View Full Version : Why I am voting for change in November

09-27-2012, 05:16 PM
The real reasons I am voting for a change in November for Sheriff:

Sheriff Lamberti I voted for you in 2008 and held your signs, but sir with all due respect you have fallen prey to the politics, and instead of listening to your deputy sheriff's, you listen to your "handlers" and back slap the connected in the county. Remember the sole function ofa Sheriff is the LAW ENFORCEMENT part. You have put people in the high ranks of the Law Enfrcement branch that have ZERO tactical experiences as cops, and are in effect micro-managers and pencil sharpeners who like to Monday morning quarterback live and death actions of heroic crime fighting in the trenches.

The latest example, your top guy Colonel issues a direct order not to ARREST juveniles and to use a "civil citation" and in his words bring the victims of crime together with the criminals and public to address why juveniles commit crimes. Sheriff, I am a citizen of Broward too, and let me be clear I DO NOT WANT to be "brought together" with the young THUGS...no more then do THEY want to come together with me. You are taking the power of arrest and dterrent AWAY from your Deputy's..that is plain wrong and purely political.

Every one is in lock down until the election, afraid to do their jobs now..with these civil citation orders, and hyper restrictive pursuit policy, it seems liek the left hand does not know what the right hand is g\doing or wants done.

I am scared too of what your opponent may do here if he wins, but I have come to the conclusion that I am less scared then what it will be like if you and your top command staff stay in power again. I'm sorry, its just the truth we need a change.

09-27-2012, 05:32 PM
The real reasons I am voting for a change in November for Sheriff:

Sheriff Lamberti I voted for you in 2008 and held your signs, but sir with all due respect you have fallen prey to the politics, and instead of listening to your deputy sheriff's, you listen to your "handlers" and back slap the connected in the county. Remember the sole function ofa Sheriff is the LAW ENFORCEMENT part. You have put people in the high ranks of the Law Enfrcement branch that have ZERO tactical experiences as cops, and are in effect micro-managers and pencil sharpeners who like to Monday morning quarterback live and death actions of heroic crime fighting in the trenches. This activity is the stench of an incompetent leader. He will only turn his back on these people after the election like he did with so many from the last one.

The latest example, your top guy Colonel issues a direct order not to ARREST juveniles and to use a "civil citation" and in his words bring the victims of crime together with the criminals and public to address why juveniles commit crimes. Sheriff, I am a citizen of Broward too, and let me be clear I DO NOT WANT to be "brought together" with the young THUGS...no more then do THEY want to come together with me. You are taking the power of arrest and dterrent AWAY from your Deputy's..that is plain wrong and purely political. Again, another incompetent appointment from Sheriff Lamberti. A true buffoon in a white shirt.

Every one is in lock down until the election, afraid to do their jobs now..with these civil citation orders, and hyper restrictive pursuit policy, it seems liek the left hand does not know what the right hand is g\doing or wants done. It's been this way for God knows how long. It's time for change.

I am scared too of what your opponent may do here if he wins, but I have come to the conclusion that I am less scared then what it will be like if you and your top command staff stay in power again. I'm sorry, its just the truth we need a change. I can assure you Scott Israel will be a breath of fresh air. He is the battle tested leader and warrior we needed for so very long. Lamberti got paper cuts his whole career.

09-27-2012, 07:00 PM
The real reasons I am voting for a change in November for Sheriff:

Sheriff Lamberti I voted for you in 2008 and held your signs, but sir with all due respect you have fallen prey to the politics, and instead of listening to your deputy sheriff's, you listen to your "handlers" and back slap the connected in the county. Remember the sole function ofa Sheriff is the LAW ENFORCEMENT part. You have put people in the high ranks of the Law Enfrcement branch that have ZERO tactical experiences as cops, and are in effect micro-managers and pencil sharpeners who like to Monday morning quarterback live and death actions of heroic crime fighting in the trenches.

The latest example, your top guy Colonel issues a direct order not to ARREST juveniles and to use a "civil citation" and in his words bring the victims of crime together with the criminals and public to address why juveniles commit crimes. Sheriff, I am a citizen of Broward too, and let me be clear I DO NOT WANT to be "brought together" with the young THUGS...no more then do THEY want to come together with me. You are taking the power of arrest and dterrent AWAY from your Deputy's..that is plain wrong and purely political.

Every one is in lock down until the election, afraid to do their jobs now..with these civil citation orders, and hyper restrictive pursuit policy, it seems liek the left hand does not know what the right hand is g\doing or wants done.

