View Full Version : Union Dues

08-09-2012, 11:04 PM
If any of you communist union morons still think that your dues are going toward the betterment of this agency or toward the betterment of you individually, then this is a must read.

http://www.theblaze.com/stories/union-p ... for-obama/ (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/union-prez-boasts-that-400000-union-volunteers-will-campaign-door-to-door-for-obama/)

AFL-CIO/IUPA will be stumping for the Prez.

You are cops, you should not be this gullible. Wake up and learn where your dues really go!

08-09-2012, 11:32 PM
Uh....I know where the money is going....So whats your point? Maybe if I stop paying dues and Mit Romney comes down and saves us we will all gets raises.....

I dont understand what you are trying to say.

08-09-2012, 11:42 PM
The union has not done one damn thing for the troops. But your officers still take their pay, out of your dues, before sending the rest of your $500 per deputy/per year straight to Kenya.

The union is a racket and is run by organized crime and communists, who I am sure, thank you for the donation.

08-10-2012, 01:13 AM
The union has not done one damn thing for the troops. But your officers still take their pay, out of your dues, before sending the rest of your $500 per deputy/per year straight to Kenya.

The union is a racket and is run by organized crime and communists, who I am sure, thank you for the donation.

You're an idiot. Try educating yourself before you open your trap.

08-10-2012, 02:02 AM
I am very educated on the subject of labor unions. Which issue shall we discuss first? The history of organized crime's relationship with labor unions? Or would you prefer to talk about the teachings of Karl Marx and how they have been adopted by modern unionization. Maybe we should talk about Richard Trumka's history with both communism and criminal syndicates? I think we should start with this question, "What has IUPA done for the members employeed by the Lee County Sheriff's Office?" The only thing IUPA has done so far, is remove $500 from the paychecks of deputies who voted them in, in order to get a raise. How ironic can ignorance be?

08-10-2012, 02:08 AM
Currently, my favorite topic of discussion with regards to labor unions, especially police unions, is how AFL-CIO supports the nationwide occupy movement, going as far as paying protestors to march, vandalize, burglarize, and terrorize the public, all the while throwing rocks, bottles, urine, and molotov ****tails at the police who are members of the same union.

The union tolerates you ONLY for the money that you give them, without that you are nothing to them. Even with that, they do nothing for you.

08-10-2012, 02:50 AM
"What has IUPA done for the members employeed by the Lee County Sheriff's Office?" ?

1. Got rid of the physical performance test you had to pass at "super-man" standard.
2. Preserved health insurance
3. Maintained take home cars
4. We NOW get paid OT for working late/over
5. College Tuition Reimbursement was on chopping block.
6. They try to fill zones (although many zones still go unfilled, they sometimes call people in for OT to cover zones)

08-10-2012, 03:33 AM
"What has IUPA done for the members employeed by the Lee County Sheriff's Office?" ?

1. Got rid of the physical performance test you had to pass at "super-man" standard.
2. Preserved health insurance
3. Maintained take home cars
4. We NOW get paid OT for working late/over
5. College Tuition Reimbursement was on chopping block.
6. They try to fill zones (although many zones still go unfilled, they sometimes call people in for OT to cover zones)

The union did not preserve the current health insurance. The administration retained it for us, with or without union interference it would have stayed.

The union did nothing to maintain take home cars. That policy has been in place for years and was NOT on the chopping block ever.

The union did not ensure that zones are filled and did nothing to retain tuition reimbursement.

The union will be trying to negotiate a step plan for the next 30 years. It will be the carrot on the stick, meant for jackasses to follow while continuing to pay dues.

The only thing I MAY give you is the OT, however I have always preferred comptime. The rest of your points are a blatant pack of damn lies.

It is amazing to me that you can try to claim that the perks that we have always had, are only here because of the union. If you really need to find someone stupid enough to believe that propaganda, go talk to anyone waving a blue and yellow sign!

08-10-2012, 08:54 PM
Do any of you unionites have anything else to say? I know that the truth hurts, but you should try to educate yourselves before making such a large investment. BHO came to power making empty promises also.

