View Full Version : Positive Things about LCSO

08-16-2012, 10:31 AM
You LEO's do nothing but complain and it's tiring. Why don't you educate yourselves like many of us civilians within the agency. Mistake many of us civilians have excelled over the years and become managers and directors? I think not. The face of law enforcement is changing and it takes educated people to manage and lead - not a bunch of complainers whose claim to fame was a 6 month school. Educate yourselves. I have studied the budget and the dollars aren't there. the budget director has down well to help us keep what we currently have and not suffer cuts, furloughs etc like those around us. Be happy for what you have! No pay cuts or lost positions. STARCARE!! A great place to work

08-16-2012, 11:02 AM
You LEO's do nothing but complain and it's tiring. Why don't you educate yourselves like many of us civilians within the agency. Mistake many of us civilians have excelled over the years and become managers and directors? I think not. The face of law enforcement is changing and it takes educated people to manage and lead - not a bunch of complainers whose claim to fame was a 6 month school. Educate yourselves. I have studied the budget and the dollars aren't there. the budget director has down well to help us keep what we currently have and not suffer cuts, furloughs etc like those around us. Be happy for what you have! No pay cuts or lost positions. STARCARE!! A great place to work

Obviously your advanced education did not include any classes in basic english, sentence structure, spelling, grammar, capitalization or proof reading. Educate yourself in these areas and you might be taken more seriously. One final note; remember that without us "6 month wonders" there would be no need for you "highly educated" civilians. Be happy that we do what we do so that you can have an inside desk job that most often has nothing to do with real law enforcement.

08-16-2012, 02:00 PM
The money isn't there LOL

Let's see, the county has money to:
1. Build a stadium
2. Renovate another one (almost $30,000,000 worth of renovations +15mil grant)
3. Plant trees in medians
4. Do road construction projects (SR 82, Metro, Colonial)
5. Conduct airport noise study
6. Asphalt side-walks, when the concrete ones apparently didn't do the job properly
7. Pay raise for teachers

Go back to school and get your money back, because your degree didn't seem to help you.

08-16-2012, 04:23 PM
The money isn't there LOL

Let's see, the county has money to:
1. Build a stadium
2. Renovate another one (almost $30,000,000 worth of renovations +15mil grant)
3. Plant trees in medians
4. Do road construction projects (SR 82, Metro, Colonial)
5. Conduct airport noise study
6. Asphalt side-walks, when the concrete ones apparently didn't do the job properly
7. Pay raise for teachers

Go back to school and get your money back, because your degree didn't seem to help you.
I agree with #1-7, but that needs to be pointed at the BOCC. The primaries should have been eye opening to them, let us see if they change their ways. Thankfully the $100 million dollar stadium man is out!

08-16-2012, 05:06 PM
[quote="friend of bill b":1caza4or]You LEO's do nothing but complain and it's tiring. Why don't you educate yourselves like many of us civilians within the agency. Mistake many of us civilians have excelled over the years and become managers and directors? I think not. The face of law enforcement is changing and it takes educated people to manage and lead - not a bunch of complainers whose claim to fame was a 6 month school. Educate yourselves. I have studied the budget and the dollars aren't there. the budget director has down well to help us keep what we currently have and not suffer cuts, furloughs etc like those around us. Be happy for what you have! No pay cuts or lost positions. STARCARE!! A great place to work

Obviously your advanced education did not include any classes in basic english, sentence structure, spelling, grammar, capitalization or proof reading. Educate yourself in these areas and you might be taken more seriously. One final note; remember that without us "6 month wonders" there would be no need for you "highly educated" civilians. Be happy that we do what we do so that you can have an inside desk job that most often has nothing to do with real law enforcement.[/quote:1caza4or]

Educated you believe the balls on this civilian. Shut your mouth! Sit up in theTaj Mahal with you pizza parties, Jean day, bake sales. You don't have a clue what is going on, so shut up. Most of the complaints are about certain favoritism and overtime (forced to get comp no pay), which I am certain a perk you enjoy due to the butt kissing on here. I bet you probably make much more than us P-ON deputies anyway.

With that said; LCSO is a great department and I wake up every day thanking God I have a Job. Also, I will say that I have been very pleased with Starcare. Dr H is awesome!

