View Full Version : Fisher out of control

07-30-2012, 05:24 PM
First he is for unions. Now he is against them.

First he says he supports republicans. Now he says he doesn't.

First he says he is for fairness. Now he grinds his axe.

First he says he wants to reduce command staff. Now he promised the same positions.

Fisher is spinning out of control. He cannot run an organized campaign. He is making wild promises. He cannot make a stand on an issue; he flip-flops as the breeze blows him. He blurs the seperation between religion and government.

Vote NO to Fisher. He doesn't know who he is.

07-30-2012, 05:38 PM
Do you really take every rumor you hear as gospel? He's not against unions, he hasn't promised anyone any positions. If he had they wouldn't be telling anyone. If you are happy with what has happened to this agency in the lat six years then vote for four more years of MS. My guess is you are one of the people he's promised something.

07-30-2012, 06:19 PM
Are you serious??? Yes he has and is promising people promotions. Look at his little disgruntled wavers. It's not a coincidence you idiot! JL was promised Chief, Dana Berry is promised Colonel, Karlsen is promised Major, etc... Who has that flow chart that TF he created? Release it so LCSO can see he has lost his mind!!!!!!!

07-31-2012, 01:49 AM
Do you really take every rumor you hear as gospel? He's not against unions, he hasn't promised anyone any positions. If he had they wouldn't be telling anyone. If you are happy with what has happened to this agency in the lat six years then vote for four more years of MS. My guess is you are one of the people he's promised something.

I read the email he sent. He said he isn't for unions. If your not for them, your against them. Fisher is a hypocrite and a liar.

07-31-2012, 02:28 AM
He said he's not for unions, he's for fairness. Fairness is the goal of the union. Don't take what he said out of context.

07-31-2012, 02:48 AM
He said he's not for unions, he's for fairness. Fairness is the goal of the union. Don't take what he said out of context.

So who keeps him in check when there is no union? Oh, I know, he is such a nice God-fearing man that he would do nothing to ever hurt us. Beware of false prophets.

08-01-2012, 12:49 AM
How do you guys come up with this shizzz. To this date, Timmy is still a dues paying member of the union.Timmy said he supported what ever the majority decided and vowed to make him self available to all. You MS cronies are proving to everyone why TF will be the next sheriff. Keep up the good work!!!! :lol:

08-01-2012, 01:18 AM
What is sickening is that just because there is an election going on lower ranking deputies or even Sergeants are walking around like they are running LCSO already. Not only have you not earned a position yet you are disrespectful to your current immediate supervisors. Some of you are new and better understand what your involved in! 14 DAYS and we can move forward. :devil:

08-01-2012, 11:01 AM
Just looking at Facebook when I see TF has added a new picture to his page. If I had any question about who I would be voting for it has now been confirmed and it is not TF! Sir you have some big balls when you make fun of a US. Veteran who exercises his 1st Amendment right, by showing support for who he likes. Wow you are a pompous ass!

08-02-2012, 10:52 AM
I have to say that I have met those who don't like MS, but have no clue who TF is. But Overwhelmingly the general public is still for MS. I am supporting MS because I believe he is the best choice.

08-02-2012, 01:14 PM
14 days and all of this ridiculous fantasy will be put to a final end for another four years. Then LB and TF can fade off into their fantasylands.

Only problem then is having to listen to the POTUS ads until November. I don't know what is worse.

Everyone whom has surfaced a little too high and shown support for these two and have been recognized and/or identified better start insulating themselves. Remember the old old saying. If they want you bad enough, they WILL get you.

08-02-2012, 05:33 PM
14 days and all of this ridiculous fantasy will be put to a final end for another four years. Then LB and TF can fade off into their fantasylands.

Only problem then is having to listen to the POTUS ads until November. I don't know what is worse.

Everyone whom has surfaced a little too high and shown support for these two and have been recognized and/or identified better start insulating themselves. Remember the old old saying. If they want you bad enough, they WILL get you.

Take your little idle threats somewhere else. If your boy MS loses, just like they do in Communist countries when evil governments are overthrown, he better take off that uniform and run like hell for Tennessee. Who would MS be without rank...just another punk!

08-02-2012, 06:52 PM
Yeah okay. Whatever. Your soapboxes are getting wet................

08-02-2012, 07:04 PM
14 days and all of this ridiculous fantasy will be put to a final end for another four years. Then LB and TF can fade off into their fantasylands.

Only problem then is having to listen to the POTUS ads until November. I don't know what is worse.

Everyone whom has surfaced a little too high and shown support for these two and have been recognized and/or identified better start insulating themselves. Remember the old old saying. If they want you bad enough, they WILL get you.

Take your little idle threats somewhere else. If your boy MS loses, just like they do in Communist countries when evil governments are overthrown, he better take off that uniform and run like hell for Tennessee. Who would MS be without rank...just another punk!

Idle threats? At least what I state will come to fruition. You talk about running for Tennessee. And what if he doesn't? What are you going to do about it? Punk or not, ain't shit happening, especially from a slippery group such as works here. You all defy gravity because you remain upright despite having no spine.

Take your Communist country and shove it up your ass. And for the record, MS is not my boy. I am simply stating what is in the cards for those daydreamers whom are penciling their names into a fake organizational chart complete with overinflated ranks and positions. Why not open fake bank accounts too so you can pretend to deposit those big checks.
Reality is what I am saying. I do not support anyone. I just want to work and be left alone. And the funny thing is? Even under MS I do my job and he does his. Neither of us cross paths and it is good that way.

Y'all keep working on your tans waving your asses off with those signs and stuff. If nothing else it makes for entertainment while driving down the road in my NEW PATROL CAR. I probably have been here the longest, said the least, and lasted three Sheriffs. Don't think I will have to last another till I retire.

Good luck trying to figure out who I am. Even if you do, NONE of you would say squat to my face, I know that for a fact. Word *****es........

08-04-2012, 03:22 AM
It's funny to read roid boy's post above this. Here is the low down. Fisher has lost control. He is chasing this bear thing that he cannot prove. He has alienated the republican party in a republican primary and pissed off organized labor.

Oh, he'll take votes for sure. Maybe upwards of 30%. But he cannot beat scott. Not in this race.

And, if scott committed a bear crime, don't you think Bushy would have pinned MS to the wall already? Maybe fish should better cast his vote with bushy instead.

08-04-2012, 02:22 PM
Take a hike Mike and look in the mirror

08-04-2012, 02:23 PM
Take a hike Mike and look in the mirror

08-04-2012, 02:27 PM
Had to put that twice to see if Mike could tell which was his reflection and which wasn't

08-04-2012, 06:16 PM
Seems there is a LOT of jail guards who comment on here.