View Full Version : What is the Status of the Teamsters Grievance?

10-02-2012, 12:30 AM
Does anybody know at what point the teamsters are at in their class action grievance regarding the use of pre 7-1-2012 special comp? I know in the contract their is defined time line and procedure regarding grievances. Does anybody know at what point are they at in the grievance process? The teamsters have not posted any thing new on their web site since August. If they have totally given up, it would be nice that they would post something at least on their website saying so. On the flip side, if they are still fighting it, again it would be nice to post something on their website regarding the status of the grievance. Their last post on their website is in August. So far from what I've seen, I'm glad I have not wasted my money joining the teamsters.

10-02-2012, 01:43 AM
Does anybody know at what point the teamsters are at in their class action grievance regarding the use of pre 7-1-2012 special comp? I know in the contract their is defined time line and procedure regarding grievances. Does anybody know at what point are they at in the grievance process? The teamsters have not posted any thing new on their web site since August. If they have totally given up, it would be nice that they would post something at least on their website saying so. On the flip side, if they are still fighting it, again it would be nice to post something on their website regarding the status of the grievance. Their last post on their website is in August. So far from what I've seen, I'm glad I have not wasted my money joining the teamsters.

In reality what is there to grieve ? The Teamsters had us vote to approve the contract and being naive were taken for fools by the state.

10-02-2012, 01:52 AM
Speak up stewards! What have they been saying at the monthly meetings? Have any stewards attended these meetings?

10-03-2012, 04:05 AM
I know they won that they have to pay you out at your currnet salary rate for your pre 7-1-2012 special comp if you quit, what about forcing people to use their pre 7-1-2012 special comp that the state verbaly agreed that we did not have to use before special comp during the last contract negoations?

10-03-2012, 11:04 PM
They didn't win anything from the state - The state's goal is to reduce the hours and end the payouts for SC altogether in about 5 years. The state was always going to pay the 240 SC until that time when someone left if they had it after the new rules.

10-04-2012, 12:30 AM
I know they won that they have to pay you out at your currnet salary rate for your pre 7-1-2012 special comp if you quit, what about forcing people to use their pre 7-1-2012 special comp that the state verbaly agreed that we did not have to use before special comp during the last contract negoations?

The state fooled the teamsters and we have to use special comp prior to other leave even the pre 7/1/12 special comp. and we appear to be the only state officers forced to do this on the pre 7/1/12 stuff.