08-16-2012, 10:50 PM
You LEO's do nothing but complain and it's tiring. Why don't you educate yourselves like many of us civilians within the agency. Mistake many of us civilians have excelled over the years and become managers and directors? I think not. The face of law enforcement is changing and it takes educated people to manage and lead - not a bunch of complainers whose claim to fame was a 6 month school. Educate yourselves. I have studied the budget and the dollars aren't there. the budget director has down well to help us keep what we currently have and not suffer cuts, furloughs etc like those around us. Be happy for what you have! No pay cuts or lost positions. STARCARE!! A great place to work

HOW DARE YOU ever speak to us like you are better then us! A lot of us have two or four year degrees plus the academy! I choose to use my degree in a way where I will make a difference and I am HONERED to where this green uniforn with all the men and women who have the courage to put it on! We risk our lives for you, your family, your mother and father, kids, spouse and so on! While you sit behind a desk and think we answer to you when you should be a support unit for us!

All I know is all my degrees won't stop a bullet so hold yours up high when the shit hits the fan and hope you are protected by your degree but we all know you wont have to worry about that because WE DEPUTIES WILL ALL BE THERE TO SAVE YOUR BUTT AND EVERY ONE ELSES!

08-16-2012, 11:19 PM
[quote="friend of bill b":3b57ib41]You LEO's do nothing but complain and it's tiring. Why don't you educate yourselves like many of us civilians within the agency. Mistake many of us civilians have excelled over the years and become managers and directors? I think not. The face of law enforcement is changing and it takes educated people to manage and lead - not a bunch of complainers whose claim to fame was a 6 month school. Educate yourselves. I have studied the budget and the dollars aren't there. the budget director has down well to help us keep what we currently have and not suffer cuts, furloughs etc like those around us. Be happy for what you have! No pay cuts or lost positions. STARCARE!! A great place to work

HOW DARE YOU ever speak to us like you are better then us! A lot of us have two or four year degrees plus the academy! I choose to use my degree in a way where I will make a difference and I am HONERED to where this green uniforn with all the men and women who have the courage to put it on! We risk our lives for you, your family, your mother and father, kids, spouse and so on! While you sit behind a desk and think we answer to you when you should be a support unit for us!

All I know is all my degrees won't stop a bullet so hold yours up high when the shit hits the fan and hope you are protected by your degree but we all know you wont have to worry about that because WE DEPUTIES WILL ALL BE THERE TO SAVE YOUR BUTT AND EVERY ONE ELSES![/quote:3b57ib41]

Right on! Those who can do, those who can't sit behind a desk and talk about all the brave things they never did. That's why they call them support staff.

08-17-2012, 12:34 AM
Friend of Bill:
Wow!! Last time I looked it was called the "Lee County Office of the Sheriff," not the "Lee County Office of the Civilians." In my 30 years of law enforcement I cannot recall any time that a civilian showed up to take one of my calls. Just the opposite, civilians called me to help them. I never had a "degree" face down a whacked out crack addict at 0200 in the morning, or search a swamp for a missing child or elderly person, or tell a family that they just lost a loved one in a senseless homocide. To imply that deputies are here because of civilians is ridiculous, on the contrary, without deputies the agency would not exist and ergo the civilian jobs. And by the way, I have a degree, in Criminal Justice, 30 years experience, and plenty of battle scars both physical and mental. I don’t count paper cuts. :evil:
P.S. Thanks to your friend Bill, I am getting paid good money to leave, then I can be a civilian and be as condenscending as you.

08-17-2012, 11:00 AM
Blah blah blah. This isn't NYC or LA or Miami. The civilians aren't grandstanding - you guys should be commended for what you do. BUT you should also realize the operation (i.e. computers, cars, communications, payroll, uniforms, HR) runs smoothly due to those in the background. many who have advanced degrees and could make much more in the private sector. There is a reason the Legal and Civilian Executive director make as much as the chief and report directly to the sheriff. Educate yourselves guys!

08-17-2012, 02:39 PM
Blah blah blah. This isn't NYC or LA or Miami. The civilians aren't grandstanding - you guys should be commended for what you do. BUT you should also realize the operation (i.e. computers, cars, communications, payroll, uniforms, HR) runs smoothly due to those in the background. many who have advanced degrees and could make much more in the private sector. There is a reason the Legal and Civilian Executive director make as much as the chief and report directly to the sheriff. Educate yourselves guys!

