View Full Version : Election

10-03-2012, 07:40 AM
I am a resident of Broward County since 1972..I was a dispatcher for Oakland Park P.D, in the early years, then I graduated the Police Academy in 1984. I worked for the City of Sunrise for 3 years.. Then I went to work for BSO for another 22 years..I am retired.
I do not claim to be a " friend" of Scotts..
I have met him many times, and his family. I will tell the truth I am a registered Republican in our County..I will cross party line, to vote for a new leader because I care, and I have " Brothers and Sisters" that are still employed, and the people are patrolled daily by the BSO.
Disregard articles and endorsements by media like the Miami Herald writers..who are probably writers who have lived here short time..not 40 years like myself..The current Sheriff no doubt has been in Law Enforcement for a very long time, and is to be commended for his tenure.
I will be respectful in saying that it is time for him to retire..
for quite a few reasons..Like most of us ..if you have worked alongside fellow employees, for 20-30-40 years, you have a friendship, if not allegiance to keep he or she on your regime. The current Sheriff , like the President has no doubt been dealt with tough economic times, and it has not been an easy ride..That said, it is my opinion that fresh blood, will and can be a benefit to all employed and patrolled..We need a fresh start.. Scotts platform is family first..BSO second..
And if mistakes are made and they will be made, the employees family should not suffer , by demotion, or a transfer to a district far as possible , to make the Deputy miss family activities as a result forbidden..I am a 40 plus year resident.. a Republican.. and I am asking you to vote for Scott. Israel for Sheriff this November. This comes from my heart and belief..Thank-you
Retired DEP/DETECTIVE Bruce Meisenberg

10-03-2012, 08:37 AM
Republicans for Israel! :)
Time for change guys. We can't keep going the way we are. Scott is going to make mistakes for sure but the status quo isn't working either. If he sucks, we vote him out. I'm willing to see what happens. I'm tired of waiting for change.

10-03-2012, 11:50 AM
Well said B. Meisenberg, I too am a Republican and will be voting for Scott Israel. Sheriff Lamberti was given a fair share/chance but has failed as an effective leader. I have met Scott and find him to be a genuine and honest man. I will be showing my support for him at the polling sites displaying my signs and T-shirt "Israel for Sheriff". I am not a disgruntled or fired employee, I'm retired but have many friends left at BSO who also want change. Vote Israel for Sheriff it is your future at stake.

10-03-2012, 12:11 PM
I found this on a website endorsing Scott Israel please take the time to read Thank You.

To Whom It May Concern:

I am extremely honored to have the opportunity to write this letter on behalf of Retired Chief Scott Israel. I had the distinct pleasure to work for Chief Israel at the North Bay Village Police Department. I am confident that he has the character and leadership qualities necessary to direct the men and women of the Broward Sheriff’s Office.

As the North Bay Village Police Chief, the Agency achieved unprecedented personnel benefits; as well as, the best equipment and much needed update in technology. More importantly, while at work, personnel remained motivated and vigilant throughout the day, because of the high moral that he instilled throughout the Agency. We knew that as long as we performed our jobs ethically, honestly and to the best of our ability, Chief Israel “had our back.” He is what we in the law enforcement world refer to as a “Cops-Cop”. He always had an open door policy and demanded that all supervisors support their subordinates in the performance of their duties, primarily ensuring their safety and well being.

With regard to the residents of Broward County, Scott Israel will maintain a trust between the Agency and the citizens with a consistent decrease in the rate of crime. Sheriffs’ Deputies will receive the best training available with the expectation of the highest level of service to all. Scott Israel has years of Budget/Grant Management experience and will retain staffing levels consistent with the needs of the community. Moreover, his hands-on skills in Counter Terrorism and Homeland Security will be paramount in keeping our County safe in this very uncertain world that we now live in.

Finally, it won’t be unusual to see Scott Israel stopping on the side of the road to back-up one of his deputies on a traffic stop. He will never be too busy to miss an opportunity to support his personnel; keeping in line with his constant goal for a safe and professional environment for all.

