View Full Version : RNC Detail

08-16-2012, 11:16 AM
I am curiuos to know who the foolish CPO's are that volunteered to work the RNC detail? Every other officer working that event is getting paid $35-$40 an hour (including auxillary officers from local agencies) by Tampa PD, but DOC says if CPO's want to work it they will have to do so as part of their normal 40 hour work week! Do you all realize that DOC will be getting paid by Tampa PD and they will not be passing that money along to you? Is the free pair of pants and shirt the reason you volunteered or were you told something different than my office was? It would have been nice if they would have let us get a piece of that pie....

08-16-2012, 12:19 PM
It makes sense that it would be on DC time because I thought are policy stated that you could not associate with CONVICTED FELONS! off the clock. Those Southern Republicans have never gotten their "White Rope and Cross Burning Convictions" EXPUNDGED.

Why pay someone $35 an hour when you have NO ARREST POWERS if the shit goes down. But, I suggest CPOs contact the Mormon Church and see if they can get on their Security Detail. I believe you will have to DONATE 10% OF YOUR SALARY BEFORE TAXES. Beware! There will be an ANCESTY CHECK In addition to Dark Pants, White Shirt you will get a Tie.

08-16-2012, 03:52 PM
Was this just sent to CPO's in Tampa? What about CO's? What was sent out?

08-16-2012, 04:24 PM
My understanding is that only CPO's from C13 and C6 got the invite.

08-18-2012, 02:52 PM
I am curiuos to know who the foolish CPO's are that volunteered to work the RNC detail? Every other officer working that event is getting paid $35-$40 an hour (including auxillary officers from local agencies) by Tampa PD, but DOC says if CPO's want to work it they will have to do so as part of their normal 40 hour work week! Do you all realize that DOC will be getting paid by Tampa PD and they will not be passing that money along to you? Is the free pair of pants and shirt the reason you volunteered or were you told something different than my office was? It would have been nice if they would have let us get a piece of that pie....

What is it supposed to be part of your normal 40 hours if a CPO or is this just the CPO's volunteering basically ?

08-19-2012, 04:48 PM
This wasn't a voluntary gig in circuit six; you were told you HAD to go.

08-19-2012, 05:51 PM
This wasn't a voluntary gig in circuit six; you were told you HAD to go.

So they told you its part of your 40 hour week ? I am surprised they would let people work at a political convention on Department time.

08-19-2012, 11:50 PM
This wasn't a voluntary gig in circuit six; you were told you HAD to go.

So they told you its part of your 40 hour week ? I am surprised they would let people work at a political convention on Department time.

Really, are you just daft ? When another agency asks another to help, what do you think the logical answer is? This site and the lack of common sense never fails to amuse me.

08-20-2012, 12:23 AM
This wasn't a voluntary gig in circuit six; you were told you HAD to go.

So they told you its part of your 40 hour week ? I am surprised they would let people work at a political convention on Department time.

Really, are you just daft ? When another agency asks another to help, what do you think the logical answer is? This site and the lack of common sense never fails to amuse me.

:roll: Shut up tard. Like I said I am surprised a Corrections Department would let PO's work a political event Mr. Slow. Of course police and FHP need to.

08-20-2012, 07:30 PM
If you were told by c6 administration you are required to go and you comply you are crazy!
They can't make you go. You are being used to make money for the dept. Tampa PD is paying them with all that federal $ they got.

08-20-2012, 09:52 PM
Just rec'd memo today. PO's were selected not CO's. In addition PO's we be making overtime. All shifts are 12 hours. Per our RD we are not flexing. In addition memo from Gov Scott indicates full police power will be granted for 60 days. So lets see, overtime from Saturday through thursday. I have always talked crap about the Department but I need to give credit where credit is due.

Furthermore, those of you who think PO's are not LEO's----You dont get called into Mutual Aide unless you are a LEO. Why do you think CO's are not in.

08-20-2012, 10:27 PM
who did the memo come from? In C13 we were told there would be no overtime.

08-20-2012, 11:44 PM
who did the memo come from? In C13 we were told there would be no overtime.

That is an untrue statement. No one was told there would be no overtime. People were told that management did not know. Today's directions spelled it all out. Those that will be working from the inspector general's office as well as probation will be working enough hours to receive overtime. :devil:

08-21-2012, 03:15 AM
If you are involved - I wouldn't blow it by letting out any more information...

08-26-2012, 04:49 PM
For those working the detail. Remember to prioitize your rescue efforts. Mormons can swim Afican-Americans can not!

09-01-2012, 02:45 AM
Best thing the Department has ever done. I know a couple of guys in Secret Service (Tampa). They stated that they were very impressed with the Inspectors and P&P. Great Job guys, a small step for all of us. I dont know how this all came about but I hope to be a part of it next time.

09-01-2012, 11:22 AM
It was great to be part of something that was done on a National, State and local level. Normally the only reason law enforcement wants me is to get inside some offenders home because they dont have enough evidence to get a warrant. Thanks for being wanted because come monday it will be back to the same old routine, "Who gives a shit!.