We did not start this pissing match your buddy did! I agree with you on some of your points... This is not NYC, LA or Miami and yes we should be commended for what we do! But I also realize the operations are support units to make our jobs more efficient. And like you we also have advanced degrees which and do pay more in the private sector but this is not the point. I am sure with a department the size of ours, we would have many outside companies kicking down the doors to service us for computers, payroll, uniforms, and so on.... at a cheaper, more efficient and much more customer service oriented rate. It was not that long ago where outside agencies took very good care of us. During the fat economic times maybe hiring lots of people was a good way to save money for all the services provided, but now maybe we need to think of going back to a core Law Enforcement Agency where we can save money to give back to the county and supply a raise to the core Law Enforcement Officers in corrections and the road who truly provide the service to the community.

I am not in favor of anyone being let go or doing what I just said above, But let be honest here and look at the big picture. The public wants Deputies on the streets and in corrections, I'm sure they are not too concerned about all the behind the scene stuff and all the advanced degrees hanging in the offices but if it was offered at a cheeper price and more Deputies were put out on the street because of it.... The public would be all over it!

For us uneducated people Edison has the Economic 101 class where supply and demand are taught. In the advance classes cheaper and more efficent business strategies are taught to make a corparation run better.

Maybe we are not the only ones who need to go back to the basics and educate ourselves.

08-17-2012, 03:16 PM
Blah blah blah. This isn't NYC or LA or Miami. The civilians aren't grandstanding - you guys should be commended for what you do. BUT you should also realize the operation (i.e. computers, cars, communications, payroll, uniforms, HR) runs smoothly due to those in the background. many who have advanced degrees and could make much more in the private sector. There is a reason the Legal and Civilian Executive director make as much as the chief and report directly to the sheriff. Educate yourselves guys!

If they REALLY could make more in the private sector then they would be doing so. Fact is that many of them came here with little or no experience and got their OJT & degrees here (paid for by LCSO). The private sector is over run with "sheepskined" (advanced degreed) people many of whom are using their advanced degrees to memorize the specials of the day or the difference between paper and plastic because their degrees can't get them a private sector career. They stay here because they are afraid to go out into the other world, they know that they can't find a cush job like they have here. The reason that some civillians make much more money is because a civillian (who is on record for saying he does not think certified deserve special risk retirement) is controlling the purse strings and telling the sheriff what to do with the budget. He certainly is taking good care of "his" civillians and they love him for it. Who do you think orchestrated the great multi-million dollar give backs to the county when that money could have been used for raises? Do you really think that the sheriff came up with that idea on his own?

08-17-2012, 04:28 PM
First thing I want to say is this is not about our Sheriff. The Sheriff can put people into positions here in the agency and some are already here when he or any other person takes office. You can not just get rid of employees who have decided to make a career here.

But no harm in a good debate. Its just funny when its us and money we are complainers but when its them in the microscope and money we need to get educated.... :lol:

08-17-2012, 05:17 PM
The money isn't there LOL

Let's see, the county has money to:
1. Build a stadium
2. Renovate another one (almost $30,000,000 worth of renovations +15mil grant)
3. Plant trees in medians
4. Do road construction projects (SR 82, Metro, Colonial)
5. Conduct airport noise study
6. Asphalt side-walks, when the concrete ones apparently didn't do the job properly
7. Pay raise for teachers

Go back to school and get your money back, because your degree didn't seem to help you.

#5 is not paid for by the county, it is paid for by the Port Authority. COMPLETELY different budgets. PA doesn't take any ad valorem taxes. They generate their own operating funds and that is what pays for those studies.

08-17-2012, 07:21 PM
I say thank you and wish all deputies could get an increase in pay and compensation. Let the deputies do law enforcement and follow the sheriff. But the civilians run everything else. Put cops on the street and let them do their job and let the civilians do the business. Look how good a civilian runs fleet. Look how good a civilian runs HR. Look how good a civilian runs purchasing and how the budget director runs the budget. And communications and records etc. etc. It works in the business world.

08-18-2012, 11:56 AM
IUPA will heavily support adding more deputies on the road and empowering the civilians to run the day to day operations of the agency. More to come on this

08-18-2012, 12:01 PM
I agree Moose - I'm a man of my word and that's why I'm following thru with what i said and taking a voluntary demotion to deputy and staying active in the union

yours in solidarity

08-18-2012, 12:21 PM
IUPA will heavily support adding more deputies on the road and empowering the civilians to run the day to day operations of the agency. More to come on this
Before adding deputies lets pay current ones a living wage

08-18-2012, 02:43 PM
I agree Moose - I'm a man of my word and that's why I'm following thru with what i said and taking a voluntary demotion to deputy and staying active in the union

yours in solidarity

This may sound great now, but a pay cut, a demotion, surely a transfer back to a zone, to prove what. Think about this, you are a good guy and even though we don't see eye to eye on things I do respect your opinion. just my 2 cents, stay involved, from the outside as a Sergeant. If you give this up, you have too much to loss and for most who won't understand why your doing it in the first place. FAMILY FIRST!