08-10-2012, 09:52 PM
Do any of you unionites have anything else to say? I know that the truth hurts, but you should try to educate yourselves before making such a large investment. BHO came to power making empty promises also.

What do I have to say? I pay dues, and I support the union...I don't agree with you. But I respect you....

If you don't like the fact that I pay dues...How does that hurt you? If you don't like the union, but I do...How does that hurt you? If I have a different opinion that you...How does that hurt you?

You might not like the union, and I agree it might be going tomorrow...but don't denounce me because I believe in something different than you.

08-10-2012, 10:10 PM
"What has IUPA done for the members employeed by the Lee County Sheriff's Office?" ?

1. Got rid of the physical performance test you had to pass at "super-man" standard.
2. Preserved health insurance
3. Maintained take home cars
4. We NOW get paid OT for working late/over
5. College Tuition Reimbursement was on chopping block.
6. They try to fill zones (although many zones still go unfilled, they sometimes call people in for OT to cover zones)

The union did not preserve the current health insurance. The administration retained it for us, with or without union interference it would have stayed.

The union did nothing to maintain take home cars. That policy has been in place for years and was NOT on the chopping block ever.

The union did not ensure that zones are filled and did nothing to retain tuition reimbursement.

The union will be trying to negotiate a step plan for the next 30 years. It will be the carrot on the stick, meant for jackasses to follow while continuing to pay dues.

The only thing I MAY give you is the OT, however I have always preferred comptime. The rest of your points are a blatant pack of damn lies.

It is amazing to me that you can try to claim that the perks that we have always had, are only here because of the union. If you really need to find someone stupid enough to believe that propaganda, go talk to anyone waving a blue and yellow sign!

What prevents the Sheriff from coming in to roll call tomorrow and telling you to park the take-home at the district? The union! You have to protect your benefits. No need to call me a jackass.

08-10-2012, 10:24 PM
I used to think you only ignorant(not having learned), now i will say that you were born stupid(not capable of learning).

The cars have been taken home for decades. No sheriff would remove that because it is cheaper and the residents of the county love seeing cars parked in their neighborhoods.

The union has absolutely nothing to do with that benefit. In fact if the sheriff wanted the cars parked at the sub-stations, the union has nothing to say about it.

Don't believe the leftist smears, they only want your money.

08-10-2012, 11:27 PM
I used to think you only ignorant(not having learned), now i will say that you were born stupid(not capable of learning).

The cars have been taken home for decades. No sheriff would remove that because it is cheaper and the residents of the county love seeing cars parked in their neighborhoods.

The union has absolutely nothing to do with that benefit. In fact if the sheriff wanted the cars parked at the sub-stations, the union has nothing to say about it.

Don't believe the leftist smears, they only want your money.

Nice side step of my post.....With a name calling in the middle. You are no different than the people you seem to hate. You seem to resort to name calling, and union bashing, all the while you seem to think that the Deputies (the individual) cannot decide for themselves where they need to put their money. Not all Deputies pay dues, this is a right to work state....Because some choose to pay dues,...should not bother you. Giving people information and letting them make their own decision is the right thing to do.... "Don't believe the leftist smears, they only want your money"?? Why would anyone believe you? Your entire post appears to be a smear.

Bottom line is if I pay dues that is my right. It is no money out of your pocket. If you choose not to pay dues, that is your right. It is no money out of my pocket. I know where my money is going, as do most of the people in this agency...I beleive that most dont want to be told what they should do with their own money.... Union or Non-Union / Scott or Fisher / :wink: Let it be, and let people make their own choice.

08-11-2012, 08:56 PM
The union effects us all, I hope that you are on field force, so that you may go up to Tampa, and catch the brunt of the union violence. However, if you still support that organization, after watching the union terrorism destroy cities and injure police during the occupy protests, then witnessing it first hand will not change your mind. I feel sorry for you and hope no sworn leo gets injured.

08-11-2012, 09:29 PM
The union effects us all, I hope that you are on field force, so that you may go up to Tampa, and catch the brunt of the union violence. However, if you still support that organization, after watching the union terrorism destroy cities and injure police during the occupy protests, then witnessing it first hand will not change your mind. I feel sorry for you and hope no sworn leo gets injured.

