scenes is the immature and arrogant child that wants to be sheriff. Thats not entirely accurate. In actuality, he believes that he is entitled to be sheriff. Ricky boy has pretty much had everything handed to him. He became Colonel Macdonalds pet pretty early on and got moved quickly up the ranks. Ricky boy's assistance (cover up) in Mac's potential legal issues probably helped a little.

So you've got a clear choice as a voter. Do you want the same old sheriffs office run by Rick and his cronies looking down on the citizens of MC or would you like a fresh approach from one of the best men I know. Trust me on this one...VOTE PETECK!!!!!!

11-07-2012, 12:29 AM
How can a county be so blind and uneducated to believe a guy that is so full of crap. I guess money can buy your way to the top. Looks like another 4 yrs of hell.

11-07-2012, 01:00 AM
Ramsay will wind up with a little over 60% of the vote, a landslide by any standards. I said 65%, but close enough.

He had no real competition in the primary, as the other candidates were jokes. Peteck was out of his league, and ran just for something to do.

But Ramsay ran a good campaign, worked hard, and raised a ton of money. He ran like he had real competition, and ran a clean campaign.

He will be a good Sheriff. I just hope the whiners and malcontents won't spend the next 4 years complaining about every perceived slight.

Time to get back to work.

11-07-2012, 01:04 AM
The most qualified and best man won. YEA! :D

11-07-2012, 01:11 AM
Peryam is not "the sharpest knife in the drawer"? Compared to Peteck, Peryam is Einstein. Peryam had a good career and went out on top. He was a good Sheriff.

Ramsay is the only candidate with a resume that isn't a joke. BG, JB, and MK were clowns that got annihilated at the polls.

See that Peryam just got a great new job as a HIDTA Director? Congratulations to him. And early congrats to Ramsay; he'll win 65-35

My poor Darwin, are you truly that blinded by the paycheck you receive? No need to answer, it is a rhetorical(look it up) question.

Peryam may have a college degree, but It is also common knowledge a female subordinate completed his online course work for him. I will again point out for you that you are arguing both sides of the coin. On the campaign trail, Ramsay has consistently stated and would have everyone believe he has been running the show for the past 8 years. And as such he is is the only qualified candidate. That indicates to me a trained monkey could have occupied the sheriff's chair for the past 8 years and we would be the same since Rick was in charge. Obviously the Ramsay Camp, and you as it's HEAD cheerleader agree with this assessment, as that is your main talking point on experience.

So either the sheriff(s) for the past 8 years have been dunces, in which case Tom Peteck is exponentially better. Or the sheriff(s) for the past 8 years have been highly trained and highly engaged on a day to day basis for the past 8 years and as such would not need a second in command to have so much authority over the day to day operations of the department. OR the Ramsay campaign is misleading the public regarding how much the Sheriff is really responsible for in the day to day operations of the department.

You are correct that Ramsay has an impressive resume, on paper, however in real life, he is less than the resume. It's sad really how little he has changed from that pimped faced deputy who it has been alleged, was harassing bank tellers as a young hormonally charged deputy.

And a little history lesson for you. Sheriff Bob, and the campaign that is currently supporting Ramsay barely won the 2008 election. You would be looking at Sheriff Davis if it had not been for Sandy Downs. The folks that voted for her were anti peryam votes and they certainly would have voted for Davis if she had dropped out of the 2008 race. So Peryam's endorsement of Ramsay may actually end up hurting Ramsay. This race will be closer than you imagine, so dial back the vitriol, the job you save may be your own.

You never really believed that Peteck would win, did you? Sheriff Ramsay; has a nice ring to it.

11-07-2012, 02:36 AM
The most qualified and best man won. YEA! :D

Thanks Derek! He won, get your head out of his ass