View Full Version : SHOOTING

09-28-2012, 03:22 PM
So let me see if I understand this correctly. You have an elderly security guard who has been working as said guard at the same business in a zone within the city for 25 years on the midnight shift. Units respond to a 13p call and shoot the guard. Can somebody please tell me how the officers in your city who are paid to patrol do not know that this man is working at this business as a security guard?? Can anyone tell me how in the name of Christ officers in this department didn't know that this man was there. What the FU_K has happened to this profession??? You should ALL be ashamed and humiliated and resign immediately. You are a FU_KING DISGRACE!!! I hope he sues the ever living shite out of each and every one of you incompetent boobs!!

10-02-2012, 11:49 PM
Shut up dumbass!!!!!!!!!!!

10-03-2012, 12:27 PM
I expected no less of a response. Typical. I feel so safe out there!!

10-03-2012, 11:20 PM
Apparently you have nothing better to do but complain and monday morning quarter back. Is it because you werent chosen to play with the big boys. Keep looking from the grand stand champ. Maybe, just maybe your ticket number will be pulled to win a giant hand and some cotton candy to please you. Good Luck in life, you'll need it with that attitude. :evil:

10-04-2012, 01:45 AM
Actually the first post does bring up some legitimate questions. Thank God you all don't put much money into the range budget!

10-04-2012, 02:55 PM
Hey A Hole....I was doing your job when you were still sucking popsicles and watching Saturday morning cartoons so please don't try and pull that BS with me. And before you get into all the disparaging remarks about oldtimers let me explain. You see one of the first rules of police work...one of the most important rules which apparently is lost on you and many others is to know your zone. Know the people in your zone good and bad. I would think that a midnight shift unit would know that this guard existed, know he was armed and anticipate him being on site upon arrival. Instead all you guys are worried about is the cash. You truly could give a shit less about people or their plight. You only got into the job because you could not succeed at anything else especially since the jobs pay and benefits are excellent these days for someone with a high school education. But you just keep pushing that untit around with the windows up going from coffee shop to restaurant to 56's behing the warehouses with your Bud's instead of doing actual police work. That way you'll make your retirement without a blemish and you can be so very proud of yourself.

10-04-2012, 06:21 PM
Well apparently you couldnt succeed either because it sounds like your doing the same job, thanks for bringing that up. I also want to point out just because you have 25 years on in Hillsboro Beach doesnt even come close to police work. Go to take some barking dog calls and get off my forum.

Have a blessed day

10-11-2012, 08:16 PM
Sorry A Hole not Hillsboro Beach. Someplace a hell of a lot busier then Lauderhill. But just keep on deflecting the issue and continue disparaging and you'll go real far. Hell what am I saying....you're probably a captain. Douche!!!

10-12-2012, 11:34 PM
once again the lauderhill police dept.is the joke of the county.the FDLE needs to really take a good look at some of corruption that not only goes on behind close doors but also the corrupted cops that are suppose to be in forcing the law.like throwing drugs down on people beating them down while already in custody raping innocent females and writing false police reports and taking peoples freedom and dignity away from them.once again the joke of the county !!!

10-27-2012, 02:56 PM
to the last guy to voice his opinion on this site,sorry for you dude,no freedom of speach for you here, your post was was dumped by the Mod. cuz you dropped the "F" bomb. you might want to think about rewording next time dummy.

10-31-2012, 12:04 AM
A security guard,wound in a police shooting, DIES. 73 yr old Earl Brown who called the Lauderhill Police dept.to report a 13-p was instead shot by officer's upon arrival.He suffered 2 heart attacts before he finally lost his battle.how much more needs to happen until the Big Green machine come's in and clean's this place up.well what can you expect with the cracker jack command staff that you guy's have,such as an ASSistant cheif who was FIRED by the Riviera Beach police dept.Humm do you think RACE might have played a role in this whole Equation ?