What happened to you? DId you take your Xanny bar today?

08-11-2012, 10:26 PM
The union has and will not get anything accomplished. Good luck in front of the BOCC! Your going to lose more than you had! Stop before its to late guys!!!

08-11-2012, 10:59 PM
The union has and will not get anything accomplished. Good luck in front of the BOCC! Your going to lose more than you had! Stop before its to late guys!!!

Why would we lose more than we had?

08-12-2012, 10:22 AM
The other constitutionals have their own budgetary issues. BOCC gets tired of hearing how all the ships are sinking without budget increases. They will NOT issue any increase period. And do not say Tallahassee. No Sheriff has petitioned the Cabinet using that avenue in two years because NO ONE is getting any and EVERYONE is in the same predicament with taxbases. Political suicide if you do.

What the BOCC can do is hard push a reduction in budget amounts. As the BOCC always says, " We give the constitutionals a bucket of money, it is up to them on how to spend it" Well thats not exactly true. But that is the mentality.

When it comes down to retaining employees and keeping their salaries at the current level and lose take home cars, or keep cars and fire and/or reduce salaries even further, the union aint going to do crap about it.

Besides the boys on the board on the union side needs new mercedes...............

08-12-2012, 12:30 PM
The other constitutionals have their own budgetary issues. BOCC gets tired of hearing how all the ships are sinking without budget increases.

I don't care what they say. I need someone to fight for me. Will you stand up and do that? At least they are trying through a legal and open process...unlike teh good ole boy crap.

They will NOT issue any increase period.

How the hell do you now what they will do? It is not fantasy that there are cops in this agency on food stamps. I think that they do not have a choice. I know you think that if they don't like being on food stamps that they should quit. Being on food stamps and asking a cop to quit are both unreasonable. how do you suggest that it can be changed?

And do not say Tallahassee. No Sheriff has petitioned the Cabinet using that avenue in two years because NO ONE is getting any and EVERYONE is in the same predicament with taxbases. Political suicide if you do.

Yup politics over all. Screw the little guy as long as i get reelected.I want someone looking out for me that does not have a dog in that fight.

What the BOCC can do is hard push a reduction in budget amounts. As the BOCC always says, " We give the constitutionals a bucket of money, it is up to them on how to spend it" Well thats not exactly true. But that is the mentality.

You are right that they could do this. But can you show some history of this? I don't know that there has benn anything to suggest that they would do this.

When it comes down to retaining employees and keeping their salaries at the current level and lose take home cars, or keep cars and fire and/or reduce salaries even further, the union aint going to do crap about it.

Wrong again. Wages, cars, tuition, insurance were all part of the negotiations and was brought up at union meetings. If you don't believe it 119 it from the S/O . You will have the truth in black and white.

Besides the boys on the board on the union side needs new mercedes...............
I am sure that they don't get paid. They put a lot of their own time in trying to make this place better. That is just a stupid thing to even imply.

08-12-2012, 02:16 PM
It seems like every union post says the same thing and keeps bringing up the poor guy on food stamps. But, they never say how they have helped him, just that he is still on food stamps. I wonder if the food stamp guy has figured out how worthless the union is since they constantly talk about him but never help him. maybe the union could set up an agency food bank from the proceeds of the union dues to ensure we are all taken care of. That is what they do to us right?

08-12-2012, 04:28 PM
It seems like every union post says the same thing and keeps bringing up the poor guy on food stamps. But, they never say how they have helped him, just that he is still on food stamps. I wonder if the food stamp guy has figured out how worthless the union is since they constantly talk about him but never help him. maybe the union could set up an agency food bank from the proceeds of the union dues to ensure we are all taken care of. That is what they do to us right?

Excellent idea! Would you mind bringing it up during new business at the meeting on Tuesday? Do you want to head the committee yourself, or be a committee member?

08-12-2012, 04:58 PM
It seems like every union post says the same thing and keeps bringing up the poor guy on food stamps. But, they never say how they have helped him, just that he is still on food stamps. I wonder if the food stamp guy has figured out how worthless the union is since they constantly talk about him but never help him. maybe the union could set up an agency food bank from the proceeds of the union dues to ensure we are all taken care of. That is what they do to us right?