I am scared too of what your opponent may do here if he wins, but I have come to the conclusion that I am less scared then what it will be like if you and your top command staff stay in power again. I'm sorry, its just the truth we need a change.

An excellent heartfelt post. But don’t be scared of what Scott Israel “might do”, embrace it. Scott Israel has told me to my face, he’ll make mistakes, he won’t be perfect … but I’ll tell you what I know for sure; Scott Israel will not make vindictive driven, morale busting, discriminatory and demoralizing “mistakes” purposefully like Lamberti has.

The rank and file is not going to make or break this election (but I’m sure Scott Israel would welcome your support), but the rank and file can assist by word of mouth. Some of our employee’s are out there working hard for Scott Israel, not because they individually want something from him when he becomes the Sheriff, but because they want something for all of us when he becomes Sheriff.

Those people who are working for Scott Israel now, want a credo such as “Pride in Service with Integrity” to actually mean something; not to be just some memorization mantra exercise. Those people who are working for Scott Israel now want to be able to go about their business in the workplace without fear of ridicule, persecution and retaliation if they can’t happen to remember to memorize core values, good to great or the Lamberti sidestep. Those people who are working for Scott Israel now don’t want to see an internal affairs bureau that is more corrupt than the people being investigated. Those people who are working for Scott Israel now want to restore the family atmosphere that could be and should be implemented instead of the dog eat dog employee eat employee situation that Lamberti has created.

When Scott Israel becomes Sheriff will the next day be perfect? Hell no. It’s going to take a lot of doing to un-do the disaster that Lamberti has created, but at least we will see a light at the end of the tunnel instead of getting sludge in our eye every time we look to the future.

Vote smart. Tell you family and friends to vote smart. Tell everyone you know in Broward County to vote smart.

Vote for Scott Israel for Sheriff of Broward County!

09-27-2012, 09:37 PM
My heart goes out to Chris family and I know Chris will be missed and will be in heaven GOD SPEED. RIP my good friend.

As a former Al supporter, I come to accept the fact that he has been the biggest embarrassment for the past 6 years. Ask yourself the question: What Good Has He Done for This Agency in the Past 6 Years as Sheriff?
** Last Contract 0%, 0%, 0%- Medical Increase, Threatened Lay Off’s and lied to all of us about the lack of money he has in his budget. Um Sheriff how much money have you given back to the county commission for the last 3 years?? I have it: an average of 5.3 million dollars a year which would have covered at least a 2%, 2% and 2%.
** Deputies Now Pay For Gas
** Corruption at every level of the agency: Scott Rothstein, Dave B, More Deputies Arrested under His Lack of Leadership.
** 12 Hour Shifts- But When You Work Holidays You Get Paid For 8
** Moral at an all time low
** Created a large top heavy department with a lot of wasted spending for his friends he has brought back but tells the line level guys we have NO MONEY!! Really???
** Plays games with the PBA with his latest tactics of creating a 3 year contract before the election with of course the first year being a 0%.
You all need to start waking up and accept the fact that Al does not like DLE. I use to have such respect for him and really thought he would have made BSO the agency it has the potential to be. He is a failure and all you Al fans put the crack pipe down and accept the fact he has out lived his welcome. Our personal bills are contently increasing each year by 2.4%: FPL, Car Insurance, Home Insurance, and Medical Insurance etc.. We all go each day at put our life on the line and try to provide for our family. Under the current situation and If Al gets elected another 4 years, we are all screwed in a big way. DO A REALITY CHECK. Leave your personal feelings aside and ask yourself the question: What has Al done for us in the last 6 years as sheriff? Besides taking care of a select few.
I honestly don’t know if Scott is the answer but I will take a risk any day over this criminal.
In regards to the corrupt PBA, I canceled my membership after 28 years. I am sick and tired of the corruption and games they play at our expense. Things won’t change until you accept the fact a change is needed.
Scott Israel for Sheriff 2012!!!!

09-27-2012, 09:47 PM
Folks its time to wake up and accept the fact that it is time for change. Change of Sheriff, Change of Union and a change of Attitude.

I was not impressed with Scott until I started educating myself and showing up at events and really getting to know who he is. I too was an AL supporter last time and have been lied to for the last 6 years.

As we mourn the loss of our great friend and brother we need to stick together as an agency whether we like each other or not. At the end of the day we the line deputies are all we have. If you think for one moment this administration cares for us, will keep us safe, has our best interest in mind you are living a lie.

May change in our heart in the next election be brought to BSO. "If we keep voting the same way we have always we will continue to keep getting what we always got which is absolutely nothing.

In closing, I too am praying for the Schaub family and may god take our brother home.
RIP Chris

Scott Israel 2012