09-01-2012, 01:44 PM
Best thing the Department has ever done. I know a couple of guys in Secret Service (Tampa). They stated that they were very impressed with the Inspectors and P&P. Great Job guys, a small step for all of us. I dont know how this all came about but I hope to be a part of it next time.

If you know guys in the Secret Service office in Tampa, why don't you ask them how if came about.

09-01-2012, 11:10 PM
Although the detail was tedious at times, the FL DOC team shined ! We looked good and acted far more professional than most of the agencies out there. Our supervisors worked to make sure everyone was o.k. and it was nice to see a CA and the two ROM's out there.

Props to Mike Anderson for all his hard work. It seemed he just slept at the port.

This should be the start of building a cadre of people who can be deputized for any event in the state !

09-01-2012, 11:47 PM
Deputized?? How about a pay raise so I can feed my babies? We are tired out eating macaroni and baloney every night! :(

09-02-2012, 12:56 AM
It's good to know the world is much safer because of us and what we do!

09-02-2012, 10:46 PM
Deputized?? How about a pay raise so I can feed my babies? We are tired out eating macaroni and baloney every night! :(

Each Officer was fully sworn with full Police powers for the duration of the RNC. I dont disagree with you we do need pay raises. However, it sure felt goos to be one of us. It seems when we take the LEO role is when we shine. I dont disagree that re-entry is needed, but we really do fit best as LEO's.

I also have to say hats off to Mr. Anderson, Mr. Heaberlin and (the other CA;s name escapes me) but all 3 of you out classed every administrator there. Every PO looked great. There is no way you would have saw this from Rice or Rowan.

09-03-2012, 12:53 AM

09-03-2012, 02:11 AM

The big deal is that you had some of the best employees P&P has out there looking good, working alongside other agencies, and tasked with providing security for one of the bigger national events our country has to offer. They didn't complain( like FHP) and everyone worked their asses off in less than ideal conditions. It's events like this that help us keep high risk retirement, while the rest of you slugs sit home and bash an event you didn't work from behind your keyboard.
Much respect also sent out to Mr. Anderson, Sharrard and Heaberlin. All 3 worked just as much as any officer out there( if not more so) and remained positive and approachable throughout.

09-03-2012, 02:39 AM
You give the impression their was a lot of work involved especially when you say "everyone worked their asses off." What exactly did you and the administrators do at the event to work your asses off?

09-03-2012, 12:56 PM
This detail was a joke. The protestors were nothing basically.

09-03-2012, 05:31 PM
This detail was a joke. The protestors were nothing basically.

Ah there they are one of the slugs who did not get selected. (LOL)

09-03-2012, 06:39 PM
This detail was a joke. The protestors were nothing basically.

Ah there they are one of the slugs who did not get selected. (LOL)

Truth hurts that the detail was a joke. :lol:

09-03-2012, 07:08 PM
You give the impression their was a lot of work involved especially when you say "everyone worked their asses off." What exactly did you and the administrators do at the event to work your asses off?

Do you have an answer?

09-03-2012, 08:45 PM
You give the impression their was a lot of work involved especially when you say "everyone worked their asses off." What exactly did you and the administrators do at the event to work your asses off?

Do you have an answer?

I have plenty of answers. However I can tell by your previous comment and the way you are trying to initiate a response, you probably wouldn't be very receptive to hearing them. That's OK though! Those who were selected for the event know they did a good job representing the agency and making a little extra money. Those who didn't get selected but wanted to work it, should stay positive because this may be the start of more events and opportunities for P&P in the future(hopefully). For slugs like you that serve no purpose other than to bash the agency and piss and moan over every little thing, take solace in the fact that there is a need for people like you. Misdemeanor probation is always hiring!

09-03-2012, 11:56 PM
YOU HAVE PLENTY OF ANSWERS. LMAO :snicker: :snicker: :snicker:

09-04-2012, 10:44 PM
You give the impression their was a lot of work involved especially when you say "everyone worked their asses off." What exactly did you and the administrators do at the event to work your asses off?

Do you have an answer?

I have plenty of answers. However I can tell by your previous comment and the way you are trying to initiate a response, you probably wouldn't be very receptive to hearing them. That's OK though! Those who were selected for the event know they did a good job representing the agency and making a little extra money. Those who didn't get selected but wanted to work it, should stay positive because this may be the start of more events and opportunities for P&P in the future(hopefully). For slugs like you that serve no purpose other than to bash the agency and piss and moan over every little thing, take solace in the fact that there is a need for people like you. Misdemeanor probation is always hiring!

:roll: Working for a convention every 4 years that wants to privatize you ?

09-05-2012, 12:13 AM
Big difference between the GOP at the national level compared to the Florida GOP. Just like the Florida Dems to the national dems. I support the GOP at the federal level and the Dems at the state level. I walk in lockstep with nobody!