Excellent idea! Would you mind bringing it up during new business at the meeting on Tuesday? Do you want to head the committee yourself, or be a committee member?

Well, since this person has been spoken about for at least 6 months and nothing has been done to help him or her, we can safely assume that either the members of the board don't care or this person does not exist. If this person is real and the board knows of their existence, why are they waiting for someone else to bring it up at a meeting? Its not like they are above making decisions without consulting with the body they are said to represent. Assuming that this person does exist, we should keep in mind that 20-25% of the country qualifies for food stamps so it would appear we are pretty well below the national average.

08-12-2012, 06:55 PM
I just wanted you to know that your dues will be used to buy rocks, bricks, bottles, and firebombs for the protesters that will converge on Tampa for the RNC, and good people that you work with will be there.

08-12-2012, 08:38 PM
It seems like every union post says the same thing and keeps bringing up the poor guy on food stamps. But, they never say how they have helped him, just that he is still on food stamps. I wonder if the food stamp guy has figured out how worthless the union is since they constantly talk about him but never help him. maybe the union could set up an agency food bank from the proceeds of the union dues to ensure we are all taken care of. That is what they do to us right?

There are no guarantees that they will be able to help us. But at least they are trying. They are fighting for a fair wage. Can’t say the same for the sheriff..or for lackeys like you..for the last four or five years.

Here is what we can do Jethro. Let’s send an email to Mike. Let’s ask him what he is going to do to get deputies off of food stamps. Even better, let’s ask him what he has done in the last five years to get me off of food stamps. See what his plan is. Is that fair? Then compare the two efforts.

Do you somehow think that it is fair that even one deputy is on food stamps?
I know that in the last year or so at least we deputies came together to try to make life better for one another.

08-12-2012, 09:18 PM
It seems like every union post says the same thing and keeps bringing up the poor guy on food stamps. But, they never say how they have helped him, just that he is still on food stamps. I wonder if the food stamp guy has figured out how worthless the union is since they constantly talk about him but never help him. maybe the union could set up an agency food bank from the proceeds of the union dues to ensure we are all taken care of. That is what they do to us right?

There are no guarantees that they will be able to help us. But at least they are trying. They are fighting for a fair wage. Can’t say the same for the sheriff..or for lackeys like you..for the last four or five years.

Here is what we can do Jethro. Let’s send an email to Mike. Let’s ask him what he is going to do to get deputies off of food stamps. Even better, let’s ask him what he has done in the last five years to get me off of food stamps. See what his plan is. Is that fair? Then compare the two efforts.

Do you somehow think that it is fair that even one deputy is on food stamps?
I know that in the last year or so at least we deputies came together to try to make life better for one another.

What is wrong with being on food stamps? You can be? That means your getting something I cant get. I would love to get any assistance in paying for food....As it is now, I cannot get food stamps. Not by much tho....I'm not too proud...Why are you?

08-12-2012, 09:51 PM
I just wanted you to know that your dues will be used to buy rocks, bricks, bottles, and firebombs for the protesters that will converge on Tampa for the RNC, and good people that you work with will be there.

You're an idiot.

08-12-2012, 10:00 PM
[quote=ConcernedDeputy]It seems like every union post says the same thing and keeps bringing up the poor guy on food stamps. But, they never say how they have helped him, just that he is still on food stamps. I wonder if the food stamp guy has figured out how worthless the union is since they constantly talk about him but never help him. maybe the union could set up an agency food bank from the proceeds of the union dues to ensure we are all taken care of. That is what they do to us right?

Excellent idea! Would you mind bringing it up during new business at the meeting on Tuesday? Do you want to head the committee yourself, or be a committee member?