If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me at (954)-258-6614 or via email: nbvmotors@aol.com , if you have any questions. If requested, your inquiries will remain confidential.


Roland D. Pandolfi, Ph.D.
Retired Chief of Police

10-03-2012, 12:29 PM
I am a resident of Broward County since 1972..I was a dispatcher for Oakland Park P.D, in the early years, then I graduated the Police Academy in 1984. I worked for the City of Sunrise for 3 years.. Then I went to work for BSO for another 22 years..I am retired.
I do not claim to be a " friend" of Scotts..
I have met him many times, and his family. I will tell the truth I am a registered Republican in our County..I will cross party line, to vote for a new leader because I care, and I have " Brothers and Sisters" that are still employed, and the people are patrolled daily by the BSO.
Disregard articles and endorsements by media like the Miami Herald writers..who are probably writers who have lived here short time..not 40 years like myself..The current Sheriff no doubt has been in Law Enforcement for a very long time, and is to be commended for his tenure.
I will be respectful in saying that it is time for him to retire..
for quite a few reasons..Like most of us ..if you have worked alongside fellow employees, for 20-30-40 years, you have a friendship, if not allegiance to keep he or she on your regime. The current Sheriff , like the President has no doubt been dealt with tough economic times, and it has not been an easy ride..That said, it is my opinion that fresh blood, will and can be a benefit to all employed and patrolled..We need a fresh start.. Scotts platform is family first..BSO second..
And if mistakes are made and they will be made, the employees family should not suffer , by demotion, or a transfer to a district far as possible , to make the Deputy miss family activities as a result forbidden..I am a 40 plus year resident.. a Republican.. and I am asking you to vote for Scott. Israel for Sheriff this November. This comes from my heart and belief..Thank-you
Retired DEP/DETECTIVE Bruce Meisenberg


10-03-2012, 05:05 PM

Not sure what happened underneath Lamberti's regime that has you so pro Israel. You finished your career at the airport and was there for years. I remember you wanted to be a Sgt under Jenne's regime and you were shut out even with Sabo as a friend.so what gives Bruce? How is Scott qualified to Run BSO? Please answer that question without making it personal between you and whoever pissed you off in the Lamberti regime. Scott was in charge of 27 police officers and no that it's not a typo 27 LOL. Bruce I like you, but we don't need Scott running BSO for the main fact is that HE Has NO EXPERIENCE to run our agency. Plus it seems like almost everyone who supports him on LEO Affairs has a thug mentality, make Scott win at all costs. Bruce you wrote something very professional so I'm not talking about you. You see what is being written on this site and its no right. A Scott supporter writes that he hopes Lamberti gets his cancer back and calls him a scumbag....that's wrong. When I see Scott's supporters type that crap it shows me that he's very desperate. Bruce I hope things work out for you but I don't want a Ft. lAuderdale Cop running BSO. Sorry.

On another note, on Scotts website he has two testimonials, one from the guy who worked in North Bay and other from a retired cop from FT. lAuderdale. That's it. Are you kidding me, if Scott has done such a great job in his career where are all of his supporters with some clout. Two retired cops??? That's all you got? Any true deputy has to be crazy to vote Scott as our sheriff. Also anyone from BSO who is on the fence about who to vote for I suggest you click over to the Ft. Lauderdale Police thread and click on the Scott Israel topic and you will see how cops who worked with him really think. Just the fact that no one is supporting him on their thread is really scary. Seems to me that Scott's supporter are scared to mention his name on the Ft. Lauderdale thread because of the negative responses they may get. If reading that stuff does sway you to vote for Lamberti than you have a personal reason for Scott to win.

