View Full Version : Traffic Question

08-07-2012, 12:06 AM
Why do we have a traffic unit. I was working in Charlie Dist today when they called TR18. He was told to respond to a Signal 3 Signal 1. He told the Sgt. he was to far out to respond and would see if there was a closer unit. Funny, is he not a traffic unit? So why once again did he not go to a traffic crash call? Or is it that TR18 only knows how to write a ticket!!!!! How long is it going to take for someone to due to right thing with these people who just ride around and do nothing? It's just B.S. that a unit can tell someone they are not going to respond to a call!! :evil:

08-07-2012, 12:47 AM
Thats because their all too busy campaigning for fisher and plotting. the unit shouldve been disbanned and put back in the districts long ago

08-07-2012, 12:49 AM
So what your saying is......You dont know how to do a Signal 3 - Signal 1? Why do you need traffic to respond to a simple call? Or is it that you only know how to respond to 37's??? How long is it going to take for someone to due the right thing with people like you who "try" to ride around and do nothing? LOL!

Get real. Dont be mad because someone else has the balls to say NO on the radio and you don't! :evil:

08-07-2012, 01:03 AM
That's the problem with people like you! When the dist is that busy and they call for a unit they should go! It's not about having the balls to say NO! If you don't like your job then move on and let someone else have it that will not have a problem doing the job! Its as------ like you that give all of us a bad name! Go back in your hole TF boy!!!!! LOSER!!! Or is this TR18 saying you have the Balls to say NO? D--- Head :devil:

So what your saying is......You dont know how to do a Signal 3 - Signal 1? Why do you need traffic to respond to a simple call? Or is it that you only know how to respond to 37's??? How long is it going to take for someone to due the right thing with people like you who "try" to ride around and do nothing? LOL!

Get real. Dont be mad because someone else has the balls to say NO on the radio and you don't! :evil:

08-07-2012, 01:25 AM
More pay for less work... Sounds like a union mentality.

08-07-2012, 03:28 AM
More pay for less work... Sounds like a union mentality.

You're an idiot.

08-07-2012, 11:39 AM
Thats because their all too busy campaigning for fisher and plotting. the unit shouldve been disbanned and put back in the districts long ago
It will be! 7 more days...

08-07-2012, 12:52 PM
That's the problem with people like you! When the dist is that busy and they call for a unit they should go! It's not about having the balls to say NO! If you don't like your job then move on and let someone else have it that will not have a problem doing the job! Its as------ like you that give all of us a bad name! Go back in your hole TF boy!!!!! LOSER!!! Or is this TR18 saying you have the Balls to say NO? D--- Head :devil:

So what your saying is......You dont know how to do a Signal 3 - Signal 1? Why do you need traffic to respond to a simple call? Or is it that you only know how to respond to 37's??? How long is it going to take for someone to due the right thing with people like you who "try" to ride around and do nothing? LOL!

Get real. Dont be mad because someone else has the balls to say NO on the radio and you don't! :evil:

LOL! wow...Name calling. Original! I work in a District....I x65, and love it. I dont want to leave, and would be very happy doing most of my carrer on the road. With that said.....When it does get busy, and I asked for something....And Im told no, I carry on...without complaining. I do the job, as safe and quick as I can. Then I take the next call......

It appears that you dont like your job. And it appears with the way your typing, that you are the kind of person that gives us bad names.....But it is okay! Ill take that Signal 3 for ya.....

08-08-2012, 10:37 AM
You work in the district. So the traffic unit handles your 4's and Sig1's the CSA handles your paper calls. The ag unit takes your 35's. And aro takes the rest so you can write 9w's and hunt 14w's all day.
Funny how a Trf guy rolls up on a minor crash and there's 4 zone cars sitting there waiting. Who's the lazy one?

08-08-2012, 11:23 PM
You work in the district. So the traffic unit handles your 4's and Sig1's the CSA handles your paper calls. The ag unit takes your 35's. And aro takes the rest so you can write 9w's and hunt 14w's all day.
Funny how a Trf guy rolls up on a minor crash and there's 4 zone cars sitting there waiting. Who's the lazy one?


08-09-2012, 08:42 PM
Where is this coming from? I'm a Sergeant in the busiest district in the agency. If a traffic unit is available, they respond. If they can't, then we do the 3 or 4. I have also directed my troops to get all the information prior to the traffic unit coming instead of just "standing around" waiting for a traffic unit or FHP. Perhaps I have an unusually good shift (well, actually, I know I do) but I haven't heard any of my guys crying about having to do crash reports. Most of you don't remember when we had No Traffic Unit, I do. You complainers need to just need to buckle down and do the job. For 31 years nothing has gotten under my skin more than cops who don't do their jobs. You to whom that applies make it harder on the rest of us, you know. Hats off to traffic guys, I appreciate all you do.

Randy G.

08-09-2012, 11:34 PM
Where is this coming from? I'm a Sergeant in the busiest district in the agency. If a traffic unit is available, they respond. If they can't, then we do the 3 or 4. I have also directed my troops to get all the information prior to the traffic unit coming instead of just "standing around" waiting for a traffic unit or FHP. Perhaps I have an unusually good shift (well, actually, I know I do) but I haven't heard any of my guys crying about having to do crash reports. Most of you don't remember when we had No Traffic Unit, I do. You complainers need to just need to buckle down and do the job. For 31 years nothing has gotten under my skin more than cops who don't do their jobs. You to whom that applies make it harder on the rest of us, you know. Hats off to traffic guys, I appreciate all you do.

Randy G.

wow....31 years. My hat off to you! Did you guys ride horses to roll call back then?? lol! j/k.....

No really, did you?

08-10-2012, 02:14 AM
We were still waiting for the horses when I started.

08-10-2012, 10:48 AM
We were still waiting for the horses when I started.

Well the horses are gone but we still have an ass oe two hanging around!

08-10-2012, 11:42 AM
Sorry you're retiring Randy...one less damn good Sergeant around who understands how to lead. You will be missed!

08-14-2012, 11:05 PM
Where is this coming from? I'm a Sergeant in the busiest district in the agency. If a traffic unit is available, they respond. If they can't, then we do the 3 or 4. I have also directed my troops to get all the information prior to the traffic unit coming instead of just "standing around" waiting for a traffic unit or FHP. Perhaps I have an unusually good shift (well, actually, I know I do) but I haven't heard any of my guys crying about having to do crash reports. Most of you don't remember when we had No Traffic Unit, I do. You complainers need to just need to buckle down and do the job. For 31 years nothing has gotten under my skin more than cops who don't do their jobs. You to whom that applies make it harder on the rest of us, you know. Hats off to traffic guys, I appreciate all you do.

Randy G.

Glad you made it Randy! Your a "good egg" and Peggy and I always enjoyed working with you. I remember when you were in the "Old West' CID with Chris Wood, Scott, etc. Days of long ago, but not forgotten. I hope you have a safe and healthy retirement my friend!


08-16-2012, 06:58 AM
Thank you for the kind comments. It has been my honor to serve with you.