Well, since this person has been spoken about for at least 6 months and nothing has been done to help him or her, we can safely assume that either the members of the board don't care or this person does not exist. If this person is real and the board knows of their existence, why are they waiting for someone else to bring it up at a meeting? Its not like they are above making decisions without consulting with the body they are said to represent. Assuming that this person does exist, we should keep in mind that 20-25% of the country qualifies for food stamps so it would appear we are pretty well below the national average.[/quote:2dxqx8iu]

How do you that nothing has been done? Maybe in the interest of dignity, this person (or these persons) choose not to advertise their financial status. The fact that receive some relief from heir problems does not absolve the administration of their moral duty to provide their employees with a living wage by using he assets and resources at their disposal. I salute Mike for his ability to operate within the budget, but giving back millions and requesting less while his people hurt financially is grandstanding and ethically dispicible.

08-12-2012, 11:10 PM
I just wanted you to know that your dues will be used to buy rocks, bricks, bottles, and firebombs for the protesters that will converge on Tampa for the RNC, and good people that you work with will be there.

You're an idiot.

The truth ****ing hurts doesn't it! Usually, I let you drones do you own research, however in this instance I will help to end your ignorance and denial. In case you did not know, IUPA is a subsidary to Afl-CIO.

http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/r ... convention (http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/region_tampa/two-large-groups-file-to-protest-rally-during-rnc-convention)

http://www.tampabay.com/news/localgover ... 234905.ece (http://www.tampabay.com/news/localgovernment/article1234905.ece)

http://www2.tbo.com/news/republican-nat ... ar-411315/ (http://www2.tbo.com/news/republican-national-convention/2012/jun/04/protesters-complain-about-parks-access-during-rnc-ar-411315/)

http://fldemocracy2012.com/2012/06/11/c ... onvention/ (http://fldemocracy2012.com/2012/06/11/city-of-tampa-to-assign-protesters-to-parks-for-republican-national-convention/)


http://www.wmnf.org/news_stories/coalit ... rade-route (http://www.wmnf.org/news_stories/coalition-planning-to-protest-at-the-republican-convention-say-they-will-begin-their-march-outside-official-parade-route)

08-13-2012, 03:31 AM
I just wanted you to know that your dues will be used to buy rocks, bricks, bottles, and firebombs for the protesters that will converge on Tampa for the RNC, and good people that you work with will be there.

You're an idiot.

The truth ****ing hurts doesn't it! Usually, I let you drones do you own research, however in this instance I will help to end your ignorance and denial. In case you did not know, IUPA is a subsidary to Afl-CIO.

http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/r ... convention (http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/region_tampa/two-large-groups-file-to-protest-rally-during-rnc-convention)

http://www.tampabay.com/news/localgover ... 234905.ece (http://www.tampabay.com/news/localgovernment/article1234905.ece)

http://www2.tbo.com/news/republican-nat ... ar-411315/ (http://www2.tbo.com/news/republican-national-convention/2012/jun/04/protesters-complain-about-parks-access-during-rnc-ar-411315/)

http://fldemocracy2012.com/2012/06/11/c ... onvention/ (http://fldemocracy2012.com/2012/06/11/city-of-tampa-to-assign-protesters-to-parks-for-republican-national-convention/)


http://www.wmnf.org/news_stories/coalit ... rade-route (http://www.wmnf.org/news_stories/coalition-planning-to-protest-at-the-republican-convention-say-they-will-begin-their-march-outside-official-parade-route)

I saw the First Amendment stuff, but I missed the bricks, rocks, and bottles part. Guess what? You're still an idiot.

08-13-2012, 03:41 AM
You are ignorant and in denial if you think that the occupy/afl-cio protests will be peaceful. Look at the Seattle shipyard protests, the continual Oakland anarchy, the NYC protests, arsons, riots, bricks, and bottles, and your fellow union brothers will be the ones to cast the stones. The protestors are on the afl-cio payroll. I hope it feels so good knowing that you are helping to pay for anarchs to commit violence towards those whom you work with.

08-13-2012, 01:39 PM
You are ignorant and in denial if you think that the occupy/afl-cio protests will be peaceful. Look at the Seattle shipyard protests, the continual Oakland anarchy, the NYC protests, arsons, riots, bricks, and bottles, and your fellow union brothers will be the ones to cast the stones. The protestors are on the afl-cio payroll. I hope it feels so good knowing that you are helping to pay for anarchs to commit violence towards those whom you work with.