08-21-2012, 07:25 PM
This illustrates how the current BOCC doesn't give a shit about Public Safety, EMS or LEO.

They have a union too.
Better not get shot, or need trauma rescue to the Hospital anytime soon.


Wilson at his finest.

08-23-2012, 02:29 PM
Blah blah blah. This isn't NYC or LA or Miami. The civilians aren't grandstanding - you guys should be commended for what you do. BUT you should also realize the operation (i.e. computers, cars, communications, payroll, uniforms, HR) runs smoothly due to those in the background. many who have advanced degrees and could make much more in the private sector. There is a reason the Legal and Civilian Executive director make as much as the chief and report directly to the sheriff. Educate yourselves guys!

does that include the $700,000 spent on a system for leo that does not communicate with the jail? does it also include the raises given to other civilians that already make over $75, 000? does that include the money spent on gas and car insurance for civilians who donot need an assigned agency vehicle just to go back and forth to work. it would be great for civilians and leos to get along with mutual respect however if there are civilians who believe they understand how we feel then try being fired for a "violation" that someone else has been suspended for. civilians should not presume to tell leos to be quiet about their complaints when civilians have more power than leo.

08-24-2012, 03:11 AM
I agree Moose - I'm a man of my word and that's why I'm following thru with what i said and taking a voluntary demotion to deputy and staying active in the union

yours in solidarity
Yah, right. Triple dog dare you. Bet u wont.

09-06-2012, 07:36 AM
I have been a deputy with lcso for 6 years and still make starting deputy salary while clerks, dispatchers, and other civillians make more than I do..... I didnt know sitting around and getting paper cuts, carpel tunnel, and becoming obese was more dangerous than arresting felons.

09-06-2012, 01:47 PM
Now that your vested feel free to leave at anytime!

09-07-2012, 04:36 PM
I have been a deputy with lcso for 6 years and still make starting deputy salary while clerks, dispatchers, and other civillians make more than I do..... I didnt know sitting around and getting paper cuts, carpel tunnel, and becoming obese was more dangerous than arresting felons.

HA! What a joke!! Have you SEEN some of your lazy deputies? Let's talk about the JAIL. That place is a joke with rejects who sit around all day and ***** about everything. They get a hard on for any disorderly that comes in and don't know what to do. WHAT A JOKE!!!! Oh and Obese ... hahahahahahaha ... look at that fat lard that weighs 400 pounds that never works and just shits his pants all day by farting and thinking he is funny. Pathetic excuse for a Deputy. At least us civilians get paper cuts by doing work.

stop your *****ing! If it wasn't for us clerks and civilians half of you guys wouldn't know how to do your job.

09-07-2012, 10:08 PM
Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office got a 4.5% pay raise. Broward got 4% and the surronding agency's got near the same so maybe we will get something soon. I started appliying else where just in case. I heard we mite get 3% next year if the Sheriff stays.

09-07-2012, 10:23 PM
Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office got a 4.5% pay raise. Broward got 4% and the surronding agency's got near the same so maybe we will get something soon. I started appliying else where just in case. I heard we mite get 3% next year if the Sheriff stays.

If the Sheriff stays?....lol.

I heard the same thing 6 years ago...Then again 5 yeras ago,,,About 4 years ago too....3 years ago I heard we might get a raise....2 years ago....we got starcare...They said we might get a raise. Then this year, I heard, "We will get 3-5 percent"....Maybe next year if the Sheriff stays...

09-08-2012, 12:23 PM
What do you mean taking a voluntary demotion to remain in the union Greg K. I didn't think you were going to have a choice. Keep running to everyone apologizing, they are laughing at you when you walk away! :lol:

09-08-2012, 12:49 PM
Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office got a 4.5% pay raise. Broward got 4% and the surronding agency's got near the same so maybe we will get something soon. I started appliying else where just in case. I heard we mite get 3% next year if the Sheriff stays.
Best thing about your comment - applying elsewhere. I, for one, wish you all the luck and a speedy pickup. I hope you land on greener grass and not in a pile of $h!t. Once we weed you out we can "get back to work".

