View Full Version : What are you haters gonna do?

08-04-2012, 09:22 PM
What are all you haters gonna do when tim loses?

What are all the other haters gonna do when Scott wins by a landslide?

If every deputy and their spouse votes against scott, he will still out number you in votes from the rich and powerful and the people who think he is god. Theres also the people who could care less about our well being and vote for scott cause he saves the county money.

What will all you haters do then? Quit or continue working here and hate life?

SCOTT for 2012!!!

08-04-2012, 09:52 PM
I'm going to do what is best for my family. Who knows if Scott is going to win, not me or you. Just remember when Fisher gets 30 to 40% of the REPUBLICAN vote, that means 40% of Scotts own people don't like him. What's going to happen when you mix Democrats and Indepenadants in with that group?

So continue to hold signs on 41 or whatever your doing. Just remember, not all of you can be LT's. I think as a collective group, we are over the "long faces" childish comments, and lies that nobody believes. When you have nothing else to run on, so I'm sure it will continue. Why don't you just tell the truth? I'm voting for Scott because I was promised rank or I'm holding a sign on 41, because Scott promised to back me in 2016. Behind closed doors I have heard all of these peoplle talk shit about Scott. If you took all the people holding signs and eliminated the people that have been promised things and their family, you would be left with just signs.

Your selling yourselves cheap and you may regret it. Talk about dividing the agency, your doing a great job!

08-04-2012, 10:45 PM
I'm going to do what is best for my family. Who knows if Scott is going to win, not me or you. Just remember when Fisher gets 30 to 40% of the REPUBLICAN vote, that means 40% of Scotts own people don't like him. What's going to happen when you mix Democrats and Indepenadants in with that group?

So continue to hold signs on 41 or whatever your doing. Just remember, not all of you can be LT's. I think as a collective group, we are over the "long faces" childish comments, and lies that nobody believes. When you have nothing else to run on, so I'm sure it will continue. Why don't you just tell the truth? I'm voting for Scott because I was promised rank or I'm holding a sign on 41, because Scott promised to back me in 2016. Behind closed doors I have heard all of these peoplle talk shit about Scott. If you took all the people holding signs and eliminated the people that have been promised things and their family, you would be left with just signs.

Your selling yourselves cheap and you may regret it. Talk about dividing the agency, your doing a great job!

Key words...."MAY REGRET IT"....They may not. Nothing wrong with picking a side....Just hope the side you pick is the winning one! Seems like your adding to the division of the agency with posts like that.

08-04-2012, 11:13 PM
I agree with the last post but contend the fisher camp started the ugliness and threats. you havent heard one threat from the other side until people were personally attacked then you heard them openly attack their attackers

08-04-2012, 11:47 PM
Most of you all simply do not get it.

08-05-2012, 01:50 AM
At least the people holding the signs, no matter what side they are backing, at least have the backbone to do so! Most of the talkers are all chicken shit, yellow belly, cry babies. It's time to MAN UP, PICK A SIDE, AND STAND UP or SHUT THE "F" UP!

If you think your man is going to win stand up and show it! or just continue to hide and cry about the ones who have the ball's to do so!

08-05-2012, 05:44 PM
how many of you ignorant people went to the polls trying to vote not knowing you have to be registered to the party to vote in a primary? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

08-05-2012, 10:03 PM
I agree with the last post but contend the fisher camp started the ugliness and threats. you havent heard one threat from the other side until people were personally attacked then you heard them openly attack their attackers

You contend? Really? What you really want to say is...."HE STARTED IT!" - "I KNOW YOU ARE! BUT WHAT AM I?!" ...Whatever...Pick a side - Do it quietly, or do it loudly...Bottom line is someone is going to win this election. You might not like the winner, but who really cares? Tim Fisher? Mike Scott? Does not matter....The world will not end, regardless of who is the Sheriff of Lee County is. :evil:

08-05-2012, 11:12 PM
I'm going to do what is best for my family. Who knows if Scott is going to win, not me or you. Just remember when Fisher gets 30 to 40% of the REPUBLICAN vote, that means 40% of Scotts own people don't like him. What's going to happen when you mix Democrats and Indepenadants in with that group?

A primary election is an election that narrows the field of candidates from the same party before the general election.

Using your math TF gets 30-40%
How much does that leave for MS?
Duoh, the majority 60-70% and MS wins

08-05-2012, 11:46 PM
I don’t think they get it. Everyone has about 30% that don’t like them… so what. You think it hurts my feels that 30% might not like me. Being Sheriff in this County you got to have leather for skin. I am sure MS won’t loose much sleep because 30% might not like him. I cant think of any boss I really like that much.