View Full Version : Another endorsement for Fisher

08-03-2012, 11:25 AM
The Naples Daily News this morning did the same thing the News-Press did - they endorsed Tim Fisher. For those of you on Facebook please share this endorsement with your friends and ask them to do the same. We need a new sheriff for the sake of our agency and the county.

Endorsement editorial: Lee sheriff, clerk of courts, tax collector
Staff Reports

Friday, August 3, 2012

Election 2012: Lee constitutional officers

When early voting starts in Lee County on Saturday, all 167,000 Republicans countywide will be selecting nominees for three constitutional officers. Two of the openings for these seldom-contested posts are due to a retirement and a death. The other is due to a quest for a higher standard of public service.

Our endorsements for these GOP nominations:

Tax Collector: Larry Hart

Let there be no doubt about it: Hart, who has received a gubernatorial appointment to succeed the late Catherine Curtis, is the person for the job.

Local public service has been his mission since joining the police force of his native Fort Myers in 1979 and becoming its chief in 1995 for six years. He was appointed to the board of trustees at Florida Gulf Coast University — by three different governors — and served as assistant to Curtis, working in all phases of the public-service agency, for a decade.

He vows to take the tax collector's office to the next level. His plan: Listen to the people.

Also in race: Kyle Lee

What happens next? The winner faces a write-in candidate on Nov. 6.

Clerk of Courts: Linda Doggett

If there were a natural fit for any office in Southwest Florida this primary season, this would be it.

Doggett has risen through the ranks of the clerk's office for the past 28 years — the tenure of her mentor, Charlie Green, who is retiring.

She would take office with the confidence of knowing everything it does, from top to bottom, from record-keeping to auditing the spending of the Lee County Commission.

She already practices what she preaches about the office being "the hub of local government" for citizens and officials alike.

Doggett's specialty is technology and making it work for judges, lawyers and the public via online access and transparency.

Getting the job done: That's what counts for Doggett.

Also in race: Brian Bigelow.

What happens next? The winner faces a write-in on Nov. 6.

Sheriff: Tim Fisher

We like incumbent Sheriff Mike Scott's crime-fighting and efficiency record.

We like his approachability and good humor — when things are going his way.

We do not like his other sides: grandstanding, sarcasm, spite toward staff members who cross him and shunning the news media when questions and comments about matters of legitimate public concern — such as his relationship with a convicted launderer of drug money, the death of an inmate in the Lee County Jail or a deputy's fatal shooting of an armed criminal suspect — get under his skin.

We do not like to see him use political prowess, derived from the public trust, to endorse political candidates near and far.

A sheriff should be bigger than that. We have an example close to home, with Collier County Sheriff Kevin Rambosk.

All the community needs — and wants, we believe — is a credible, steady law-enforcement leader who we can trust to be consistently professional and act as if he feels privileged to serve.

In Lee, Tim Fisher can be that leader. Even better, as his campaign says, "I am a cop who will lead by example." He has been tested and prepared by 17 years with the Lee Sheriff's Office in diverse roles, including road patrol, detective, sex crimes, internal affairs, youth relations and SWAT. His experience compares favorably to that of Scott when the incumbent was first elected in 2004.

Fisher is a straight arrow who would cut the administration, starting with public relations, to get more cops on the beat.

The only star that is needed at the Sheriff's Office is the one on badges. Fisher just wants to be sheriff.

What happens next? The winner faces a write-in and no-party-affiliation candidates on Nov. 6.

Questions about voting? Call the Lee County Supervisor of Elections Office at 533-VOTE (533-8683).

© 2012 Scripps Newspaper Group — Online

08-03-2012, 04:07 PM
According to Fishy's email...

"We will reduce the budget that has increased nearly 30% under the current Sheriff."

Since we are basically operating on the same budget for the past five years and you want to reduce the budget, that must mean my paycheck will get reduced as well! That is unless you are going to waive a sign and get a big promotion! Funny how the union is all about getting us pay raises, but they don't question the candidate they endorsed about it. Maybe that's because they will be getting theirs with a big promotion and screw the rest of us!