09-08-2012, 03:20 PM
[quote="F off":2nc9iaw9]Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office got a 4.5% pay raise. Broward got 4% and the surronding agency's got near the same so maybe we will get something soon. I started appliying else where just in case. I heard we mite get 3% next year if the Sheriff stays.
Best thing about your comment - applying elsewhere. I, for one, wish you all the luck and a speedy pickup. I hope you land on greener grass and not in a pile of $h!t. Once we weed you out we can "get back to work".[/quote:2nc9iaw9]

All you "then just leave if you don't like it" idiots need to understand some things. 1. You don't get to decide whether others try to change things for he better. If you're content to settle for what you've got, more power to you, but not everyone is. 2. Nobody gives a shit about your opinion. 3. Maybe if you don't like changes, YOU can leave. Change is inevitable, but there are probably some sad sack departments where you'd be happy to act like it is 1983 and the population is comparable to Mayberry.

09-08-2012, 05:41 PM
I agree with all three points. That's why we are going to vote out the union. That change has only screwed us.

09-08-2012, 05:53 PM
My family has been struggling for years on our pay and everyone is extremely depressed. Why doesn’t the command staff care about their troops? Family comes first not LCSO in my book. Why do you think Major Johnson left? Just ask him the truth, he will tell you. Nothing is going to change because of the union. Once they are gone Scott is still not going to do anything for the Deputies, so why not give them a chance.

09-08-2012, 06:56 PM
I agree with all three points. That's why we are going to vote out the union. That change has only screwed us.

Please explain how the union has screwed us?

09-08-2012, 08:38 PM
My family has been struggling for years on our pay and everyone is extremely depressed. Why doesn’t the command staff care about their troops? Family comes first not LCSO in my book. Why do you think Major Johnson left? Just ask him the truth, he will tell you. Nothing is going to change because of the union. Once they are gone Scott is still not going to do anything for the Deputies, so why not give them a chance.

I have always respected Major Johnson and always will. He was soooo funny at the academy. Maj. Johnson you can now get on the wagon and vote LB in for sheriff and the same for the president. I got your back!

09-08-2012, 08:47 PM
We were promised raises- not gonna happen
We were promised a step plan- not gonna happen
The union hasn't given us anything but a headache and a running joke in Timmy.

09-08-2012, 10:42 PM
Positive things about LCSO

1. Positively the most screwed up it has been in it's history.

2. Positively the most ineffectual leadership it has ever had.

3. Positively the least concerned with the rank and file ever.

4. Positively the least liked sheriff in it's history by the rank and file.

5. Positively a place where pitting one group against another is encouraged by the

6. Positively wrong to have to give up your livelyhood here to get fair treatment.

7. Positively doomed for another four years unless we make a miracle happen.

09-08-2012, 11:30 PM
We were promised raises- not gonna happen
We were promised a step plan- not gonna happen
The union hasn't given us anything but a headache and a running joke in Timmy.

First off the union never promised a raise or a step plan. All the union ever said was that they would try to get a contact that would give us those and other things. We would already have those things if the Sheriff would agree to them.

The Sheriff is the one who has not given us a raise for 6+ years, or implemented a step plan. One thing is for sure, that we won't get those things anytime soon without a union. And if we don't get them, then we can blame the Sheriff as he has the ability to agree to what the contract has in it.

Please explain how the union has caused a headache for you.

09-09-2012, 01:33 AM
No... The union, or it's reps did promise a raise and step plan. That was the basis for getting voted in in the first place. Go ahead and back peddle. You just gonna make the decision on whether or not to keep the union that much easier.

09-09-2012, 09:17 AM
No... The union, or it's reps did promise a raise and step plan. That was the basis for getting voted in in the first place. Go ahead and back peddle. You just gonna make the decision on whether or not to keep the union that much easier.

A promise was never made. The union wants to get a raise and a step plan, but they never promised they would get it. They now better then to promise that when the Sheriff can do what he has done, and that is be uncooperative.

As for voting the union out, Your not going to have an easy time with that since the number of members are going up every month and the number of people MB has signed up is nowhere near what is needed.

In the end all this would have never happened if the Sheriff would have cared about US! US meaning union and non union, since we are all in this together.

Stay safe