10-03-2012, 05:18 PM
Here is the link to Ft.Lauderdale PD thread. We want this guy running BSO...hell no!

viewtopic.php?f=284&t=111627 (http://forums.leoaffairs.com/viewtopic.php?f=284&t=111627)

10-03-2012, 05:31 PM
to add a lil credibilty to my post


bob graham & robert h dempsey
walter heinrich & daryl g mclaughlin

criminal justice seal & f.d.l.e. badge super imposed

anyway, the b.s.o. way of doing things is : fake, fraudlent, travesty to the

why does every aspect of the agency have to be rigged & fixed,
i am retired, but now i am a concerned citizen & taxpayer.

i want equal oppertunity for promotions & assignments to be based on merit,
skill and knowlege, and most of all i want the average 'joe' who signs on to be
rest assured that what ever test or challenge put before them is not a friggin scam.

the sheriff can save the scammin for the political bobble heads he has on the command staff. those that do the work and don't hide in office jobs deserve better.

al lamberti represents the old guard, if he wins the election there will be no better
change for the average guy doing his job, as we seen in the years gone by, it only gets
worse except for his political appointees.

i will rather roll the dice and see a new leader with trusted advisors to stop
the ship from sinking.

i had no connections, did my job and retired with my name intact.

10-03-2012, 05:48 PM
Listen, I too am a Scott supporter and no way condoned the cancer remark nor did Scott. That remark was made by an immature individual who did not know any better way of expressing his or her feelings. That being said just because someone comes on here anonmously and spews garbage does necessarily mean they are Scott supporters. They could simply be LAMBERTI haters and use this site to their advantage and to Scott's disadvantage. I personally can say Scott Israel does not condone any viscious attacks or deflamatory remarks on any individuals especially a COP even though he is the opponent.

10-03-2012, 08:23 PM
Listen, I too am a Scott supporter and no way condoned the cancer remark nor did Scott. That remark was made by an immature individual who did not know any better way of expressing his or her feelings. That being said just because someone comes on here anonmously and spews garbage does not necessarily mean they are Scott supporters. They could simply be LAMBERTI haters and use this site to their advantage and to Scott's disadvantage. I personally can say Scott Israel does not condone any viscious attacks or deflamatory remarks on any individuals especially a COP even though he is the opponent.

Correction made

10-03-2012, 09:01 PM
Finally a post from an Israel supporter that I agree with. You could be right about a Lamberti person posting the cancer statement and scumbag comments. But those type of comments seemed to be basic go to language for people that are supporting Scott. The Bruce M. Statement is professional even though I will not support Israel. More Israel people could learn something from Bruce's post.

10-03-2012, 10:27 PM
LOL...Scott Israel is such a joke! His police department was about the size of one shift, in one district of BSO. That makes him potentially qualified to be a Sgt. at BSO. Israel hasn't worked in 4 years and has NEVER worked a single day at ANY Sheriff's Office EVER! The company he keeps are all thugs, ex deputies fired or criminally charged perople. Scott Israel is a fraud. Lamberti still is the right guy for our agency in this election.

10-04-2012, 12:30 AM
Sad to say but I check this site out to get information on what is going on with the PBA. This seems to be the only place that members like myself can find out anything "True" I am sure all of us as employee's have different reasons for supporting who ever we intend on voting for in November. I hear many conversations in my district of how people feel about the current administration. My co-workers are not thugs, they are fathers, little league coaches and so much more but far from thugs. And we don't always agree on elected officials but that does not make them thugs. That is just ignorant to say that anyone who supports S.I. is a thug. If you want to make a difference for your guy then talk to your families and friends and encourage them to talk to people. That is the way you make a difference at the polls. As Deputies we make up a small percentage of the votes so take you endorsements to the streets because I have seen enough on this site. I'm sure the intelligent voters that view this site had their minds made up a long long time ago. BE SAFE.

10-04-2012, 12:52 AM
Sad to say but I check this site out to get information on what is going on with the PBA. This seems to be the only place that members like myself can find out anything "True" I am sure all of us as employee's have different reasons for supporting who ever we intend on voting for in November. I hear many conversations in my district of how people feel about the current administration. My co-workers are not thugs, they are fathers, little league coaches and so much more but far from thugs. And we don't always agree on elected officials but that does not make them thugs. That is just ignorant to say that anyone who supports S.I. is a thug. If you want to make a difference for your guy then talk to your families and friends and encourage them to talk to people. That is the way you make a difference at the polls. As Deputies we make up a small percentage of the votes so take you endorsements to the streets because I have seen enough on this site. I'm sure the intelligent voters that view this site had their minds made up a long long time ago. BE SAFE.
Talk to your F&F

Thank You, I'm not a thug either.