Oh and by the way, in case you need to put the pieces of the puzzle together...

This organization endorsed Fishy way before the union endorsement; anyone look familiar? They only have their own interests in mind folks, not yours, and they are screwing the rest of us!


I'm voting for MS, at least there is talk about raises in the future!

08-03-2012, 04:16 PM
Naples News wants to talk about arrogance (Ref to MS)! What I find arrogant is a news paper in a different county thinking they know what’s best for people that don’t even live in their back yard. That’s ARROGANT. You have to question their judgment (Naples News). How do they know Fisher so well to endorse him? Are they basing that on what Fisher told them, and the 1 or 2 interviews they did with him.

08-03-2012, 05:04 PM
Fact is the budget increased 30% since MS took over. Fact administration has increased to over 30%. Eliminate the wast of people not doing anything law enforcement related there is your money. Sgts in dispatch, $350,000, Capt., four deputies community outreach, $550,000, PIO, one Lt., two sgts, three civilians, $450,000. Do the math. This is just off the top of my head. Two colonels, 6 majors, one chief, 1.7 million.

08-03-2012, 06:48 PM
Hey Sgt D Drum, I know how you like to complain to all your fellow friends at training, but we're sick of your self promotion and future promises. Go walk to Alaska you trader! Let's see, your already over ranked and have weekends and holidays off, really????

08-03-2012, 06:52 PM
“Eliminate the waste of people?” The only why you would change those numbers ($$$$) is to firer them or cut their pay. So which would you propose? No matter where they are assigned they still cost the same. I am sure people would like to know they might get fired because they are a waste of money.

08-03-2012, 07:29 PM
Fact is the budget increased 30% since MS took over. Fact administration has increased to over 30%. Eliminate the wast of people not doing anything law enforcement related there is your money. Sgts in dispatch, $350,000, Capt., four deputies community outreach, $550,000, PIO, one Lt., two sgts, three civilians, $450,000. Do the math. This is just off the top of my head. Two colonels, 6 majors, one chief, 1.7 million.

Oh my, I think I struck a nerve with the "seniorsgt"... OK, so let's say Fishy keeps his campaign promise and cuts the budget by just 3%. That's about 4.1 million, which leaves us with none of the deputies you mention, no administration and about 2.4 million for pay cuts. This is a prime example of the inexperienced people that will be taking over if TF gets elected.

Your inept leadership of the sergeants union led to its demise, and with you in power in the TF administration, that will lead to the demise of the entire Agency. You, like Fishy, have no experience and no business running an Agency.

08-03-2012, 09:21 PM
Hey Sgt D Drum, I know how you like to complain to all your fellow friends at training, but we're sick of your self promotion and future promises. Go walk to Alaska you trader! Let's see, your already over ranked and have weekends and holidays off, really????

Unless you're accusing Drum of trading furs for black powder and buffalo jerky, you probably meant to call him a "traitor" not a "trader". Perhaps you should get beyond the GED (or IMPAC "degree") you needed to get this job before you post.

08-04-2012, 12:14 AM
Cue the Police Sirens:

Enter the "PROFESSOR"

Guess that means another detention for misspelling, or improper grammar.

You ought to transfer to Records and become the PROOFREADER, and Word Czar

:lol: :roll: :lol:

08-04-2012, 12:40 AM
Hey Senior Sgt, remember you have to train to be a trainer. So that would mean what training division?