At least there you know your enemy. By not supporting your union, you hand the power to those who are slowly destroying your working conditions and economic benefits.

Please provide some kind of proof hat the AFL-CIO supports and finances violent opposition to law enforcement. It doesn't make sense since almost every cop in the nation is a union brother or sister.

08-13-2012, 04:13 PM
AFL-CIO Chief Richard Trumka Outraged Cities Shutting Down Crime-Ridden Disease-Infested Occupier Camps…

Unions Busing In Wall Street Occupiers For Protest Outside Treasury Department To Push For “Robin Hood Tax”…

AFL-CIO Chief Richard Trumka Accuses Police of “Dishonoring America” For Arresting Rampaging Wall Street Occupiers

AFL-CIO Pledges Lawyers, Resources For Wall Street Occupier Protests…

A Pennsylvania AFL-CIO representative told a group of “Occupy Harrisburg” participants that the unions stand with them and are prepared to provide resources for the protesters, including lawyers and meeting space.

Michael Fedor, the AFL-CIO’s director for the central Pennsylvania area, told attendees at an organizational meeting Wednesday that the pledge comes directly from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka.

“The president of the AFL-CIO was on a call with us tonight and said I want you to communicate to “Occupy” groups that we are with them, and he’s directing local labor movements to put resources on the ground to help, including lawyers, including meeting spaces, including whatever we need,”

AFL-CIO Supports Union Members Who Tossed Hot Coffee On Non-Union Workers, Threatened To Sexually Assault Wife Of Company Executive, Sabotaged Vehicles, Stabbed Executive In Neck…

AFL-CIO Says It’s Forming Union Super PAC, Will Be Able To Raise Unlimited Funds To Attack GOP Candidates

AFL-CIO Boss Richard Trumka Says “Forget About the Law,” Admits Labor Movement Overriding US Law and Sovereignty…

AFL-CIO Boss Richard Trumka: The Violent Pro-Union Hate-Fests in Wisconsin “Helped Define the Democratic Party”…

AFL-CIO Boss and Close Obama Ally Richard Trumka Admits: Unions Are About Making a “Progressive” America, Not Members Wages…

08-13-2012, 10:54 PM
AFL-CIO Chief Richard Trumka Outraged Cities Shutting Down Crime-Ridden Disease-Infested Occupier Camps…

Unions Busing In Wall Street Occupiers For Protest Outside Treasury Department To Push For “Robin Hood Tax”…

AFL-CIO Chief Richard Trumka Accuses Police of “Dishonoring America” For Arresting Rampaging Wall Street Occupiers

AFL-CIO Pledges Lawyers, Resources For Wall Street Occupier Protests…

A Pennsylvania AFL-CIO representative told a group of “Occupy Harrisburg” participants that the unions stand with them and are prepared to provide resources for the protesters, including lawyers and meeting space.

Michael Fedor, the AFL-CIO’s director for the central Pennsylvania area, told attendees at an organizational meeting Wednesday that the pledge comes directly from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka.

“The president of the AFL-CIO was on a call with us tonight and said I want you to communicate to “Occupy” groups that we are with them, and he’s directing local labor movements to put resources on the ground to help, including lawyers, including meeting spaces, including whatever we need,”

AFL-CIO Supports Union Members Who Tossed Hot Coffee On Non-Union Workers, Threatened To Sexually Assault Wife Of Company Executive, Sabotaged Vehicles, Stabbed Executive In Neck…

AFL-CIO Says It’s Forming Union Super PAC, Will Be Able To Raise Unlimited Funds To Attack GOP Candidates

AFL-CIO Boss Richard Trumka Says “Forget About the Law,” Admits Labor Movement Overriding US Law and Sovereignty…

AFL-CIO Boss Richard Trumka: The Violent Pro-Union Hate-Fests in Wisconsin “Helped Define the Democratic Party”…

AFL-CIO Boss and Close Obama Ally Richard Trumka Admits: Unions Are About Making a “Progressive” America, Not Members Wages…

.....aaaaaand your Xanax wore off....