10-04-2012, 02:04 PM
Hello my fellow BSO collages; I’m writing this letter to share my thoughts and feelings. I am a 25 yr plus veteran so I think I have the right to share my thoughts. When I started BSO it was an honor, only the best of the best could wear the gold star. I was honored and proud. Now fast forward 25 years, the gold star is tarnished almost daily from the Sheriff on down. I can say 25 years ago the Sheriff would never have continued to campaign as one of his own lay dead in a funeral home. This is unconscionable to even fathom. I now understand why the agency is in such a state of flux. It is a result of failed leadership, a Sheriff who doesn’t care about his employee’s trickles down to the lonely deputy. I've heard Sheriff Lamberti both praised and reviled in his job so I'm not sure what sort of Sheriff he will be known for years from now. I can say that if I ran a business like he's running the Sheriff's Office I would have a very difficult time keeping good employees. I think we all had high hopes, a Sheriff who rose through the ranks, what more could we have wanted. The last 5 years have shown us a lack of leadership, compassion and respect. I think it is time for a change. A time to change the Sheriff and time to change the self –serving attitude that we have all witnessed. I don’t write this letter lightly, I do it with a heavy heart. I ask you, Can you still look in the mirror and face yourself? Do you feel honour when you place that gold star to your chest? Are you ashamed to work for a scandal riddled agency? The time has come for change and new leadership.

10-04-2012, 02:29 PM
LOL...Scott Israel is such a joke! His police department was about the size of one shift, in one district of BSO. That makes him potentially qualified to be a Sgt. at BSO. Israel hasn't worked in 4 years and has NEVER worked a single day at ANY Sheriff's Office EVER! The company he keeps are all thugs, ex deputies fired or criminally charged perople. Scott Israel is a fraud. Lamberti still is the right guy for our agency in this election.

I seem to remember that Lamberti didn't supervise many people or run BSO prior to being appointed. Al Lamberti did nothing his whole career. Auer knew what kind of fraud he was.

10-04-2012, 03:19 PM
seem to remember that Lamberti didn't supervise many people or run BSO prior to being appointed. Al Lamberti did nothing his whole career. Auer knew what kind of fraud he was.

So right he didn't supervise anybody okay 5 District Chiefs. Wow major accomplishment. Where would Lamberti be without Rothstien,Christ and Benjamins help? Not Sheriff...

10-04-2012, 03:23 PM
seem to remember that Lamberti didn't supervise many people or run BSO prior to being appointed. Al Lamberti did nothing his whole career. Auer knew what kind of fraud he was.

So right he didn't supervise anybody okay 5 District Chiefs. Wow major accomplishment. Where would Lamberti be without Rothstien,Christ and Benjamins help? Not Sheriff...

He'd be retired. Now he's just an idiot sheriff!

10-04-2012, 10:38 PM
I concure my friends

10-04-2012, 11:49 PM
Hey, 25 yr plus veteran....the only thing you have the right to.....is the right to remain silent and SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE! If you are that fed up get the hell out of here!

10-05-2012, 06:36 AM
So sad to see

10-05-2012, 01:44 PM
Bruce thanks for your input. You are missed here at BSO.

10-05-2012, 09:07 PM
We need help.

10-06-2012, 04:05 PM

10-06-2012, 04:27 PM
31 days till the election

10-07-2012, 01:38 PM

10-07-2012, 04:50 PM
Real eye opener

10-08-2012, 01:05 AM
Eye opener is understatement.

10-08-2012, 08:19 PM
Nice posting Bruce

10-11-2012, 04:54 AM
Great post