08-04-2012, 12:16 PM
What's REALLY funny is all you idiots who put your careers on the line for a guy who is SO devoted to run for sheriff he waited until the last minute to resign, ONLY raised a measly 21K, waited till the LAST minute to get petition cards signed, banked on garnering strong union support in the worst economy since WW2, banked on wide agency support like the current sheriff did, DID mention positions of power to many on the chart who have already told too many people in the agency to retract that now, has openly threatened to harm agency personnel for supporting the man who signs their check (never been done before, and, worst of all, has divided this agency and turned people against each other worse than any other sheriff's election in history. This is the worst run campaign ever seen and TF can thank himself for losing the race and NOBODY else

08-04-2012, 02:44 PM
No thank, MS, who gave back millions, instead of raises. As he stated in his own pompus email, he can move money where he wants recall PURSE STRINGS. But wait now you fools give him money to cover your own ass to reward a man who has done nothing for LEO'S in six years. ****ing idiots. At least some will stand up to this ****ing tyrant, ego manic.

08-05-2012, 12:37 AM
Keep'm comming, the endorsement show who the best candidate is and who the next sheriff of Lee County will be. TF has gotten every major endorsement in the county and MS got none. PSSSST, change is a comming!!!!!!

08-05-2012, 02:07 AM
All the major USELESS endorsements. Newsless Press and the Naples Daily Rag....LMAO! Look at all the money with votes it's bringing in from all the major endorsements!...LOL

Even Shoap raised more money then TF.

08-05-2012, 02:44 AM
[b]@HaHa Funny- your right. I believe Shoap had just under Three Hundred Thousand Dollars when MS beat him. Your point is??????

PSST, Change is a comming!!!!! :evil:

08-05-2012, 10:00 AM
[b]@HaHa Funny- your right. I believe Shoap had just under Three Hundred Thousand Dollars when MS beat him. Your point is??????

PSST, Change is a comming!!!!! :evil:

Suckas your right it was alot under Three Hunderd Thousand.... :roll: LMAO Try 27K for Shoap. MS was 260K

Sometimes a little knowledge or even a little research on your part would help.

Oh and change is comming.... After MS wins! :lol:

08-05-2012, 12:38 PM
[b]@HaHa Funny- your right. I believe Shoap had just under Three Hundred Thousand Dollars when MS beat him. Your point is??????

PSST, Change is a comming!!!!! :evil:

Suckas your right it was alot under Three Hunderd Thousand.... :roll: LMAO Try 27K for Shoap. MS was 260K

Sometimes a little knowledge or even a little research on your part would help.

Oh and change is comming.... After MS wins! :lol:

He may be able to buy another election but he will never be able to buy the true qualities of a real sheriff nor will he be able to buy the respect and loyalty of the deputies of this agency. He will, with out a doubt, go down in the history of the LCSO as the least liked, least respected and least professional sheriff of recent times. Next to him, Shoap was an amature at loosing the respect of the entire agency.

08-05-2012, 03:48 PM
RESPECT??? I find that MOST of fishy’s followers lost the respect of their fellow LEO / co-workers. Most of them, and probably yourself are the whiners and complainers that no one really gives two shits about. After all the whining and complaining, when are you going to realize all that whining is a waste of time. Do something about it or go get a job you will be happy at. People get real tiered of hearing it. I love how the fishies constantly put out garbage like who had the most $$$$, as if its fact or they know what they’re talking about. It happens so mush, no one believes anything you people say anymore. That’s how you lost respect. And the best part is when fishies can’t argue facts you start name calling.

08-05-2012, 05:36 PM
I couldnt't agree more! All of Fishy's guppies are derelicts, losers, wannabees, screw ups and flunkies or fired losers this agency needed to get rid of long ago. Name one person in that camp thats a top cop. Can't. Not saying I'm happy with things but sure don't wanna work for the island of misfit losers

08-05-2012, 11:30 PM
One of the biggest, but not only reasons TF turned me off was because of those he decided to surround himself with and who he was getting advice from. I lost trust and respect very quickly. TF obviously has a poor judgment in corrector. I have done my best to think of any of he’s guppies that weren’t whiners, or screw ups and I couldn’t do it. Some like Jamie Laz was, but no longer. No one trusts either of them any more and many don’t want to work with them. A little nerve racking to think if he made office.